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September 14, 2000 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-09-14

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 14, 2000


Car bomb klls in Indonesia garage



JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) - A
car bomb tore through a packed
parking garage beneath Jakarta's
stock exchange yesterday, killing at
least 13 people, injuring 27 and
shaking confidence in Indonesia's
attempts to reform after decades of
corrupt dictatorship.
The blast damaged or destroyed
400 vehicles in the garage filled with
cars and drivers waiting for stock-
hrokers to finish work, said national
police chief Gen. Rusdihardjo.
The 27 injured - many covered in
black dust and breathing with diffi-
culty, and others cut by flying glass
- were brought into a nearby hospi-
Smoke filled the exchange's trad-
ing room and other offices, forcing
the evacuation of about 1,000 work-
Firefighters doused the flames and
fumbled through the darkness of the
Continued from Page:IA
Lewis said.

three-level parking lot to pull out
victims many hours after the blast.
Most of the dead suffocated; sotne
were found in the charred remains of
their cars.
No one claimed responsibility for
the blast, the deadliest in a series of
unexplained recent bombings in
Indonesia. The bombing was a
major blow to efforts by President
Abdurrahman Walid to restore con-
fidence in Indonesia's crisis-ridden
economy and end violence across
the world's fourth-most populous
In the past, Wahid has complained
bitterly that his opponeiits have used
terrorist-like tactics to destabilize his
year-old reformist government.
The attack occurred without warn-
ing 45 minutes before the markets
closed. Hours before the afternoon
explosion, the stock market's main
index hit a 12-month low. After the

blast, trading was suspended until
Rusdihardjo, who like many
Indonesians uses one name, said the
explosion originated in a red car
parked on the second level of the
Jakarta police spokesman Lt. Col.
Nur Usman said authorities were try-
ing to determine what explosive was
used. "It could be a grenade, a
bomb, or something electrical," he
The state news agency Antara said
the bomb was planted in a Toyota
"It was a really big bang and the
earth shook. Then we just ran for our
lives," said Rudi Herawanto, a driver
who was on the first' level, a floor
above where the blast went off.
Others in the building recalled the
force of the blast.
"We were on the 27th floor and it

shook substantially," said Greg
McCoy, an Australian insurance bro-
Feri Indrianto, a stockbroker on
the 20th floor, said: "I felt a big blast
and heard a loud bang."
Mysterious explosions have coin-
cided with every major stage of a
state investigation into allegations-of
corruption by former dictator Suhar-
to, who ruled Indonesia for 32 years
until'forced out by violent demon-
strations in 1998.
A bomb exploded just before
Suharto's case went before a court
two weeks ago. The proceedings
are scheduled to resume today,
when doctors will be asked whether
the former leader is fit for trial.
On Aug. 1, a bomb exploded out-
side the residence of Philippine
Ambassador Leonides Caday, killing
two people and injuring dozens,
including the envoy.

Lee set free with apology from judge
ALBUQE IRQIlI N.M. Nine ionths after lie was branded a threat to
national security and put in solitary confinement, Wel Ho Lee was set free yes-
terday with an apology from a judge who said the government's actions "embar-
rassed our entire nation."
Supporters cheered as a smiling Lee left the courthouse alongside his family.
lie thanked them and said, "I'm very happy to go home with my wife and chil
dren today."
With a chuckle, he added: "The next few days, I'm going fishing."
Lee pleaded guilty to a single count of mishandling nuclear secrets as the gov-
ernment all but abandoned its crumbling case against the former Los Alamos
Under the terms of the plea bargain, lie was sentenced to 278 days - essen-
tially the time served since his arrest last December.
Lee had been charged with 59 counts of breaching national security and faced
life in prison ifconvicted. Fifty-eight of those counts were dropped.
"I sincerely apologize to you, Dr. Lee, for the unfair manner in which you were
held in custody by the executive branch," U.S. District Judge James Parker said.
Parker said the Departments of Justice and Energy "have embarrassed our
entire nation and each of us who is a citizen of it.

But Lewis said that sotne problems arise because
students do not thoroughly read their leases.
"Frequently we see problems because tenants
don't read their leases before they sign them' Lewis
said. "There are a lot of issues covered in the lease,
the obligations placed on,the tenant and what land-
lords have to do and what they can't do."
Although Lewis said that students are always enti-
tIed to a copy of their lease, School of Music juiior
Allison Soranno said that she was denied a copy of
her lease, something she will need for her upcomning
legal battle with Allmand Properties.
Soranno and her roommate were summoned to
court by their landlord yesterday for withholding rent
for the month of August.
Soranno claims that when she signed the lease for
apartment 5 in her East Kingsley Street property, she
was told that she could move in during August. But

shen she called in July, she was told the apartment
was being renovated and she would instead have to
live in apartment 6 instead.
"They never called us to say they planned to reno-
vate number 5, they just assumed that it would be
okay with Lis, Soranno said.
When Soranno complained to the landlord, he
offered her the newly renovated apartment 3, which
she accepted on the condition that he send her written
updates on the apartment and its new furnishings.
When she had not received the update two weeks later,
she withheld her rent finom the landlord.
"lie thinks that no college student will stand tip to
him, it's like we're here and we're stuck. But we
made a stand and fought against him and now he's
still refusing to give us a copy of our lease," Soranno
Allmand Properties could not be reached for com-
Lewis said that not only should students receive a
copy of the lease at signing but per city ordinance,
should also receive a copy of the Tenants Rights

Handbook a book which outlines what to do when
faced with problems such as Soranno's.
"Most leases should say that the tenant has
received a copy of the handbook," Lewis said.
The handbook not only states the responsibilities
of landlords, but also the responsibilities of tenants.
"I think that incoming students lots of times don't
know or understand what renting property is about,"
said Steve Welch, president of Anti Arbor Realty.
"Some frustration comes from having other people
do things for them and now that they're on their own,
they don't know how to do them."
[lan Jones, an Ann Arbor landlord who owns
almost a dozen properties rented to students, agreed
swith Welch.
"I wish my tenants would read the lease before
they move in so that they know the expectations
and their rights." Jones said. "Some students
may lack experience with dealing with housing.
I've had students call to have me change a light-
bulb. They are not overly demanding, they are
just younger."

House asses hate
Crimes gslation
WASHINGTON - 'The house
voted by a surprisingly wide mar-
gin yesterday in favor of hate-
crime legislation that would protect
gays as wel Il as other target.ced
'he vote now means that a solid
majority in both chambers has
advocated expanding federal juris-
dict isnito include violent crimes
committed on the basis of race reli-
gi on, colir, re igiot, sexual orienta-
tion, gender, ethnicity or disability.
forty-one Republicans joined 191
Democrats in supporting the
motion, which instructed House
negotiators to accept language
attached to the annual Defense
Department authorization bill.
President Clinton has told con-
gressional leaders he is determined
to enact h ate-c rime lelisl at issi
before his leaves office. Human
Rights Campaign executive direc-

or Elizabeth Birch said yesterday's
vote, coupled with the Senate's 57
to 42 vote in June, would boost the
measure's chance of passage.
"We feel very triumphant," Birch
said yesterday.
J.P. Morgan, Chase
Manhattan merge
NEW YORK - Banking power-
houses Chase Manhattan and J.P
Morgan agreed to a S35.2 billion
merger yesterday in a deal that
demonstrates how venerable institd-
tions are joining forces to meet the
challenges of an increasingly global
'he new company, J.P. Morgan
Chase & Co., will not only combine
the immense assets of both compa-
nies, it will also unite the formidable
histories of both institutions, whose
forebears include J.P. Morgan,
Alexander Hamiltos and David Rock-



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Italians protest death
sentence in Virginia
ROME- Backed by appeals
from Pope John Paul II and.the
European Union, Italy has
unleashed a barrage of e-mails and
official protests against thesched-
uled execution today of an Italian-
American convicted of murder in
The apparently futile campaign on
behalf of Derek Rocco Barnabei,
which is to culminate here with a
nationally televised vigil counting
down what are expected to be the final
four hours of his life, has rallied much
of this nation in defense of an emi-
grant's grandson.
Other European countries, increas-
ingly vocal critits of capital punish-
ment, have joined the effort out off
dismay that the united States is one of
the few democracies still imposing the
death penalty.
In a tent outside the Roman
Colosseum here this week,' Italians
lined up to send computer mes-
sagestsking Virginia Gov. Jaimes

Gilmore to spare the 33-year-old
Barnabei from lethal injection.
Tens of thousands of e-mails from
ordinary Italians and celebrities
have reinforced appeals by Presi-
dent Carlo Azeglio Ciampi and
every party in Parliament.
737 crashes in Indian
village, 60 killed
PATNA, India - An Alliance
Air plane crashed into houses
while making a second attempt to
land at an airport in eastern India,
killing nearly 60 people on beard
and on the ground.
Thousands of people mobbe
around the smoldering wreckage p
twisted metal and rubble, pulling out
the dead and survivors, after the Boe-
ing 737-200 smashed into two hougs
in a complex just over a utile fro'n
Patna airport.
Within hours, the bodies of 39
dead, most burned beyond recogris-
tion, had beet: removed.
- Cosspil'uiiasm DuilV usiepor's.

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EDITORS: Nick Bunkley, Michael Grass, Nika Schulte, aimie Winkler
STAFF: i y 55,A pert Anna Clark. L ,us ,n.55n',n s.'Sar5h F5dewa, en F

Jewel Gapwani, Managing Editor

Czon Nish. Kely o*Coninor. Jeremy W. Ptrs Natalie Plosy, celePnniewozk.
CALENDAR: Undsey Alpert.
EDITORIAL Emily Achenbaum, Editor
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Peter Cunniffe, Ryan DePietro, Josh Wickerham, Nicholas Woorner
STAF _ ' a :ia. M -.he iKevin CuneJosn Cowan, Chip Culen, Seth Fisher. Lee Frost. Jenna Greditor. Kyle Goodrdge.
Ena Jny ' rs.Moy KenndyJonathanKnkel Cortney Kanner Jeffrey KosseffThomasKtuu rgEis.EinMcQuin.
Del Mendez. Cam.,ie ,o.Lime Podolsky.Brand. n Sanz, Jack SenhIlac, Jeb Singer Wa Syed. Katie ubald i u Dave Walace. Paul Wong
SPORTS David Den Herder, Managing Editor
SENIOR EDITORS Chris Duprey, Mark Francescutti, Geoff GagnonS. tephanie Offen
NIGHT EDITORS: R.. ae, G....:.t iAriu G I. Mic ;e; Kern, Ryan C. Moioney Jon Schwar t z. Dan W, ms.,
STAFF: -14 BA v . am uw, . Dan), rso. DVid lEdeinman, Saran Ensor, 8tran Gainm. R( n Garber. Richard Haddad. David Horn,,

WEEKEND; ETC. EDITORS: enni Glenn, Elizabeth Pensler
SUBEDT0RS: FMa I .n -Bar t FlmeRoynM ane ne P tmng ArtsiAFGu ,r,. _ _ , n:rh u rt
Jtnnfcr Fr ,,t L r ,A H t ndyK . An, Ko. h a iMcke. W.Jac

Gabe Fajuri, Chris Kula, Editors
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,es ,ie BoxerleeuChang. oyd Dobier. Andrew Eder. Nick Faizone,
)care Melton, Eno Podulsky. Cuff Poncier. David Reamer, John C. Reily.

ASSOCIATE EDITORS: David Katz, Marjorie Marshall
ST A r=F: Peter Curnui. .,-un I t rpatr ack. Sam Hojenshead, Michael
Paine. Enie White, A ; Wlk
Ta iran D.vvela. Dana M. GoldbergS, S ry Ko. Vine Sust
DEINR Seth Bfenson
CtNSULANT: St adru Pramanuk

Louis Brown, Jessica Johnson, Editors
Hynes, Marko Kyogoku, Danny Molosok, Norman Ng, Brad Quin. Joanna
Rachel Berger, Paul Wong, Managing Editors

: USark.ses anager

STAFF: Matt Andrew6,, ...II.a B' Brde aveJcob Fen'
Kiny nfrL .. .Pa aPClair. George Vavarout s
CLA', E ..SI TNT:ac ,eg
STAFFt y ff,. Esther ChotJi er Mizusawa, Ina Couq
ASSOCI, AT ANG: Chstkmnson;
ONLINE A,; >r G ER:La, nCox_
PRODUCTION A S 'S NT: Joy Szilagy.
PROOF READ isa u sr a 5d
STAFF: Lauren Ap - r u ane a.n afix Tyler Nordstrom Menda To

Sarah Estella, Manager
ennife r Frt r ng' Jre Halapan., Jan HOul r. Simon Hui. Ke T .:
in. Genn Powiais. enrifer Rnu a. Jaimte Rase. Neiole Siegel, Jukt St- (
Lauren Rice, Manager
nmne McAfec. K nnv '-CL. Amy PrMs
Steve Jones, Manager
Courtney Morales, Manager
Dana Linnane, Manager

Kellie Kinney;
Nicole Lazuruj
Jeanine Mouilleseaux
Ami Hidak4

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