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September 15, 2000 - Image 1

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September 15, 2000

Center renamed for Ginsberg

By Jon Fish
Daily Staff Reporter
Not even gray skies and persistent rain
could dampen yesterday's festivities that
celebrated the re-naming of the University's
Center for Community Service and Learn-
t .
W nder a:tent on the center's front lawn,
students, faculty and staff gathered to chris-
ten the newly named Edward Ginsberg Cen-
ter for Community Service and Learning.
University President Lee Bollinger and
Provost Nancy Cantor attended the ceremo-
ny, as well as Regent Olivia Maynard.

"I'm just glad to be here today to help the
center celebrate the naming of this building,
which promotes our common goal of com-
munity service," said Mike Pearson, a sec-
ond year engineering student. He attended
the party to help promote Circle K, one of
the many campus community service
groups with which the center works.
The center has been renamed to honor
Edward Ginsberg, whose family donated $5
million to the center in last November.
Ginsberg, who died in 1997, graduated
from the University in 1938. As an attorney
in Cleveland, he became especially active in
the Jewish community.

Most notably, Ginsberg worked to raise
money for the establishment and support of
Israel. He earned the Eisenman Award for
humanitarianism by the Jewish Community
The University Board of Regents
approved the renaming of the center at its
meeting in November.
The donation has been lauded by center
employees as a tremendous opportunity to
extend their reach across campus.
Barry Checkoway, director of the center,
said the money will be used to increase the
number of students involved, encourage fac-
ulty to teach more classes with community-

service components, form University and
community partnerships and initiate pro-
grams to better prepare students for working
out in the community.
"There is little in this society that pre-
pares students, even in higher education, to
work in cross-cultural settings," Checkoway
He added that the money will be used
well at the University, which has "as many
or more students motivated to do communi-
ty service as any college in the U.S."
"Students come to Michigan with exten-
sive community service experience," he said.
See GINSBERG, Page 7

Local and state community service leaders Barry
Checkoway (right), Penny Pasque, Amber Long and Amy
Knife Gould gather outside the Ginsberg Center to celebrate
its renaming.

Chemical reaction



By Jodie Kaufman
Daily Staff Reporter,


Department of Public Safety officers speak with members of the Ann Arbor Fire Department yesterday outside the Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science Building on North Campus. Students and faculty were evacuated when gas used by a maintenance worker was found
leaking in a laboratory. The harmless gas was contained inside the lab and students returned to class after an hour.
Di ge causes headaches

The Michigan Public Service Commission is
attempting to help consumers end their frustra-
tion with Ameritech.
The MPSC has scheduled a hearing Mon-
day morning at 9 a.m. in Lansing to examine
some of the problems and delays that con-
sumers have recently been dealing with in
"The company has reported. to us that they
have been exceeding by a fairly sizable amount
the average time frame for restoring lines,"
MPSC spokeswoman Mary Jo Kunkle said.
"The commission has received a signifi-
cant number of complaints, and for these rea-
sons we have made legislative inquiry," she
At the beginning of this year, Ameritech
received nearly 40 complaints per month about
repair problems and slow repairs.
Since then the number has shot up to 1,900
On average, Ameritech usually makes repairs
within 36 hours of receiving a non-emergency
. Last month, the company's average repair time
surpassed 100 hours.
The state requires phone repairs to be complet-
ed within 36 hours.

"Ameritech realizes we are not performing up
to the standards we would like to be performing
up to, and we do have a plan in place which we
have presented to the MPSC," Ameritech spokes-
woman Julie Balmer said.
Balmer said the company is "aggressively try-
ing to hire more technicians throughout the state
and upgrading to make for a more reliable net-
Amy Starr, University adviser and mediator for
off-campus housing, said during the first week of
classes Ameritech received many complaints
from students about the length of time Ameritech
has taken to install and repair telephone lines.
"There was one case when they gave an inter-
national student a wait time of four to six weeks,
treating him as an existing customer," Starr said.
"I called them and after waiting 30 minutes on
the phone, established he was a new customer,
and they made it a priority to serve him within 24
Her office has received fewer complaints about
Ameritech this past week, she said.
Ameritech has been facing delays across its
five-state region of Michigan, Illinois, Indiana,
Ohio and Wisconsin.
"There has a been a significant demand in ser-
vices over the past year," Balmer said. "We cur-
rently have 5.5 million access lines, and 1.3 of
them were installed in 1999 alone"

By Tiffany Maggard
Daily Staff Reporter
Located at the center of campus, the Diag
hosts protests, fundraisers and even concerts.
But the stream of noise generated by events
on this highly energetic meeting ground has
penetrating classroom walls and disrupt-
i W students during classes.
Students with classes in Mason Hall are
especially sensitive to noise pollution from
the Diag. RC junior Jordan Stein said the

noise makes it extremely difficult to hear his
professors. Especially in the early afternoon.
"A lot the time there are people playing
sports or having gatherings or there are bands
playing on the steps of the graduate library.
In the summer it is really hard because
(instructors) have to close the windows and it
gets really hot," he said.
Barbara Maclin, office manger and
Diag coordinator at the Office of Student
Activities and Leadership, said student
groups who want to reserve space for

activities must undergo a formal applica-
tion process, which limits the times and
types of events.
Only three groups are permitted to use the
space at one time, Maclin said. While all
three groups could have inform: tables,
Maclin said only one of the groups could
have a bucket drive and only one may have
amplified sound between the hours of 12 p.m.
and I p.m.
Maclin said the Office of Student Activities
See NOISE, Page 7

Abraham targeted in ACLU ads

Jeremy W. Peters
Daily Staff Reporter
The American Civil Liberties Union has made
Republican Spence Abraham the target of its first-
ever paid television ads, urging the Michigan senator
to support a bill that would address the issue known
as racial profiling.
"To this date, Senator Abraham hasn't taken a
position oi the bill, and that's disappointing," said
John Crew, coordinator of the ACLU National Cam-
paign Against Racial Profiling.
As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee,
Abraham has a key vote on whether the bill, which
would provide federal funding for police agencies to
collect racial data on traffic stops, goes on to a vote
before the full Senate.
Abraham's campaign insists it's not an issue of
whether the senator supports efforts to end racial
profiling, but whether he feels legislation is the
appropriate way to address the problem.

"We're certainly looking at all racial profiling
bills," Abraham spokesman Joe Davis said. "One of
the most effective means to enact change in racial
profiling is to work directly with the Justice Depart-
ment as we have been doing for a long time."
Davis said Abraham has met several
times with Attorney General Janet Reno C A M F
and other Justice Department officials to
discuss how to end the practice. .
"He is keenly aware of ... the prob-

pose of the ad is to raise public visibility on the
issue. Obviously, a second benefit is the greater visi-
bility on the issue, the greater the pressure is on pub-
lic officials to take action."
In the midst of a highly competitive re-election
campaign against U.S. Rep. Debbie
NStabenow(D-Lansing), the ads carry
considerable political weight.
Stabenow has come out in favor of a
House bill identical to the one currently

; ^.;

*e Rep. Liz Brater speaks with college Democrats from the University and
oter state schools yesterday in the Michigan League in support of Al Gore.
campignto 'U'

lem of racial profiling. The ACLU
would be wise to understand his background on the
issue before they start running ads questioning his
position on the issue," Davis added.
Though the ads do not specifically mention Abra-
ham, the ACLU admits they are intended to shed
light on the fact that the senator has not taken a posi-
tion on the bill.
"Why (Abraham) would not support such legisla-
tion is confusing," Crew said. "The principle pur-


before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
"She supported legislation in 1998 that was very
similar, said Robert Gibbs, spokesman for the
Stabenow campaign. "She certainly opposes racial
profiling and supports the legislation before the
House and Senate."
The House version of the bill has passed out of
committee and is awaiting a vote before the full
See ACLU page 2

By Manna LoPatin
D Staff Reporter

Students from across the state cele-
brated National Students for Gore Day
yesterday by joining state Rep. Liz
Brater and members of the University
of Michigan College Democrats and
Students for Gore to promote the vice
president's agenda for the upcoming
A e meeting in the Michigan
Lgue brought together students from
colleges and universities including
Eastern Michigan University, Kalama-
zoo College, Michigan State Universi-
ty and Western Michigan University.
"Michigan is a battleground state,"
said Brater (D-Ann Arbor), who will

Al Gore and Lieberman."
Students spoke of the importance of
getting their classmates not just to vote
but to cast a ballot for Gore.
"It's not get out the vote. It's get out
our vote," said Curtis Hertel, an MSU
A recurring subject in the meeting
was the proposed higher education
policies of Gore and running mate
Joseph Lieberman.
"Al Gore understands your struggle
to pay for college," Brater said.
Participants in the discussion high-
lighted Gore's proposed College
Opportunity Tax Cut, the 401(j)
account, and the National Tuition Sav-
ings program - the Democratic nomi-
nee's primary plans to make higher

Study reveals possible
ways to kill bacteria




Rose Bo Pdena
3:30 p.m. tomorrow

By Undsey Alpert
Daily Staff Reporter
Dangerous bacteria may have met
its match due to new information
released in a study by a team at the
College of Pharmacy.
The study, which is published online
and will appear in the Sept. 27 issue of
Journal of the American Chemical
Society, identifies a compound that
shows the potential of killing Gram
negative bacteria.

which can cause food poisoning from
undercooked meats.
"There are a lot of really nasty
Gram negative bacteria," said mnedici-
nal chemistry and pharmacognosy
Prof. Ronald Woodard, the project's
leader. "So there are a lot of Gram
negative bacteria that we'd like to get
rid of"
The research team looked at more
than 150,000 compounds in search
of one that would inhibit the KDO
8-P synthase enzyme in the bacteria.

The undefeated Bruins should be the first
real test for the Wolverines after opening
the season against two pushovers at home.
John Navarre will start in his third game at
the helm of the the Maize and Blue against a
defense that is leaps and bounds above
those he's seen so far this season.


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