4 - The Michigan Daily - Friday. September 17, 1999 1bE £xditijn &1Q laynard Street HEATHER KAMINS bor, MI 48109 Editor in Chief Ann Arbor: A hotbed for conversation and assault --- -- - --- - - - - -- - -- -- - --.f - - - - - - , - - - ---- - 420 M Ann Ar daliy.iettersiumicr.edu Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan s, w. m, 5 z JEFFR E KOSSEFF DAVID WALLACE Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Dailss editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM H E DVAILY ' Walk d Students, city should take crime seriously his is my third year as a student at the Universit, and in all that time I, proba- bly like most guys mere, have never really given any serious thought to Safewalk. Northwalk or any of the various escort secu- rity services available on campus. Like everyone else, I have seen the flyers plas- 1 tered all over campus, but never paid much t attention. Why should I? y After all. Im a gsiy. x I've never once in my lite actively feared rape or sexual assault. Furthermore, Ann Arbor is safe - cer- Branden tainly the safest town Sanz of its size that I've 4 ever lived in. There is no part of Ann Arbor heHMie f where I cannot go for a stroll all alone at 3 a.m. and feel complete- ly safe. Even nearby Ypsilanti isn't as bad as peo- ple make it out to be. Like other people who have lived in big cities. I laugh when people talk about "the 'hood" of Ypsi. Sure. it's got it's less-than-pleasant neighborhoods. but I can still drive through them at night, or walk through them during the day, and feel at ease. Sure. I know there is crime in Ann Arbor. We do have assault. We do have robbery. Occasionally we have something worse. But this is still a town where a rape or murder is big news. We're talking front-page stuff here, not the little summation you would find buried at the bottom of page eight if you lived in one of many major metropolitan areas. You might think that maybe a conversation with one of my female friends might have brought the topic out, but that has not hap- pened. You see. I have a lot of female friends, but the vast majority are strong, assertive women who, even if the thought and or fear of sexual assault ever crossed their minds. would never admit it. They would all, more than likely, just laugh it off and tell me that I worry too much. Taking all this in, it's not surprising that something like Safewalk never entered my mind. Until Sunday night, that is. Apparently, a fracas the size of a small riot broke out at the All Star Cafe. Fortunately, I was able to avoid that particular bit of unpleasantness. However, I had my own little run-in with someone who was undoubtedly one of the All Star pre-partiers. It was about 9 p.m. and I was over at Village Corner in need of a late-night ice cream fix.. So there I am, standing in front of the little freezer aisle perusing the various Ben and Jerry's selections, trying to make up my mind. Did I want cookie dough? Was it a Phish Food night ? Alh! Decisions. Before long, I'm joined by two girls who walk over and begin (Surprise!) trying to fig- ure out what type of ice cream they want. They both look to be sophomores or maybe juniors and hot on their heels is some guy - whom I'll call Jackass - that I originally thought was with them, but as the conversa- tion unfolds it is plain they consider Jackass person rnon grtu. I'll paraphrase an exam- ple for your reading enjoyment: Jackass: Hey ladies, can I get your phone numbers? Girls: We have boyfriends. J: Are you going to come to our party'? G: I'm sure our boyfriends might have a problem with that. 3: You want to go kick it at my place'? You get the idea. I'm not sure if the guy was drunk, stoned or just plain stupid. but he wouldn't take "no" for an answer. It got to th* point where the girls were getting flustered and their witty responses had turned into ner- vous laughter. so of course I felt compelled to open my big mouth. I calmly informed Jackass that no, the girls did not want to go to his fucking party and why didn't he beat it. He quickly retreated down one of the aisles, yelling for his "homey" his word, not mine. A few things truly amazed me about the whole ordeal. First, I found the single-mind edness of this guy unreal. Why wouldn't heW take a hint? Did he think they werejust going to suddenly change their minds after he had asked the eighth time? Ladies, correct me if I'm wrong here. but I doubt many of you go cruising for men at VC on a Sunday sight. The second thing that got me was hos grateful the girls were after Jackass took off. I was expecting a curt "Thanks" not "Omigod. thank you soooo much. You didn't have to do that." Etc., etc. But you see, I did have to do that. Let me explain mnyself befor you think I'm some kind of social do-gooder (I do have a reputation to uphold. you know). Where I'm from you just don't do certain things. You do not badger a woman like that. You do not not take "no" for an answer. I don't think any man could have stood in my shoes and called himself a man if he had done something different. Behavior like that might seem innoeent enough in the ice cream aisle, but what happens if these girls are walking home and run into Jackass (or someone like him)in a dark alley'? It's quite easy to see how single-mindedness can evolve to sexual assault given the proper setting. I'm not writing this to evoke mass hyste- ria, but rather awareness. Go ahead and take your midnight stroll. but ladies. you might want to bring a friend. - Brinuen San- can be reached over e-ntmilt at hsun michedu. W alking at night on the streets ofAnn Arbor is not always an enjoyable experience. Rather than a leisurely stroll, the return home becomes an obstacle course. What was that noise? Make sure to avoid that street - its dangerous. It may sound far fetched, but given recent incidents, some stu- dents are frightened of walk- ing on the streets of Ann FOR MOR Arbor. INFORM And who can blame them'? Last Saturday, a female stu- SAPAC's We dent was allegedly grabbed by s''sumich.e a man while making her way Safewalk home from a party on Phone: 936- Washtenaw Avenue. Incidents Northwalk like this instill fear in the resi- dents of an otherwise strong Phone: 763-N community. Although similar assaults are not com- pletely preventable in any city, they are pre- dictable. Safety must start with students exer- cising common sense and making use of available safety resources. U-Move offers self-defense classes. Safewalkand Northwalk serve students on Central and North campus- es by offering pairs of volunteers to walk stu- dents within a 20-minute walking radius on a request basis. Late night bus service provided by the University includes the Nite Owl, a free shut- tle bus service with specific stops around campus available, seven days a week, until 2 a.m., and Nite Ride, a taxi service charging $2 to take students anywhere in Ann Arbor between 2 and 7 a.m. The University offers useful safety resources, and students should take advantage of them. Because the majority of students live off e6 R w campus, the city of Ann Arbor must improve safety conditions on its streets. And the University must work with the city to make sure all students are protected. Last Saturday's incident occurred off campus, so the investi- gation was turned over to the Ann Arbor Police Department. Regardless of where this and similar incidents occur, E SAFETY the University and the city are NATION responsible for the well being of students and residents. bsite Although the University has dulsapac no legal obligation for the level of safety outside campus boundaries, it does have a moral responcibility. Because these off-campus areas are part of the University commu- nity, the University needs to work with the city to ensure that off-campus streets are just as safe as the streets that run through Central campus. The city can start by improving the light- ing in off-campus areas. While central cam- pus is relatively well-lit, most off-campus streets have little or no lighting, and students often find themselves walking home in the dark. Improving the lighting will help deter many would-be attackers. According to DPS, incidents of forcible fondling and aggravated assault are on the rise. Campus safety must be on everyone's mind, and everyone must take responsibility for keeping the campus safe. Students must exercise common sense and make use of University-offered safety resources. But it is imperative that the city improve lighting off- campus to ensure that late-night assaults become a thing of the past. LETTERS TO TH E E DITOR WCBN offers unique listening experience THOMAS KuLJuRGIS TEN ,. s: t Ws. v.Nw , T E'w W Ppj01U@PASAPL &TJ.L Os)1'C*T T~EEEk IS 51$ I14AS '~ Daily bemoaned political apathy in the '50s Campus political activity and interest, which hit a fast pace after the last war, has now almost died out. It has been a sad commentary on student interest and intellectualism that only a few political and governmental organizations are car- rying -on an active program this fall, and that even these groups have had disap- pointing attendance at their meetings. Student legislature had its usual small number of candidates and voters this fall in campus elections, yet SL represents one of the only effective mediums for stu- dent action on campus affairs. A survey of the political clubs gives an even more disheartening picture. The Committee to End Discrimination, evidently outliving its usefulness when the admission form discrimination was largely removed, could not get enough interest from student groups or students in general to continue for another term. UNESCO Council, Young Republicans, Young Democrats and Young Progressives clubs have not had the attendance that their activities merit. Certainly one need not agree with what each of these clubs is doing, but everyone should be able to find one organization in which he has an interest and make an attempt to attend its meetings. These clubs have much to offer both in general information and political experi- ence. The Young Republicans have heard some excellent speakers in the past weeks. State party leader "Pat" Cleary, state Sen. Creighton Coleman and Young Republican leader John Tope have spoken in recent open meetings on the political picture, leg- islation and campaigning - topics which should interest people outside of the Young The 950S For stories, see page 16. Republicans as well as club members. Yet at non of their meetings have the Young Republicans had more than 50 people. This discouraging state of political affairs need not continue any longer. In the past weeks, new clubs have appeared on campus, and if successful in gaining recognition, can well turn the present trend of apathy. With the Society for Peaceful Alternatives and the Civil Liberties Committee past the organiza- tional stage and "Students for Eisenhower" almost ready to be formed' there can be no excuse given that students lack opportunity for political expression. Further diversity is added to the polit- ical scene by the Lawyers for Taft Club, and there should be no reason why inter- ested campus Democrats couldn't whip up a "Truman for Re-election" group. The opportunity for political expres- sion is not denied to us; we simply do not make use of it. An alert campus engaged in intelligent political activity could be ample proof that "political defeatism" and "intellectual stagnation" are not in control of the campus. -- This editorial was first published in the Daily on December 4, 1951. TO THE DAILY: This letter is in response to Mike Kegler's letter ("U' Radio Station Needs Complete Makeover.'" 91599). Kegler makes several points in his letter that I take issue with as a station member and listener. as well as a part of the Ann Arbor communit. In contrast to Mr. Keglers suigestion, WCBN does indeed embrace independent hip-hop and rock. The freeform shows that make ip a large part of the station's sched- ule feature a great deal of these two kinds of music..A quick look at the station's playlists tmakes this fact clear'(/suit: uu'sfs.is's). Bu i f these were the oily types of music that WCBN played, then it would be just another college radio station. It is the "obscure jazz" and "God knows what else" that make WCBN so special. and so amaz- ing. Jazz musicians like John Coltrane. Sin Ra and John Cage have had a tremendous influence on music as a whole. By all means. their music deserves to have a place. WCBN is one of the very few- stations left in the cosuntry svhere the stork of such swonm- derful musicians can be heard in the same time slot as important independent musi- cians of today. As far as Mr. Kegler's suggestion that WCBN does not support local musicians, this is simply false. WCBN has a local music show, as well as a large local music section in its library. It is far and away the best place for local artists to get exposure. WCBN also sets up a wide variety of live shows throughout the year featuring Ann Arbor bands. Most, if not all of these shows. enjoy very good success. Ws'CBN does not ignore any genre of music. and it tries to embrace the best amd most creative mumsicianis possible. Itis a fats- tastic resource, as well as being an impor- tant part of Ann Arbor. That Mr. Kegler calls the station's programming "absurd" shows that he is not particularly familiar with WCBN and the idea of freeform. I sug- gest that he listen a little more carefully, and reconsider his conclusions. In a time when good art of all kinds is being shoved aside. there is no reason to call for the abolishment or overhaul of a radio station that embraces all that is inde- pendent. innovative, and artistic. BEN TAUSIG LSA SOPHOMORE 14 JlI, W4. Igqq I QyEWt :m :t' to be shared. The reason why student government has not been able to accomplish this feat in 40 years is that so many people higher up on the food chain don't want it to hap- pen. Giving students power or additional access to the powers that be has histori- cally not been a popular notion among administrators anywhere. If the regents wanted a student mem- ber. they could essentially bypass the state constittion amd allo a student to be elected - but there are too many egos in the way. Some of the jpstifications I've been given as to why additional student involvement wouldn't be a good idea are: The regents do enough outreach to students on their own. they know how students are feeling. A student regent wosldn't have to do an expensive state wide campaign like the rest of the regents - it wouldn't be fair if they got the same rights. Regents sit for a term of 8 years and students would only sit for two, it wouldn't be enough time for them to learn what they need to know to do the job. it would be counterproductive if a student came it solely to push their own political agenda - it would be a waste of time, etc. We heard it all. so we turned to Lansing to force them to change. Lobbying the legislature to change the constitution is a noble pusutit; however, even if thi svere to be placed on the bal- lot, the ad campaign before voting day would be long and expensive and we. couldn't use University money (student fees) - however, any people out there with million dollar trust funds could fund it themselves. So, the fight is now to convince the regents' that they don't do enough to hear siudent voices, in fact.they ove ss more than to hear s. We have the right to an active role in the University so now we have to demand they give it to us. I challenge yous to approach the regents' via MSA President Brain Elias. Currently, he alone can talk to the Board as the voice of the student body. Let him know your concerns, and he will advo- cate for you. This is the first step. But it will take more than that, I am afraid. We will have our Student Regent only when the regents collectively admit that their power is limited, that their role should not be limited to only those who can afford to be there and that they will never truly work for student interests if a student is not allowed to sit beside them equally. It's their choice and their conscience. EUSE ERICKSON LSA SOPHOMORE Nuclear energy offers a positive alternative TO THE DAILY: At the risk of starting an environmental argument over the benefits/risks of nuclear power, I'd like to point out that all means generating energy in this country have huge, environmental and human costs. Coal fired electrical plants kill many people through mining accidents and increased cases of lung cancer from their pollution. Not to mention the environ- mental damage due to acid rain, contribu- tions to CO, emissions and the resulting global warming. The disposal of waste is a problem 10 well. Coal ash contains arsenic, selenium, mercuiry. sulfir and even utranisum. Some of that is given off by smokestacks and we all breathe it. The rest has to be disposed of. The vol- ume of waste produced from a coal plant is much larger than that of a nuclear plant. Have a look at ness.pollutiononline. omindustrrr- news.'19980227-1329'.hntl or mrmru:enri- rosmeb.org/hec'seb/monitorw'inter97_98/cc- reuse.hmn. The latter states that more than ' million tons of toxic coal slag are produced by power generation each year. In the end there aren't any easy answers and it's easy to fear nuclear power after hav- ing been trained for so long by the media. Admittedly, Chernobyl teaches us many lessons - and perhaps it is too dangerous - but to ignore the many costs of other altema- ives in making a judgment is foolish However, most people who argue again nuclear power never consider the dangers and costs of the alternatives. The other perhaps more interesting ques- tion raised by the letter is why the Michigan Student Assembly (a student organization that should deal with on-campus student issues) would have any need for an Environmental Issues Commission unless its main job is scraping the gum off the bottom of benches along the diag. TIMOTHY STROt RACKHAM STUDENT Regents should give students a role in decision making TO THE DAILY: It seems that every semester the edito- rial staff at the Daily will run something about the student body's longing for a "student regent" ("Empty Seat," 9/15/99). Well, this news is about to cel- ebrate it's 40th anniversary - and (sigh) no student regent. As a former student regent junkie who has been intimately involved in this dead-end pursuit, I feel that there are some critical details miss- ing from yesterday's editorial which need SFAI H [A Ai Al s B~ps. goY . o1 _, I VlLiEEYq-l 7 A