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November 28, 2000 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-11-28

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November E8, 2000


1how U'

G re

AS% e-nges

resu Its

y Soviets
staff and wire reports
Raoul Wallenberg, a 1935 Universi-
alumnus and the Swedish diplomat
ho disappeared after helping thou-
nds of Jews escape Nazi-occupied
ungary, undoubtedly was shot and
lied by the Soviets, the head of a
ussian presidential commission said
The statement by Alexander
'kovlev, chairman of the presidential
mmission on rehabilitation of vic-
s of political repression, indicates
at Russia may be on the verge of
nfirming allegations that Soviet
thorities have denied for a half-cen-
"We do not doubt that he was shot at
ubyanka," the Soviet secret police
adquarters and prison in Moscow,
news agency Interfax quoted
kovev as saying.
We must put an end to this story,
hich has acquired an acute interna-
onal significance and has been poi-
ning the atmosphere for a long
me" he said, according to the report.
If Wallenberg was indeed shot, it
kely would have happened before
oviet leader Josef Stalin's death in
akovlev could not be reached for
omment, but a commission staff
ember, speaking on condition of
onymity, confirmed the substance of
7e report.
Wallenberg graduated with honors
rom the University's College of
rchitecture in 1935 and in 1944 he
as sent by the Swedish Foreign Min-
try to Budapest, Hungary to head a
S ue mission of the Jews still living
The last confirmed sighting of Wal-
nberg was on Jan. 17, 1945, in
udapest when he was 32 years old.
allenberg was a member of one of
weden's wealthiest and most promi-
ent industrialist families.
He distributed Swedish passports to
ews in deportation trains and on death
arches, won diplomatic protection
*whole sections of Budapest and
r,anized food and medical supplies.
is efforts are credited with saving at
est 20,000 lives.
The Soviet army occupied
ludapest in January 1945 and Wal-
enberg was arrested and brought to
he Soviet Union. The Soviets said
ie was suspected of spying, and a
ormer Red Army soldier told a
aussian TV channel last month that
e detained Wallenberg after notic-
*that he had an oddly shaped
ness kit.
Some observers have speculated the
rrest also could have been retaliation
br his family's companies having sold
>all bearings and other strategic sup-
>lies to the Nazi regime.
In the years that followed, countless
lues and claims emerged - as well
s contradictory accounts from the
gmlin, which Yakovlev said
;ame entangled in lies."
"At first we said he was killed in a

Bush transition
team prepares
for presidency
MThe Associated Press

- President Al Gore
proclaims that he
will contest the
certified Florida
election results
during a press
conference from
his home in
ABOVE: Attorneys
for the Bush and
Gore campaigns
present their
cases at the
Leon County
k Circuit courthouse
LEFT: Vice
candidate Dick
Cheney holds a
news conference.
Studentds dmvlded over recoutnt debacle

Al Gore defended his unprecedented reach to the
courts yesterday, declaring "Let the people have their
say" by counting every ballot in Florida's make-or-break
presidential election. George W. Bush plunged into the
work of building a new government even as scattered
rank-and-file Democrats warned that Gore's time may
be running out.
A day after Bush summoned TV cameras to press for
Gore's concession, the vice president laid out his case
for letting courts settle America's long-count election.
"This is America," he said with a forced chuckle.
"When votes are cast, we count them. We don't arbitrar-
ily set them aside because it's too difficult to count
The prime-time televised address was perhaps Gore's
last, best chance to explain why the closest presidential
election in 124 years didn't end Sunday night when
Florida's top elections officer, a GOP partisan, certified
Bush the winner by 537 votes out of 6 million cast.
His support was falling as Gore went on the air.
An overnight poll by CNN/USA Today/Gallup found
that 56 percent of Americans said Gore should concede
the election compared to 46 percent who said that last
week. An ABC-Washington Post survey found similar
Gore protested the results in a Florida state court ear-
lier yesterday, becoming the first candidate in U.S. histo-
ry to contest a presidential election before the judiciary.
His lawyers asked for a quick hearing, but may not get
one before the end of the week.
And on Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court is set to hear
GOP argument against recounts.
The stakes could hardly be higher.
"If the people do not in the end choose me, so be it,"
Gore said standing at a presidential-style lectern before
a dozen American flags in the vice presidential resi-
dence. "The outcome will have been fair, and the people
will have spoken."
"If they choose me, so be it. I would then commit to
bringing this country together. But, whatever the out-
come, let the people have their say, and let us listen,
Gore said, hours after Democratic leaders and President
Clinton queued up to show their support.
With the agonizingly close election stretching into its
fourth week, neither side appeared ready to give way in
a fierce struggle that has entangled the judiciary in the
See ELECTION, Page 7

By Hanna LoPatin
Daily Staff Reporter
"Enough is enough," said LSA junior
Genevieve Michaud, who supported Vice
President Al Gore in his bid for the presi-
dency and his early appeals in the Florida
"It finally reached a point where there was
not a lot more to be done," Michaud said.
"It's sort of relieving in a way to at least pick
a president."
Gore supporter Julie Hautamaki, an LSA
junior; said Gore's concession would be bet-

ter for the country. "I think he should con-
cede for economic reasons," she said.
But Ilautamaki said she remains hopeful
that her candidate can still take the presiden-
cy, through manipulation of the "out-of-
date" Electoral College.
A recent ABC News/Washington Post
poll shows that after the certification of
Republican presidential candidate Gov.
George W. Bush's Florida on Sunday, 60
percent of Americans want the never-end-
ing election to finally come to a conclu-
"It's hard to determine an election based

on just two or three counties," Hautamaki
said. "I think it undermined how the U.S. felt
as a whole."
Some Bush supporters are not as forgiv-
ing. "I don't think this is going to stop until
Gore wins. I think it's making a mockery of
the political system," LSA junior Dan Maier
LSA sophomore Sarah McGuire, who
voted for Bush, said that although she
accepts the Texas governor as the viable
president-elect, it may be a long time -before
the process is over.
See GORE, Page 7

First visits home force
students to readjust,;

By Samantha Ganey
Daily StaffReporter
Engineering freshman Scott Ureel said he felt displaced
and comfortable at the same time while at home in the
Chicago suburb of Western Springs
-- a dichotomy of feelings that
many students said they encoun- Lj
tered after they had returned home 1STU DE
for the first time as freshmen. L E,,
"I come home, and it feels like
you've been there, and you
haven't. You talk with your friends, and it's the same,
but it's not," Ureel said.
Clinical Psychologist Jim Whiteside from the Universi-

ty's Counseling and Psychological Services said going
home for the first time, both parents and students need to
understand the evolution taking place, where students are
becoming adults.
"It's a time of change and transition for students and par-
ents - especially for first-year students," Whiteside said.
The days of students being told to clean their rooms are
over when returning home, because there's hardly anything
to clean in their nearly vacant rooms.
LSA freshman Will Gatziolis said his room in Chicago
was "pretty empty" but admitted "it still feels right.:
Ureel sympathized with Gatziolis. "There's nothing
there," he said. "There's still furniture, but there's nothing
on the walls except one picture," he said.
See HOME, Page 7

Muslim students gather for prayer at the home of LSA students Nagla and Ranila
Fetouh in Tower Plaza Condominiums.
® "
Mlustils begin
m--on]th of fastin

'Tis the season

Intern et
By Gina Hamadey
Daily Staff Reporter
It's illegal, but Business senior Ron
Gershoni said he will continue to gam-
ble on line, switching from betting on
college football to professional foot-
ball and basketball teams.
"It's just so easy to do," said Ger-
shoni, "I'm on the computer anyway,
and it takes me five minutes to make
all my bets for the week."

Photo illustration by ALEX WOLK/Daily
Although illegal in the state of
Michigan, online gambling is popular
among college students.
legal gambling is in regulated casinos,
Berg admits that his department had
not yet worked on many of these cases.
"There is just no way to tell if some-
one is placing a bet."
Gershoni and most of his friends are
currently making sports bets online on

By Jacquelyn Nixon
Daily Staff Reporter
The home of LSA students Nagla
and Rania Fetouh filled with the blend-
ed smell of chicken, peas and light
incense. The Fetouh sisters served
Egyptian goulash, rice, salad, peas and
carrots to the female Muslim students
following an evening prayer. The small
meal, prepared by the sisters and their
mother, was the first meal breaking the
fast of Ramadan, one of the two major
Islamic holidays.
The month of Ramadan, which
began yesterday, is one of the five pil-
lars of Islam. During Ramadan, Mus-
lims fast from sunrise to sunset and are
encouraged to focus on making them-
selves better, said Nagla Fetouh, an
LSA junior.

For the next month while the sun is
up, Muslims abstain from consuming
food and, drink, Nagla Fetouh said.
Around dinnertime, they get together
to collectively break the fast.
"Fasting teaches you self-restraint
and you are able to better understand
how the hungry feel," she said.
LSA sophomore Rabia Asghar said
the meal after sundown isn't large
because it is easy to be content from a
small meal.
"By the end of the day you're not
hungry because your stomach is so
small," Asghar said.
Nagla Fetouh said according to the
prophet Mohammed, everything you
do is for yourself, but fasting is for
"Fasting is something that you can
do, but God is the only one who will

I I' . L



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