n6 -The Michigan Daily -Tuesday, September 19, 2000 I n III 1: Om I~~~~ k> o Ci (A )NT[R 1'1':1 t nh lc~ahlc2 HIISTOXRICAL. hots 00, -II ()() ''Ii ICIILDCAR ::k: IMNIE)IAT.E OCCUPANCY hascnit apariilcit in lhoutse,833 1F. 1iniv cr.sitx hdrin. furnishing optioiial, laundry and parkiLd.casc avail thru 4/28/011, 65- 56201 LOOKING FOR a 1c to live? yA _h'Alotsinollilici. .. t'or' love off campus"11 Caring, reliable individual w ith an ceclleiit dii Ilcrecord and twAi rnisportat loll Respon sihle lot pickmL-u tp I I & i. old after school at Tappan School. t hen ctrti;(ii t) nto afti-rSchool actmI is Also Oc ivi\11 d in a~sisun i> 'Aiiih houincark as >it it C II> Hlours arecIron)I 2: Opnt to (:. 0pnl. Mon-I-ri Urnjist a couple days C oiipctitixpaC R~lsl~I(:ERA'T()R-tini dormnsi.)525 00. -3944-101?. automotive '91 3 (E IF'l'R()81I.000 iiilcs. manual trais)IIIINIOui. 2110(1icchaliIcal rcpinr 51 000( . Inn) Call J01111,a1 r%;-( 1 931)-2227 C-ARS I"RON1 $500 Policimp1)atllds. [or hitIiw2\ call I tt)-_3 I) 323 ct 4-494. TOYOTA COROLLA. 1990, 1khRuns 13 cat. I 4c (ludit lmll S 5( )OI3cst 547-():,07. 91 0 E0) METRO couxernihlc. Pun car' (food conditon. x cix clcan. A/C ' 11( cassct ic. ic c i tres and exhaust. ccill anit ailcd. .)! Il)i . S 17001)tor BO Must se'c005~- ~~'9N 1 \ CLASS( IC BUG wriiaml 01 i - ',ilc irl nrI1 uIi tk .7{)t) t1(11IIII', Ic. alllx computers AFFORABLEsOMIT V R furniture LI/ PARKING AV AILABLE (Great C:ampuis L ocati ons 66&- I (M0. PERFE(7I'FOR GRAD) STUDI)NTS -2 hedrnoii apartmeints on Old Vest' Side. 110ni11 id ',vit h heat and xwater incl uded. Somle wvitOh hlcouic> and A/C. Palmkind ~t laulldrxax ilahlc. 601-1001O PKIN( SINC FOR RENT: N. State anti 1. Huron 0-i0/in. oho call nmgr. 33(-5040 TERRI FIC EFFICIENCY at 7(02 Tappan- 5795/Nlonth (Great location across from1 Btrsintcs and Law Schools. (248) 332 -44-14. AVAIL,. ,JAN. 2001(l1Ihdrin Iin great I1~c tn5k wki Fumi. pnixulc citrance. plyc. lill\ pr15oIL, slilx\cr [ciiiprcf. Rent icc4-. 02 1 100 0ortflI'ran touiclI~) dli G.REAl SU BLET AVAILABLE Packard ;mdL Sitate So. I drin. PIL'C lparkiin,!lllL1 (all 74 7600213iP looKIBNG; FOR A SUHLET! I urilly\Winter tcerm - Springy'/Sulnjnlcl 1:111011Carly11 l'0I'P Iluilcits CoII te1 CAI I SII-04-2957. Pciv Prc cr1/I SUBLI-:T APT. 'AltO 2 girls. Ilust hc IcHI110k (Call Mlr Tyler today at (734) 769-85i20 ext. 221 t BDRM. APT: remlodeled. 3 mini xwalk to S. Quad. Prkg. heat inc. SO60/mo. Q73 7')68 A MOTOR GOPH-ER wanited tot 'Attollohile MagaIltc. NI-P 0 ono - 13Good dnx10i/trcord and ahilltx tol llrixc a lamlal trans5. 0 ltlst . 6Ohr. his rcsumc. xvth itwo refeences to (7;-) 994-il 3 --\l NIkojite A WEFLL-PROPORIONEiD. titl ux preferred for lifeI-draindx g suhlect Os ext ahl isl id artist 1 I2,-_11/lir couiple lirs/week Call 701-44';3? (laim t() 10pmn) ..\A1PS COMMFNUNITY ED)UC(ATION 1 ncccs arl\ Ior01til -rt. I )Ial~i ix Bakcthall. FL\fLl2 aidwekl d .. h~iIIours ax ailh Clhass c bcin enl of Scptcmlhcr ()).4 -1IlMO ACCEPTING A'PPLICA1TIONS fhr PT iotllitcl pos i Io\\ itowi nhakery. 1,=1e. sclicd for tphcol s\c, -1orinted iidix Eastcon \Lcnt- 214S5 -4th .Axc (at I ihcitx I) :ANN ARBOR BiiOIUACHR &D CO. Nov eldi druL x ct i decxIc fullI or I lcxihlL partille people startiL c o s)) \.. elJrtr~, ollec~nen(7341005-00-42 1:111:111 ccohan ni n(lnltch ecit. : UDITOR/TE-AMl StTE-RVISOR 1<3; s l)%cllliylx 11 h5 ln lm -it rhor office t' hrid1.111 i 1i1 112hciicl II-axai lahlc N uIn- hc ISM ' dvi ha:C,LC to cllahlc lIran, anid phneInchll il l,uOspsI 11112\ .) cI)1 13;I S BARN l-N1111P 4-71)11 Stru1n12 aid eiiercct 13us os lii 115 9)-,(( 2 BORDEKRS BOO43KS MU50 IClad (CiI: \3 xx hiii 12 futll 1112rineihok ii nsi c I ci 5 tand tale tall. Ele Ian) 11Clcall i 2postuon (20 9' Ills'xxk.I also ilccded. Call ('f"I71i5 oillcuoili to Dill otut A at1hlcat loil 12 FEI ihcrtxi CA.MPUSNUL.COM SFEEKS xx orise(Gct pi:1d/1)tih II -t ot'n atiolnal xx shsiic f1)1 c11llc2L' ttldcit. 1( )SQ' Cdii)tsitt.cunli CASI ERS Ih Xixs/Fix s. hill/pani. xcrilc.x his. 130od( pa.\ ida for -ttidciits (V homcmiclukr, (cv 1(1111- 2_pi))or5pm)11)-p1111) ( TIKRI( U.:ASST. Ifoiriiid l 1 flicc I IL \ hoot, plec(lSI1Iilv C3 ic to cailnplI' Ex\cellen t (ax13Gall9)6 77 C1,ERIC :1I-PA\RTTIME'11. I',20 hr, 1)c xx LLIk. ('ashh ~lhn ll. hatelchi111Lkc11110 Illtcix cxx Ox b iill uiitilI Sciiikccpcr, t'I.I-RK/M'I-:SSl-:N( IR 87 28.111 Its-?( hrslcxk 81I1F I 11111 I 1cr I lil'cn ltur11Li (:N Iil e 1(55 1:13 , al *milm 61_,I GET 1'PAIlD! Igo you read Maxim. -HM. or Playboy? If so. shred WcI) Becauise here colles SIZZLE. the hottest new meni's maazine in the country. Were looking for college students to)jin ..The Sizzle Commandos Promttional Teami." Ehrn cash. przes, free gear and more. To become a Sizzile Com~mando, callI our New York office at (718) 380-2229 or emttailI us at Ehlitor(3QSitleiutag.comt. GLO3BAL PHOTOGRAPHY Is loolking fori attractive femiale models foi mitde aindlscimi-ntute phiotoigraphy. Great hay ies Ohle1ho1n-. 7,4-7-41-7487, GYMNAS'TICS INSTRUCTORS-Aill level s-Expcrieicc ndawl1ixn I raniplortat ion needed~t. Fvening clas-~es-interviewv iowx (ix Il Amlerica 1714097 1-1I667. HANDLY PERSON/iamntenlance foer daN care. i in. paiintinigi. yd wAk. repair. clcan up. 58- 1(/r. M-S 2-6 pm. Exp. pref. 996-4847 H-EALTH CARE ASSISTING chiropractor wxithi patients, hilIhng. & typing. S8/hr. F/T or P/T. T. W. Th &/or Sat. Flex. hrs. 994->966. ICE; SKA'TING INSI RECTORS. Day time & eveinghlotur's available. No) tcachiiig experienice reqtired. Call 761 -7240(. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS: tctistoiiler service. general office- and data entrxy) For career planiiino and placemient woirk stundy poirn.Flex hrs./ greatpa.Soby30 SAB3 or call 764-74 6(. .JOB OPPORTUNITY for energetic people~ for majior credit caid protmortiolis. Make excellent mno}cNwoirkiiig part timie. Call Timi finow doeLetails at 8((I(,572-44B8 or c-mail TKI RSIl.W\W& WCINTI..CON- L AWY ER'S 0CLUB tdininigis iiowxhiring toi all posmtiois. 58.25 -$9.1 5/In. to)start. C3atering olpporttiiiitles. incal bemiefits & le Lx. sc hed . .-\pply Ihi I rsiiii (0Lawy er's CI tik ii S. State St. C'all 76-Ill11. LOVE MUSIC! Want lice tickets? Conk work at Nichicans most c1 xcItinlg presenter: The Luix et:itx !Musical Socet N. W~ork study posit ionis ax-ai lahle. Call Roil at 703-3333 (or 76 3-31(MO, LUNCH WAIT STAFF Foir-star camipls iestatliaiit 1s looking Ion a cuit pof I boht. artictlate. hard-wAorking people wxith some legitimlate restatirailt ,erx ice experieince to wxork 3-4 lunch silfts/uxk - Excellent wxorking conditions. l«tnstanliLi2 /i'.lrloessiiliill environilleilt. soeoppolrttuliit\or adxaiiciilnllt to tlic really hi,12bucks atlPnight. Also opening for dooir stllff «0 S8/Or1 .aiitlhutsseis 13i SOli r p)lus tips. All-jiobs mlcide Ileals. Apply miipersoL aniibar?2160S. State St. MI( 1-110AN TEI.EIINID ASS HIRING! Eann 47/lh.+ ill a tin xx 111 clix ililnllet. Coic ap~ply lon the hbest (11h 1on campu~ts and11get aitiiilate inlterviewx wi11h the lxlissillilit) of becinnmuc xxwlrk the lllicci 10 LdS}'Stop h:' 6fl1lChitich Ste. -41 on 9/IS trom l4- 7piiior 9.IL)9 fromn I 1 1)11. Call 99-742() wxthu tesions. MICHIGAN TELEFUNI) Noxxi iinic stud~enlts for flexiblc night and xweekeint sclcdtlies. Fun xx ork atiioisphere aitd 'r/at (011 Lxperinc.lip to 58/hr. plu1s5niohtlx Iillisc'. A:ppI loilnle lor stop bx 611 (3 lluldl. Sutilc41. xx x x.telcftlni.uiic .edu c)5-7 1't1 WO( RK STU DY STUDE NTS A RE NEEDED) F or .exeritl iiffice I)I.llims al Sttudenrt: PtlrhlicatmoliS \Wc ic lokinliar puniciual. citnce Ic '.1 IILIcntliar a tstrnc vx itO somec or all f i ial. phone~ls,. hlii=.cosi rcceil-As. ihi :115 - 1Iairhauc coorlatn.tl Cl dScl haste IIl) and adlc emin, teor doss it. \aniott ht111u-tioai lable P'ax S50.75 ito 57 per ht {'ill .idxFerel lifor infobrniotter appislt ?- ( -710.2)1(113. St deit IthIlions1 l.AMBO)NI DRIVER 5(i)) 1/hr 761-7-140. PART TIME: Teacheirs n:cdcd loi nationally acciredited childti rcet/s/lner W will work around 5-Il'r la'x s chedule 8Il p/hi.. PIC&'Ce Cal l (741 761-2376. PART-TIIME DRIVE-R Personal crrallds in Ann Arbor olia/t Cxlai- schs-dtilCe 'I (OIn1. 734-662-545 1. PHlYSICAL A-SSISTANT NEEDED31) I'l (lisahlcd 1111C hle las sdILI'ii -Pax i coiahlc. xxill trait. Call ('Onis 701 1. P~LAY A GAME., GET PAID) 15430. Paid subjects needed for cxpcr~ernits this al and wxiiter. (Guaranteed >S1 /hr or mone ti-r 1-2 hour exlperiiieiis Flexible schiedtulnO_ nelutdinc eveni n candtI xxeckend iiunessGet oni ouir milling, list for date- antI titues" Send your iiailc and phlonlie 1(niher ti: extperiflneCli rn uicli.e(Ii. PUPPY SITTER/JOGG6ER NE-'E'DED): S I 51i/xxk plcas: call Ashlex222- 9326i RA(:KIIAM GRAD)UATE School Is no"xx hiring qCualified 1UMNi work-stiLdx studsClits. C3all 764-8265. L-lmail lk-tns-dx (a'tlniich.:dut ROMULUS SCHIOOLIS 21S"1'CL-inturx Procrall Is"iteix cicxx112 Ill tilter -cltol riLtu ttors. tecIhi)11102x titors. and actix its\ leadeirs. SI 1/Inr. (all I )aitia Stroit 7 _-72_2- 105(} cxt. 27) o(In s,,d21(oiroiittltis LI 21111 ti, SC OREKEEPE-RS Is iioxx litrnlm> par(-timetS shor ordLILer cooks No ie xperinceccCSSsdrx SEMINA\R ASSISTANTS -xllc. 58I1i ~a:cd la )) O SPANISHI TUTOR for a It) N-r 1old1 L11 heoi nmuio lexvel.Pleas:C(all 008- Il13 SPORTSWRITER: Local ierlnet spolrt s starttup seeks Pil. coiiltiei litcrate stxortsxx iter 74 1-829 un Irjh~t~tstat>.cu(llt SPRING BREAK RE:PS necded to promitote sttletit trips. Fatri S trax cI fice! No csts Will train. Work oin sour oxx-n time I -800(- 3%7-1252- xx xxv.sprin hreakdirectcdllli SPRING BREAK 2001 Jamaica, Cancun, Florida, Barbabos Bahamas. Now HirIng Campus Reps. Earn 2 free Trips. Free Meals... Book by Nov. 2nd. Call for FREE Into pack or visit on-line suns plashtours.com 1-800-426-7710 1' II DElNT IIN NCI Xl. AssIstat I-,li \ III oi iocI{I Clr'I0'dti lit/e.C Lctail- tIWiCd -tuiktlit Is:ilcd Iii Icilc .-'i'l- aild filiit'' Iiat1nIdal esl:Iicic-a pIn.I-Ic SI I hls holur,. I12to 15Ipcr ss5cLk. Pax- s- -s N1atH letticr i-ilaplicatioil011d1ICSUiie 0 Sltuilciii li-ilnaI d aasitiralt. (NI Sttident hhijl'.Iliin'.. 21l0A Studient Pubhlcations tI)II-1T 1171)n(c:d I*I -\1 athlec IS-lit. 13il~ V-L C\1L',cStaldliutl Iara.-'57 toistart - crx dl c\ -did13 all liso ill-Il 2 ,Ietails 1-800-7 19-"0011 s-x. 1184 !ANN :1IRBO R'S BIGGES SI SPRTSBAR i, iit h5rIn ticcooks. xx :itstatf. ail Itloolilcn liii till teanl. Ihl:~--okinlc Scoii~celpct-s. 31(1 Nlaix 11:11(1 ts ls filil Ilonslers. c)0- 4111111) $1.0)00S 'SXI-:l-;IF.!!Sitfs'ilclolics tlt xxcl c- hull2 iI1 ,k .i ll! " I )S ; x h is l t Ilti e Inlo aie1d11 1 51 si hin l\ t I~ .v1 - IX -.R\ NI) duheI{I(''IIN lSi u DF Iis I lti'AND SECElisIVINGisc tilts I ) -.11 dii I I ') t li t a1 n IlllI - NI I 'V I 1iilix - SendO-1ICIIIC 10(3 D)1.1I I FRY PERSONS Part ntun e (: 11- '1111 of-t.piio Idcil 2nd joh. (Gl-at cash. 13kill N9l P11:1 173.i72(?71}710. D]. XX N7ID: I.oxikit' ftill11,00110,lg DO0 YOUI -1.1IKE-3 X 0 RKI N( xxitO schildre' I )k.\ii i 1 iii 1iitilliS Schi0u>ius is hlrull' F- SR(N 175: I l )I ill(1icitirh. sitdsliiis a INsi )""'i'IN ii llIlptcisli l slsruiiiu EA. RN \IONEY iion thIt'inet' (ill l t1t11(89I I S63 C.ode 4111 F/IT1 ORP/T grotundls 1maintenance iieeded fill Illiokid lf clt Cois. ('all 429-1-276. 1-3 RI( ;N LANGUAGE itntictors ands I traplatitis 115s(IL'I (tlt 734 66?-14314 F'OTO-I IMAGING - seeking nattiie. Ilciillx 115ilIC till full antI part-tune COtite hicp( Ilhl ituigi apl-lS ati.kgiiitnd a hplts. Soills wI (111 '.slslcic I ptcnisLI 13rettpay> tad I-RATEIRNITIES. SORORITIES, (1.1 BS, STUD IENT'GRO)UPS huari l I 0) ,? 0 s2Ilitlis (LII~itKexxthlthess'ass 13. IiijuiiliiiifrhllcssIsoill ilies' hole' NEEDED): RAPID) NO'IEL'.-KER at Lass, School S12001(pcr hotur use otur laptop0 Tusdoay -Vut i-day I1(1:11(- h 1loo1riomi )1 Take cotnptite nholes fr tom Istudls-nVit x 1 hcarniicloss.('allJoani Smiithi 76 3- 181, rn better joI01111 32 iiilLl.L-(lt NOW .-X(CEPT1I NG X IPI.I(' TIONS lu~ llchI ilisix i nal iuha csit10 ltIIlfCgiLh rdIA this 2000(-2001 schollil xsIm Plass' call Hiincx Crc-C 13iiiiimtitx Schola t 994 201(o NOW HIKIING I"(R [ALL! Sttudents ltLeLdto lwxoirk Itlh shifts t tthis' lldllic2ai stidy ilk (tll 930I12211.. illhilS tI)Chirsotlli i cOh I N iiio cistti oll eii,tiul itlc,ui-n, OFF-ICloE STAFF ASSISTAXNT io8/IR: xx (ik -stuLd sttids'it I1nt l Il asts illiss' dutieissi a Ltsaiit. 011h51 heailthictirs Cliriiucet. f~s's-illc Ituis (Ifficc s-.sllL'nice helpI oil I-