The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 28, 1999 - 11
Global resources. Local presence.
Start your
career on the
One of the keys to Warburg Dillon
Read's status as the leading global
investment bank is a technological
capability that's the envy of the
industry. To help us keep our edge
in information technology, we're
looking for individuals with diverse
academic and extracurricular
backgrounds, and a passion for
technology. In order to help you
plan your future, representatives
from our Information Technology
Department will soon be visiting
the University of Michigan campus
for a company presentation.
Date: Tuesday, September 28th
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: 1109 FXB
(North Campus)
Apply online at
Warburg Dillon Read
An investment ank o global intelligence
Warburg Dillon Read is the brand name for the investment banking division of UBS AG and its investment banking subsidiaries worldwide.
In the United States, Warburg Dillon Read LLC, a subsidiary of UBS AG, is a member of NYSE and SIPc.
Warburg Dillon Read is an Equal Opportunity Employer.