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September 17, 1999 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-09-17

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 17, 1999


Church shooter leaves
flew clues for police

FORT WORTH, Texas (AP)-- Police
picked through Larry Gene Ashbrook's
trashed home and old journals on yester-
day, finding holes punched in walls, con-
crete poured in toilets and family pho-
tographs shredded - but no explanation
for why he opened fire in a church,
killing seven people and himself.
The 47-year-old Ashbrook appeared
to be "a very troubled man who ...
sought to quiet whatever demons that
bothered him," FBI agent Robert
Garrity said. "I don't know that we'll
ever know the answer to the question of
why it happened."
Ashbrook, dressed in blue jeans, a
Continued from Page 1

black jacket and smoking a cigarette,
entered the Wedgwood Baptist Church
in Fort Worth on Wednesday evening as
teenagers listened to a Christian rock
band in the sanctuary.
In the church lobby, Ashbrook con-
fronted his first victims with a question:
"What's the program?" Then he shot a
janitor who approached him and killed
two other people before walking into
the crowded sanctuary.
The 150 teen-agers gathered inside ini-
tially thought Ashbrook was part of a skit
as he began cursing and spouting deroga-
tory comments about Baptists. They
scrambled for cover as Ashbrook opened

fire, pausing at least twice to reload.
"The guy pointed at me and shot at
me!" an out-of-breath man told a 911
dispatch operator. "I saw the flash of a
muzzle and headed the other direc-
"There's a woman -here who looks like
she's bleeding in the head!" a church
nursery worker told another operator.
Ashbrook lit and rolled a homemade
pipe bomb down an aisle at one point. It
exploded but did not harm anyone.
Seven people - choir members,
seminarians and" high school stu-
dents - were killed. Seven others
were wounded, three seriously.

recall all schools in New Jersey and New York City closing
because of a hurricane.
The wind set a Ferris wheel spinning on its own at
Ocean City, Md., and overturned an empty truck on the
Chesapeake Bay Bridge. New York City sent its munici-
pal employees home early, urged business to close and
shut down the upper deck of the Verrazano Narrows
Hundreds of airline flights were canceled along the East
Coast, grounding tens of thousands of passengers. Amtrak
suspended all train service south of Washington, and service
farther north was disrupted by a mudslide and fallen trees.
Ferry service was canceled from Cape Cod to Martha's
Vineyard and Nantucket.
"The message is, don't fool with Mother Nature," said
New York City Council Speaker Peter Vallone. "Stay home if
you can."
New York's mass transit system is particularly vulnerable
to rain. Just three weeks ago, a freak storm during the morn-
ing rush hour dumped three inches of rain, halting subway
service and disrupting commuter rail lines. Hundreds of
thousands of workers got to work late or not at all.

The New York Stock Exchange stuck to regular hours, but
the U.N. Security Council suspended its deliberations at 2
p.m. and postponed a meeting on protecting civilians in war.
zones. U.N. officials said it was the first time in recent histo-
ry that a formal, open meeting of the Security Council was
derailed by bad weather.
On the eastern end of Long Island, directly in the storm's
projected path, residents made last-minute runs for flash-
lights and emergency supplies and hammered plywood over
It was expected to be Long Island's harshest storm since
September 1985, when Hurricane Gloria caused an estimat-
ed S130 million in damage and knocked out power to
750,000 homes and businesses.
"They're getting panicky," said Harold Herbert of
Herb's Market in Montauk, on the easternmost tip of
Long Island, as his customers lined up for batteries, water,
ice and cold cuts. "I don't think this hurricane is as bad
as some of them."
Authorities ordered the evacuation of Fire Island, off the
south coast of Long Island, but not all its 2,000 residents
Dave Feraro, armed with candles, flashlights, batteries and
a cell phone, hunkered down with his wife in their Fire Island
home a mere 150 feet from the white-capped Atlantic.


Continued from Page 1
other items that might be needed by
stranded passengers. But no such
requests had been received as of yester-
day evening, mainly because would-be
East Coast travelers were warned in
advance of cancellations, he said.
Kinesiology junior Lauren
Bonzagni also spent yesterday on the
phone trying to find out how the
storm would affect her plans.
Bonzagni, who is trying to get to
New York to visit friends, said her
plane reservations had been can-
celed, then re-routed from Newark
International Airport to Logan
International Airport in Boston and
then canceled two more times.
Bonzagni said the Northwest
Airlines representatives have been
helpful thrughout the entire ordeal.
"They've been very polite about it,"
Bonzagni said.
Bonzagni has a plane reservation for
7 am. today, but said if it is canceled
she will keep trying throughout the
Bonzagni said she is a little frustrat-
ed because she is the only one in her
group of reuniting friends who is com-
ing from out of the region.
"They're already there sitting in the
rain," Bonzagni said.
As hurricane Floyd moved north,
Northwest resumed service to Florida
on Wednesday and yesterday once
again began flying into North Carolina,
South Carolina and Virginia, Killian
Some students were traveling this
weekend to spend the Jewish holi-
day Yom Kippur with family and
Continued from Page 1
vated facilities for the political science
and American culture departments and
the Center for African American
"It is appropriate that these programs
come together," she said.
This goal, Neuman said, will
strengthen LSA as a whole.
Technology upgrades, with plans for
new fiber-optic cable, electrical and
other mechanical systems is part of the
Many ofnthe facilities to see renova-
tions currently have substandard infra-
structure for technology.
Currently, most faculty and graduate
students in Haven Hall can access the
Internet only via a telephone modem.
Neuman said the lack of access to
technology infrastructure frustrates
many in Haven Hall. "It's a recipe for
contemplating suicide," she said.
Regent Olivia Maynard (D-
Goodrich) said the physical environ-
ment of the Frieze Building needs sig-
nificant attention.
Maynard said the condition of Frieze
was poor even when she taught at the
University. "You could eat off the. floors
in the Public Health Building. With
Frieze, you could never clean that
place," Maynard said.
But even though renovations on
Frieze, which was originally built as
Ann Arbor's high school, will not be
included in the current renovations
package, Maynard said she is glad the
administration will be addressing the
building down the line.
The regents are scheduled to vote on
two additional building projects when
the reconvene this morning including
S.8 million worth of renovations to the
Burton Memorial Tower and the
approval of architects to develop plans
for renovation to the Student
Publications Building.
Baier said both of the historic struc-

tures need significant life safety

Aibright: Russia
must ght corruption
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
State Madeleine Albright, beset by con-
gressional criticism of the Clinton
administration's policy toward Russia,
said yesterday that "the suggestion made
by some that Russia is ours to lose is
arrogant; the suggestion that Russia is
lost is simply wrong."
However, in the wake of recent reports
about Russian corruption and capital
flight, Albright said Moscow's response
to corruption "has not been adequate,"
and she maintained that Russian
President Boris Yeltsin "needs - at last
- to make fighting corruption a priori-
"The Russian legal system remains no
match for well-connected criminals," she
added. "The deadweight of corruption is
holding Russia back."
In a speech at the Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace here,
Albright said that Russian leaders should
cooperate with investigations into money
laundering and the misuse of

Clinton refuses to disclose documents
WASHINGTON - Rebuffing a congressional inquiry, President Clinton
invoked executive privilege yesterday and refused to turn over documents on
his decision to offer clemency to members of a Puerto Rican separatist
It was the fourth time the Clinton White House has used executive privilege to
refuse a request from Congress. Clinton also invoked the privilege during iro
pendent counsel investigations into the Monica Lewinsky affair and former
Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy.
Critics, including some in Congress, have accused Clinton of making the
clemency offer to help first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton's budding Senate cam-
paign. Mrs. Clinton opposed the deal after it began to draw criticism and then
was herself criticized by some prominent Puerto Ricans in New York.
"The American people have a right to know why President Clinton opened the
prison gates and granted freedom to terrorists," said Rep. Vito Fossella.(R-N.Y.),
"If the president genuinely believes his clemency deal was justified, I find it curi-
ous that he would choose to stonewall Congress."
White House press secretary Joe Lockhart said partisan politics was behind the
congressional subpoenas for the documents, adding that Clinton was 'standin*
his constitutional "right to get confidential advice."

International Monetary Fund moneys.
Albright's pointed' comments about
the need for Yeltsin to take a personal
role in fighting corruption follow a
report that Yeltsin and his family directly
benefited from improper payments from
foreign companies seeking to do b -
ness in Russia,
Gates donates to
minority education
LOS ANGELES - Microsoft Corp.
Chair Bill Gates yesterday pledged to
spend SI billion over the next 20 years
giving college scholarships to thou-
sands of academically talented but
financially needy minority stude
The gift would be the largest phi
thropic gesture ever in education.
Gates, the world's wealthiest person,
has never made a bigger contribution to
any single cause and this one is almost
without rival in the nation's history.
Gates said he is creating the scholar-
ships because he believes too many
minority students are not reaching or
finishing college.

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Australia to drop
food in East Timor
DARWIN, Australia - Troops
geared up here to move as early as
tomorrow to reclaim ravaged East
Timor from the grip of fear and vio-
lence, but Australia said yesterday a
last-minute hitch had delayed the air
drop of food to East Timorese hiding in
the hills of the tiny territory.
Australian officials said earlier that
food would be dropped yesterday to
Timorese hiding in the hills, but later,
Defense Minister John More said
Indonesia had insisted that troops of
the Australian-led emergency interna-
tional force be on the ground before the
air drops began.
That was expected to happen this
weekend. A contingent of 250 British
Nepalese Gurkha soldiers landed in
Darwin to join the force of about 2,000
Australians expected to launch a coor-
dinated air and land incursion to East
At least 11 other countries are

expected to contribute to the multina.
tional force. Under :he United Nations
Security Council authorization passe
Wednesday, they will be permitted to
shoot to kill to restore order to the.v
aged Indonesian province.
Disney in mideast
political controversy
JERUSALEM - More than a
year ago, Walt Disney Co. invited
Israel and 23 other nations to take
part in a millennial celebration at
Walt Disney World's Epcot Ce
But the entertainment giant s
found itself emnbroiled in the coin
peting claims over Jerusalem.
The problem, Arab and Mushm
groups say, is that the Israeli exhibit
planned for Epcot's Millennium
Village, which is set to open Oct. 1
depicts Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
And that, in their view, means the
entertainment company is taking a side
- Compiled from Daily wire rep

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