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November 30, 2000 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-11-30

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, November 30, 2000 - 3A

Costs of obesity
increases as
:time increases
Obesity not only affects health but
also affects people economically,
according to a study by the University
Institute for Social Research.
The study, presented Nov. 19 at the
annual meeting of the Gerontological
Society of America, found that mid-
dIe-aged women are affected the most
and the economic cost of being obese
increases with age.
Researchers analyzed data from the
University Health and Retirement
Study, which provided information on
more than 7,000 men and women.
The research team examined the labor
market and wealth consequences for
obese and non-obese women.
They found that the individual net
worth of moderately to severely obese
women between the ages of 51 and 61
was about 40 percent less than that of
non-obese women in 1992.
In 1998, moderately to severly obese
women between the ages of 57 and 67
had an individual net worth of about 60
percent less than non-obese women.
Researchers do not know why there
is such a drastic difference in net
worths but attribute it to the cultural
norms of society, which stigmatize
obese women.
Results for men were not statistical-
ly significant.
* 'Brain pacemaker'
controls seizures,
affects breathing
Pacemakers implanted into the
chests of epileptics to help control
seizures may affect patients' breathing
during sleep, according to a new pilot
study at the University.
The device, called vagus nerve
stimulation, is used by more than
8,000 Americans with epilepsy. The
VNS is also currently being tested for
uise in depression.
The device uses an implanted bat-
tery and wires to directly stimulate the
vagus nerve, a long brain-to-body
communication channel on the neck.
The pulses can be turned on and off
and increased or decreased in frequen-
cy and intensity by the physcian.
The study, published in the Nov. 28
issue of the journal Neurology, exam-
ined four epilespy patients at the Uni-
versity who have an implanted VNS
Patients were given overnight
sleep tests before and after the
device was implanted. All four
patients had more instances of
decreased breathing when the VNS
* was on than when it was off.
The researchers hope further inves-
tigate the side effects of the VNS
device in terms of decreases in breath-
ing, which may affect the 20 to 30
percent of epilepsy patients who are
candidates for VN S treatment.
Men only listen
with half of brains
Research presented at the annual
meeting of the Radiological Society
of North America in Chicago this

week found that men only listen with
;; half their brain.
Researchers at the Indiana Univer-
_ sty School of Medicine used a brain-
scaning technique called functional
Magnetic Resonance Imaging to study
1 0 men and 10 women as theyIi-
tened to a John Grisham thriller.
The fMRI scanner measure high-
speed changes in neural blood flow.
Men and women tend to show differ-
ences in emotions, mathematical rea-
soning, spatial relations, perceptual
speed and women seem to activate
more neurons than men in any situa-
In the study, a majority of men
showed activity only on the left side
of the brain, while the majority of
women showed activity in the tempo-
ral lobe on both sides of the brain,
although predominantly on the left.
- Comfpilled b Dail Staff Reporter-
Lindse> Apert frin nire repoirts.

Agreement reached by workers, company

By Susan Luth
Daily StafllReporter

Workers at Van Dyne Crotty Inc., a laundromat
located in Toledo, Ohio, have come to an agree-
ment with their employer through their union, the
Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile
The agreement was settled Monday in a con-
tract that has been in negotiation for nearly six
months. It ended in a period where, according to
claims from UNITE members, the company
refused to bargain in good faith with its workers.

Management from Van Dyne Crotty refused to
The University contracted the laundromat in
May to clean various laundry from the Universi-
ty's cafeterias and hospitals.
Students Organizing for Labor and Economic
Equality said they are pleased with the decision.
They have supported UNITE members through
several actions, the most recent of which was the
delivery of a letter to President Lee Bollinger and
General Council Marvin Krislov. The letter was
hand delivered on Nov. 15 asking Bollinger to
threaten to withdraw the University's ties with Van

Dyne Crotty if working conditions did not
University spokeswoman Julie Peterson said
the University had looked into the matter until it
was resolved.
Workers for the company have been without a
contract since June. They were in negotiations
with their employer until last Tuesday when a
contract was finally ratified. Among other things,
the contract gave workers improved wages, a
401(k) plan and health care insurance.
"This is a major victory for the workers at Van
Dyne Crotty, and we are excited that our solidari-

ty with the workers helped them win a better con-
tract," said SOLE member David Lempert, and
LSA sophomore.
Researcher Dan Hennefeld said the three-year
contract was ratified by a large margin of people.
He believes it satisfied the needs of both the
workers and their employer.
"I don't think (the workers) got everything
they wanted, but I don't think they had to make
any major concessions, either," Hennefeld said.
"We will strive to monitor everything that's
going on," LSA freshman Jackie Bray, a SOLE
member, said.

Wait a minute Mr. Postman

MTV recruits for 'Fear'

By Karen Schwartz
Daily Staff Reporter

MTV is crossing the country on a
quest to find people who are willing to
face their fears on national television.
The casting team from MTV will be
holding auditions for its new series,
"Fear," next week at Borders Bookstore.
"We're looking for someone
who's going to accept a dare, not
say no and put their all into it and
try to make it through - someone
with a sense of adventure," James
Breuer, MTV casting assistant said.
"This is reality. It's not actors, it's
real people."
The show, which will air Monday
nights at 8 p.m. beginning in February,
will follow a group of six selected
70 3 -2A S9

individuals aged 18-23 on a venture
through a selected site.
Breuer said MTV gives each group
of participants dares to complete in a
specific location. The cast reports its
findings and individuals who last the
whole series win prize money.
Eight more adventures are on the
way, and four are left to cast.
Breuer said selecting cast members
is not an exact science, but rather an
effort to find a variety of people who
balance each other out and whose
chemistry works well together.
Fear has already aired two endeav-
ors. One took place at the West Vir-
ginia State Penitentiary, a closed
prison which had a history of paranor-
mal activity. The other took place at

St. Agnes hospital, a mental institution
where a series of outbreaks caused the
hospital to close.
Participants to this point have recog-
nized unusual activity but have come
together to take on these spooky
"They've bonded with each other
and come out with this strength, that
they've faced a fear and conquered it
... and now they can take on the
world," Breuer said.
LSA freshman Justin Witzke isn't
concerned with the dares or worried
about being afraid. "I'd audition for it,
to be on TV ... just to be involved in
the whole MTV thing," he said.
Auditions will take place Monday at
Borders from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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Postman Mario Rice delivers mail yesterday to residents of Wilmot Street
located off of Washtenaw Avenue.
State1 senate OKs
li mit in r tion
11 1 aneeded for abortion

LANSING (AP) - The Senate yes-
terday passed a bill restricting where
women can get information before get-
ting an abortion.
The bill, approved 27-9, now goes
back to the House to iron out differ-
ences. Two senators were absent and
didn't vote.
The measure changes how women
are able to obtain information they are
required to read 24 hours before they
obtain an abortion. A settlement
reached in 1999, nearly six years after a
court challenge, allowed that informa-
tion to be transmitted on the Internet or
by facsimile, instead of just in person or
through the mail.
But the bill requires that women

who get the information on the Inter-
net must get it from the Michigan
Department of Community Health's
Website, rather than from abortion
providers' Websites. Women would
have to get a printed confirmation
form from the state Website saying
they had read the information.
Rep. Janet Kukuk, a Macomb Repub-
lican who died Nov. 19 of breast cancer,
sponsored the bill because she said
some abortion clinics provide inaccuiate
But Judy Karandjeff, public affairs
director for Planned Parenthood Advo-
cates of Michigan, said the bill places an
unfair burden on women wishing to get
an abortion.

What Should American Jews
Do When Israel is Under Siege?
Explore the connection between Israel and
the American Jewish Community

Ameritech announces
faster phone repairs

LANSING (AP) - Ameritech
Michigan said Wednesday it doesn't
expect its customers to wait longer
than 36 hours for repairs by year's end.
That's better than the improved ser-
vice plan the company laid out in Sep-
tember for the Michigan Public
Service Commission.
At that time. Ameritech told the
PSC it intended to reduce the wait to
60 hours or less by Dec. 31, and to 36
hours or less by March 31, 2001.
Ameritech's aggressive efforts to
bring technicians to Michigan and hire
more workers helped speed up its

timeline for improved service, compa-
ny spokeswoman Amy Wood said.
The company shifted 291 techni-
cians to installation and repair work
and moved 121 technicians to Michi-
gan from other companies owned by
Ameritech's- parent company, San
Antonio-based SBC Communications
"Those technicians are still in
Michigan and those aggressive hiring
efforts have helped," Wood said.
"We're proud of the progress we've
made, but there is still work to be

What's happening in Ann Arbor today

"Jeffrey" Movie Screeing, Sponsored
by M-Flicks in association with
AIDS Awareness Week 2000,
8:30 p.m., Lorch Auditorium
® "Her Favorite Things," Sponsored
by Michigan League

U-Club Poetry Slam, Sponsored
by the Michigan Union Arts
Program, featuring Sean Shea,
8:30p.m., Michigan Union
University Club, 763-3202
* Circle K Meeting, 7:00 p.m.,
Sponsored by Kiwanis, Michigan
Union Pendleton Room, 623-0753
. "Ch..d C.a,,,, I ,(IcinM arv

"The Pedagogy of Action: The Crisis
of HIV and AIDS in South Africa,"
Sponsored by the Center for
Afroamerican and African
Studies, Amanda Brown will
speak, 12:15 p.m., 209 West
Hall, 550 E. University, 764-5513
CK.IrE c-



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