2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 13, 2000
Democrats urge Gore to concede
Continued from Page 1
College needed to become president.
With them, victory was a certainty.
The court's unsigned opinion said
seven justices agreed there were con-
stitutional problems with the recount
ordered by the Florida Supreme Court
on Friday.
The justices said that because Flori-
da lawmakers intended separately to
complete their own choosing of elec-
tors, perhaps today under pressure of a
deadline for the Electoral College,
requiring a new recount "could not be
,part of an appropriate" remedy.
By a 5-4 majority, the justices said
the recount ordered by the Florida
Supreme Court was unconstitutional
because varying methods and a loose
standard would be used to count the
votes. Further, the justices said no time
remained for a new recount.
"Because it'is evident that any
recount seeking to meet the Dec. 12
date will be unconstitutional ... we
reverse the judgment of the Supreme
Court of Florida ordering the recount
to proceed," the court said.
In the majority were Chief Justice
William Rehnquist and Justices San-
dra Day O'Connor, Antonin Scalia,
Anthony Kennedy and Clarence
Thomas. Dissenting were Stevens,
David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg
and Stephen Breyer.
Alongside the unsigned main opin-
ion, Rehnquist, Scalia and Thomas
went further in a separate opinion, say-
ing the Florida Supreme Court also
violated the Constitution and federal
law in ordering the recount.
While Rendell went on television to
say Gore should concede, another top
party official pointedly disagreed.
National chair Joe Andrew, in
charge of the party's day-to-day opera-
tions, said, "The Democratic Party
does not think Al Gore needs to con-
cede. This is his decision to make. We
stand united behind him."
But Sen. Robert Torricelli (D-N.J.)
said simply, "Clearly the race for the
presidency has come to an end. George
Bush is going to be the next president of
the United States, he told MSNBC.
Laurence Tibe, a Gore lawyer, told
NBC he disagreed with the decision,
but "I think the courts' place in our lives
is such that we all should rally around
even if we disagree with the results."
In Florida, meanwhile, the state
House approved a resolution that would
send the Bush electors to the electoral
C(olle~e if he lost in the high court.
"The 2000 presidential election is spi-
raling out of control and we must stop it
now," Republican Rep. Paula Dockery
said during a heated debate in Tallahas-
see over GOP plans to select electors
loyal to Bush. The Florida [louse passed
the resolution, 79-41, and the Senate
moved toward a possible vote today.
A few blocks away, Gore's options
were reduced further when the Florida
Supreme Court refused to disqualify
thousands of absentee votes, many of
them for Bush. Democratic attorneys
had challenged the ballot applications,
and Gore had expressed sympathy with
the case. The ruling meant the U.S.
Supreme Court was Gore's last stand.
"It's down to game, set and perhaps
match," said Bush ally Bill Owens, the
Republican governor of Colorado.
About 100 demonstrators gathered
outside the nation's high court in
Washington, carrying signs and often
arguing among themselves. Even the
Man of Steel didn't think the wait was
so super; Scott LoBaido of New York,
dressed as Superman, lugged a two-
sided sign proclaiming this was "The
End" and it was time to say "Good
Night, Al. The Party Is Over."
Drug suspect killed in Union Station
CHICAGO - A shootout between a police drug unit and two suspects i
Union Station killed one person, injured two and sent waiting train passenger
diving for cover yesterday.
The officers had tried to stop the two men to question them, but one of the sus
pects grabbed a female officer and there was an exchange of gunfire, polic
spokesman Pat Camden said.
One of the suspects was killed, the policewoman was shot in the leg, and th
other suspect, also hospitalized, was in critical condition, Camden said.
It wasn't immediately clear who shot whom, police said.
The shooting took place in the Amtrak concourse of the sprawling station nex1
to train platforms, police said. They wouldn't say if the suspects were passen-
gers, but a witness said the two men had just stepped off a train.
"When they got off the train, they apprehended them right in front of wherc
the lounge was for Amtrak. They tried to grab the bags and take the bags away
from them. There was a struggle, and during the struggle, they pulled guns," said
Inez Hart, a traveler from Africa who had been in the waiting room.
"The bullets came flying right through the window where we were, and
glass shattered everywhere. Everybody had to drop to the ground, the wholc
Continued from Page 1
"We have not been particularly drawn to people
filling other people's agenda,' McGrath said.
University of Michigan Engineering freshman
Nathan Whetsell said he agrees with Harvard offi-
cials, that students should concentrate on developing
their true selves.
"I was probably too focused on grades and look-
ing good for college," Whetsell said.
Duke University undergraduate admissions officer
Christoph Guttentag said today's student's often sub-
mit applications that are less individualistic.
"Students are a little more risk-adverse, all the
more careful and cautious' Guttentag said. He said
more and more students believe getting into a specif-
is college is essential for success.
"When the stakes appear to be high, people
are less likely to do what they think is a chance,"
Guttentag said.
But admissions officers do not want identical stu-
dents, he said.
"There's room for all kinds of people," Guttentag
University of Michigan Director of Undergraduate
Admissions Ted Spencer agreed that a year oil can
help students deal with stress.
"It may give the opportunity to step back from
the process," Spencer said.
One way students can find their meaning in life is
to take a year off before heading to college, the Har-
vard letter suggests. The university has recommend-
ed this option to students in its application letter for
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the past 30 years.
Spencer said despite concerns from Harvard, he
doesn't think burned-out students are the norm.
"I don't really think it's a major problem," he said.
"Well-rounded students tend not to be stressed."
Spencer also said students trying out for selective
college - a school that accepts 60 percent or fewer
of its applicants -- are more stressed.
H arvard's acceptance rate is about 15 percent,
compared to 55 percent at the University of Michi-
gan, he added.
Anne Sandoval, a career counselor at Detroit
Country Day Upper School, said students at the
private institution usually do not want to take a
year off before heading to college.
"Most of our students are very excited and pre-
pared," Sandoval said.
Continued from Page 1
"I almost got hit by a car right in
front of Lorch. I went to walk (across
the street) but there was a huge snow
bank there. A car was racing down the
road so I waited because I didn't want
to get run over," LSA junior Rebecca
Bennett said.
The car was unable to stop in time.
"The driver didn't seem to notice or
care that I was there," Bennett said.
University Hospitals spokes-
woman Kara Gavin said there were
no major injuries from car accidents
enter "We had one or two snowmobile
injuries and people with chest pain
from shoveling snow ... and a half
S dozen slip-and-fall folks came in," she
A flu shot clinic that was planned
for yesterday was rescheduled for
University students slipped, slid and
froze their way to class yesterday, even
though Eastern Michigan was closed
only a few miles away due to severe
weather conditions.
"It just shows what a lesser-quality
institution they arc to cancel classes
because of a little snow," LSA junior
Heather Hucy joked.
H uey added she was glad classes
here were not canceled yesterday,
"This being the last Tuesday of classes
before finals, it would have been
ridiculous," she said..
Eastern Michigan was scheduled to
administer final exams yesterday and
rescheduled them for next Tuesday,
- The Associated Press contributed to
this rort.
3 at Continued from Page 1
Rivers (D-Ann Arbor) said. "It did
not eliminate gambling on the
Internet, it allowed ( gambling)
organizations already in existence
to continue their operations."
Rivers later asserted that "the Las
Vegas people were very supportive
of this bill because it eliminates
competition for them"
Although she does not support
this particular bill, Rivers said she
does not condone online gambling.
"I am not supportive of the way
these companies pry on people,"
} she said.
Rivers was also not supportive of
provisions in the bill that would
require Internet service providers to
>block their customers' access to
gaming sites, saying, "I'm a real
believer in the civil liberties protec-
tiolls in the Constitution."
Rivers said she is not sure if
Conress should take any acrtiio1
toward banining Internet gambling.
"The American people have the
right to make decisions even if
they're not in their best interests,"
she said.
4 Opposition to the bill was nlot
limited solely to House Democrats.
A Republican House staff mem-
ber who worked -on the issue said
her representative opposed the bill
because "its enforcement mecla-
nisms requires ISPs to make sure
waiting area, and we crawled like we were in a movie, an
McVeigh asks to the request.
a SMcVeigh has
set execution date cessful appeals
hlad been resear
DENVER - Timothy McVeigh challenges.
asked a federal judge to stop all McVeigh ackr
appeals of his conviction in the Okla- submitted the sta
homa City bombing and to set a date advice of his attor
for his execution. believes he is coil
In a federal court filing made public decision.
yesterday, McVeigh said he wanted to
waive further review of his case by the Cole tran
courts. However, he reserved the right
to seek executive clemency, his lawyer to MIssis
McVeigh was convicted of murder PASCAGOUL
and conspiracy and sentenced to death USS Cole, dama
in the April 19, 1995, bombing of the bomb in Yeme
Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building sailors, will com
that killed 168 people and injured across the Atlant
more than 500. TIle vessel is1
If he is put to death, it would be the aboard a Norweg
first execution of a federal prisoner in lift ship and is du
37 years. ton Ingalls S
The former Army soldier asked that Pascagoula wh
his execution be within .120 days of repaired.
his Dec. 7 statement, which was filed Yemeni and
with the court yesterday. enforcement au
Justice Department spokeswoman investigating the
Chris Watney declined to comment on the destroyer.
China jails U.S. Ministry, Zhang!
confirm the sente
resident for spying relevant parts of th
ment are handling
BEIJING - A U.S. resident who to law."
helped publicize China's harsh crack- A New York a
down on the Falun Gong meditation joined Falun Gong
sect has been sentenced by a Beijing year, Teng enteredt
court to three years in prison for spy- to gather inform
ing, a U.S. diplomat said yesterday. against Falun Gong
Teng Chunyan, a sect member and
Chinese citizen who is a U.S. perma- rn .is a
nent resident, was convicted of reveal- Ur' Si at
ing national security information to ban Poken
foreigners, the diplomat told reporters
on condition of anonymity. ISTANBUL -
Teng was sentenced yesterday and dents, two Turk:
her father confirmed the sentence to an fered only broke
official at the U.S, Embassy in Beijing, leaped off their b
the diplomat said. Neither Teng nor her ti on of th e ir fa
husband, a U.S. citizen whom the diplo- characters.
mat would not identify, have signed The incidents pr
waivers allowing the release of personal ing authorities to
information about them, he said. world's first govern
Prosecutors and officials at Bei- temporary shutdo
jing's No. I Intermediate People's network for showir
Court did not respond to telephone dren's cartoon serie
A spokeswoman for the Foreign - C'ompiled fim.
action movie," sh
filed two unsuc-
and his lawyers
rching additional
nowledged that he
tement against the
neys, but he said h
ipetent to make the
W ippi
LA, Miss. - The
aged by a terrorist
n that killed 17
nplete its journey
ic today.
being transported
gian-owned heavy-
ue to arrive at Lit-
Shipbuilding in
here it will be
American law
thorities are still
Oct. 12 attack on
Qiyue, would not
nce but said, "The
he Chinese govern-
the case according
cupuncturist whll
in New Jersey last
China in early 2000
nation on the bal
non show
In separate inci-
ish children suf-
n legs when they
alconies in imita-
vorite Pokemon
rompted broadcast-
make Turkey the
nment to order the
wn of a television
ng the popular chil-
Daily hire repoas.
The Michigan Dally (ISSN 0745 967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms'by
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$100. Winter term (January through April) is $105. yearlong (September through April) is $180. On-campus
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