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September 18, 2000 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-09-18

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CLASSIFIED: 764-0557

September 18, 2000

i l III I JI M

By Anna Clark
Daily Staff Reporter
Only three months ago, University Prof.
Francis Collins stood next to President Clin-
ton as he announced to the world that the
human genome was nearly 85 percent
This morning, Collins, who left the Uni-
versity in 1993 to become the second direc-
tor of the National Center for the Human
Genome Research in the National Institutes
of Health, will address faculty, staff and stu-
dents about the implications of the project.
The lecture will highlight a University-
hosted national genetics conference spon-


iL 5ii,

sored by the School of Public Health.
While the National Conference on Genet-
ics and Disease Preven-
tion doesn't start until
tomorrow, today's events
are . meant to "share
knowledge with the
learning community,"
said Toby Citron, a mem-
ber of the symposium's
planning committee.
"This is to illustrate
Colin sthe issues of genetic
technology in the future
- the promises and potential as well as the
risks and concerns," said Citron, director of

the Office of Community-Based Public
Health for the School of Public Health.
Collins is scheduled to present his
thoughts on the meaning of the near-com-
pleted genetic map at 11:15 a.m. in Rack-
ham Auditorium.
His presentation will be the culmination
of a morning of speeches from leading
experts, each reflecting on different angles
of the issues linked to genetic study, includ-
ing ethics and genetic discrimination.
During his time at the University, Collins
was recognized for his role in the discovery
of the gene, which if mutated can lead to
cystic fibrosis. Collins also identified the
gene for Huntington's Disease, a fatal brain

After the morning's presentations and
lunch, the audience may disperse to break-
out sessions. Those sessions will consist of
small focus groups led by experts. They
will be held simultaneously and are open to
the public. Topics for the sessions include
cancer "Genetics and the Media" and
"Genetics, Race and Ethnicity"
Citron said he expects an audience of
more than 1,000 people, mostly Public
Health faculty, staff and students.
The event is open to the public, but Citron
said seating is limited and those associated
with the study of health policy will receive
priority seating for the morning speeches.



University alum Tom Dolan celebrates his gold medal in the
400-meter individual medley yesterday in Sydney, Australia.
Dolan takes
gold, breaks
own record
SYDNEY, Australia (AP) - American Tom Dolan broke
his own six-year-old world record in the 400-meter individ-
ual medley yesterday, winning his second consecutive
Olympic gold in the event with a dominating performance.
Dolan, a former member of
I knew if I got the Michigan swimming team,
had the Australian crowd of
out ahead no 17,500 on its feet as he won in
4 minutes, 11.76 seconds, low-
one could ering his old mark of 4:12.30
set at the 1994 world champi-
elieat me." onships in Rome.
"It was a tough swim," he
- Tom Dolan said. "I was feeling it coming
Former Michigan swimmer home, but I knew if I got out
ahead no one could beat me."
Dolan's mark was the eighth world record in two days of
swimming competition at the Sydney International Aquatic
Centre. Erik Vendt of North Easton, Mass., held on for silver
in 4:14.23. Curtis Myden of Canada won bronze in 4:15.33.
"At 200 (meters), I saw how far ahead Tom was," said
Vendt, who peeked at Dolan from Lane 2. "I knew it was
W ing to be a world record."
An intense Dolan slapped the water and raised his arms in
victory. He made his way over three lanes to Vendt and they
slapped hands. Dolan, of Arlington, Va., then sat on the lane
marker and yelled while urging on the raucous crowd.
"I apologize for that, but there was so much emotion," said
Dolan, who was determined to make up for the Americans'
narrow loss to the Australians in the 400 free relay Saturday.
"That was a big win for them. We know how serious
they're taking it," Dolan said. "To be able to go 1-2 back-to-
back was a huge boost for us."
A severe asthmatic, Dolan has been bothered by a viral
Wfection the past month. He hustled back to the athletes'
village after the morning preliminaries to spend some time
with an oxygen tank before the evening final.
"I've been struggling a while with my breathing,"he said.
"But for me, it's all about guts at the end. That's what was
able to pull me through"
Dolan and Vendt pulled off the second gold-silver double
of the night by the United States. Brooke Bennett and Diana
Munz extended the United States' distance swimming lega-
cy by winning gold and silver in the 400 freestvle.

Guitarist Uittle Milton plytg! inpP Eo n aturday night during the Ann Arbor Blues and Jazz Festival.
Music fll cty durin anual Jfestival

By Jacquelyn Nixon
Daily Staff Reporter

Escape and relaxation were on the
minds of attendees of the Ann Arbor
Blues and Jazz Festival this weekend.
On Friday and Saturday night, the
jazz club Bird of Paradise, one of the
festival's three locales, offered light
dining in a dimly-lit setting in addition
to the music of vocalist Little Jimmy
Scott, infamous for singing at the
funeral of Doc Pumas, filled the club to
capacity Saturday evening.
Ann Arbor resident Armen
Solakhyam said his interest in jazz

Inside: Reviews of the festival. Page BA.
brings him to the club more than for
just the festival.
"I come to this club about once a
month because they are able to bring
many famous people. Also, the variety
of music is so wide and one can always
find some interest," he said.
Ron Brooks, owner of Bird of Par-
adise and president of the Southeastern
Michigan Jazz Association, said inter-
est in the festival keeps growing.

"For about the last three years, we've
provided a venue for the Ann Arbor
Jazz Festival. We've had between 600
and 800 people for the past three nights
of the festival," Brooks said.
Brooks said he has performed with
Ray Charles and participated in one of
the first festivals.
Also on Friday night, "Queen of New
Orleans Soul" Irma Thomas and Mavis
Staples delighted crowds at the Michi-
gan Theater with their gospel and soul
Saturday and yesterday afternoon
brought musical acts such as Ann
Arbor's Funktelligence and the Univer-
sity's Faculty Ensemble to Gallup Park.

Sitting on a lawn chair and sipping a
glass of wine, Rackham student Pamela
Young listened to the Creole, blues and
soul music.
"I like the way the musicians impro-
vise and have their own style. It's
incredibly relaxing to be here and I
needed to escape," she said.
In addition to being a retreat, the
music brought back great memories for
"Jazz music is open and free and it
reminds me of hanging out with my
brothers when I was younger," said Ann
Arbor resident Jeff Bullard-Berent.
"Gallup Park's a nice place to hear

__ --Ili -11, --

bemocrats launch fall

Students mourn losses
of short-lived pet fish

campaigns at A2


By Hanna LoPatin
Daily Staff Reporter
When Democratic state Reps. John Hansen of
Dexter and Kwame Kilpatrick of Detroit get
together, they can't help but joke about their prin-
cipal-student relationship. Hansen, who once
served as a high school principal, playfully
shakes his finger at Kilpatrick,
who began his four-year career as
a politician at age 26. CAM P
This friendly atmosphere set the
ne when about 100 students and
nn Arbor residents gathered for
the local Democratic Party office's
kick-off event last night.

Kilpatrick and state Rep. LaMar Lemmons (D-
Detroit) came to support their Democratic col-
While students munched on pizza and brown-
ies, the candidates spoke from atop a table in the
middle of the crowded office. Touching on sever-
al issues, the main message of the night was to
encourage students to get involved.
"You are the key to anything
changing in this country," said Kil-
A I GN patrick, the House minority floor

Owners have a hard
time keeping pets alive
in residence hall rooms
By Jane Krull
For the Daily
Small funerals have been taking
place in bathrooms from Bursley to
Mary Markley to South Quad this
week for the newest addition to resi-
dence hall life - the pet fish.
"There was around 15 fish on my
hall and mine is the only one that has
survived," LSA freshman Deborah
Morris said.
Many of the fish that reside in the
residence halls were distributed
through a campaign organized by the
University Activities Center.
UAC President Jordan Litwin said

with the impact students can make
through UAC.
Some students suspect the culprit
for the plague of fish deaths is Ann
Arbor's water. LSA freshman Lesley
Littman said after moving her fish to a
cup of untreated Ann Arbor water
while cleaning her fishbowl, they all
died within three hours.
"We flushed them because it was
raining and couldn't have a funeral
outside," Littman said, describing her
final moments with her beloved fish,
Petunia, Scrappy and Charlie.
These funerals have impacted some
students' lives as much as classes and
"She was pretty traumatized by
Peter's death," said LSA freshman Lau-
ren Baoisniere, describing her room-
mate's reation to their fish's death.
This year is the first that the Resi-





Speakers also emphasized the
importance of local levels of gov-
ernment that often take a back seat
to the national campaigns.
"Everyone's really keyed up about the top of
the ticket," said Kolb, an Ann Arbor City Council
member vying to replace Rep. Liz Brater (D-Ann
Arbor), who is forced out by term limits. "All

M -UUHt- L 1 LS
Nel Dority, field director of Victory 2000, speaks to
Democratic mayoral candidate John Hieftje at the
party's local office yesterday.

Hansen, who is seeking his second term to rep-
resent the 52nd District, which includes North
Campus and northwestern Washtenaw County,
was joined by fellow local candidates Chris Kolb,

LSA senior Keren Charles, who is originally
from Connecticut, took the opportunity to sign up
to work for the newly opened office.


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