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December 08, 2000 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-12-08

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2- The Michigan Daily Friday, December 8, 2000
Plan for observers
rejected b y Israel,
Palestinian leder


Ale associated Press
Israiel and the Palestinians yesterday
rejected a British-Fr'ench proposal aimed
at curbingt Mideast violence, leaving the
Palestinians to decide whethetr to push
for an immediate Security Council vote
on deploying a United Nations observer
force. The Palestinians have been press-
ing for a vote by today on the resolution
to put 2,000( unarmed U.N. observers in
the West Bank and Gaza-- even though
it stands virtually no chance of getting
Security Council approval because of
Israel's strong opposition.
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat
told the parents of Israeli victims of
the latest' Mideast conflict yesterday
that "we have to restore and build
peace on this land," but renewed
fighting wounded five Israel is.
Also yesterday, a Palestinian court
senltenced a 25-year-old Palestinian
laborer to death by hanging for help-
ing Israel assassinate a llamas bomb
maker who died Nov. 23 when a car
he borrowed exploded.
Israeli officials have denied
involvement in the death of Ibrahim
Bani O)dch, and they had no immedi-
ate comment on the sentence.

The Palestinian courIt's conviction
of Alan Bani Odch, a relative of the
victim, marked the first time at col-
laborator was sentenced to death. In
the past, collaborators have been
summarily executed by Palestinian
activists without trial. During his
three-hour trial, Odeh said the
Israelis blackmailed himi into help-
ing, but lie denied planting explo-
sives in the car lie lent his cousin.
As Arafat talked about peace with his
Israeli guests, one of his top lieutenants
in the West Bank called for demoinstra-
tions today and Saturday to mark the
13th aniversaty of the original Pales-
tinian uprising, which lasted from 1 987
until Isirael and the Palestinians siwied
thcir first interim peace accord in 1993.
Coinciding with the Muslim holy
month of Ramadan, often a period of
iincreased Israeli-Palestinian tension,
the two "days of rae c" declared by
Marwan Bargh1outi , the grass-roots
Palestinian leader in the West Bank,
had thle potential to rek in dlheIlarge-
Scale riots and con frontations, wh ichi
have waned In recent days.
M'ere XVereItwo senOLIs incidents yes-
terday. In a West Batik ambush, three
Israel is wi-e wounded, one crit ica ly,

Clinton seeks help for crowded skies
WASH-INGTON -- Just weeks before he'll have to ;give up Air Foirce One and
fly commercial like everyone else, President Clinton took steps yesterday to end
frustrating igh-At delays.
Clinton issued an executive order that shifts responsibility for the nation's ali
traffic control system to an independent management unit within the federal
Aviation Administration.
Managing traffic in the crowded skies will still be done at the FAA, butIl
new uiiit, called the Air Traffic Organizationi, will operate separately From the
agency's regulatory and enforcement arms.
"The FAA's 20-year effort to modernize its air traffic control technology simn-
ply has not been able to keep pace with either the emergenice of new technology
or the growth and demand for air travel," ClIinton said in making the announce-
ment to more than 1 00 representatives from consunmer and passenger rights
groups, airline executives, aircraft manufacturers, congressional stalf and gov-
ernment officials.
Fligoht delays have increased by more than 58 percent in the past five years:
canicellations of fights by 68 percent, Clinton said. IlIe called the rate of delays
Notiiig that he'll be fliing conimercially after Jan. 21. C(linton said: "I will 'tr
to wait patiently in those lines next year for Congress to do its part.-

Three hundred human-shaped cut-outs, each representing an Israeli or Palestinian
victim in the current violence, are displayed in Tel Aviv's Rabin Square.

When Palestinians opened fire on their
car on the maini north-south road
thr-ough the territory. The shiooti ng took
place near the Jewish settlemietit of
Shavei Shomron, nor-thwest of' Ntabins.
wGo of- the wounded were soldiers. the
aliv said.
AlIso, a Palest in ian worker stabbed
hiis emp lover atid anot her Israeli at
a n i ndustrial park iiear thle ILrez
crossing' point bet ween the (Gaza
Strip and Israel, police said. The
employer wzas seriously wounded.
The other I sracli shot thle attac ker,
who died later in an Israeli hospital.

Ta~u Beta fPi
M icfi gn Gamma
Tau Beta Pi, the National Engineering Honor Society, was founded to mark in a fitting manner those who
have conferred honor upon their Alma Mater by distinguished scholarship and exemplary character as
students in engineering, or by their attainments as alumni in the field of engineering, and to foster a spirit of
liberal culture in engineering colleges.
We, the officers and faculty advisors of the Michigan Gamma Chapter of Tau Beta Pi, wish to congratulate
the following people who have achieved our high standards and have successfully completed the initiation
trituals, thereby becoming active members of Tau Beta Pi:

Referring3 to the violeiice, Israeli
Pri me Miiiister F hurd Barak said the
military is undertaking operatioiis
awayI from i the public eve. "We Will
cottiue intense activirt to appre-
heind those whio attack us:"'lie said.
Nearly 300) people, most of' thieii
Palestiniians, have been killed since
rioting erupted Sept. 28.
D~espite thle violence. Arafat
expressed hopes for peace in hiis
eetinig with the 12 Israeli peace
activists - relatives of people killed
i Palest iniatn terror attacks --in iiIs
Caza C'ity office.

Coalition works to
simplify tax codes
WASHIINGTON -Thie bewil-
deritig federal income tax system
should be replaced with something
s imnpler and far less burdeiisoime, a
coialition of' interest groups aiid two
seiiior I-ouse Republicanis said yes-
thisay Like previous such efforts,
otine faces an uphill figh1t.
The 1 9 orgaiiizat ions that form
the Coalition for fundamental Tax
Reform f'avor different solutions
ran _ ng fromi a flat, sinizle-rate
inconie tax applied equally to all
taxpayers to the replacemeiit of' the
ncome tax with a tiational sales
T1hey all agree that the, current
federal income tax system adminis-
tered by the Internal Revenue Ser-
vice is far too comiplex and
intrusive, robs people of' incentive to
earn money and contains too many
loopholes and special breaks
exploited by powerf'ul businesses
anid wealthy taxpayers. The incom-
ing Congress and new president

have a Perfect opportunity to begani
an overhaul. thley sai.
''Our- tax system is brokeii. It' has
to be f'ixed," said JIim Milleir, a for-
mer budget director for President
Reagzan now affiliated with ('itizris
for a Sound Lcoiiomv, a gr-oup .th
advocates lower taxes and less gW
Customers ordered
to reduce power use
SACRAMENTO, Cal if. Cali-
t'orn ia edgzed towardi an unipiecedented
enei'gy crisis yesterday as hunidi'eds of'
companies wxere ordered to cut back
on electricity use and officials warned
of the possibility of i'olling blackout
"We are really hurtiiig today. T
state is scrambling to find enemgy,,
1saulv Pat Dorinson, spokesman for ite
California Independent System Ope-
ator, a state power agency.
TIhe. power crunch --which' hit
befoi'e winter had even begun -- has
been blamed on cold weather in the
Northwest, fhe shutdown of some
power plants for repairs, and the effe
of utility deregulation in California.W


k 1. -
<;:i "

Paul Albertus
Dean Anderson
Scott Austin
Karlin Bark
Joshua Bartlett
Kevin Brehm
Jason Burr
Eric Castle
Ho Yin Chan
Jack Chao
Jason Cheng
Brian Cheung
Harindra Chopra
Daniel Draeger
Keith Droz
Mario Fabiilli

Megan Flynn
Matthew Franczak
Jessica Garbern
Matthew Gover
Jessica Ho
Thomas Jackson
Joshua Johnson
Damien Kaiser
Laura Kao
David Kirtley
Kimberly Kuether
Matthew Leach
Eric Lee
Ka-Yee Lee
Sooho Lee
Stephanie McGuire

MaryAnn Mertz
Brian Netter
Gregory Nissen
Kevin Obrigkeit
Mark Outslqy
Kevin Pakra van
Michael Pearson
Kirsten Pine
John Redmond
Michael Rodehorst
Brent Ross
Eric Salenski
William Schl otter
Benjamin Stafford
Dan Tam
Wilkin Tang

Billy Thain
Jesse Thomas
Steven Tom
Sandra Turnbull
David Umulis
Alisha Vachhani
Shree Venkat
Nishant Verman
Philip Weed
Jeanne Whalen
Chun Ming Wong
Soon Keat Woon
Melissa Woo
Bohua Yu

Riots, tear gs erupt
at EUT conference
N ICE" , France .II-- undreds oh'
stone-throwing protesters rushed bar'-
ricades around a conference center
whei'e Europea n lcadet's met yesterday
for a milestone summit on unity.
French riot police drove them back
With tear gas and stun grenades, atnd
45 wei'e detained.
Thle clashes, which recalled similar
demonstrations that have mari'ed other
high-prof'iIe international gatherings
in i'ecent months, ci'eated scenes of
chaos in this i'esort Riviera city.
Some banks and businesses were
covered in graffiti -- with slogatis rang(-
ing from "Long live LTA,"referiring to
the violent Basque separatist group, to
"Death to Money." Streets were littei'ed
with stonies, pieces of wood, broken
sigis anid used tear gas canisters.
'lear (!as waf'ted across lie
enti'ance to the mammoth, concrete
bu ilIdiiig durn tg the morning con-
f'roiitation, causingFi'eiich President
Jacques Chiriac to sneeze and Prime

Minister Lionel Jospin to step away
from photographers so he could
blow his nose.
Chiirac later harshly criticized the
Violence. "We solemnly Conde
these acts. They are iradically oppos'?lI
to the democratic traditionis of all tour
countries," he told a new~s conf'erence:
At least 20 police off'icers weree
lightly inju'ed in the clashes.
Prosecutors compare
Estrada to Marcos
MANILA, Philippinies --Prose*@
tors at the impeachment trial of Presi-
dent JIoseph Estrada said yest erday
that his administration was taitited 'by
money, m'ansioins aiid mistresses -
comparing the pt'esideiit to the late
dictator Fend intand;M arcos.
"I wonder who is the bigger crook'?"
asked piosecutor Rep. Joker Arrovo',
recallingl the faniously corrupt rule of
Marcos, whose i111-gotten wealth has
been estimated at S2 billioni.

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Mike Spahn, Editor>;In Chief I

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NEWSY Jewel Gopwani, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Nick Bunkley. Michael Grass, Nika Schulte, iaimie Winkler
s'nr L den, ASr.Kr 9riL ,ny'A "i Cri. Lii O wr:9/:: '..Crr:i I. . c , t:CLN
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PHOTO Louis Brown, Jessica Johnson, Edi*
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