Running up awards
Running hack Anthony Thormas and
his coach Fred lackson havc been
numirnated for postseasoln awards. Read
about them online. /sports
PO iitititatRT S
DECEMBER 1, 2000
Bennett 'drained,' steps down
MADISON (AP) - Dick Bennett,
who guided Wisconsin to an NCAA
Final Four appearance this year, is retir-
ing because of burnout.
"I just simply was drained. I just
simply could not keep tip and it began
to bother me," Bennett said yesterday
at a tearful news conference flanked
by his wife, Anne, and athletics direc-
tor Pat Richter. "I don't want to go out
The 57-year-old Bennett said his
health was fine.
Assistant Brad Soderberg, who
played for Bennett at Wisconsin-Ste-
vens Point in the early 1980s, was hired
as interim coach for the remainder of
the season.
"This is a tough day for me because
I'm so close to Coach," Soderberg said.
"I just think it's a sad day for basketball
in Wisconsin."
Soderberg said he tried to talk Ben-
nett out of retiring, "but as he told me,
he just ran out of gas."
Soderbere was head coach at South
Dakota State (1993-95) before joining
the Wisconsin staff when Bennett
became the coach.
Bennett came to Wisconsin in 1995
after twice being passed over for the
Badgers' job. Before that, lie spent nine
years at Wisconsin-Stevens Point and
10 seasons at Wisconsin-Green Bay.
"I have been blessed to be able to do
the things I've always wanted to do, in
the state I always wanted to do it and I
ended up at the place I always wanted
to be," Bennett said.
In April, the Badgers lost to Michi-
gan State 53-41 in the NCAA tourma-
ment semifinals. the team's first NCAA
Final Four appearance in 59 years.
Afterward, Bennett spent a week-
mulling retirement but decided to return
for a sixth season.
Before the Badgers made their unex-
pected run to the Final Four, Bennett
was the subject of harsh criticism in
Wisconsin for his antiquated style of7
coaching and his perceived shortcom-
ings in recruiting. Unlike many coaches,;
Bennett admits he hears criticism and
is hurt by it.
Bennett was among the college .
game's most respected tacticians for his
defensive system that puts premiums
on team play and execution. He fin- APPHC
ished with a career record of 453-258, A teary-eyed Dick Bennett (right) announces his retirement as coach of Wisconsin's
including a 93-69 mark in Madison. basketball team yesterday. The coach claimed to have simply run out of gas.
Conference race heats up
as icers heads to Marquette
Freshman Michaela Leary (5) would be wise to pass the ball inside. Michigan has
struggled from 3-point land this year.
Little chance for-'M
With ts outside shot
By Ryan C. Moloney
Daily Sports Writer
In 1991, the Northern Michigan hockey team exploded
out of Marquette to win 26 straight games, with the last
coming in the most important game _- an enthralling,
triple-overtime 8-7 victory over Boston University in
the NCAA championship game.
Since then, the Wildcats have
been a steady but silent presence THIS W1
on the national scene - never MARQI
receiving the falnfare of its state
hockey counterparts, superpowers Who: Michigan (6-3
Michigan and Michigan State. overall) at Northern
The C'CII A got a shot in the 7-4-4)
arm when Northern rejoined the When: 7 p.m. tonig-
league in 1997. after leaving to Latest: Michigan tr
play in the WC HA in 1984. Still, by one point in thet
the hype surrounding the Wol- ing this weekend's1
verines and Spartans, and even important for the tit
recent conference darling Western
Michigan, has eluded the Wild- CCHA st
cats. Team
"We're the ty pe of program that 1. Michigan State
is respected by coaches and not 2. Northern Michiga
so much by the media," Northern 3, Michigan
coach Rick Comlev said. "That 3. WesternMichigar
has to do with the remote location 5. Ohio State
we're a small town. It's hard 6. Miami
when vou 're moderately sized." 6. Alaska Fairbanks
Michican (6-3 C(HA, 10-3-2
overall) heads into the Berry
Events Center this weekend riding
CCHA, 10-3-2
Michigan (54-3.
ht and tomorrow.
ails the Wildcats
conference with the man-advantage
at 25.8 percent. Northern checks in
at an atrocious 10.9 percent, good
for last in the CCA.
The disparity is evident in both
teams' plus-minus totals: Michigan
is a combined +57 to opponents'
-65, while Northern Michigan sports
a compilation of +90 to opponents'
that a team secured both a win and a tie.
Offensively, the Wildcats balance their attack with
several reliable scorers up front. Chris Gobert and Fred
Mattersdorfer lead the team with 15 points and Bryce
Cockburn has nine goals in 15 games.
The difference in the matchup might come down to
powerplay execution. The Wolverines are second in the
to round 2
By Albert Kim
Daily Sports WVriter
The Michigan volleyball team
proved that the regular season really
didn't matter by beating Louisville
in the first round of the NCAA Tour-
nament yesterday night. The Wol-
verines jumped out to a quick 2-0
lead, and held on to win 3-1 (15-12,
15-11, 2-15, 15-12).
"We just played really well today'
Michigan assistant coach Leia
Rosen said.
Louisville had been one of the
hottest teams in the nation, winning
its last six matches and 1 9 of its at
But the Wolverines knew comning
in that although the Cardinals were
hot, all the Wolverines needed was
consistent play to win, and they got
i t. '
"We played very steady, and didn't
make a lot of errors," Rosen said.
There was no doubt that the
strength of the Wolverines' coifer-
ence schedule had a big part in
Michigan's preparation for torna-
ment play. The Cardinals hd the
distinct disadvantage of playing in a
weak Conference USA.
"We've seen very tough compe-
tition in the Big Ten, and 1 think
we had bigger blockers than they re
used to seeing in Conference USA"
Rosen said.
Faced with the prospect of play-
ing their last match, the Wolverines
had to look no further than their
seniors to step up their y game. Senior
Alija Pittenger led the team with 23
kills, and seniors Joanna Fielder and
Sarah Behnke contributed 10 and
13 kills respectively. Behnke -also
added a team-high 21 digs to pace
the defense.
"They certainly have extra imen-
tive, because it's their season,'
Rosen said. "All season we'vg b en
talking about senior leadership,.and
they really stepped up tonight."
It was a total team effort, thofiugh
as freshman Nicole Poquette led th
team with seven blocks, and stter
Shannon Melka was her usual rel-
able self, notching 50 assists.
But stats only go so far in teling
the story.
It was a match that was more
about desire and the will to win tha
about the number of kills. The Wo
verines were actually outhit in kilt
percentage (.258 to .222), were out-
blocked, had fewer digs and just one
more kill.
But the bottom line was that they
Michigan wil nov take on No.
2 seed Arizona, the host school. Ln-
the second round tonight at 9. pm
tonighit. '
One step closer
With the win over Louisville, the'vol-,"
leyball team is in the round of 32.
Tonight at 9 p.m., the Wolverines"
will face Arizona, the No. 2 seed in
the region and the host of the first
round and second round games.
Some Wildcats that the Wolverines
should keep their eyes on:
Dana Burkholder 13.85assstspergame,
Aison Napier 3.86 kills per gam'e
stefani saragosa 1.2 blocks per gape^
f By Benjamin Singer
DA Sb poiis t\\rib
The season is still y oung, and Michi-
gan has time to grow.
But the women's basketball team
thouih last year was its growth spurt.
This season was supposed to be the
continuation of its ascension toward the
nation's cte.
A win over then No. 8 Louisiana
Tech in the opener served ___
as an 1-told-vou-so to the TONS
voters who forced Michi- ~~~~~
can's absence from the top Cho L
25Who: Michig
Before too lon, Mich- New Hanpsh
igan went fromii celebrat- Menh
Ing an upset to coping with Hateat Micir
a nediocre 3-2 record. It Hawariwinnin
still sutfers from grow in o a E e
What ails Michigan is -----
its long-range shooting . After hitting
56.7 percent from the field in two exhi-
bitions, the Wolverines have gone cold.
They shot just 38 percent InI their first
three games. Two easy wins over North-
ern Illinois and Stephen F. Austin got
them back up to a composite 43 percent.
For a team that thought it could rely on
fastbreaks and jumpers, its most consis-
tent offense is in the post. Raina Good-
low, LeeAnn Bies and Jcnnifer Smith
have combined to contribute nearly 30
points a game on 60 percent shootiiw.
Michigan continues to shoot 3-point-
ers, but fails to connect. A dismal 21.6
percent from 3-point land is due in part
to a 3-for-24 team effort in the first two
Michigan coach Sue Guevara said if
she were the opposition, she would play
"the zone to force us to shoot the out-
side juniper and make us score from the
perirmcter, because that's where we are
struggling the most."
She still expects even more from her
post players, waiting for a display of utter
" would love to see two vcry aggres--
sive animals in the post that keep calling
and working for the ball,' Guevara
said,."Theyie comiiin.They're not there
The battle inside may be whereithe out-
colle is determined against New Ilamp-
shire (2-1) tonight -6-3 center Anna
Matthias averages 18.5 points per game
for the \Wildcats.
Defelnse is also alvays a point
of emphasis for Guevara. Freshlmari
Stephanie (Gandy said
GHT she's received instructtion
AREN:a to defend "so tight I
Ahould know what color
(32) vs. underwyear the other girl
(2) wore.
Although Michigan has
n rturs forn outshot its opponents this
two straght ealtliy ar losing the
.s. tw turniovebattle,84-73. Bad
shots alld passes seem to
----- have a way of catching
Michi'an at the wrong times.
In its loss to Washington. Nichigan's
comeback attempt xxas snufd out xvhen
poor decisions alloxwed tie huskies to
finish the final seven minutes on a 13-5
run. The same troubles followed them
against Arkansas.
"In the Arkansas game we came back,"
(uevara said. "There were three times
in the second half where we were within
three points and then shot ourselves in
the foot with mental mistakes. And that's
what drives me crazy."
A lineup change inserting the moire
mobile (Gdandy and Sniith -sparked the
Wolverines to two straight victories, the
latter of which truly impressed Guevara.
"I thought the game against Stephen F.
Austin was the best we played all year,"
she said.
But the fight to grow up is not over.
"I think we need to be tougher," Gue-
vara said. "I saw a little bit of softness
from people. I think evciy game we
improved, but I don't think we're at the
point where we ieed to be to contend in
the Big Teli."
ligh after impressive victories over Wisconsin and
Minnesota last wcek. For Red Berenson, a coach con-
ceried about his team's CCIA placing heading into the
Great Lakes Invitational, the Wildcats' silence is deaf-
"I don't know if they know hoy quiet they are,
Berenson said, "but they're a good team and they're not
going to fool us. We can just look at the standings.''
Cuirrently, Northern (5-4-3, 7-4-4) holds second place
in the CCII A with 13 points - a point more than Mich-
igan. Though the Wildcats have fallen in four CCI IA
games this season, they've played more games (12)
than any other team.
Northern won and tied last weekend against Notre
Dame - 3-1 Friday niiht and 1-1 oi Saturday. It was
the third weekend out of six this season in the CCHIA
'HA race, mak- "It's frustrating. In trying for a
Imes extremely high spot in the league it is impor-
race. taut to have powerplay scoring,"
Comley said. "We are as -good as
dings: anyone in the league, but not pow-
Record Pts erplay-wise."
7-1-1 15 Michigan goalie Josh Blackburn
5-4-3 13 will peer down the ice at a distant
6-30 12 reflection this weekend --- North-
5-0-2 12 ern freshman goalie Craig Kowal-
5-3-0 10 ski. Like Blackburn two years ago,
4-3-1 9 Kowalski is a starting freshman net-
3-43 9 iminder who has found success so
far. In 10 games, the upstart has
racked up a 5-3-2 record and a .916
save percentage -- good for second
in the league behind Michigan State goalie Ryan Mill-
cr's seemingly infallible .956.
Kowalski's sure-handed performance has favored a
team with no bonafide stars on defense - a hefty
responsibility for a freshman.
"ihe's played a fev games and he's adjusted," Michi-
gan winger Andy iilbert said. "IIe's a heck of a goalie
and lie's going to want to prove something against us."
Faciting Michigan is eiiough to put a little more in the
tank for any team, but Northern will do it the same as
usual, with a little ch ip on the shoulder.
"'We're never eoinig to be a Michigan or a Michigan
State, but we've found a xway to be successful and
always competitive,' C'omley said.
])ci/v Sports1ier I -Joe Smith
contributed to this rpori.
Track set to fire gun on season
By Shawn Kemp
Daily Sports Writer
The snow has lit Ann Arbor more
than once already this season - a
sure sign that it's time for indoor
track and field.
A fter training for three long
months, the Michigan men's indoor
track and field team will kick off its
season on today with its annual intra-
squad meet, held at 6 p.m. at the
M ichigan Indoor Track Building.
The intrasquad meet is a dual
meet with members of the Wolver-
ines split into two even teams - the
Maize team versus the Blue team.
Both teams will compete in every
standard indoor event, with the
exception of the mile and the
3000-meter run. The races will be
reduced to a 2400-meter run and a
1200-meter dash.
The middle distances are where
coach Ron Warhurst hopes to see his
athletes ruin the strongest.
"I'm looking for some real good
performances in the 1200 and the
niie-and-a-half, since those guys
are the fittest just coming off of'
their cross counitry season," War-
hurst said.
All-America senior Mike Wis-
niewski is returning from his redshirt
crms conantrv season, and, combined
xwith Al-America Mark Pilja, should
control the distance events. Juniors
Derek Applewhite and Ike Okenwa
will return in the sprints, while pole
vaulters Charles DeWildt and Brent
Sheffer return as Michigan's top
field-event athletes.
Although the middle-distance run-
ners may be in the best shape, their
efforts won't necessarily decide the
outcome of the meet.
Each event awards five points for
first place, three for second, two for
third and one for fourth.
But the meet is intentionally kept
close. Only the first two competitors
from each team can score in each
event, keeping a team from scoring.
This limited scoring allows for an
exciting finale, as the winting team
is decided in the last race.
Instead of the regulation
I600-meter relay, the intrasquad
meet features six teams composed
of cighit runners each. Regardless of
the score of the meet, the scoring
for the two-mile relay is weighted
so that it decides the outcome of the
"It's a fun way to start it off,"
Warhurst said.
While the intrasquad meet isn't
completely serious, it is used to
determine who will ultimately make
the team, with most races used as
time trials. Final cuts f1or the team
wil be made in January.
"We want to see what they can do,"
Warhurst said. "Everybody who's
walkig is runing."
The meet runs until approximately
8:30 p.m. tonight, and wi Il resume
at I 1 a.m. tomorrow.
. i
Tites on line this weeked
SEC championship game:
ATLANTA (AP) - Michigan's
Citrus Bowl opponent will be deter-
mined after tomorrow's SC' cham-
pionship game between No.7 Florida
and No. 18 Auburn.
The winner of tomorrow's game
goes to the Sugar Bowl as the SLC's
representative in the Bowl Champi-
Big 12 championship game:
Kansas State a month or so to pre-
pare, and the Wildcats would prob-
ably throw a tight zone defense at
Josh t leupel.
The problem is that the Wildcats
(10-2) don't normally play zone.
So they'll have to stick with what
h .r-11, a 111, o.I r - -+ - a s t7}t