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September 29, 1999 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-09-29

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4 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 29, 1999

U k e trb4llgttn 3 ttil

Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan Gag me with a spoon


420 Maynard Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
daily. letters@umich.edu
Edited and managed by
students at the
University of Michigan

Editor in Chief
Editorial Page Editors

Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion ofthe majority ofthe
Daily editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect
the opinion of The Michigan Daily.

In the Iimeiit
'U' women's athletics deserve more support

Im going to take a break from matters
Iof ultimate concern and show you how
to make the emotion of love.
You're not supposed to be able to make
Love. right? Love builds itself. Love
"just happens." Love
happens like it does
in the John Hughes
movie. Tom Hanks
and Meg Ryan for-
ever! Yeah, whatev-
er. As hopeless a
romantic as I am,
the theologicala
physicist part of me
has something to
say about love.
I assume that we
all have souls. To Mike
me, a soul is like Lopez
George Lucas.
George Lucas is
behind the scenes
and invisible to the
audience, but every aspect of the movie's
being comes from him.
Like George Lucas, the soul is the dri-
ving force of the body. It drives the
chemical reactions that go on within our
heads. Just as Lucas guides the actors,
the actors give feedback and suggestions
to him.
Similarly, the soul is changed by
chemical reactions. With this idea, it is
possible to accept the concept that love is
two different processes. There is the love
that originates from the soul and makes
all those fantastic chemical reactions
take place.
There is also the love that originates
from the chemical reactions that then
convince the soul. Every emotion is a
chemical reaction. They've got to be.

Love cannot be an exception. So. even
though I am a hopeless romantic, I accept
the fact that love can be made and I also
accept the fact that in order to stav in
love. I have to put forth some effort.
Recently. I read a book about the
mechanics of falling in love. Boy was it a
good book. I felt incredibly embarrassed
buying it because it has one of those girly
covers. but the contents are dynamite.
The book is How to Make Anvone Fall in
Lor with um by Leil Lowndes.
Everyone should read this book. It is
full of interesting and practical informa-
tion about meeting and attracting beauti-
ful men and women. In the book. 85 tech-
niques to bait and reel in quality catches
are given. She starts with first meetings.
Many of you men know what you
need to do to meet a woman and many of
you women know what you need to do to
meet a man. Well, for those of you who
don't, here is a little jump-start.
Lowndes tells us men that we have to
make the first move fast. The minute we
set eyes on her, the timer starts. We're on
a sinking ship. The longer we take to
approach her, the less chance we have of
meeting her. Lowndes gives us the best-
proven method to doing this.
There are no big steps in it. It is easy
and simple. First, you make eye contact.
Look at her and wait for her to look at
you. Hold it. Let your eyes linger on
hers. Pretty soon. you'll begin to feel
something in your stomach. Maybe your
heart will race.
That is the point when you usually
look away. Instead, smile and hold the
gaze for a few seconds more. Smile
broadly. Let her know you are interested.
Now look away. You have just looked at
her for few seconds longer than are

'comfortable." That feeling you got is the
same feeling she got.
After turning away. wait a few sec-
onds and turn back to her and start look-
ing again. She will probably have turned
away, too. Lowndes says that if she has
any interest, the vision of beauty will
look back at you within 45 seconds.
If she does, give her another smile
and a nod. The nod is like a confirma-
tion. You are saying, "I really think you
look like a neat person and I'm going to
come over there and talk to you right
After the nod, just walk on over and
talk. Although it looks as if the man is
taking the initiative here. Lowndes points
out that research says women start two-
thirds'of all meetings. You ladies call the
shots that us men have to follow. Good
men can take a hint, basically.
Lowndes tells you ladies not to wait
for our approach. Use one of the proven
signals, or mating calls, to unconsciously
provoke our response.
Here are a few of the "nonverbal
solicitation signals" she found worked


M 4ichigan athletics are one of the essential
element of the full University experi-
ence. Whether participating or just supporting
our teams on the sidelines, playing an active
role in athletics here on campus is an outlet to
show pride and respect for the University.
Students should show respect and support for
all University athletes -- male and female.
Although men's athletics may tend to be
more popular, female athletes work just as
hard as male athletes and deserve the same
respect. All University athletes juggle the
same tough schedules, practice equally long
and put just as much effort into their sport,
earning the right for equal support. While it
may be hard for any sport, male or female, to
compare to the experience of attending a foot-
ball or hockey game, there are equal sports for
males and females in which the records show
women are more successful than men. But
this factor does not seem to bring increased
support to these women's teams.
Consistently, several female teams on
campus continue to produce award-winning
seasons. Our women's gymnastics team, for
example, ranks among the top programs in the
country every year, winning seven Big Ten
Titles in the last seven years and placing sec-
ond at nationals the past two years in a row.
The women's swim team has captured titles,
winning 12 Big Ten title crowns and eight
straight top-8 national finishes in the course
of the last 12 years. University softball consis-
tently ranks among the final NCAA leaders,
whereas baseball'had a successful season last
year - placing second at the NCAA
Regionals - previous seasons have perpetu-
ally not been as productive. Yet, students con-
tinue to attend more home baseball games
than softball.
So why aren't successful women athletes
supported on campus? Good question.

Perhaps it is because many students still main-
tain the old fashioned myth that male athletes
are more talented or that their games are more
fast-paced and exciting to watch. While this
may have been true, in the modern '90s,
women's sports provide a comparatively excit-
ing level of competition.
Throughout the country, people are begin-
ning to acknowledge and enjoy the talent of
women athletes - University students and
faculty should too. A recent example of grow-
ing female support was shown in sold out
games of the Women's World Cup this past
summer. Men and women of all ages packed
stadiums to watch the U.S. Women's Soccer
team wipe out their competition. Consistently,
the attendance records are growing for WNBA
playoff attendance, almost doubling their orig-
inal attendance rates of three years ago.
Perhaps the greatest example of growing
support for women's athletics is the high
attendance rates and support of Women's
Singles Figure Skating, whose champi-
onships two years ago ranked second in TV
ratings only to the Super Bowl. Support of
women's athletics is growing across the
country, and, yet this University is still
behind. Women's athletic programs on cam-
pus, such as soccer, which won its first-ever
Big Ten Title last year, are still desperately
advertising to get fans to attend their games.
In comparison to attendance at baseball
games last year, softball was down in atten-
dance by more than nearly 50 percent. At the
least, University students should extend the
same respect that women athletes show by
honorably representing the University
throughout the country, in attending their
games to cheer them on. People watch sport-
ing events for amusement, and no matter
what gender the team may be, if they are suc-
cessful they should be equally supported.

In order of increasing boldness, ladies
have the option of 1) smiling at us broad-
ly, 2) throwing us a short darting glance,
3) dancing alone to music, 4) looking
straight at us and flipping their hair, 5)
keeping a fixed gaze on us, 6) "acciden-
tally" brushing up against us, 7) tilting
their heads and touching their exposed
necks, 8) licking their lips during eye
contact, and well, you get the idea.
So, how about getting interested in
somebody else? I want to see some nods
out there.
- Mike Lope: can be reached via
e-mail at manatlarge(a umich.cdu.


Swearing is not
attractive or
C reative
I am writing in regards to Jack
Schillaci's Sept. 27 column, "Capitalizing
on the magic and mystique of the 'F' word."
Who is he kidding ? I would hope that peo-
ple could be more creative and come up
with a more intelligent form of expression
rather than stringing together a sentence of
swear words. There is nothing more unat-
tractive than someone who swears as a
means to communicate ideas. If that's all
they can come up with. then I would love to
see their vocabulary score from the SAT.
I don't understand the relationship
between television's "beeping" out words
and how, exactly, that makes it somehow
cool. Forbidding the use of certain words on
television suggests that the FCC is taking a
stand in the issue of morals that otherwise
seem to be slipping through the cracks of
American society. Someone has to take a
stand somewhere, otherwise there are no
limits on what can be allowed. I think it is
commendable that someone cares about
what children are hearing on television.
Growing up, I didn't hear swearing at
home from my parents, neighbors or from
my friends as opposed to Schillaci's "kids
who can listen to their parents swear, or
their neighbors or their friends." And I am
grateful that I was sheltered from a world of
words that denigrate people and ideas, at
least until I was old enough to make my
own decisions. If the FCC and Tipper Gore
are willing to allow children to have "virgin
ears" for a little longer in life, then I
applaud their efforts. We can leave the rest
to Schillaci, who believes in teaching chil-

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Drunken legislation
State Senate hits & misses with new DD laws

B y now, most people recognize that
drunk driving is a constant danger in
our society. But what people may not real-
ize is that in many drunk driving convic-
tions, the guilty party is a repeat offender.
To err once is bad enough, but to drunk
drive repeatedly is inexcusable. Now,
thanks to a new law passed through the
State Congress, it may also be preventable.
In a positive and potentially effective
move, the State government has recog-
nized the danger of repeat drunk drivers
and passed legislation that imposes stricter
penalties upon them.
Besides the usual penalties that accom-
pany a drunk driving conviction, such as
vehicle immobilization, the new law will
require police officers to confiscate the
license plates of repeat offenders and
replace them with paper substitutes on the
spot. The law also denies vehicle registra-
tion and calls for a special ignition inter-
lock breathalyzer test.
While the new law is positive overall, it
does have its drawbacks. By forcing police
officers to confiscate license plates when
the suspect is pulled over, the new law
implies guilt before the defendant has
stood trial. Furthermore, the paper license
plates will draw attention to the drunk dri-
vers. While the negative attention should
make the drunk driver feel worse about his
crime, the intent of the law is to rehabili-
tate, not to embarrass.
But despite these drawbacks, the overall
efft of the law will he a ood one One of

new law is the ignition interlock breatha-
lyzer test. Under this portion of the law,
repeat offenders will have a breathalyzer
installed into their cars. To start the car, the
driver must blow into the breathalyzer and
record a legal blood alcohol level. While
some argue that the breathalyzer is an
invasion of privacy, it is better viewed as
an effective measure in preventing repeat
drunk driving.
The new law also facilitates the crack-
down on drunk driving by expanding the
rules that qualify someone as a repeat
offender. Under the new law, a repeat
offender is someone with two or more
alcohol conviction in seven years, three or
more convictions of driving with a sus-
pended or revoked license within seven
years, or three or more alcohol convictions
in ten years. By expanding the letter of the
law, more repeat offenders will be pun-
Granted, the new law is far from per-
fect. Besides the drawbacks associated
with license plate confiscation, lawmakers
will have to negotiate some way to prevent
drunk drivers from convincing a friend to
blow into the in-car breathalyzer, allowing
them to start their car.
But this new law is a step in the right
direction. Drunk driving is obviously a
large problem, and repeat drunk driving is
an even more dangerous one. While citi-
zen's personal rights and privacy must be
protected, so should the rights of everyone
else to drive on safe roads. This new law

dren to "swear in moderation." I hope he
doesn't plan to teach elementary school.
Sports fans differ in
expression of
After reading Jacob Wheeler's Sept. 27
article, "Melancholy fans remain quiet," about
the mood at Tiger Stadium during the games
this past weekend. I am confused. I don't
know where Mr. Wheeler was sitting, but the
view I got sitting in left field showed an enthu-
siastic, attentive and supportive crowd. We
noticed Borkowski's excellent pitching and

that we could count the hits he gave up on one
hand, without using the thumb. We noticed the
double plays, the great outfielding, the hustle
of the infield and we also noticed the wave
that circled the upper decks at least five times,
the beach balls flying across from the bleach-
ers into the left field seats and the barely
preschool-aged children sitting next to their
grandfathers, both staring in wonder at the
Actions like the wave promote unity
among fans and help to build support for the
team. They are not distractions for a whim-
pering crowd. Just because a crowd is not
riotous and hostile does not mean it is not
enthusiastic, and just because a crowd does
the wave does not mean we are not paying
attention. The crowd was on its feet for
Borkowski's last outs, but it wasn't so they
could get out to their cars earlier.

Peace and Justice Commission, DAAP under wrongful attack

The Peace and Justice Commission is fac-
ing a specious, cynical political attack from
some members of the Michigan Student
Assembly. The Michigan Daily's editors have
played their own cynical role in this attack.
In formal terms it is Jessica Curtin and
P&J that are "under investigation;" in actuali-
ty, it is P&J and the whole Defend Affirmative
Action Party that are being subjected to this
unscrupulous nonsense. It is an attack on the
political power gained by minority students
through the course of the last two MSA elec-
tions. Curtin and P&J are the proxy targets for
both the increased political representation of
black and other minority students on the
Assembly and for the entire activist student
movement on campus.
The Defend Affirmative Action Party is
proud to be an integrated, majority black,
majority women caucus. For us, being a force
on the assembly that represents and fights for
all students' rights and interests is not coun-
terposed to the fact that we also specifically
represent minority and progressive students at
the University.
We are profoundly proud of what P&J and
DAAP have accomplished during the short
period of our presence on MSA. People too

Curtin for P&J chair with the stated aim of
eliminating the commission altogether.
During the brief time we've been on stu-
dent government, MSA has provided leader-
ship to the nation in the defense of affirmative
action and integration in higher education. We
have fought with success for MSA to stand
out in front of the growing new student/civil
rights movement.
We are proud to have won virtually unani-
mous MSA support for GEO. P&J and DAAP
worked hard to win undergraduate support for
the GEO strike. This is one of the things for
which we are now being attacked. P&J took
responsibility for the Undergraduate Outreach
Committee created by MSA to build support
for the GEO strike. It is overwhelmingly
copies made for this democratically-voted-on
perspective for which P&J is now accused of
"misuse of the MSA copier."
DAAP took the side ofthe members of Phi
Delta Theta when they were scapegoated for
the campus drinking hysteria. This motion
was delayed repeatedly with only DAAP reps
having the courage to say plainly that the fra-
ternity was being victimized by the Ann Arbor
police and the University administration in a
dishonest way and that the charges should to

Happily, it did set a historic precedent; similar
motions opposing the U.S. government's poli-
cy of starving Iraqi children have now been
passed by student governments at major uni-
versities around the country. The effort to stop
this murder is growing. The University is now
to be the honored host of the first national
gathering of the anti-sanctions movement on
October 15-17.
We fought against and defeated anti-affir-
mative action point-man Ward Connerly's
threat to bring a Proposition 209-style ballot
initiative to Michigan.
DAAP fought for MSA to organize
statewide support for a much-needed tuition
freeze in higher education. We will continue
this effort as an integral part of representing
the many current and potential college stu-
dents who are not from wealthy backgrounds.
The question is: Should MSA be a prom-
committee type training ground for the*
nation's next crop of lying career politicians
- or should it be a representative body and a
student union that organizes action for stu-
dents' interests? Our position is clear.
The entire premise of the Daily's Sept.
21st editorial "Money Matters." was that the
Activist Newsletter that is the ostensible sub-


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