The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 28, 1999 - 5
.U' conducts study on
diversity in suburbs
By Emily Mitchell
For the Daily
Low-status suburbs have a poverty rate six times higher
Wan the poverty rate of high-status suburbs, according to a
study conducted by University sociologist David Harris.
For one year, Harris, who works out of the Institute for
Social Research, conducted independent research about the
diversity and socioeconomic status of suburbanites in con-
trast to inner city residents.
Harris used census data from 1970, 1980 and 1990 to
determine what percentage of Non-Latino/a whites, Non
Latino/a blacks, Asians and Latino/as made up the suburban
population of the United States.
In addition to the distance an area is from a major city,
come was used to divide suburbs into three divisions -
ow-status, middle-status and high-status.
Harris explained in a written statement that "knowing
whether someone lives in the central city or the suburbs pro-
vides little information about the socioeconomic status of his
or her community," confirming what he said demographic
specialists already know.
But he said "my surprise was the magnitude of the differ-
His findings also concluded that it was very likely that
low-status suburbs were less advantaged than their neigh-
oring inner city. He found that blacks and Latino/as espe-
cially are most likely to live in low-status suburbs. Harris'
findings indicates that 18.76 percent of the population liv-
ing in low-status suburbs is black and 20.96 percent is
But in the high-status suburban counterparts, the black
population dwindles to 2.97 percent and 3.58 percent for
"It isn't that blacks and Launos don't prefer affluent neigh-
bors, low crime and good schools. They certainly do;' Harris
said in a written statement.
"But they might have even stronger preferences to live
near other blacks and Latinos and in proximity to the
central city."
Harris' data for white and Asian populations differ greatly
from the numbers for blacks and Latino/as in low-status sub-
urbs. 56.28 percent are white and 3.41 percent are Asian. In
high-status suburbs, 89.05 percent are white and 4.23 percent
Harris suggests that these circumstances could be "the
effect of persistent housing discrimination."
Harris also said in a written statement that "openings
in middle and high suburbs are more likely filled by
whites, while blacks are steered toward suburbs that
rarely represent a higher socioeconomic status alterna-
tive to the central city."
More information about this study can be found on the
University's News and Information Service Website at
U.S. Census Bureau targets
minorities for 2000 count
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Brought to you by
the 2000 census approaching, the
U.S. Census Bureau has recruited
some extra help to make sure the
state's growing minority population
gets counted.
"In this country, everything is
based on numbers," said Elias
Vasquez, one of several community
partnership specialists hired by the
government to encourage minority
He said if you're not counted, it
means your government doesn't
recognize your need for streets
and schools and you don't count
when they create your congres-
sional district. Vasquez speaks out
about the census at west Michigan
ethnic festivals, villages, city
halls, schools and churches.
The census, a headcount of the
nation's population, occurs at the
beginning of each decade.
Ten years ago during the last
census count, community partner-
ship specialists weren't on the
bureau's payroll.
Critics say the result was a dra-
matic undercounting of minority
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Elias Vasquez, shown last week in Grand Rapids, is a community partnership
specialist for the U.S. Census Bureau. He urges the Latno/a community to
participate in the 2000 Census.
It's estimated that Native Amencans
were undercounted by 14 percent;
Latino/as by 5.5 percent and blacks by
4 percent, Vasquez told The Grand
Rapids Press yesterday.
"In the final analysis, the (1990)
census gave us a distorted view of the
country's social and economic status,"
he said. An accurate count is impor-
tant because the population figures
determine how much state and feder-
al aid the city gets.
Grand Rapids Mayor John Logie
said he is convinced there are at least
200,000 residents living in the city,
although the 1990 census concluded
there were 189,126 residents.
iKelloggs to sell Lender's division
Los Angeles Times
Cereal giant Kellogg Co. said yesterday it will sell its
beleaguered Lender's Bagels division to Aurora Foods Inc.,
owner of Log Cabin Syrup and Duncan Hines baking mixes,
for $275 million in cash - 4lpercent less than Kellogg paid
for the company three years ago.
San Francisco-based Aurora, a $1 billion company known
for rescuing so-called orphan brands that have been neglect-
* by huge food companies, expects to revive Lender's sag-
ging sales with a bigger marketing push, new product intro-
ductions and more contemporary packaging. Lender's had
posted sales of about $210 million in 1998, but was only mar-
ginally profitable, Kellogg's officials say.
"Lender's hadn't joined the current age," said Aurora chair
and chief executive Ian Wilson. "They hadn't had any new
product offerings in 13 years. That's unheard of in any cate-
gory of the food business."
Kellogg said it expects to record a charge to earnings of about
#70 million before taxes as a result of the sale. The deal is
pected to close in November. Analysts said unloading the
bagel company will help the Battle Creek, company prop up its
bottom line and revive its stock price, which has failed to rally
despite the cost-cutting and streamlining efforts of new chief
executive Carlos Gutierrez.
Kellogg had purchased 70-year-old Lender's from Kraft
Foods in 1996 for 5466 million to help expand its presence in
the faster-growing frozen food business. But, analysts say, the
purchase was ill-conceived, coming at a time when shoppers
were already turning to fresh bagels available in specialty shops.
Sales of frozen bagels are still on the decline, slipping 12
percent in the 12 months ending July 2, while sales of fresh
bagels edged up 4.4 percent, according to data from
Information Resources Inc.
But, Wilson said he believes that there is still a large customer
base for frozen supermarket bagels. By cutting costs, pouring
more money into advertising and promotion and upping the size
and variety of Lender's Bagels, Wilson believes he can revive
the brand, which is No. I in its category.
"Aurora has stemmed the decline at all the brands it has
acquired and been able to achieve a modicum of growth,"
said David Nelson, a food industry analyst with Credit Suisse
First Boston in New York.
"With some more innovative marketing maybe they can
rejuvenate this brand, " he said.
Bio Anthro 161
Bio Anthro 364
Buddhist Studies 220
Comm Studies 101
Econ 101
Econ 102
Geo Sci 100
Geo Sci 104
Geo Sci 105
Geo Sci 107
Geo Sci 110
Geo Sci 111
Geo Sci115
Hist 160
Hist 218
Hist 389
Linguistics 210
Philosophy 232
Philosophy 356
Physics 125
Physics 140'
Physics 240
Physics 242
Poli Sci140
Psych 330
Psych 340
Psych 350
Psych 360
Psych 370
Psych 380
Psych 390
Psych 400
Psych 436
Wom Studies 220
Wom Studies 240
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