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November 30, 2000 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2000-11-30

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, November 30, 2000 - 9A

'M' nine picks tri-
captains for 2001
The Michigan baseball team named
its captains for the 2001 baseball season
yesterday, selecting pitchers Bryce
Ralston and Nick Alexander and infield-
er Scott Tousa to lead the team.
Ralston missed the entire 2000 sea-
son, recovering from Tommy John
urgery. In 1999, Ralston was consid-
ered the ace of Michigan's rotation,
recording an 8-1 record with a 3.54
ERA. Alexander was 4-2 during the
2000 season, leading the team with a
3.10 ERA. Tousa is Michigan's top
returning hitter, batting .335 last season.
- Staf'reports
Pac-1O threatens
. leave BCS
LOS ANGELES (AP)--The Pac-10
monference could withdraw from the
-Rwl Championship Series if No. 5
Oregon State isn't picked for the Fiesta
-pwl, which is preparing for Sunday's
jection of teams.
2No. 2 Miami and No. I 1 Notre Dame
oVe the leading teams for the Fiesta
4owl. Oregon State (10-1), whose only
loss was by three points at Pac-10
champion Washington, could lose out
on the big payoff of a BCS bowl.
Relegating the Beavers to the Holiday
Bowl would cost the Pac-lO, which
shares bowl revenues, about $4 million.
The Pac-10 contract to take part in the
BCS expires in 2006.
"The Pac-10 may be better off going
back to the Rose Bowl and forgetting
he rest," Hansen said. "I wouldn't want
o continually subject our teams to the
anticipation of being selected and fairly
considered when it just doesn't hap-
pen." OThe Rose Bowl is in the BCS
rotation to have a No. 1-2 game once
every four years. But the No. 2 team in
the Pac-10 has regularly been shut out
of the other premier bowls in the BCS.
Arizona was the only at-large selection
for a major bowl in recent years, going
G the 1994 Fiesta Bowl.
Carruth allegedly
admitted murder plot
-CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) - As his
JV'Cgnant girlfliend lay wounded, Rae
C, arruth confessed to planning her
stiooting and said he wished she would
die, a former girlfriend testified vester-
day. "He said, 'I can't get in trouble, can
because I didn't actually pull the trig-
;er?" Candace Smith said.
Smith told jurors that the former NFL
receiver also told her that he paid men
involved in the shooting over time to
-avoid raising suspicions and that he
"saw the guys pull up and shoot into her
car." Carruth is charged with first-
legree murder in the Nov. 16, 1999,
shooting of Cherica Adams.

ACC/Big Ten Challenge
ACC wins 5-4
Yesterday's games
Purdue 79
No. 21 Virginia 98
No. 6 North Carolina 64
No. 3 Michigan State 77
No. 14 Maryland 75
No. 23 Wisconsin 78 (OT)
Penn State 76
North Carolina State 84
Minnesota 76
Florida State 71
Tuesday's games
No. 12 Wake Forest 71
Michigan 60
Northwestern 44
Clemson 57
No. 8 Illinois 77
No. 1 Duke 78
Georgia Tech 67
Iowa 85
State wins
N.C. rematch
third-ranked Spartans beat No. 6
North Carolina 77-64 yesterday in an
ACC/Big Ten Challenge game.
The Tar Heels failed to avenge
their 86-76 loss to Michigan State in
last year's Challenge.
Jason Richardson led Michigan
State (4-0Y with 16 points, while
Andre Hutson had 14 points and nine
rebounds. Charlie Bell added 15
points as part of the Spartans' bal-
anced attack.
Kris Lang prevented North
Carolina (3-1) from being routed by
scoring a carcer-high 22 points on
1 l-of-16 shooting.
Michigan State extended the
nation's longest winning streak to 15
games and won its 32nd straight
home game, second only to Utah's 54.
The Spartans went on a 14-2 run
late in the first half and never relin-
quished the momentum.
The sixth-ranked Tar Heels were
the highest-ranked nonconference
opponent ever to visit the Breslin

Arndt fights through harrowing comeback

By Steve Jackson
Daily Sports Writer
Jennifer Arndt exits the pool and heads to the lock-
erroom so trainers can cover her shoulders with two

large bags of ice.
This routine serves as
a daily reminder of what
the fifth-vear senior has
been through.
Last year's co-captain
of the women's swim-
ming team suffered from
shoulder problems that
ended her 2000 season
before it really started.
She went under the knife
in August of 1999.
Under the care of Dr. Pat
McKenzie - surgeon for t
a friend of the Arndt fami

What: 2000 Texas
When: 6 p.m. tomorrow
and Saturday, and 3 p.m.
on Sunday
Latest: The team will
split - four of the remain-
ing swimmers will join the
diving team for an invita-
tional in Ypsilanti.
lhe Green Bay Packers and
lv - Arndt underwent an

intensive rehabilitation program that included two-
hour workouts each day. After four months, she was
back training in the pool.
The average person would require a full year after
the surgery to recover.
"It felt so good to get back in the pool and wear that
M' again," said Arndt, who will next enter the pool
this weekend with a group of Michigan swimmers at
the Texas invitational.
Michigan coach Jim Richardson "and all the girls
have been so supportive," Arndt said. "I couldn't be
here without them."
Arndt considers her first home meet after the
injury, an October meet against Iowa and Wisconsin,
as one of her all-time favorite swimming moments.
Not only did the backstroker return to action, but she
also came close to her personal best in her very first
race back.
"I looked up and saw my parents and then my
time. I started crying. It was all so emotional. I
was a mess," Arndt said. "The whole process of

getting back was so mentally draining. That
moment made all the work worthwhile."
Despite the daily ice packs, Arndt claims that her
shoulder "feels good most of the time." This season
will be a long one, but Arndt is dedicated to finishing
When she leaves Michigan, Arndt hopes to find a
job in athletic administration. She currently helps to
coordinate the Student Athlete Leadership Forum.
"The forum brings student-athletes from atl the
programs together to talk about the special issues that
they face at Michigan," Arndt said.
"It gives the administration and athletes a chane to
discuss things like scheduling and facilities."
A water-skiing and snow-skiing enthusiast, Amrtt is
also one of the biggest Packer fans one will everncet.
Everyone was quick to ask her about the Packers-
Panthers Monday Night game at practice.
"My boyfriend is coming with me to watch' the
Lions game at Lambeau in a few weeks. I'm working
on getting him to wear a Cheese I lead," Arndt said.

j~ " i

Continued from Page 8A
impressive when considering some of
the teams Michigan has already
"If you look at how we've played in
the tough games so far, we're right
there," Berenson said. "We played
North Dakota, we played Michigan
State, Minnesota, Wisconsin -- all
these teams have been No. I or close
to it"
Michigan is 2-1-1 in those "big
games." The Wolverines tied North
Dakota 5-5 and lost to Michigan State
1-0 in a game in which they heftily
outplayed the Spartans.
On the other side of the equation,
Michigan is 6-3 in the conference.
Besides the loss to Michigan State,
the Wolverines have also fallen to
Ferris State and Alaska-Fairbanks --
two teams picked to finish in the bot-
tom third of the 12-team CCHA this
"It's unacceptable. We shouldn't be
doing that," Michigan captain Geoff
Koch said.
This year, the CCHIA has just one
automatic bid to the NCAA tourna-
ment, compared to the two the league
has been granted in the past.
While there is little question that at
least one more team from the confer-
ence will find its way into the 12-
team field with an at-large bid, the
best bet is to succeed in the confer-
ence and remove all doubt.
To do that, the Wolverines have to
get in gear for the rest of the confer-
ence season.
"We couid be in fifth place before
Christmas if we don't have a good
weekend," Berenson said.

Biggest meet' next
for men s swimming

By Mike Bloom
Dal Sprts Writer

Michigan is taking care to ensure it
doesn't make any more special
moments for bottom-feeders.
Gfames against nonconfercice fces
- particularly ranked opponents -
do help teams secure at-large bids.
But if Michigan had lost to
Minnesota this weekend in the team's
"big game," it would have done far
less damage than the losses to Ferris
State and Alaska-Fairbanks.
"Every game is a huge game,"
sophomore Mike C'ammalleri said.
"At the end of the season, the smaller
games cost the most. You need to win
every game that you possibly can. We
haven't won gaiiies that we have to
win, and are supposed to win, and
that bothers us."

For the men's swimming team, this
weekend's trip down south to Austin is a
chance for revenge.
Two weeks ago, Michigan hosted Texas
at Canham Natatorium, only to fall 15
points short in a meet where the victor
was never in doubt. Now it's Texas' turn to
reciprocate the hospitality, as No. 9
Michigan flies south to compete in the
Texas Invitational.
It's appropriate that a tournament
hosted by the nation's top team includes
the most selective guest list of the year.
Eight of the 25 ranked teams will make
the trip to the Lone Star State, including
No. 4 Arizona and No. 5 Cal. Over the
weekend, 10 participants of the Sydney
Olympics will grace the water, includ-
ing Michigan's own Chris Thompson.
"Other than the NCAAs, this is the
biggest meet for the collegiate season,"
Michigan coach Jon Urbanchek said. The
teams "are going to use this meet to make
the cuts to get into the NCAAs."
While virtually all teams attending
will use the times obtained in this tour-
nament to qualify, Michigan will be
using their Big Ten championship times
for qualification.
With a spot in the postseason at stake
for the iajority of swimmers, one caii
expect those with any NCAA hopes to
be focused and well-prepared.
"They are going to shave and taper
trying -to make the NCAA cuts,"

What: 2000 Texas tnvitational
When: Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Latest: No. 9 Michigan travels to Austir to
face the top-ranked Longhorns. Eight ranked
teams will compete.
Urbanchek said. "If you make the cut,
then you get to go to the meet. If not,
yuwatch it on T.V
The strategy of tapering al be
thought of in terms of a bicycle race. As
the race progresses, the cyclist spends
more and more energy. Tapering.is.ike
cutting back by cruising downta hill.
When the cyclist reaches the bottom of
the hill he is refreshed and rejuvenated
- ready to shoot out into a sprint.
This is how the other team's swim-
mers have trained, for this weekend.
Each practice has been increasingly
longer and more difficult until *a few
days before the competition. By the tiiie
the starting gun sounds, their bodies will
be invigorated.
Michigan will not enter the weekend
with similiar preparation because of a
number of ailments. Senior. Tim
Siciliano's nagging shoulder injury and
sophomore Garret Mangieri's dual car
infections will prevent the team from
being prepared to make a -rurn at
NCAA-qualifying times.
As unusual as it may sound coming
from a coach, Urbanchek said
"Michigan will not be fully prepared
for the competition."


The University of Michigan
museum of art

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Imagine the implications of a world without art.

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More than 30 million people worldwide are infected with
the HIV/AIDS virus, and the international arts community
has been devastated by the AIDS epidemic.
On Friday, December 1, 2000, the University of Michigan
Museum of Art in Ann Arbor presents a full day of special
programming in observance of World AIDS Day.

Schedule of events
10 am-noon, and 1-4:30 pm:
Blue, Derek Jarman, 1993
continuous showings

12 noon -1 pm
Readings on loss and the AIDS epidemic
Cvarious authors and speakers)


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