4A - The Michigan, Daily - Thursday, September 30, 1999 (he aid$in Daig The Daily a tradition of service and learning 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 daily.letters@umich.edu Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan HEATHER KAMINS Editor in Chief JEFFREY KOSSEFF DAVID WALLACE Editorial Page Editors T he Michigan Daily celebrated 109 years of editorial freedom yesterday. For some, an independent daily news- paper is essential to a campus that holds academic freedom as its highest ideal. Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily From its beginning. the Daily has spoken out against social injustice, racism, sexism and age dis- crimination. The Daily editorial staff works to promote students' rights and provide a voice for students. For some, the Daily is the main source of campus and local news. Printing every single day of class, we are there during moments of elation, Take a stand Heather Kamins Kami Racist symbols will not be tolerated Yes, I could rattle off dozens of famous Daily alumni, whose names you are famil- iar with - esteemed playwright Arthur Miller. California state Sen. and activist Tom Hayden, Pulitzer Prize winner Ann Marie Lipinski and New York Times Washington correspondent Richard Berke, to name a few. But it goes beyond that. The Daily, with- out professors, without University funding, without journalism degrees and without a curriculum, serves as home to this nation's greatest journalism school. The students at the Daily meet every day you attend class and we stay up all night, teaching reporting techniques, writing style and computer skills. And we do it better than any official journalism school could - with real-life, hands-on experience. I am not bitter that the University closed the doors to its journalism school about four years ago -- the first established jour- nalism school in the United States - for a bachelors in journalism is an unnecessary degree. Journalists serve an obvious important function in the American society. Often it is said that one can judge the quality of a metro newspaper on the amount of cor- ruption in that city's government. Newspapers serve to report the truth to citizens and expose injustice. Journalists should not be citizens who have sat through hours of college level courses learning the ins and outs of an Associated Press style guide. Instead, journalists should be well versed in real knowledge, politics, arts, math and science. The Daily lets its students spend four years at one of the country's greatest uni- versities, gaining knowledge in the liberal arts, engineering and the sciences while working on a first rate daily paper. And the Daily allows each and every student at the University a chance to enter its doors and borrow its tradition of service and learning. It is easy to learn how to write a news story or a sports story. Anyone who has read newspaper can figure out how a newspaper report differs from a classroom essay. There is no lead-in. A story gets right to the point, putting the who, what , where, when, etc. in the first sentence. The most important information sits close to the top and the whole story does not end with a neat con- clusion. You can learn this reading a book, sitting in a class or attending a meeting at the Daily, but the real keys to journalism can only be understood out in the field. The toughest part of being a journalist is being human. It is even more difficult try- ing to be a journalist with humanity in close-college community. The tremendous emotional strain put on student journalists in unimaginable. Young reporters are often sent out to cover campus tragedies, such as a student's death, a devastating fire or the scene of a violent crime. It is the duty of the journalist and the newspaper to report on these news items - not to sell papers, since ours is free - but to let the campus know what has happened and to warn of future danger. Trust me, it is not fun or easy to cover a campus vigil or riot, but it necessary. Learning how to do it, or how to handle the personal emotions while trying to write an unbiased news report cannot be taught in the classroom. The Daily helps its students learn these lessons, and trains its editors how to teach. - Heather Kamins can be reached over e-mail at hbk@umich.edu. The commencement of the school year is always a time of great activity. Students are getting settled into their new homes and adjusting to demanding classes. With these fast-paced lifestyle changes, stu- dents often feel overwhelmed and dis- placed. That in itself is part of the college experience. Feeling persecuted is not. Racist and anti-semitic displays have become an unfortunate - but common - part of campus life. Earlier this month, some- one drew swastikas in a Mary Markley Residence Hall bathroom. Also, a hateful per- son left anti-black propaganda in the School of Social Work lobby. Students can no longer allow this type of behavior to pollute the University. Instead of complaining about the presence ofracism on campus, students should take an active stand against bigotry. Some are quick to dismiss expressions of prejudice on campus as isolated incidents since almost all students hold tolerance and diversity in high regard. This summer's nationwide rash of racist and anti-semitic violence brought attention to hate organiza- tions that have mostly abandoned the strat- egy of recruiting street thugs in favor of more educated individuals. It is never acceptable to discriminate against others based on gender, sexual pref- erence, religion, race or ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Mutual respect is not a social luxury but something everyone has the right to demand. This principle is espoused by almost all students, but the events that tran- spired this week show that tolerance has not been adopted campus-wide. It may be impossible to completely purge racism from campus, but there are still steps the University could take to mar- ginalize its presence. Creating a more effec- tive orientation program that students can both identify with and learn from, while addressing the issues of diversity on cam- pus and how to deal with them appropriate- ly, has a better potential to help new stu- dents develop a greater tolerance for others. Other things that students can do to improve tolerance are to join groups that promote peace or awareness among cultures such as Encompass, which organized a tremendous- ly successful multicultural show last semes- ter. And students should not tolerate racist comments from their peers. Students should care about maintaining the University's reputation for tolerance and diversity. Diversity is an integral part of the learning experience. This month's events should provide students an impetus to fight for tolerance. national athletic championships, presi- dential inaugurations, concerts and com- mencement. In harder times, though, when the cam- pus is grieving after losing one of its own or when the community is struggling to miti- gate a social ill, we are also there to inform the campus and to provide solace with knowledge. And besides a good crossword puzzle or affordable classified advertising space, that has been what the Daily is for those outside the building. But for the thousands of students who have spent countless hours typing, report- ing, writing, shooting photos and pasting down pages, the Daily has served one more very important function - effectively training generations of journalists. 0 CHIP CULLEN GRINDING THE NIB SAY, DID >4OU 1IWA1 ABOUT' THE BIG APPLE'S NlEu cslC R' MTVo SOMETFIING-OR-O(}1R. Shatter the stigma Events will educate campus on mental illness hile mental illness is an oft debated political matter, how much does it affect most people? You probably think this doesn't apply to you. You might not know any- one with a mental illness. Take a moment to reconsider what you know. Mental Illness Awareness Week. It could be a time for you to gain knowledge about serious diseases that could affect you or some- one you care about. Chances are, if haven't already, you have direct contact someone who lives you will with with Next week is Ment Awaren Partial schd Oct. 2,9:30 a.m "Research on S Illness" in the U Maternal/Child Oct. 3, 9:30 p.m Oct. 7, noon-5j information fair Oct. 7, 11 a.m.- Screening Day, Koessler Room differs from feelings of depression because it does not go away. Feeling depressed from time to time is normal, but recurring sadness isolates people. If you think you're depressed, check out the information available on cam- pus next week or go to a depression screening session, such as those sponsored by Counseling and iess Week Psychological edule of events Services in the Michigan Union. .: Presentation on As many know erious Mental from personal expe- Jniversity Hospitals' rience, depression i Auditorium can hit without warning, in times of n.: 'vigil on the Diag stress as easily in calm periods. And a p.m.: Scream-in and depressed family r, on the Diag member or friend can tear relation- . ships apart if the 5 p.m.: Depression condition is allowed Michigan League to escalate. Seek treatment or help someone else seek Controversial shirt has nothing to do with Greek system TO THE DAILY: As one of the two designers of the t- shirts that attracted such negative atten- tion in the Daily, I wanted to correct one recurring flaw in this silly debate over whether the shirts are appropriate or not. What this shirt has to do with the Greek system I have yet to figure out. According to the allegations, the shirt "boasted some proud logo of one of the fraternities on campus." However upon a not too careful examination of the front of the shirt, one would see the phrase "Welcome Week '99." This must be the name of 'a proud new fraternity that just moved on campus? After debunking the first and most ridiculous point in this ridiculous campaign against my shirt, I will continue by saying much of what I had hoped to say was deemed inappropri- ate last week, which explains why my response is so brief. So I urge all of the dissenters out there to lighten up and take a joke. MATT BERKOWITZ LSA JUNIOR Commercialization taints new baseball stadium TO THE DAILY: Rick Freeman is wrong to say, "No one's upset that an 88-year old structure is closing. No one's upset that the Tigers are trying to make more money to field a better team." First of all, lots of people are upset that the stadium is about to be torn down. Fans at the final game booed ,kr K. 6 l'r i..: . n every time they heard "Comerica Park." They were right to do so. The very name of the new park continues a trend of com- mercializing anything and everything. Since 1993, fans at home or in the stadi- um have been forced to watch rotating ads behind home plate. Next season people won't even be able to call the ballpark by its name with- out advertising a bank. And let's not kid ourselves about why this is happening. Tiger Stadium is not being torn down because it is old. It's long been old and out of date. Nor is this about fielding a better team by raising money. The Tigers regularly had the highest payroll in the majors during the first half of the 1990s. Only in 1991, however, did the team contend late in the season. Then in the second half of this decade, the team was run on a shoestring budget. As a result the teams that were fielded ranged from mediocre to horrible. There is no way around the fact that Briggs is being torn down so Illitch can sell skyboxes. This would be fine if the purpose of stadiums was to facilitate business. Left out of such an equation, however, is the role that these stadiums have played in facilitating contact amongst all different types of people.* Not considered is how these institutions serve to facilitate childhood dreams. The only thing that matters is the tangible. Tiger Stadium got a great send off this past Monday. Unfortunately the whole thing shouldn't have happened. MICAH HoLmQuisw LSA SENIOR *2 Qf"7: X, u 0" Stadium article 0 mental illness. Next week is an attempt to dispel some of the myths about depres- sion, anxiety, schizophre- nia and the like. It's an effort to end the stigma that accompanies these treat- able conditions. It could even give you the informa- tion to help the people you care about, or even your- selves. was well-written TO THE DAILY: In response to Rick Freeman's article, "Stadium memories can't be torn down," I couldn't have said it better myself. Congratulations on a mastery of both the English language and sentimentality. NATE PROVOST ENGINEERING SOPHOMORE Tipper Gore brought the issue to the fore- front last summer with her initiatives to reform health care to include treatment for mental illness. Dealing with a bout of depres- sion herself, the second lady decided the time was right for her to come out of the closet about the treatment she received following a family tragedy about 10 years ago. She had some concerns that disclosing her battle with the disease would damage her husband's polit- ical career. It is more than unfortunate that a treatable illness, which cripples families, friendships and loving relationships, is not socially accepted. Temporary chemical imbalances in the brain should not be looked upon as dis- graces and cannot be allowed to humiliate. Depression is not a scarlet letter. It is often a chemical imbalance that occurs in the brain treatment. Be there for someone who is going through a tough time. Just be prepared. The nation's political leaders should hear Gore's call for reform initiatives. Health care should follow her lead. In 1963, President Kennedy promised to subsidize all mental health care in the United States, but 30 years later all we've done is hire more police. According to TIME Magazine, more than 200,000 homeless people suffer some sort of treatable mental illness. Prisons hold another 200,000 for petty crimes. But how many other "normal" Americans attempt to live with depression under fear of humiliation? How many more cannot afford treatment? With steep co-pays that put treat- ment out of reach for many, the system is in need of reform, not only within the managed care system, but community-wide. So get involved and stay informed. Mental illness Abortion waiting period is necessary My spirit just sank as I read the editorial from Sept. 20 entitled "Wait for what?" A sense of resentment permeated the entire arti- cle - resentment that one should actually have to think about their actions. The two words "informed decision" carried a sarcastic and indignant tone, as though every person who has had an abortion thoroughly consid- ered every facet of the "procedure," thereby justifying their actions. Forgive me, but I don't have that much faith in my fellow man. I believe that the vast majority holds a self-cen- tered view that considers only their best inter- est. I've listened to all the pro-choice propagan- da (or should I call the Daily "anti-life?"), so please listen to my counter-attack. The Daily's vociferous presence on this campus cannot be easily ignored, but I believe the Daily finds it quite easy to ignore the silent scream of an nnh.r inant Out of curiosity, a former abortionist filmed and observed one of his procedures. Prior to the abortion, the 12-week-old girl was very active, and playing in her mother's womb. But when the first instrument touched the uterine wall, the baby immediately recoiled and her heart rate rose considerably. The child was then drawn and quartered - first the spine, then a leg, piece by piece as the child writhed in agony - living through most of the process, thrashing around and trying to escape the men- acing instrument. During the "procedure" (the sterile term you used to placate your nagging conscience), she threw he head back and opened her mouth in a silent scream. Now, the Daily can masquerade abortion as a compassionate act as flagrantly as it likes, but the truth of the matter is ,t isn't! It's a sick practice indicative of the desanctification of human life. If you are old enough to have sex - vou'd better he adult enouoh to take resnon- what. But no, we want convenience. We want it our way. If you have a hard time thinking about fetal rights, think about child abuse for a moment. Once that infant is brought into the world, it would be the most heinous thing imaginable to go toss it in a garbage can, right? So why is it we allow infants to be tortured pre-natally by suction curettage, burning away their skin by "salting out" (saline abortions), or inducing severe cardiovascular complications by inject- ed prostaglandins? No logical, compassionate person would ever condone such heinous treatment of chil- dren. So why in God's name do we condone in utero? I have little sympathy for the "poor women" who have to pay extra for "added hotel bills" just so that they can legally murder their own child. To "unjustly prevail upon a woman in (such) a fragile time" by giving her the kind of