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December 12, 2000 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-12-12

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, December 12, 2000


linton's time with Mideast adi

for a Mideast accord, or even a
resumption of peace talks, appear to be
slipping as President Clinton runs out
of time and dovish Israeli Prime Mm-
ister Ehud Barak prepares to face vot-
drs skeptical of the concessions he
offered Yasser Arafat.
Clinton made the Arab-Israeli con-
flict his highest foreign policy priority,
but even this optimistic, hard-driving
president is now suggesting that any
initiatives to reopen talks must come
from Israel and the Palestinians - not
from the United States.
Barak telephoned Clinton yesterday
before the president's departure for
' reland to explain his rationale for
seeking elections in 60 days, said

White House spokesman PJ. Crowley.
In the 30-minute talk, they also dis-
cussed the peace progress in general and
Barak's discussions with the fact-finding
commission looking into the ongoing
violence between Israelis and Palestini-
ans, Crowley said. Barak met yesterday
with former Sen. George Mitchell and
other commission members.
Clinton told Barak that his adminis-
tration would "push as hard as we can"
to get Congress to act on an aid pack-
age this year, Crowley said.
Clinton's senior Mideast mediator,
Dennis Ross, has a meeting scheduled
today in Morocco with Arafat. But the
Palestinian leader said last weekend
that the peace process was out of gas.
Earlier, he declared Barak could "go to

hell" unless he was prepared to turn
over east Jerusalem to the Palestinians
as their capital.
Edward Walker, the assistant secre-
tary of state for Near East affairs, also
was on the road to Morocco, and then
Algeria, Tunisia and ultimately Paris,
Moscow and London, where the Arab-
Israeli conflict was on the agenda for
his talks with government officials.
Geoffrey Kemp, who headed the
Mideast desk under former President
Ronald Reagan, said yesterday that he
doubted the six weeks Clinton has left
in his term - and the two additional
weeks before Barak runs for re-elec-
tion on Feb. 6 - were enough to con-

port for Barak is slim, will
its composition before then
said he did not think it wo
ing to support the prim
unless he got some agre
Palestinians would never ac
"Without some aggressiv
tion by the United States, I d
moving forward, maybe bac
Kemp, who is with the Nix
private research group.
Patrick Clawson, resear
at the Washington Institut
East Policy, said if the Israe
were delayed, "it becomesa
ited possibility, especially i
tinians are prepared to a
looks and smells more like

clude a deal.
The Israeli parliament,

where sup-

Continued from Page 1
94 and Main and State streets.
"Those are the streets that have to remain open,"
, 'Ptitz said.
After concentrating on these key areas, Fritz said
they then move to other busy roads, and finally resi-
dential areas.
Under an emergency declaration, the city
begins towing and removing parked cars so key
routes through the city can remain clear. Such
snow routes lead to important area facilities like
"" hospitals.
City Administrator Neal Berlin said the decision
to declare a state of emergency is made in coordina-
tion with the city, along with the Ann Arbor police
and fire departments, following the guidelines of the
city's emergency operations plan.
"It depends on temperature, wind, amount of snow
and the length of the storm," Berlin said. "it is not
ased on weather reports.
? t
dt _
Be Tempte
The Original Cottage InnInvites
-; treat yourself to our delicious lunc
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Enjoy assorted delicious pizzas, pastas and fe
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( list price: $93.67)
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Authr: Lrson* Edt on6th
2 n
2 ( it pnO I I8.76


Despite the snow, businesses in Ann Arbor plan to
remain open until it is completely imperative to close.
Heather Palmer, general manager of Borders
Books and Music on East Liberty Street, said the
snow hasn't been a huge problem so far
"Other than slowing things down, it's not as
much as expected," Palmer said. "We have closed
in the past due to unforeseen weather, but not
But a poetry reading by English Prof. Richard
Tillinghast scheduled for last night was canceled.
For businesses that depend on driving, the snow
presents a separate set of hindrances. Dorothy
Gacioch, general manager of Cottage Inn at
Packard Road and Hill Street, said that although
take-out will not be closed, delivery service pos-
sibly may cease.
"Our driver is being a good sport," Palmer said.
"We're gonna do our best to be available for delivery,
but it possibly may stop."
Fritz said that people should avoid driving if pos-
sible, and if necessary always keep such things as
)u to
buffet TO WRITE IC
h salads
. . A >.76-DAILY I
(734)6-39STOP IN A
- - 420
>n only i MAYNARI

water, blankets, shovels and extra clothes
outside the city.
Although the snow continues to fall, Sc
city will not quit until it is over. "We a
snow removal effort," Scott said. "We w
to fight until it ceases."
Western Michigan University in Kala
closed once already this year, but since c
ended for the semester, the university
didn't have to make a decision to close ca
Matt Kurz, Western's vice president for
"It's a very difficult decision to make,
account student, staff and safety," Kurz
closer you get to finals, the more difficul
an academic standpoint."
University officials would not offer m
into the procedures into closing school.
In the event of a disaster or emergency,
line stipulates that the President or des
announce an emergency closing.
- The Associated Press contributed to
Continued from Page 1
EW Steel is scheduled for de
Mason and Haven halls next
project managers will try to k
to a minimum, Brown said.
nitely been a distraction in the
OR weeks, but I'm not too worri
going to affect the final said
history Prof. Matthew Lassiter
be facilitating a final exam thi
in Angell Hall Auditorium A
Haven Hall construction.
"Construction often interf
oR the classroom environment," hi
But, Lassiter said there is n
pause in construction around
workers take time to eat lunc
little more worried about the s
now,' Lassiter said.
D LSA sophomore Matt Mc
who lives at Couzens Reside
K. said studying through the const
the Life Sciences Institute o
Drive has not been hard for hi
noted that he does the bulk of
ing after construction has stopp
day. Construction on the Life
Institute may begin later in th
end earlier in the evening, I
quiet time for students living i
area to sleep and study from
finals end on Dec. 22, Brown s;
'in teims of studying, I'm t
person who can block that o
freshman Tamara Schweitzer
construction noise became
when Schweitzer, a Couzens
tried to sleep. Schweitzer sai
already noticed an improvem
the beginning of the year. "The
would not leave your ears," S
said of the construction tha
wake her up s early as 7 a.m.'
bad anymore" Schweitzer said
But the banging and poun
kept students awake in the c
but does little to help them f
attention on the class material.
"The building was actual
ing," said Engineering sophoi
Castle, whose history dass ha
die around their instructor in
hear in their classroom in Mas
LSA junior Paul Ocobock's
science class in Angell Hall fa
yar problem. Ocobock's class
cred by loud noises and vibr
couple times we've had to lea
to a different room,"he said.
Brown added that weather c
the recent accumulation of s
halt or reduce construction on
Continued from Page 3.
similarity that (AAPD officer
the scene with their tracki
Brown said. The dog lost the
trial after a few blocks, ac

DPS reports. The suspects us
bats" to threaten the driver,
tained no injuries. Officers sa
pects entered a waiting car.
Managers at pizza restauran
recent incidents have made dr
aware of the potential for rob
no new precautions have be
"We don't take orders from pq
said Jessica Grose, the genera
of the Cottage Inn on Stadi
r..... ,, , ., Q M 1 , ,

, who will
s morning
, near the
eres with
e said.
ormally a
noon as
h. "I'm a
now right
nce Hall,
ruction of
n Palmer
m, but he
his study-
)ed for the
e day and
in the Hill
now until
he type of
ut." LSA
said. But
an issue
d she has
lent since
noise just
t used to
"It's not so
nding has
bcus their
ly vibrat-
more Eric
d to hud-
order to
on Hall.
ced a sim-
was both-
ations. "A
ve and go
now, may
s) were on
ing dog,"
ording to
ed "small
who sus-
ay the sus-
its said the
ivers more
beries, but
-en taken.
I manager
um Blvd.

Clinton's Ireland remind people of th
Before leaving M
visit overshadowed up one of his fe
achievements. Clii
BELFAST, Northern Ireland - As solved issues of
President Clinton prepared yesterday Army disarmamen
for his farewell trip to Northern Ireland, ment of a bipartisan
Protestant and Roman Catholic legisla- region are "liner
tors hammered out bills on dangerous past" that still co
dogs, drunken driving and e-mail, and peace process.
accused each other of reneging on the
Good Friday peace agreement. La
The routine, almost niundane, work i Lae
by former blood enemies underlined used on T
the gains of the April 1998 peace
accord that Clinton is coming to cele- ISLAMABAD,
brate, while the mutual recriminations content with stea
illustrated the enormous hurdles he trademark pirate
will prod them to overcome. glorify America
Political leaders sought to dampen suspect.
expectations that Clinton would T-shirts have
achieve a breakthrough in the hobbled Afghanistan and in
peace process during talks with the istan that feature t
region's pro-peace political leaders. company's logo al
"Bill Clinton does not wave a magic of an AK-47 assau
wand, and he doesn't pretend to. He for Osama bin L
can't solve our problems," said North- mujahid (holy warr
ern Ireland Secretary Peter Mandelson.
"But sometimes it takes a big player to - C'ompi/edfiom

e big pictur.
Washington to sho
w foreign polic
inton said the unr
Irish Republica
t and the establi
in police force in t
mL demons of tI-
uld undermine tt
s image
Pakistan -N
ding Nike's nanq
s ar4 using it t
's No. 1 terroris
shown up i
n neighboring Pa<
he U.S. sportswce
ongside a drawin
cult rifle and prais
aden, "The grey
ior) of Islam."
Dail it-ire repoi4

not change Endeavour completes difficult missio
, and Kemp CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Space shuttle Endeavour and its crew of
uld be will- returned to Earth in triumph yesterday, ending NASA's most difficult space-s
e minister tion construction mission yet.
ement the Throughout the afternoon, Mission Control had worried clouds or rain mi
cept. delay Endeavour's homecoming. But the weather cooperated, and the shut
ve interven- touched down shortly after sunset, right on time.
on't see this The international space station, Alpha, and its gleaming, new solar wi
kward," said soared over Florida four minutes before Endeavour's touchdown, clearly visi
on Center, a from Cape Canaveral as it streaked through the dark sky. By the time the shu
landed, the station was just off the Virginia coast, its three residents suppose
ch director asleep.
e for Near "Outstanding job. Welcome back," Mission Control told Endeavour comm
li elections der Brent Jett Jr. once the shuttle came to a safe stop on the illuminated runwa
a bare, lim- During their week at the space station, Jett and his crew installed the work
f the Pales- largest and most powerful solar wings. Three spacewalks were required to atta
ccept what the S600 million wings, hook up all the cables and then tighten the slack ri
an interim wing.
The astronauts also spent one day inside Alpha, helping commander B
Shepherd and his two Russian crewmates with computer problems and ca
if traveling transfers.
ott said the Governmentt sell dropped call," said William Ke
re in a full to nard, head of the Federal Comm
ill continue off cellular liscences nications Commission. The aucti
could help address that proble
mazoo has WASHINGTON - Those dropped and encourage innovation in offe
lasses have calls and network busy signals that ing new services, he said. "Co
's officials infuriate American cell phone users sumers will see the immediat
ampus, said -- who have more than tripled in benefits."
university number to 97 million in the last five
years - could be alleviated by a gov- to '
taking into ernment auction of valuable airwaves Mississippi to make
said. "The slices today.dflag
t it is from The 422 licenses that go on the auc- dcision on
tion block cover areas including much JACKSON, Miss. - A flag com
any details of the East Coast, large pockets of mission will decide today whether t
California, Texas and the Great Lakes strip the Confederate battle symbo
the guide- region. That-could help big carriers, from the state flag and replace it wit
ignee will like Verizon Wireless, AT&T Wireless a group of white stars.
and Sprint PCS, handle traffic in high Black leaders want the 106-year
this report. demand areas and during peak calling old banner scrapped and consi
hours. it a reminder of the state's race
Americans also might see new past.
choices for cell phone service in Blacks have boycotted South Cat
smaller markets, as companies olina, where officials took the Confed
livery to snap up licenses in places they erate battle flag from atop the Capit
week, but don't now cover, as well as more but continued flying it on the Statg
cep noises two-way messaging and wireless house grounds.
"It's defi- Web access. In Mississippi, some officials hav
past few "Everyone who uses a wireless promoted changing the flag as
d that it's phone knows the frustration of a means of improving race relations.
I assistant

f~jgg 911 ~, I10


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