One hundredten years ofeditorklfreedom EWS: 76-DAILY LASSIFIED:7640557 ,ww. mlchigandaity. com 's- :x>'A .i .i. e.l'" ~e?" ter. t ; C F~% . ; < .. . " d Wednesday December 13, 2000 ourt rules 5-4; Gore expecte to respond today WASHINGTON (AP) - A divided Supreme Florida Supreme Court could not be completed ourt reversed a state court decision for recounts by a midnight deadline for selection of presiden- Florida's contested election last night, all but tial electors and still pass constitutional muster. ransforming George W. Bush into president- "It is obvious that the recount cannot be con- lect. Some Democrats urged Vice President Al ducted in compliance with the requirements of lore to give up his challenge in America's over- equal protection and due process without sub- me election. stantial additional work," the justices wrote. Its Gore "should act now and concede," Ed Rendell, ruling came with exceptional haste for the court, Ie chairman of the Democratic Party said less the day after it heard arguments in the case. an an hour after the court issued its 5-4 late night In a forceful dissent, Justice John Paul Stevens uling five tumultuous weeks after the nation voted, wrote, "Although we may never know with com- The vice president's campaign manager, plete certainty the identity of the winner of this Villiam Daley, issued a state- year's presidential election, the sent last night saying Gore and identity of the loser is perfectly unning mate Joseph Lieber- clear. It is the nation's confi- nan were reviewing the ruling dence in the judge as an impar- ,id "will address the court's tial guardian of the law" lecision in full detail at a time 4'Nk The ruling was the latest o be determined tomorrow." pivot point in the nation's tut even so, as the night wore Read the Daily online during break unbearably close election, a >n, some top aides said private- for the latest developments in the saga of counts, recounts, law- y the vice president would be election: suits by the dozens and two borced to depart the race. "That's where every dis- trips to the highest court in the land. For five :ussion is headed," said one. tumultuous weeks, it has held Gore and Bush in Former Secretary of State James Baker, repre- limbo and the nation in thrall, and seared new enting Bush, said the Texas governor and running terms into the nation's consciousness - "dim- nate Dick Cheney were "very pleased and grati- pled chad" most prominent among them. ed" with the court's ruling. "This has been a long That was one description for partially punched d arduous process for everyone involved on ballots, thousands of which were at the center of >oth sides," he added in remarks that stopped well the contested election in Florida, the state that hort of either a declaration of victory for Bush or stood to pick the next president. i call for a concession from the vice president. Without the state's 25 electoral votes, neither In an extraordinary late-night decision, the jus- Bush nor Gore had the votes in the Electoral ices said the recount ordered last weekend by the See ELECTION, Page 2 Republican vice presidential candidate Dick Cheney talks on the phone from his home in McLean, Va., last night to Texas Gov. George W. Bush after the U.S. Supreme Court released their decision. Vice President Al Gore and running mate Joe ieberman plan to make a statement today. arvard arns of adissions urnout By Robert Gold ailyStaff Reporter Are some college hopefuls getting burned out trying to get into their dream school? One of the most selective universi- ties in the nation thinks so. Harvard University posted a letter on its Website last week suggesting students are put under more pressure an previous generations to get into e most recognized schools, often thinking there is only one route to success. "College admission - the chance to position oneself for 'success' through the acquisition of the 'right' college degree - - looms large for increasing numbers of students," the letter states. The Harvard statement, written by university admission officers, urges tudents to find balance in life before eciding their future. "Burnout is an inevitable result of trying to live up to alien goals. Time out can promote the discovery of one's own passions," it says. Harvard Admissions Director Marlyn McGrath said the school wants students who are independent thinkers. See ADMISSIONS, Page 2 Today marks the last issue of The Michign Daily for 2000. We wish everyone good luck on final exams and a happy new year The Daily will resume publishing Jan. 4, 2001. DIGGING OUT q A2 paralyzed by snow By Maria Sprow Daily StaffReporter The blizzard that dropped more than a foot of snow on southeastern Michigan yesterday forced countless businesses, government offices and schools to close, including every school in Washtenaw County and even Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti. In fact, the area's worst storm in nearly two years stopped almost everyone in their tracks - except students and faculty at the University of Michigan. "My car is buried, but that's all right," LSA junior Lindsey Zamplas said. "I can walk." Fearing safety conditions and poor visi- bility, the history department allowed facul- ty and staff to leave an hour early Monday afternoon. "Staff were permitted to leave early so they could get home safely ... so as not to risk life and limb," said Jean Jones, administrative man- ager for the history department. "We just did want we thought was appropri- ate," she said. Ann Arbor received 13.1 inches of snow, University weather observer Dennis Kahlbaum said. More snow is expected to accumulate tonight and tomorrow. The city deployed a fleet of 24 trucks to plow 835 miles of roads. Unlike the snow- storm that immobilized the city two years ago, the city did not declare a state of emer- gency this week. Genessee and Lapeer counties closed all roads yesterday and proclaimed a state of emergency. The Flint Journal did not publish yesterday for the first time in 42 years because not enough employees were able to reach the office and there was no way to deliver the newspaper. More than 200 cars were stranded along Interstate 75 near Flint on Monday night and yesterday morning. Northwest Airlines alone canceled more than 125 flights going to and from Wayne County's Detroit Metropolitan Airport. Locally, the Ann Arbor Police Department received reports of at least 14 accidents due to snow since Monday, Sgt. Ed Stuck said. "Let's just say it's been a lot," Stuck said, adding that he had not yet counted accident reports from yesterday afternoon. He could not comment on the severity of the accidents. Stuck said to avoid collisions drivers need to allow for plenty of following distance and exer- cise patience. "The biggest thing is you just can't be in a hurry," he said. "You can't drive like it's 80 degrees and sunny outside ... this means that if the speed limit is 25 and it's snowing outside, 25 might be too fast." Many students reported being "almost run over" as they navigated the snow-covered inter- sections aroun dcampus. See SNOW, Page 2 NORMAN NG/Daily Snow sits piled high above Regents' Plaza last night, a day after a blizzard dumped 13.1inches of snow on Ann Arbor. All public schools in Washtenaw County closed, but the University held classes as usual. Congress may attempt to ban Internet gambling By Louie Mezlish The Internet Gambling Prohibition Act of prosecute Internet gaming sites based in another I shouldn't be able to place a bet on my home Daily StalfReporter 2000, would not allow representatives of gam- state. PC." bling businesses to "place, receive, or otherwise The penalty for doing so would be either The bill did not pass when it was brought One issue that Congress could examine in the make a bet or wager" or to "send, receive, or $20,000 or the amount of the bet that was before the House in July. Goodlatte attempted remaining days of its lame-duck session involves invite information assisting in the placing of a bet wagered, whichever is more, and up to four years to get the bill passed under a "suspension of punishment for U.S. companies that run gai- or wager." in prison the rules" procedure, under which the bill bling houses on the Inter mnet. "State attorneys general were having trouble "There are no penalties for the actual bettor," would have to garner the votes of two-thirds of Such establishments include online casinos, enforcing Internet gaming because of the inter- Semones said. the House members present. It failed by a vote through which patrons wager on games like state nature of the Internet," said Michelle The bill would allow Native American of 245-159, 24 votes shy of the amount blackjack and poker, and betting houses, Semones, press secretary for Rep. Bob Goodlatte reservations to run their own Internet gaming required to pass. where patrons wager on the outcome of sports (R-Va.), who introduced the bill. In other words, Websites, Semones said, but "the bet must be "The bill struck me as a sham," Rep. Lynn events. the attorney general of one particular state cannot placed and received on their own reservation. See GAMBLING, Page 2 The editors WEATHER NEWS ARTS SPORTS Tonight in the air tonight One more time . Bowl bound Cloudy. Construction to the Rackham Graduate School building The Power Center gears up for an Michigan football heads down to 2 Low 12. has raised concerns about emissions being released encore production of William sunny Orlando, Fla., to play in the #y ''Tomorrow into the air, but University officials insist the fumes are Shakespeare's "The Tempest." Citrus Bowl against Auburn. now * Snow. High 32. harmless to people on campus. PAGE 3. PAGE 5. PAGE 14. f 4 " 4