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November 29, 2000 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-11-29

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November 29, 2000

4., 42,

sore seeks speedy recount

e Associated Press

Al Gore sought a speedy hand recount of
lorida's contested ballots yesterday to
sure "no question, no cloud" hangs over
nation's 43rd president. A judge rejected
is timetable, Democratic lawyers vowed to
ppeal and Republicans demanded, "It's
me to wrap this up."
As the campaign played out in five sepa-
ate courtrooms, the vice president sought
Saccelerate the proceedings to avoid fur-
der testing of the public's patience three
eeks after Election Day.
"Seven days, starting tomorrow, for a full
accurate count of all the votes," the vice
resident said shortly before his lawyers
sked Circuit Judge N. Sanders Sauls to
rder the recount of 13,000 questionable
indulge In
ly Undsey Alpert
aily Staff Reporter

ballots in two Democratic counties.
The judge instead scheduled a Saturday
hearing and ordered the ballots - along
with one or two voting machines - sent to
Tallahassee in case he agrees that a recount
is needed. Bush's lawyers objected to Gore's
timetable, saying they
needed time to prepare,
their case against him.
Sauls is working against
a Dec. 12 deadline for
states to assign presidential
"We could count until everybody is slap-
happy, but if no one is on the same page, I
don't know what's being accomplished,"
Sauls said, explaining why he wanted one
broad-ranging hearing before considering
Gore's recount request.

The political morass stretched to the U.S.
Supreme Court, with Bush's lawyers asking
the nine justices to bring "legal finality" to
the election by overturning Florida's top
court and ending any further recounts. The
case has the "potential to change the out-
come of the presidential
election in Florida, and
thus the nation," Bush
lawyers said in legal
Gore's legal team
argued in its high court brief that the issue
"does not belong in federal court." They
want the justices to back the Florida
Supreme Court, a Democratic-leaning body
that extended the deadline for recounts. U.S.
Supreme Court oral arguments are set for

The vice president made his case for the
second day in a row for further recounts,
announcing the shift in legal strategy during
a brief exchange with reporters in Washing-
"What is wrong with counting the
votes?" Gore asked.
Bush's team quickly noted that the south-
ern Florida ballots had already been tabulat-
ed by machine. "He proposes yet another
count and another deadline," Bush spokes-
woman Karen Hughes said in Austin,
Texas. "Common sense does not allow it."
GOP vice presidential candidate Dick
Cheney, appearing on NBC, said he
believes "that it's time to wrap this up. That
we've had the election, we've had the count,
we've had the recount. Now we've had the
See ELECTION, Page 7

Vice President Al Gore speaks to reporters yesterday outside
his home at the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington.

Having a ball

cancels visit
to campus

t's the time of year when belt
uckles are loosened, waist lines
ncrease and scales are tossed to the
ide: Holiday eating in America has
As students stock up on home cook-
ng, refrigerators full of food and holi-
ay desserts when on break from
lasses, they help to contribute to the
merican culture of eating.
"Americans are substantially fatter
n any other advanced industrial cul-
," psychology Prof. Richard Nis-
ett said. "And it's getting worse
elative to ourselves and the rest of the
Individuals are considered obese if
hey weigh 30 percent more than the
deal weight, which is set by popula-
on norms.
While Americans tend to eat large
meals during the holiday season,
're also overeating on a day-to-day
"People are eating more often dur-
ing the day," said Sheila Gahagan, an
associate professor in the pediatrics
and communicable diseases depart-
"Americans are also eating more
often alone rather than in family or
social groups and that may change
how we eat," she said.
People are eating in their cars and
peking between meals, Gahagan
said, and this probably increases the
number of calories people take in.
According to the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, it
takes about 1,600 extra calories to add
a pound of fat. The calorie count is
cumulative and can add up over weeks,
months or years.
"Even if I add an extra 50 calories
t my diet, which is less than one
Mle, I'm going to gain weight,"
Gahagan said. "If you don't increase
your physical activity, you'll gain
Adding extra calories during the
holiday season is a lot easier than it
seems, considering that many holiday
goodies are loaded with calories and
"I like the stuffing and the sweet
potatoes," LSA sophomore Brittany
J son said. "I guess I end up eating
Male bit rore (during the holidays)
and then I cut back a little."
Egg nog contains about 261 calories
per cup, pumpkin pie has about 229
calories per slice and bread stuffing
contains about 108 calories per ounce.
"One thing that happens during hol-
idays for adults is that they get a lot of
See EATING, Page 7

By Rachel Green
Daily Staff Reporter
Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, presi-
dent of the Women's League of the
African National Congress in South
Africa, has canceled her scheduled
visit to the University tomorrow night.
Mandela was scheduled to speak at
the Michigan Union about the
HIV/AIDS crisis in South Africa.
"My biggest regret is that it tremen-
dously disappointed the students," said
English Prof. Marlon Ross, assistant
director of the University's Center for
Afroamerican and African studies.
"They've been looking forward to
this for three weeks and a lot of people
have worked hard to make this event
Mandela, who was scheduled to
appear in Atlanta yesterday and
Detroit today before visitings both the
University of Michigan and Eastern
Michigan University tomorrow,
remained in South Africa on Monday.
Ross said it is unclear why Mandela

postponed her trip or whether she
plans to attend her scheduled appear-
ances in the United States next month.
"We just don't have good informa-
tion from her end what happened at
this point,"he said.
Ross said his office had to make a
decision whether to cancel the event or
still hope Mandela might appear tomor-
row night. "There have been circum-
stances where she has shown up and the
engagement was able to proceed after
difficulties, but we are not in a position
where we can wait," he said.
School of Information Prof. Derrick
Cogburn said Mandela, the ex-wife of
former South African President Nelson
Mandela, was a prominent figure in that
nation's transition from Apartheid to a
democratic government.
"She was able in a dignified way to
carry forward the ideal of her husband
at the time Within South Africa," Cog-
burn said. "She was a beacon of light
for the ANC Women's League, one of
several key movements in the African
See MANDELA, Page 7

Two-year-old Taylor Wilson of Ann Arbor plays in a sea of colored balls at the new Chuck E. Cheese restaurant in
Pittsfield Township yesterday.

Four apply for vacant City Council seat

By Carrie Thorson
Daily Staff Reporter

At their meeting next week, the Ann Arbor
City Council will decide which of four appli-
cants will be the next Ward I representative.
Ann Arbor Mayor John Hieftje, a former
Ward I councilman; was-in the middle of his
two-year term when elected mayor this
Only one of the two seats in each ward is
up for election each fall, and voters elected
Democrat Jean Robinson to fill the other
Ward I position.

The City Council decided on a public appli-
cation process to fill the vacancy left by Hieftje,
a decision that differs from past practices of not
going public when trying to fill vacant council
"We wanted to open it up so that anyone,
no matter their party affiliation, would feel
comfortable coming forward and applying,"
Hieftje said. Community members reacted
positively to the public announcement, he
"One gentleman actually came over to my
house Sunday night to pick up an application
and had it in by the Monday morning deadline,"

Hieftje said.
Anthony Ramirez, who ran as an indepen-
dent candidate against Robinson, did not
apply for the vacant seat. Ramirez said he
believes the application process was not fair
after he received more than 1,500 votes in the
"I went out and campaigned very hard,"
Ramirez said. "I'm retired, not looking for
another job. I'm looking for something the peo-
ple want me to do."
Ramirez also cited more personal reasons for
not applying.
"Bob Elton, a good friend of mine, asked me

not to apply for it," Ramirez said, "and I prefer
to let him go ahead and take it."
The four applicants being considered are
security guard Peyman Bohlori, engineer Bob
Elton, Wayne State University Medical School
Prof. Robert Johnson and Wayne State law stu-
dent Jim Nicita.
Council members interviewed the candidates
Monday night.
"I was favorably impressed with all of them,"
Councilman Joseph Upton (R-Ward II) said. He
acknowledged that although he is a Republican,
he would choose the candidate that could best
See COUNCIL, Page 2

MSA picks winter
committee leaders

Center naies
new director
By Elizabeth Kassab'
Daily Staff Reporter,

"I know the challenges, I know the fears, I know the frus-
trations, I know the joys" of being an international student,
Rodolfo Altamirano said. "I know how to survive."
In 1983, Altamirano, who was officially named director of
the University's International Center at a reception in the
Michigan Union yesterday, was a college student leaving the
Philippines for Michigan.
After earning his masters and doctoral degrees at Michigan
State University, he worked as a complex director in the
Department of Residence Life at Michigan State. Most
recently, Altamirano served as assistant director of the Office
for International Stndents and Scholars at Michinan State.

Rodolfo Altamirano, a native of the Philippines, was named
Director of the University's International Center in a
reception at the Michigan Union yesterday.
extensive collection of resources regarding study, volunteer
and work abroad programs as well as international intern-
ships. It also processes paperwork for international faculty
and staff.
"We bring the best of the world to the University of Michi-
gan" by processing working visas for international faculty
members. Altamirano said.

By Jane Krull
Daily Staff Reporter
The first action of the newly elected
Michigan Student Assembly at their
weekly meeting last night was the
election of committee and commission
Chairs and vice chairs were elected
from within the assembly to head
MSA's seven committees and chairs
were picked from the entire student
body to lead the 13 commissions.
LSA sophomore James Justin Wil-
son defeated current Peace and Justice
Commission Chair Jessica Curtin for
her position by a vote of 21-17.
"Peace and Justice has only been a

was not discouraged by her loss.
"It's unfortunate, but not a big
obstacle to DAAP to build a national
movement to defend affirmative action
and integration," Curtin said.
LSA Rep. Reza Breakstone was
elected External Relations Committee
"I hope to continue the path that for-
mer chair Sarah Pray blazed in involv-
ing the University at all political
levels," Breakstone said.
LSA sophomore Elizabeth Ander-
son said that with being re-elected as
the Women's Issues Commission chair,
she can continue her work in getting
the "Vagina Monologues" off the


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