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September 27, 1999 - Image 22

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-09-27

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10B - The Michigan Daily - SportsMonday - September 27, 1999

No. 1 Florida State rolls over N.C.;
Gators chomp Kentucky to bits



main problem for No. I Florida State
on Saturday was staying interested for
four quarters after its lightning-quick
The Seminoles (3-0, 4-0 Atlantic
Coast Conference) put this one away
early, scoring four touchdowns before
the first quarter was half over en route
to a 42-10 victory over North Carolina.
It was Florida State's fastest start in
its seven-plus seasons in the ACC.
"It looked like in the first quarter
they simply were not going to be able
to stop us," Seminoles coach Bobby
Bowden said. "Then we substituted a
lot of people and we lost continuity."
Bowden played a whopping 52 play-
ers in the first quarter and 70 in the
"As soon as we started substituting
the engine cut off," Bowden said of his
offense. "We just shut down and never
could get the thing cranking again."
It's a good thing for the Tar Heels (1-
2), who are off to their first 0-2 ACC
start in a decade with games at
Clemson and No. 10 Georgia Tech next
on the schedule.
Sophomore quarterback Ronald
Curry had three passes intercepted,
fumbled once and was sacked five
It was like a nightmare we couldn't
wake up from," North Carolina coach
Carl Torbush said. "By the time we got
out of it we were down 28-0. It was just
boom, boom, boom, boom"
. The Seminoles ran their record to
32-4 as the nation's top-ranked team
d Bowden moved within four victo-

ries of 300.
Many of the Florida State players
said they wanted to prove a point with
a quick start.
"Nobody (in the country) is really
playing like they're No. I," said
Florida State's star receiver Peter
Warrick. "So, we went out there with
an attitude that we've going to play like
No. I today"
Tailback Travis Minor, who scored
twice, agreed.
"We wanted to come out and set our-
selves apart from everybody else,"
Minor said. "You know how it is with
people saying we have potential but we
really haven't reached that potential."
Chris Weinke, who threw for 272
yards, marched the Seminoles 80 yards
on their opening drive, completing
passes of 28, 20 and 19 yards before
Minor scored on a 14-yard run - the
first of his two first-quarter TDs.
In a battle of coaches known for
their offensive wizardry, Florida's
Steve Spurrier showed Hal Mumme of
Kentucky the value of a good defense.
The third-ranked Gators held
Mumme's "Air Raid" offense to its
lowest point total in two-plus seasons
in Lexington, taking a 28-0 lead on the
way to a 38-10 win Saturday night.
"Our defense was the story of the
game," Spurrier said. "To hold
Kentucky to 10 points, I don't know
who has done that before."
The answer is no one, as Florida (4-
0, 2-0 Southeastern Conference), reg-
istered its 13th straight victory over the
Wildcats (2-2, 0-1) and its sixth

straight by double digits.
Florida safety Marquand Manuel
said holding the Wildcats to just a
touchdown and a field goal wasn't
"We could've shut them out," he
said, bemoaning a pair of personal foul
penalties that contributed 29 yards to
Kentucky's lone touchdown drive.
"We've got a lot of things we can get
better at."
With a strong defensive perfor-
mance and an offensive attack that ran
up 224 yards on the ground, Florida
was able to win without much contri-
bution from its usual deep passing
"It's good to get out and play some
smash-mouth football now and then,"
center Corey Yarbrough said.
Starting tailback Earnest Graham
left the game after suffering a deep
thigh bruise on the second play, but the
Gators' line was able to open big holes
for Robert Gillespie and Bo Carroll,
who had little trouble picking up for
The pair averaged nearly 8 yards per
carry as Gillespie ran for 108 yards
and two touchdowns, while Carroll had
86 yards and one score.
After throwing six interceptions in
the Gators' first three games, Doug
Johnson was 19-of-34 for 241 yards
and two touchdowns, with no intercep-
There were few highlights for
Kentucky, which had fewer than 400
yards for only the fourth time under
Mumme, finishing with 317.

Correct picks in bold.
All picks made against
the spread. Home teams
in CAPS.
T.J. Berka
Michigan (-3) vs. WISCONSIN Michigan
Michigan State (-6.5) vs. ILLINOIS Michigan State
PENN STATE (-26) vs. Indiana Indiana
PURDUE (-28) vs. Northwestern Purdue
OHIO STATE 1-32) vs. Cincinnati Ohio State
SYRACUSE (-11.5) vs. West Virginia Syracuse
Florida (-20) vs. KENTUCKY Kentucky.
Nebraska (-17) vs. MISSOURI Missouri
Arkansas (-3)is. ALABAMA Arkansas
Florida State (-20) vs. oNRTH CARoLINA Florida State
Colorado (-4) vs. WASHINGTON Colorado
Miami(Fla.)(-11)vs EAST CAROUNA East Carolina
TEXAS A&M (-10.5) vs. Southern MissTexas A&M
Best Bet Colorado
This week 7-7 (0-1)
Overall 21-19-2

Rick Freeman
Michigan State
Ohio State
Florida State
Miami (Fla.)
Texas A&M
Miami (Fla.)
8-6 (0-1)

Josh Kleinbaum Andy Latack
Michigan Michigan
Michigan State Michigan Sta
Penn State Penn State
Northwestern Purdue
Cincinnati Ohio State
Syracuse Syracuse
Florida Florida
Missouri Missouri
Alabama Alabama
Florida State Florida State
Washington Colorado
Miami(Fla.) Miami(Fla)
TexasA&M S&uthern Mss
Miami(Fla.) UCLA
104(0-1) 68(0-1)
20-20-2 21-19-2

A sigh of relief: Neuhei~sel's first
win in Washingtonl is over Buffs,

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SEATTLE (AP) - On his best day
so far in Seattle, Rick Neuheisel
found he still had a few friends in
Neuheisel got his first victory as
Washington's S1 million-a-year coach
when Marques Tuiasosopo passed for
a touchdownwith 3:17 to go an the
Huskies beat Colorado, Neuheisel's
former school, 31-24 on Saturday.
Washington (1-2) clinched
Neuheisel's emotional victory when
Anthony Vontoure intercepted a pass
by Mark Moschetti, Neuheisel's
quarterback for the Buffaloes last
season, in the end zone on a pass
from the Huskies 21 with 1:07
"This is hopefully the turning point
in our program," Neuheisel said after
the Huskies won for only the second-
time in eight games. "But we're far
from a finished product. We have lots
of things to improve on."
With the Huskies' players celebrat-
ing on the sidelines, Washington ran
out the clock against the frustrated
Buffaloes (2-2). Some Colorado
players came to Husky Stadium with
revenge on their minds because they
felt Neuheisel betrayed them by tak-
ing the Washington job.
Some players exchanged hand-
shakes and hugs with Neuheisel after
the game.
Neuheisel approached Gary
Barnett and exchanged a handshake
with his Colorado successor on the
field before the game. Barnett, who
jumped from Northwestern to
Colorado after Neuheisel took the
Washington job in January, was criti-
cal of Neuheisel after Neuheisel
committed some minor NCAA
recruiting violations after he arrived
in Seattle.
Neuheisel and Barnett talked
briefly after the game.
"We said, 'Good game, good luck.'
That was that," Barnett said. "Yes, I
meant it."




Despite this 98-yard kickoff return by Colorado's Ben Kelly, the Buffaloes were
unable to prevent their former coach, Rick Neuheisel, from notching his first win

Tuiasosopo, whose two turnovers
in the third quarter led to two touch-
downs by Colorado, was vindicated
by his 9-yard TD pass to Chris
Juergens in the end zone to snap a
24-24 tie.
The Huskies drove 70 yards in 1
plays in 5:37 to take the lead for good
after Jeremy Aldrich of the Buffaloes
tied the score with a 29-yard field
goal with 8:54 left.
Washington went ahead 24-21 on
Tuiasosopo's 36-yard scoring pass to
Gerald Harris with 1:24 gone in the
final quarter. Neuheisel's ball-control
offense moved 79 yards for that

Colorado took advantage
Tuiasosopo's two turnovers it
third quarter to take the lead f
first time.
After a halftime standoff o1
Washington drove 80 yards wit
opening second-half kickoff,
Willie Hurst scoring on a 3-yarc
Tuiasosopo, who committed
turnovers last week as Washi
lost its home opener to Air Forci
a pass intercepted by Rashidi 1
to give the Buffaloes tie ball <
Washington 33. Colorado a
three plays later on a 24-yard r
Cortlen Johnson with 8:15 left
third quarter



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