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September 19, 2000 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-09-19

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September 19, 2000

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Ison agrees
to disclose
By Dan Williams
Daily Sports Writer
For the second time, Carlton
Martin, the son of banned Universi-
ty athletic booster Ed Martin, has
agreed as part of a plea bargain
greement to disclose his involve-
nent with the men's basketball pro-
gram to University officials.
In April, Carlton Martin and his
father agreed to similar plea bar-
gains, but withdrew them. Federal
agents have investigated the Mar-
tins regarding a gambling ring and
income tax evasion.
The federal investigation of the
Martins does not directly involve
the University, but Carlton Martin's
lea agreement states that he "shall
participate and coo'perate fully in
any investigation and debriefing
conducted by the University of
Michigan in conjunction with the
defendant's contacts and associa-
tions with representatives, associ-
ates, employees, athletes, and/or
those affiliated with the University
of Michigan. Defendant further
agrees that an agent for the govern-
*ient be present when and if any
such debriefing takes place."
Today at noon in federal district
court in Detroit, the plea agreement
will be officially filed. No date has
been set for a meeting between the
University and Carlton Martin.
"I haven't talked to the U.S. attor-
ney's office," University General
Counsel Marvin Krislov said. "When
it looked like the plea would happen
Arlier, we looked at them doing a
ebriefing with the Martins, then we
would have access."
Krislov said he believed that Carlton
Martin's new plea agreement was sim-
ilar to the former one, specifically the
clause about talking to the University
officials. The other interested parties
will also likely have people present at
the meetings.
"There will be some combination
See MARTIN, Page 7






Collins speaks
at genormic
By Anna Clark
Daily Staff Reporter
A morning of leading experts tackling the toughest
ethical, practical and legal issues associated with genetic
study climaxed when Francis Collins, director of the
National Human Genome Research Institute and head of
the National Genome Project, took to the podium almost
an hour later than originally scheduled.
Despite the delay, Collins' presentation drew a full house
at Rackham Amphitheater as he was the keynote speaker
in yesterday's intense nine-hour genetics symposium, host-
ed by the University's School of Public Health.
Collins, who announced that the human genome was
more than 85 percent complete last June, discussed the
history-changing significance of his project.
"I firmly believe that the genome and genetics hold
within it the possibility of improving lives," Collins said.
Collins highlighted the challenges he has faced
throughout the project, including earlier technology and
the pressure his fellow team members put on themselves.
"We.were going through hell, but it didn't seem to
make sense to stop there. So we kept going," Collins
See COLLINS, Page 2

Keynote speaker, Francis Collins, director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, shakes hands with Epidemiology Prof. "John"
Hunein Massab at yesterday's symposium on genetics, which was sponsored by the University's School of Public Health.

Legislature quiet before elections

By Hanna LoPatin
Daily Staff Reporter
Don't stir the waters. This is the object of the
Michigan Legislature until after the November
With the Senate reconvening today and the
House coming back next week, the legislators
have three and two weeks respectively to tie up
the loose ends left from the beginning of sum-
"The main goal is to make no wakes." said
State Sen. Alma Wheeler Smith (D-Salem Twp.),
explaining that the Senate agenda calls for only
one bill a day.

The legislature is being "very careful - no
one wants to give the other side any kind of
advantage," she said.
Today, the Senate's first priority will be
passing the conference committee version of
the higher education budget. The budget,
which was left unsigned by conference com-
mittee members until shortly after the House
recessed for the summer, will go into effect
this October.
According to the proposed budget, the Uni-
versity will receive a 5.6 percent increase in
state funding. Smith said that she believes the
bill will easily pass in the Senate and the
House before being signed by Gov. John

"I think it's going to pass handily," Smith said.
Smith also spoke about making technical
changes to the College Savings Account Pro-
gram, which allows Michigan residents to
save money for higher education and retrieve
it state tax-free. She cited these changes as
her second priority upon returning to Lans-
State Rep. John Hansen (D-Dexter), who is
seeking re-election this November, said "nothing
earth-shaking or exciting" will happen the five
days the House meets.
Hansen said, as a minority House member, he
will have little say over what is brought up and

that "Republicans will talk about things that
aren't going to get people in trouble in front of
the election.
Hansen did speak of one controversial bill
that already passed in the state Senate. Democ-
rats are expected to support a bill that would
require HMOs to pay for the added costs that
come to diabetes patients through daily blood
State Rep. Liz Brater (D-Ann Arbor) said she
will try to squeeze in some legislation during
her last few weeks as a representative, before
term limits force her to retire. The bills, she
said, are "just about ready to be introduced"
See SENATE, Page 7

Delay leads sports fans to CBC

By Laura Deneau
Daily Staff Reporter
While NBC is the official U.S. network for the
Rummer Olympics, many students keeping track of
e games are tuning into the Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation for live coverage of the events in Syd-
ney instead.
"I watch CBC because they have it live," LSA
sophomore Joey Litman said. "I guess I have an
undercurrent of hostility toward NBC because they
can't manage to do it live."
A 15-hour time difference between Australia and

the United States makes live coverage difficult. Most
premier events and awarding of medals take place
late in the evening and early morning in North
America, when viewership is low.
"It kinda takes the fun out of it," LSA senior Justin
Horrath said. "Say if you went onto the ESPN Website
and saw that the women's gymnastics team won, you
still wouldn't get to see it for another 12 hours."
According to CBC spokesman Christian Hasse,
during the winter games in Nagano, Japan 2.4 million
people watched the hockey semi-finals between Cana-
da and Czechoslovakia, from 12:45 a.m. to 2:30 a.m.
"Every station has their own ideals and ours is

showing things as they happen, because this is an
event that is happening in the now," Hasse said.
NBC's goal, on the other hand, is to reach as'large
and broad an audience as possible.
"To accommodate the largest audience possible
we have chosen to show the games entirely on tape,"
said NBC spokeswoman Cameron Blanchard.
NBC spent $705 million for the rights to cover the
games in the United States. Their focus is on Ameri-
can athletes and the events Americans find most
"The Olympics is about people coming together
See OLYMPICS, Page 7

Ureek system makes
recruiting changes

A University bus rounds the corner at Catherine Street and Glen Avenue yesterday
afternoon, the site where a woman was hit and killed by a bus last week.
Prosecutors looks
at charges in death

By Robert Gold
Daily Staff Reporter

religious holidays," Zubal said.
The Interfraternity Council - which repre-
sents 30 fraternities campuswide -- did not

Changes in the sorority system will help ease make any recru
the anxiety of female college students waiting to Will James, IFC
see if they've been chosen during the sorority But this year's
rush season, which started Friday. a different proce
The Panhellenic Association --- which rep- ing season. Fu
resents the 15 sororities on campus -- has expected to regis
cut this year's rushing time-
line. While sorority hope- Sorority rh
fuls previously had to wait
up to six weeks in past changed from six
#ars to find out their new
me, this year's recruit- weeks days.
ment period lasts 12 days.
The old system often left
students juggling new sorority requirements and schedule their
midterms, Panhel President Tricia Zubal said. throughout the se
"We shortened it this year because we wanted "They must ft
to get it over with," Zubal said. "It kind of makes organizations," C

iting changes this year, said
vice president of recruiting.
rushees will be experiencing
ess during next year's recruit-
ture fraternity members are
ster on-line. This allows each
Greek house the chance to
analyze the demographics
of potential members more
effectively, James said.
Marcus Collins, president
of the Black Greek Associ-
ation, said individual chap-
ters of the association
own recruitment periods
all in line with their national
Collins said.

By David Enders
Daily Staff Reporter
The Washtenaw County Prosecu-
tor's Office is deciding whether to
press charges in the death of a 48-year-
old woman who was run over and
killed by a University bus on Sept. 11.
Daryl Anthony Cain, who is listed
in last year's student directory as an
LSA senior, was the driver of the bus
police say hit University secretary
Janis Marychok at the intersection of
Glen Avenue and Catherine Street.
Marychok was crossing Glen on the
way to her car, parked in the structure
across the street from the University
Medical Center office where she

of this year.
Cain was turning right off
Catherine Street toward North
Campus. About 20 students were
on the bus, but police say only one,
who they are still trying to inter-
view, may have witnessed the acci-
Other riders said the windows of
the bus were foggy at the time. The
accident occurred around 5:45 p.m.
during a storm that dropped more
than an 1.5 inches of rain in an
Police said the light was green,
but pedestrians have the right of
way. Police believe Marychok was
about 10 feet into the crosswalk
when she was hit by the side of the


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