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September 24, 1999 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1999-09-24

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Today: Partly cloudy. High 66. Low 53
Tomorrow: Sunny. High 74

One hundred ezg' erb gs of edirjfgreeorngg7

September 24, 1999


By Rica Berrin
Daily Staff Reporter Director Robert W
The vaccination department at University "There has no
Health Services has been unusually busy this disease on this
week due to a sudden concern with anxiety break,"
Meningococcal Meningitis, a contagious and very scared, but
d dly infectious disease. frightened."
fter the ABC news magazine 20120 aired a The television
special on the disease, UHS became bombarded the susceptibilit
by phone calls and visits by students wanting tracting the disea
vaccinations. "Clinical Infecti
"We received a number of phone calls as a college students
result of the story and earlier this week we ran are eight to 22 ti
out of a supply of the vaccine and had to the disease than
reorder," said University Health Services interim housing arranger
Day celebrates
dispels myths
By Jennifer Sterling
14 Staff Reporter
earing a T-shirt emblazoned with "Bi Pride" in large
red letters Ann Arbor resident Susan Hope, along with
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community mem-
bers, gathered last night at the Aut Bar for the inaugural
Celebrate Bisexuality Day.
Celebrate Bisexuality Day, recognized worldwide,
was initiated to acknowledge and celebrate bisexuality
and bisexual history in society.
About 45 people, including students, supporters
and Ann Arbor residents, with an equal gender ratio,
4 icipated in the friendly atmosphere inside the bar
and at outside tables.
"We're here to socialize, have fun and drink together,"
said Holly Ferrise. coordinator of education and training
for the Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and
Transgender Affairs.
The celebratory day is "the brainchild of three
activists who wanted to challenge the pervasive
and wrongheaded notion that any one of us can be
defined by the gender of our partner," according
to information on BiNet USA, the largest
Aerican Bisexual organization. BiNet USA
%-ks to develop visibility for the bisexual com-
Hope said she was pleased with turnout for the event
and stressed the importance of visibility.
Many bisexuals define their sexuality on an individ-
ual basis, Hope said, but a general definition is "to be
attracted emotionally, sexually, or romantically to mem- Ann Arbr res
bers of all genders:'
Many people believe that bisexuals are confused Celebrate Bis
about their sexuality and the education - including
* phlets at the bar's entrance - help to dispel this bisexual pho
myth, Hope said. bisexuality.
"It's like a big bisexual potluck." Hope said, gesturing Second-ye
to the people of varying ages and representing both gen- the celebrati
ders mingling at tables. LGBT. The l
"Does biphobia make you blue?" Hope asked while ders are ofter
wearing a necklace of four rainbow colored rings, that Co-owner
she said represented queer pride. Hope and others put Kelly sold bo
blue paint on their faces to symbolize the fight against night.

' V S. WIs CO NS I N
#4#B A D G E R'
Wisconsin suffered a crushing, 17-12
to lowly Cincinnati last week. Heism
hopeful Ron Dayne had more than
yards rushing, but fumbled twice.

scare drains vaccine supply

infield, amedical doctor.
ot been an outbreak of the
campus. There has been an
Winfield said. "People are.
there is no reason to be
news magazine focused on
:y of college students con-
ase. It cited a recent issue of
ois Diseases" which said
who live in residence halls
mes more likely to contract
students who live in other

"There has not been an outbreak of the
disease on this campus."
- Robert Winfield
University Health Services Interim Director

coccal, is recommended by the Center for
Disease Control and Prevention's Advisory
Committee on Immunization Practices for con-
trolling outbreaks, but is not recommended for
routine vaccinations to control sporadic cases.
Winfield said CDC does not require routine
vaccinations because the vaccination does not
present against all strains of the disease and is
very costly. Menitwitis outbreaks occur too
infrequently for a mandatory vaccination, he
"The incidents of meningitis is very, very low
and the cost is quite high." Winfield said.

Although Winfield said there is no reason for
alarm, LSA sophomore Jennifer Gold said she
decided to get the vaccine after watching the
20/20 special.
"I watched it Friday night and I realized how

susceptible college students are to this disease;'
Gold said. 1l heard that UHS was booked this
week but they will be available next week to give
the vaccine."
The vaccine, called polysaccharide meningo-

Financial aid
could suffer
$99M loss

By Nick Bunkley
Daily Staff Reporter
Federal funding of student financial
aid could take a S99 million hit in the
next fiscal year under the higher educa-
tion appropriations bill reported out of
a House of Representatives subcommit-
tee yesterday.
If the bill was implemented as cur-
rently written, said a spokesperson for
committee member U.S. Rep. Nancy
Pelosi (D-Calif.), a 6 percent drop in
federal work-study funding would
mean 62,000 fewer students could par-
ticipate in the program during the 2000-
01 academic year.
The bill also gives colleges and uni-
versities 5140 million less than
Congress allocated to higher education
this year. making significant cuts to
many school-run programs while total-
ly eliminating funding to others.
While cutting S2.37 billion in fund-
ing for Pell Grants from the current
year, the bill adds S150 to the maxi-
mum allowable grant amount. The Pell

Grant program is the largest federally
funded grant program for individual
"The committee and the chairman
place the Pell Grants at the very highest
priority," a subcommittee spokesperson
said. "We don't have a lot of money."
Eight months after the Clinton
administration made its fiscal year
2000 budget recommendation in
January, the Republican-led 15-mem-
ber Subcommittee on Labor, Health
and Human Services and Education
sent the bill to the full appropriations
committee, which could take it up next
Oct. 1 marks the end of the current
fiscal year, when the new budget
should theoretically take effect.
Tom Butts, associate vice president
for University relations, said Congress
will file a continuing motion extending
the time it has to finalize the budget
bills. It could be two to three more
months before the higher education bill
See AID, Page 2

S U voGAcI, Davy
ident Stephanie Moore-Fuller holds up a sign expressing her support for the newly inaugurated
exuality Day yesterday at the Aut Bar located on Braun Road.

bia for people afraid to talk about their
ar graduate student Binyamin Biber said
on also gave significance to the "BT" in
etters representing bisexuals and transgen-
n overlooked, he said.
of the Common Language Bookstore Lyn
ooks and pins related to bisexual topics last

"It's really important to be supportive of people
who stand up for themselves," Kelly said. "People
shouldn't have to feel bad about themselves."
Kelly laid her hand, with her arm dabbed with blue
paint, onto book-covered table. She said that she didn't
expect her books to sell and that she was there predom-
inantly as a supporter. "This much stuff has been written
by and for (bisexuals). It's an indicator of things chang-

Law School gains
8 new professors

By Caitlin Nish
Daily Staff Reporter
Eight new professors joined the staff
of the University's Law School in one
of the most significant fac-
ulty increases in its 140-
year history.
"There are so many new
faculty members this year
partly because we just.
found lots of people we
were interested in and we
were very successful in
recruiting them." said Christina
Whitman, Law School associate dean
for academic affairs.
The eight new professors, who join a
staff of more than 70 active faculty
members, bring a wide range of back-
grounds - four have previous teaching
Prof Reuven Avi-Yonah, who will
begin teaching in 2000, comes to the
University from Harvard Law School;
Prof. Omri Ben-Shahar taught at Tel-
Aviv University; Prof Evan Caminker
joins the faculty from the UCLA Law
School; and Prof. Robert Lloyd Howse
comes from the Faculty of Law,
University of Toronto.
"I was initially approached by the
University to come as a visiting professor
and the most compelling reason why I'm
back here is that I had a magnificent time
as a visiting professor. I was interested and
attracted by the possibilities for interdisci-
plinary work that were available here"
said Howse, who recently served as a vis-
iting professor at Harvard Law School.
Profs. Daniel Halberstam, Ellen
Katz, Nina Mendelson and Susanna
Blumenthal, beginning in 2000 after
she completes her -Ph.D. at Yale
University, are the four faculty mem-
bers who will begin their teaching
careers at the University.
Nnlhi-mmm . t7 nri ~nA Aikon allI

Mendelson both worked as attorneys in
the Environment and Natural
Resources Division.
"Michigan is a fabulous school. It's a
high quality school of nation-
al reputation where the stu-
dents are very good. Plus, I
wanted to see what four feet
of snow for six months in
duration looked like"
Halberstam said.
Katz, who is married to
Halberstam, said,
"Teaching seemed like a great job and
now I finally decided to do it. I get to do
research on things I care about and I
have an opportunity to study issues
more in depth than practice generally
New faculty members completed a
complex hiring process before being
accepted by the University.
"One reason we were so successful
this year is that we have a personnel
committee who looked at the most
exciting professors on other faculties
and invited them to come and visit,"
Whitman said.
The personnel committee's goal is to
identify professors of great scholarship
and then make recommendations to the
faculty about recruiting and hiring.
Law schools commonly recruit pro-
fessors from other faculties.
"It is well known that the University
along with several other leading U.S.
law schools are recruiting in interna-
tional trade law and areas concerning
globalization." Howse said.
For those professors just entering acad-
emia, the selection process is very differ-
ent. Those who are interested in becoming
professors submit applications to law
schools through the American Association
of Law Schools, which then distributes
the applications to schools. Institutions
rcnchicit flerscnl interviewa; t a am

I .,

Steven Bentton models "Emblem Eyes," maize and blue contact lenses, a new
line of Michigan paraphernalia for college athletics fans.
Conltact lenses give


'go blue 'eyes


Last week hurt Bad er morale, but this
team won't forget last year's slaughter at
the Big House that cost them a shot at the
National title. They won't roll over.
The Wolverines looked less than perfect
a .. ; .e. Cv i, a i tt ha + r ife~ncp h klnIrl

By Jessica Weiss
For the Daily
Look a Michigan fan straight in the
eye and you could see maize and blue.
"Emblem Eves" a new line of nov-
elty contact lenses were recently
introduced by Wesley Jessen, the
manufacturer of "Wild Eyes."
The new lenses for collegiate
athletics fans are maize circles
with a block "M" and the words
"Go Blue" written in blue. The

Michigan is currently the only test
market for the product, which
debuted on the contact lenses market
almost three weeks ago. If enough
interest is generated "Emblem Eyes"
will eventually be offered to the entire
Big Ten conference with each team's
respective logo, Jessen said.
LSA sophomores Lauren Waldo
and Kelly Leaman said they were
reluctant to try on a pair of the con-
tacts, but they said they appreciate the






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