2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 27, 1999 NATION! ORLD
Deficit poses threat to economy
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON America's burgeoning deficit
in trade, investment income and other transactions
poses an increasing threat to the nation's otherwise
healthy economy, according to many economists and
government policymakers.
In the second quarter of this year, this shortfall
was $80.7 billion, which meant that to finance it,
close to $1 billion a day of new foreign money had
to flow into the United States to keep the country's
international books balanced. For the full year, the
deficit could easily reach the $320 billion to $3441
billion range.
The risk is that the foreigners providing that money
could decide they can get a better deal elsewhere and
slow or reverse their investments in the United
If that were to happen, in all probability, the value
of the U.S. dollar would fall, interest rates would rise,
corporate profits and stock prices would decline and
overall economic growth would slow.
The key unknown is whether this deficit in what is
known as the nation's "current account" can be
brought down gradually, so the long-running U.S. eco-
nomic expansion can continue, albeit with growth and
personal incomes rising at a slower pace. If the adjust-
ment were abrupt, the impact on the economy might
be hard enough to cause a recession, some analysts
The largest component of the current account
deficit is U.S. trade in goods and services, which was
S65 billion in the red in the second quarter. But for-
eigners also earned S4.4 billion more on their stocks,
bonds and other investments, such as direct ownership
of companies, than Americans earned on similar
investments abroad. In addition, there was an $11.3
billion deficit in "unilateral" transfers, which include
U.S. government grants and pension payments and
private remittances, such as those sent by immigrants
to family members in their home countries.
The total current account deficit has more than dou-
bled over the past two years, to a level equal to 3.6 per-
cent of the U.S. gross domestic product. Only in 1986
and 1987 has the current account deficit ever been in
that range.
Study: minimal sleep hazardous to health
NEW ORLEANS -Too little sleep can slow you down as much as too many
That's the conclusion of a Stanford University study of people with mild to
moderate sleep apnea: people whose breathing stops several or even dozens of
times an hour, interrupting their sleep without their knowledge.
About 12 million Americans have the problem but fewer than 2 milliono.
them have been diagnosed, according to the American Sleep Apnea Association's
Website. The undiagnosed figure may be as high as 25 million, according. to
Stanford's Sleep Disorders Clinic and Research Center.
People known to have apnea did as poorly on a test of reaction time as people
who were too drunk to drive a bus or truck in California, said Nelson Powell of
the Stanford center
On three of seven measurements, they did worse than people too drunk to
drive at all in California and other states where the legal test is a blood alcohol
content of .08 percent.
Powell said he wanted to underscore the dangers of driving while sleepy,
whether or not it's because of apnea.
"How many times have you or anybody you've known been nodding off at if
wheel, or said, 'Gee. I've got to roll the window down or turn the music loud-
er'?" he said. "I'd bet ever' driver, at one time or another has driven too tired. We
know it's wrong but we still do it."
Continued from Page IA
has had more counselors on its staff,
said Amy Radford, the complex direc-
tor for Wonders Hall. She said keep-
ing counselors "visible and available"
was key to dealing with concerned
"The community is really coming
together," Radford said. "People are
looking out for each other."
Most ofthe students seeking help from
counselors have had frustrations about
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the case's unanswered questions,
Radford said.
"We are sensing that a lot of individu-
als are choosing to go home and spend
time with family;" she said.
In addition to more counselors, there
has been added police officers patrolling
Wonders hall at night. "It's helped a lot of
students just to feel that presence,"
Radford said.
In memory of Greene, Radford said,
the hall plans-to hold a candlelight vigil
- U-Wire contributed to this irport.
Continued from Page IA
stadium area inside and out.
"We certainly have a comprehensive
security plan in all areas," Detroit Police
Chief Benny Napoleon said. "We expect
everyone to come down here, have a
good time, and not cause any problems"
Officers had little trouble this past
weekend at the corner. Only a few minor
thefts of bleacher benches, garbage cans
and bathroom toilet seats were reported.
"We've had almost sellout crowds and
it's been great" Napoleon said of the
weekend. "Some people were trying to
get away with souvenirs but nothing real-
ly major."
Fans who try to grab a souvenir will be
arrested on the spot. This past weekend,
a officer patrolled each section entrance.
After every inning a slew of police and
stadium security personnel ringed
around the stadium's grass to deter fans
from coming on the field.
The only thing the police won't be able
to stop from ruining the last moments at
the stadium is Mother Nature. As of
Sunday night, the forecast calls for a
chance ofrain. If the game is rained out,
the Tigers president believes a makeup
game will be scheduled.
"Because of our position in the stand-
ings, I don't think the commissioner
would recommend a make-up game for
next Monday, the day after the regular
season ends," McHale said. "We'll have
to hope for good weather."
Even if there's not a drop of rain, there
will be plenty of moisture. From the tears.
New drug prevents
flu spread in families
SAN FRANCISCO - A prescrip-
tion nasal powder spray being intro-
duced next month is nearly 80 percent
effective in keeping family members
from getting the flu bug when a relative
brings it home, according to a new
The medicine, called Relenza, is an
inhaled powder that has already been
proven to reduce the duration of a bout
of flu by a day or two. The study
released yesterday shows it also cuts
the chances of catching the flu from an
ill relative by 79 percent.
The drug is the first of a new class of
anti-viral medicines that are effective
against both major strains of the dis-
ease, known as influenza A and B.
"These drugs are a major step for-
ward," said Frederick Hayden of the
University of Virginia in
Charlottesville. "The latest data show
that they clearly work for prevention, as
Relenza was approved by the .S.
Food and Drug Administration last
summer and is made by Glaxo
Wellcome, Inc. The company says th
drug will be on drugstore shelves
Friday. The wholesale cost for enbt*
to treat one bout of flu will be $37.
Sightseeing plane
crashes in Hawaii
sightseeing airplane with 10 people
aboard crashed high on the flanks of
the Mauna Loa Volcano on Saturday.
There were no survivors.
"The plane was totally demolished
just like a plane would be if it went
rocks at a high rate of speed," said
Doug Lentz, spokesperson for the
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.
Rescue crews reached the remote
spot on the Big Island of Hawaii to
recover bodies yesterday morning, said
Bruce Butts of the Hawaii County Civil
No details were released on the vic-
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Indonesian militias
retreat, burn villages
DILl, East Timor-The Indonesian
military and pro-government militias
continue to systematically burn vil-
lages and towns as they withdraw
from East Timor, officials said yester-
day, as concern grew that U.N.-spon-
sored peacekeeping forces and inter-
national relief organizations are mov-
ing too slowly to impose order outside
the capital.
One week after the arrival of the
Australian-led peacekeeping mission, it
has yet to expand its presence much
beyond two landing places, and human-
itarian organizations have reached only
a few areas of the countryside.
They have not begun to get signifi-
cant relief to the vast majority of the
population, or to the hundreds of thou-
sands of displaced people who fled
rampaging militias following a U.N.-
sponsored referendum Aug. 30 that
indicated overwhelming support for
East Timor's independence from
The cost of that deliberate pace
began to emerge yesterday, as
observers on some of the first low-level
flights over regions east and west *
Dili reported that withdrawing
Indonesian troops or militias, who
oppose East Timor's independence, are
torching more of the countryside.
Police in Turkey
storm rioting prison
ANKARA, Turkey - Left-wt
inmates battled security forces dt
Ankara prison for almost seven fidturs
yesterday in a riot that left 10 inmates
dead and sparked clashes in prisons
across the country.
The violence began early yesterday
morning in Ankara's Ulucanlar prison.
Guards tried to enter a prison ward
after being tipped that the inmates were
planning to escape by digging a tunnel,
the justice ministry said.
- Compiled fivm Daily wirerepor$
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