Just around the corner... Chck ouit tlu-.. icafilut "Th1e Shopl- Auuaorrd theaC oratcr' preseataci Frliy tatd Samtutltv ttiylt . uicc, at thec NlcctlaaTltcar. Coutecy of tlhe Stae Strc A rca As:-cc is ita. michigandaily.com /arts ArtditowTS AND THE STORM RAGES ON... School of Music collaborative brigs back 'The Temp est' for repeat performa4 By Robyn Melamed Auso tafklk tat asec le Temttpesat"attis we'eketad, be prepared to Q, experience a ranasforma- ."titt. A tinta hatsvotuld nottrttally feel like attillu- The sioat sill feel like a reality. Tempest A persotn thtat wAould nor- Ptoall seem outt of thtis PwrCeuter wtorld wvill seem as real as 'Dcc. u14 1a6 at , ata average toe. Because of last year's enthtusiastic . respttnse tot "The -, ,- Tetpest.' Schtool of Mutsie statdents. faculty tttd guest gradutate stu- d ~ etts still aitttfosr atnothter set ofetnchtatntitng perfor- tttattces thtis steeketad. Contsidered by mcost schtolars to be Shakespeare's last cottplete stork, 'The Tempest" is a play thtat itcorporates maic, mystery attd lose. Altlaouglthtlis plasy is not eattily categorized, it has been vieswed as a romatace since thte 19th Century. Tlais stotty centers around the clharatc- ters Prospero, Duke of Milan and Miratada, lis dataghter. Prospero Ihas beett exiled by Itis owst broater to a nmysaical islatad. Beittg ata atelli- getnt mast. Prospero, by reading books ott tmagic, is able to britag all of Itis enetries ottto this islatnd twiatte intent of gaitin res-etage. Mirattda, ltavittg lived Iter lf ontthlis islanda., tat teser seet another' ltuan othter thtatt her father sitteer" bir-tht. After years of thtis seclusion, site cotmcs face to face writha her father's eantmics a frighttened group -Ito were shtip- streeked ontthlis island. Almost imttediately, Miranda falls in lover swith Ferdinand, Prince of Naples. As the lose story growrs, so does Prospero's ability to forgive, matkitt for a Itappy enading to a wotaderful story. Director Phtilip Kerr tats pttt togethcr a caist of os-er at dozen talettted actors, dancers anad sitagers, guaaranateeittg an 'a1tetrtatitainu ton-ttotcht production "Because it wsa a sold-out shtow lat year, stahoughtt to bring it back as a muilleatnium celebration," Kerr said. "Also, besides our regular showrs, we still be doing a speci-talhight school performtance wsth tabe h hopes of educating younger students about thcate."Kaerr himself trill stat- as Prospero, aind trill ha.joitncd;. by Leiuga VWoods (Alotasol -' Erik Fredickson {slave Calibtat Matlcosltt Tulip (Trinaculo), Johtn Netvills.-Atndrews (Stcphtaao) Beverley Pooley (Gotzalo),(Geotage Shtirley (Adrian), Matrtin WValsha(M aster tof thc Shtip), Deatttta Relyea (Jtnttofnd ,dactrs PetrSparlittg, Lisas Catrett- B~elrose an dimtaStoola ""Thta. lampcst tatkcs its atudciettce for a fatn- tastic ,tdventurtea.wsstrteillusionts turttittto reality. It ptresents vsisotts, tricks attd naatqtes ittto a stotrld ofsttottsters, attgels atnd tmagi- ciatas. Kerr scOtald like thte audaciettce to keep Stheir eves open itr te Iilarious clotn ttd thte ey-e-catchtittg latter shosws. Abose i l, Kerr swcatts thte atadience to "enjoyt as at swhtole. It is otte of-Shtakespeare' tttost atccessible shos. love at oodl titte." 'Ualum" Frank, Pahi composes ecleci sound, rumbling fury for 'Tempest' The SOM faculty comes alive in "The Tempest." 'Nutcracker' lives at Detroit Opera House By Charity Atchison DftlarOttWite B~allet IntetrnaatiaontalceItas taskeat residenace at tlta.lDatr oat )peraa IlUSte fosr the at oftheIa.seatsont, .The Nutcrace.-W a i trc hate thtattstas s eaasaatat Itll ta n ttottltel- Natcrackers, te Itallet toaets sitht 1-Ilctffttaattat-l eat laratseelIattever tasiat{ to tarsite. The As 1ace strites, Nutcracker fattcecs begisa tat Detroit Opora House bcaiatd at screeat. o s ta~ a t atafatdle arce taskena Intoathte sttry'as at at bet tao arrittetn. Astidefrtheft scr-eiiate*laciata adi straaction, thae stpettittg as rcfrcslaitt atad - I la11laartys- cetac ss tcatmic. -T-he .I'dttltdace tstass at lit draatc. ass b.theadu-slcat atesta carried abeatasels tat<1avsrt s saacrissr saty. Thte faa aaaolaar aatdalndtaafater st-ct- he t ba.etst taart sof'te lcaadultdance sqouence. Whte't Grantdfathaerscent assatwtaoil taneknee, lae laud a hard tiame getting to thae flootlhis artharitis sats asctang upatadG(antdmtothear tad tot help tam asp. Whaenthey st-rc a.onae twith theairad ance all of thec othter gasests applaudd ltheair efforts, sat tey begatn to datnce -astatotaly thec othter guaests baecaae oacupaied. sitha othter thtatgs, breaskitng Giranadmoater's co Inasteada. ofalblsingtatto Clara as Nuttcracskaer .dolfl, aosselaaeyer broaughat a hatta-atNautcracker. Iria Koaatareaakc a.maacded lcNata.-'-h"er Soldier Doll, ss licl a ssoddl at as stoantaclattcinta elarole. It a.; ---. aincotsstency inttheacrestsf ahelacla- let, because te Nncaaackca us Act !I as atmanta. Thae Mouase Kitagflets a fromtheacsky, swhichlaaataice tec- atrical toucha. Thae Baby Mice wrere thae best pat oaf atae battle sceane. Otae little girl basby mtouse shaook hter stuff sthent site camae otnto thae stage. It wsateery cleaar that shte was athe hottest little motate aroutad. Dana' atae battle alae Mouse Kitag used tc batby atice as luatatt'slaiclcs to protect himtself fro cNutcracker I clatle lac!ca thaeaMouase Kinag antaeaac\ ackertraitnottasta phyvsical as it coculdtat-c beeta. It apparetaclas tou