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October 04, 1999 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-10-04

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 4, 1999


Continued from Page A
"It gives you a lot of pride. It's
pretty amazing to hear about all
these alumni have accomplished," he
said. "It really boosts your morale
after hard weeks on the ward"
More than 1,000 Medical School
alumni attended the convocation,
including a group of 1949 alums
who were celebrating the 50th
anniversary of their graduation.
One alum, 78-year-old Leroy
Steinmann, traveled from Astoria,
Ore., to see his old classmates and
pay tribute to the Medical School.
"We had a tight-knit class; we
really knew each other," said
Steinmann, who is a retired family

practitioner. "Since this class was so
small, I feel as if I could go up andi
hug everybody"
Steinmann said he was delighted to
hear so many alumni success stories.
"I was really impressed listening
to such important people in the
country," he said. "It's nice to be
included in a bunch like that."
William Hubbard Jr., who shared
stories from his term as Medical
School dean from 1959 to 1970, said
those years are often referred to as
the school's "Golden Years." But
Hubbard said the years ahead show
even greater promise.
"I know that this medical school
has a brilliant future," he said.
"And I know the next century
holds the promise of truly being the
Golden Era."

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Continued from Page 1A
ETS. spokesperson Tom Ewing, noting
that admissions programs across the
country already consider applicants'
backgrounds when assessing their
accompiishments, so as not to penalize
those with fewer resources.
He said the principal advantage of the
new research is the standardization it
could bring to the admissions process.
Under the new system, colleges and uni-
versities could use one benchmark to
identify extraordinary effort from seem-
ingly ordinary students.
For a student who has to "dodge bul-
lets" on the way to school, Ewing said, a
score of 1,200 on the test is more of an
accomplishment than for an elite private
school student.
"If they can succeed under those cir-
cumstances," he said of disadvantaged
students, "they can succeed in college."
He called the striver mark on an applicant
"an indication that there's more than
meets the eye."
Education Prof. Michael Nettles, a
scholar of standardized testing who has
read portions of the sealed EX AS. study,
said the striver label "could tell you that
there's someone who has a great amount
of determination, perseverance and
The initiative by E.T.S. to identify
strivers comes as foes of affirmative
action continue to succeed in dismantling
racial preferences programs in education
admissions, through court cases and bal-
lot initiatives.
In public referenda, citizens in
Washington and California have voted
to end affirmative action in public edu-
cation. A Federal appeals court in 1997
struck down preference programs at
state universities in Texas as unconstitu-
The University of Michigan current-
lv is the defendant in two civil rights
lawsuits contesting its use of race as a
factor in admissions. The complaints,
filed against the College of Literature.
Science and the Arts and the Law
School, are set to go to trial next sum-
The E.T.S. research signals the grow-
ing momentum behind a series of next-
generation affirmative action initiatives
designed to preserve diversity in the face
of legal challenges.
Increasingly, educators are aban-
doning racial preferences and focusing
instead on reaching out to wider appli-
cant pools. In Texas and California,
state universities now offer automatic
admission to students who graduate in
the top of their high school classes.
Ewing said the attack on preference
programs was not the only motivation
for the striver research.

Medication-free women, suffering from
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"But this is being looked at in terms
of the effort to eliminate affirmative
action' he said. "We want to help col-
leges retain their diversity"
Nettles insisted that a strivers pro-
gram should complement, not replace,
existing affirmative action programs.
He said admissions officers could use
strivers data to locate students they
might have overlooked and then assess
them under current policies.
"To identify is one thing,"Nettles said.
"Then you have to probe."
University of Michigan administra-
tors refused to comment on the E.T.S.
research. But University spokesperson
Julie Peterson said in the undergraduate
admissions process an applicant's
grades and racial profile can carry far
more weight than the S.A.T. score
In setting score expectations for stu-
dents, the E.T.S. has developed 14 demo-
graphic criteria, in eight broad cate-
The categories are: Family, primary
spoken language, academic opportuni-
ties, school location, student body com-
position, mother's employment status,
and racial or ethnic background.
Anticipating controversy surrounding
the race category, E.T.S. would also offer
institutions a race-blind model, Ewing
The categories emerged from
research that confirms what many have
long known from less formal analyses:
that minorities and women tend to score
below national averages on the S.A.T.
At a University-sponsored forum on
affirmative action last week, some
University students said the test is biased
against socio-economic disadvantage
and welcomed reform, including the
strivers research.
"What if you didn't have very many
opportunities?" asked an LSA first-
year student. "I think this is fair
because it gives an advantage to the
people who don't have the tools to
Other students had reservations
about setting fixed expectations for
students based on their living stan-
"I think it's stereotyping," said
another LSA first-year student at the
forum, who did not want to be identi-
fied. "It's like other people determin-
ing your intelligence based on your
socio-economics and race."
An organizer for Defend Affirmative
Action By Any Means Necessary,
Caroline Wong, said the strivers pro-
gram would not go far enough.
"The only way we can uproot the
pervasive inequality in our society is
by building a social movement," she
Brouwn Jug
reopens to
A2 after
Continued from Page 1A
from the bar to the bathrooms, the origi-
nal setup and much of the decor was pre-
"We wanted to keep it as close as pos-
sible to the old one" Porikos said.
The old Jug was well-known for hous-
ing endless numbers of sports, alumni
and other Ann Arbor pictures and pho-
tographs on its walls. Approximately 80

percent of this nostalgia was kept,
Porikos said.
"Some of the old alum 'ictures were
lost, but new ones will be put up,"
Porikos said.
Referring to the blank or unoccupied
spaces on the walls, Brown Jug General
Manager Frank Langmesser said, "we
wanted to leave room for the new (pic-
tures of) people to be put up."
Some customers expressed mixed
emotions about recent changes to the
"It used to be a dive, in the good
sense," Rackham student Navin Kashyap
said. "The food is better though, and the
menu is larger"
Many old customers said they miss
the pre-renovation Jug.
"I think it's become more standard,
like any other joint in town," Rackham
student Jean Lafont said.
"But the beer is better,"he added.
Rackham student Ravi Venugopal said
the atmosphere has changed, but in time,
the Brown Jug "might develop its own
"I think it caters to a wider range of
people now," Venugopal said.
University English Prof Buzz
Alexander, who first attended the Brown
Jug Restaurant in the early '70s, used to
have student breakfast meetings at the
"I can't have that anymore (because of
ih at erninninp times\ h.t I stillc me,"

Gore changes
campaign strategy
WASHINGTON - Acknowledging
"a close, hard-fought race" with Bill
Bradley, Vice President Al Gore said
yesterday he welcomes the chance
"to change the way I campaign" and
talk directly to Americans.
"It was inevitable that if my oppo-
nent crossed the threshold of credi-
bility and competence, which he
did, then it would narrow and tight-
en and become 'a hard fought close
contest. It has now reached that
stage," Gore said on CBS's "Face
the Nation."
With Bradley gaining in public
opinion polls, Gore shook up his
campaign last week, moving its
headquarters to Tennessee from the
nation's capital and challenging
Bradley to a series of debates.
"I'm going to change the way l
campaign, and instead of having
these events that are planned out, just
have open meetings and talk to peo-
ple directly about the choices we

Fewer Americans have health insurance
WASHINGTON - Despite the booming economv, the decline in poverty
and the growth of employment, the number of people lacking health insurance
continued to rise in 1998, according to a Census Bureau report to be released
An estimated 44.3 million Americans had no health insurance last year, up
about I million from 1997, the report shows. But because of popula
growth, the proportion of people who are uninsured - 16.3 percent - w.
about the same as in the previous year, the Census Bureau said in its annual
review of the subject.
Of the 44.3 million uninsured people nationwide, about I 1.1 million were
children younger than 18, up from 10.7 million last year. The Census Bureau
said that increase was too small to reflect a statistically significant change in
the status of children's health care.
But an analysis of the data by a physicians' group said it continued a trend
of deteriorating coverage among children in recent years. According to
Physicians for a National Health Program, a Chicago-based organization that
supports comprehensive health care reform, the percentage of children not cov-
ered by health insurance has increased from 12.4 percent in 1992 to 15.4
cent in 1998.

face" Gore said.
The vice president called ,the
prospect of aprealcontest against
Bradley for the Democrat's 2000
presidential nomination, "a healthy
"It's a close, hard fought race and
frankly, I welcome that," he said .
U.S. Supreme Court
begins new term
WASH INGTON - The Supreme
Court will begin a new term today, fea-
turing a slate of cases more momentous
than any in recent years and likely to
have an immediate impact not only on
American life but on politics in
upcoming election year.
A Supreme Court that has stayed its
hand on many big social issues in
recent terms now seems to have its fin-
gers in everything. The court will tack-
.le questions on campaign finance,
abortion protests, public funds for
parochial schools, tobacco regulation,
sex on cable TV and the right of
patients to sue their HMOs.




Germany struggling
to meet challenges
BERLIN - When its 82 million
people bridged the Cold War divide to
become a reunited nation nine years
ago yesterday, Germany seemed poised
to emerge from the shadows of Nazi
and Communist dictatorships and blos-
som into a new superpower whose
political influence would be commen-
surate with its clout as the world's
third-largest economy.
Yet nearly a decade after the fall of
the Berlin Wall signaled a new era of
German ascendancy, the foundations
of the nation's prosperity are rapidly
eroding. There is broad agreement
among politicians, economists, labor
leaders and businesspeople that
Europe's most pivotal state is living
perilously beyond its means and has
failed to achieve a consensus on how
to solve the crisis.
"We simply cannot go on living the
way we have been doing," Chancellor
Gerhard Schroeder said in a recent

debate in the newly refurbished
Reichstag. "We have built up a moun-
tain of debt that is placing an intolera-
ble burden on the backs of our chil-
dren. We are dealing with nothing less
than a challenge to the nation's fut@
as one of the world's most affluent
Austrian immigration
foes gain in election
VIENNA, Austria - Austria's anti-
immigrant Freedom Party staked a
claim to a role in the next government
yesterday after preliminary eleti,
results showed it had placed sec
behind the governing Social
Chancellor Viktor Klima's Social
Democrats suffered their worst show-
ing since World War I but still placed
first with about 33 percent of the vote.
The conservative People's Party; their
governing partner for the past 13 years,
fell to third place with 27 percent.
-- Compiledfrom Daily wire rej.-

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NEWS Jennifer Yachnin, ManagingE0to
EDITORS: Nikita Easley, Katie Plona, Mike Spahn, Jaimie Winkler.
STAFF: Lindsey Alpert, Jeannie Baumann, Risa Berrin. Marta Brill, Nick Bunkley, Anna Clark, Adam Brian Cohen. Gerard Cohen.Vrignadd,
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CALENDAR: Adam Zuwerink.
EDITORIAL Jeffrey Kosseff, David Wallace,tEditora
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Emily Achenbaum, Nick Woomer.
STAFF: Chip Cullen, Jason Fink, Seth Fisher, Lea Frost, Jenna Greditor. Scott Hunter. Thomas Kuljurgis, Mike Lopez, George Malik S
Rosenberg. Bianden Sanz, Killy Scheer, Jack Schillaci, Jennifer Strausz, Paul Wong. 5
SPORTS Rick Freeman, Managing Edito,
EDITORS: T.J. Berka, Chris Duprey, Josh Kleinbaum, Andy Latack.
STAFF: Emily Achenbaum, David Den Herder, Dan Dingerson, Jason Emeott. Mark Francescutti, Geoff Gagnon. Raphael Goodstein Arun
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ARTS Christopher Cousino, Jessica Eaton, Editors
WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Jeff Druchniak, Nicole Pearl. Toyin Akinmusuru
SUB-EDITORS: Gabe Fajuri (Music. Jenni Glenn (Fine/Peforming Aits). Caitln Hall (TV/New Media), Gina Hamadey (Booksi Ed Sholinsky (FlW
STAFF: Matthew Barrett, Jason Birchmeier. Alisa Claeys. Cortney Dueweke, Brian Egan, Steven Gertz, Jewel Gopwani. Chris Kula. Erin
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PHOTO Louis Brown, Dana Linnane, Editors
ARTS EDITOR: Jessica Johnson
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ONLINE Satadru Pramanik, Managing Edito.
EDITORS: Toyin Akinmusuru. Rachel Berger,.!Paul Wong
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