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September 16, 1999 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-09-16

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2A -- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 16, 1999


Nations promise relief or


DILI, Indonesia (AP) - Closi
ranks against terror, countries fr
France to Thailand promised yesterd
to send soldiers to rescue thousands
starving East Timorese from furt
The United States is offering plar
and pilots to get peacekeepers into t
province, and will also help with log
tics, communications and intelligenc
In just weeks, the obscure confli
became an urgent priority for the U.
Security Council, which early yesterd
approved a peacekeeping force auth
rized to use "all necessary measure
a against violent militias.
East Timor's capital, Dili, was qu
yesterday, with only a few homes bu
,ing and sporadic gunfire. Tens of tho
sands of refugees waited in nearby hi
for desperately needed food drops fro
low-flying Australian military a
"Dili is empty now. There are on
ghosts of massacres," East Timore
rebel leader Jose Alexandre "Xanan
Gusmao said from Jakarta, where he
staying until it is safe for him to retu
It seemed increasingly likely th
Australian-led peacekeepers could fi
Dili free of pro-Indonesian militi
when they land and secure the ci
expected as early as this weekend.
The militias, which rampaged acro
East Timor shooting people to dea
and butchering them with machet
were slipping out of the capital, sa
Indonesian military officers who spol
to The Associated Press on condition
East Timor plunged into a murdero

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ng nightmare after U.N. officials
om announced Sept. 4 that voters had over-
lay whelmingly approved independence in
of a referendum last month. Hundreds and
her possibly thousands of people have been
killed in less than two weeks.
nes "We have had to learn, independence
he is not cheap. We have had to pay," said
is- Sebastiao Guterres, a 26-year-old U.N.
e. volunteer who was among those airlift-
ict ed to a refugee camp in Darwin,
N. Australia.
ay For those left behind, food and shel-
ho- ter were the highest priorities.
es" The United Nations was readying
huge transport planes to drop food
iet packets to the impoverished refugees as
rn- early as today.
au- The conflict has raged for nearly 25
lls years, since Indonesia invaded the for-
om mer Portuguese colony in 1974. An
ir- estimated 200,000 people have died in
the fighting.
ly In less than two weeks, an estimated
se 300,000 or more people have been driven
a" from their homes by the militias and their
is allies in the Indonesian military.
rn. Foreign governments, in a show of
hat solidarity, have been rushing forward
nd with promises of troops.
as Australia will send 4,500 soldiers,
ty, the backbone of the force of more than
7,500. France pledged 500 soldiers on
ss yesterday, while Thailand offered 700
th troops.,
es, Malaysia, South Korea and other
id countries also promised to send units. A
ke contingent of Gurkhas, elite fighters
of who come mostly from Nepal, also will
head to East Timor.
us The United States already has said it

Starr admits mistakes in Clinton probe
LOS ANGELES - If he could do it all over again, independent counwe
Kenneth. Starr said yesterday he would have done a better job of spin control an<
let someone else take on the Monica Lewinsky probe.
With the clarity of hindsight, Starr said he now realizes his public silence a
the ever-expanding, six-year Whitewater probe fed a public perception that he
waging "a vendetta" against President Clinton and the first lady, Hillary Rodhar
It was a "serious blunder," he said, to have also taken on Travelgate and Filegat
- investigations of the firings in the White House travel office and the discover
of FBI files of prominent Republicans in the Clinton White House.
Starr's remarks came yesterday -during a downtown speech before Los Angeler
business and civic leaders. He later elaborated on them during a meeting witl
senior Los Angeles Times editors.
Recently, Starr, who in the past has spoken infrequently in public, has been car
rying his message to a few, carefully selected venues. Last week, for example, ht
addressed students at Yale University, where he urged them not to grow cy
about pursuing careers in public service.
Starr said he believes it is important to get his side of the story before the pub
lic so history can give this "unfortunate" chapter its proper place.

More than 100,000 East Timorese refugees have fled to neighboring West Timor

since fighting broke out.
will provide several hundred support
personnel, while the Philippines said
yesterday it would send 1,200 people,
most of them doctors and engineers.
"It is our desire of course to see the
multinational force in East Timor as
soon as possible," Australian Prime
Minister John Howard said.
But there were fears that the militias
could target Australian peacekeepers
because of anger at the country's role in
pushing for the security force.
Thousands of refugees in Dili shel-
tered at military headquarters, the gov-
Continued from Page 1A
ry of the United States."
An estimated 800,000 residents of
coastal South Carolina and 500,000
Georgia residents joined 1.7 million
Floridians who were under evacuation
While Florida avoided the brunt of
the storm, governors in the Carolinas,
Georgia and Virginia declared states of
emergency and alerted National Guard
troops. Air and train travel were inter-
rupted all over the Southeast, and inter-
states in Florida, Georgia and South
Carolina were clogged with thousands
of panicked residents who had decided
this was one storm they had better not
ride out.
At least Floyd was not quite the
behemoth it had been as it ravaged the
Bahamas on Tuesday - leaving one
person dead and reports of severe dam-
age - and raked large stretches of the

Grasping life
its depth.
Camps rChapel MiniAtrie:

ernor's office and the seaport. Many
waited under red, yellow and blue tar-
paulins, looking tired and frightened.
"I never fled home because I'm
old," said 67-year-old Filomena de
Jesus, outside her shack in eastern
Dili. "I'll stay here, whether East
Timor is part of Indonesia or indepen-
People scavenged for food wherev-
er they could find it. Two girls, push-
ing a cart carrying sacks of rice
toward their refugee camp, said they
found the rice in a church.
Florida coast.
At its most powerful, the storm
packed 155 mph winds, making it a
borderline Category 5 storm, the dead-
liest of all.
Although it had lost some of its force
by last night, it remained a moderately
strong Category 3, on the Saffir-
Simpson scale of 1 to 5, and forecasters
warned that no one in its path could
afford to take it lightly.
By late yesterday afternoon, condi-
tions were obviously deteriorating in
the Charleston area, where wind-tossed
rain skitted across parking lots, and in
Myrtle Beach, which resembled a ghost
town as residents apparently heeded
repeated warnings about the storm's
Emergency officials enacted a 3 p.m.
curfew., allowing no one else to enter or
leave the area. In tiny Wrightsville
Beach, N.C.. residents were battened
down for their fifth hurricane since
Continued from Page 1A
paralleling it to Hurricane Andrew,"
said Red Cross volunteer Pamela
Redding Smith.
With the comparison to Andrew,
many students still recall disastrous
effects of that hurricane while not
knowing what to expect for this
"Our house remained pretty much
intact, but there was a house three
houses down from us that was com-
pletely destroyed. When we came
back there were curfews and the
national guard," Hanson said, recall-
ing the aftermath of Hurricane
Bollinger said 343 shelters opened
in five separate states last night and
46,519 people are already in those
But being so far from home, some
students said they are looking
beyond the material damage that may
result from a natural disaster.
"Physical things can be replaced
- other things can't be," said LSA
sophomore Josh Samek, who also
experienced the problems caused by
- Hurricane Andrew.
"We're all in it together," said
For those concerned about friends
or family in the path of the hurri-
cane, the Red Cross does have a for-
mal system to take inquiries to locate
anyone who is in one of their shel-
To make an inquiry, please contact
the local Red Cross chapter The
Washtenaw County Chapter of Red
Cross can be reached at (734) 971-
5300. Donations can be given to the
Red Cross at 1-800-HELP-NOW
Continued from Page 1A
environmentally-sound residential
homes, Carter said.
"The Palmer House seems to me

to be genuinely one of (Wright's)
finest," said Grant, adding that while

NASA, veterans may
see additional funds
WASHINGTON - A Senate sub-
committee voted yesterday to boost
spending for NASA and veterans'
health care above House-passed levels
as Republicans began meeting - and
even exceeding - some of President
Clinton's spending demands.
Across the Capitol, the House
cleared the way for boosting salaries
for members of Congress, the next
president and federal workers. That
occurred as the House voted 292 to 126
to approve a final $28 billion measure
financing the Treasury Department and
smaller agencies.
By voice-vote, a subcommittee of the
Senate Appropriations Committee
approved a $90.9 billion measure
financing space, veterans; housing and
environmental programs for fiscal
2000, which begins Oct. 1. The bill is
about the same as Clinton requested
and $1 billion more than the House
approved last week.
EPA Administrator Carol Browner

complained that a S196 million cu
by the subcommittee in her agency'
operations budget threatens "th
backbone of our national environ-
mental effort."
She said the cuts will affect e
ronmental enforcement and air d
water pollution programs,
PACs increase their
Democratic support
WASHINGTON - With control of
the House up for grabs, business groups
that overwhelmingly favored
Republicans during the Gingrich years
have begun spreading more pol11*
money to Democratic candidates.
Eight of the 10 biggest corporate
political action committees have anted
up a larger than usual share of their dona-
tions to Democrats in 1999, an
Associated Press analysis of Federal
Election Commission records shows.
In many cases, Democrats are getting
their largest percentage of business PAC
contributions since 1994, when they t
control of Congress to the GOP


Russia to abandon
Mir space station
MOSCOW - The Mir space station
will be discarded next year as planned
and Russia will switch to contributing
to international projects in space explo-
ration, a top space official said yester-
Russia can no longer afford maintain-
ing Mir. The space station's last full-time
crew left in August, and the station will
be visited only briefly by another team
next year in order to prepare the 140-ton
Mir for its final descent to Earth.
Most of the station will burn up as it
reenters the atmosphere, and some rem-
nants will fall into the Pacific Ocean.
"We have already made our choice.
We have entered international coopera-
tion," the head of the Russian Aerospace
Agency, Yuri Koptev, told a news confer-
ence yesterday, according to the ITAR-
Tass news agency.
Russian space experts had long
delayed the decision to abandon the 13-
year-old Mir, the last symbol of the

country's pioneering role in space and a
source of national pride. Without tlhe
Mir, Russia will have no major space
project of its own.
Even after the decision was Mal,
Russian officials put off the station's
final day in orbit until next year, hoping
for an unexpected source of funding.
Typhoon York hits
Hong Kong's shores
HONG KONG - A typhoon pack-
ing 93-mph winds pounded Hong 1I
with a direct hit this morning, causing
floods, blocking roads with fallen trees
and blowing the windows out of down-
town offices.
Typhoon York forced the closure ol
schools, financial markets and mrtst
other businesses. Ferry services to outly-
ing islands and to the neighboring
Portuguese enclave of Macau were su-
pended, as fishing boats scurried for
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.

rof I


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NEWS Jennifer Yachnin, Managng Edlr
EDITORS: Nikita Easley. Katie Plona, Mike Spahn, Jaimie Winkler.
STAFF: Lindsey Alpert, Phil Bansal, Jeannie Bauman, Risa Berrin, Marta Brill. Nick Bunkley, Adam Brian Cohen, Gerard Cohen-Vrignaud,
Sana Danish, Lauren Gibbs, Anand Giridharadas, Robert Gold. Jewel Gopwani, Michael Grass, Seva Gunitskiy, Jodie Kaufman. Jody Simone
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EDITORIAL Jeffrey Kosseff, David Wallace, Editos
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Emily Achenbaum, Nick Woomer.
STAFF Chip Cullen Jason Fink. Seth Fisher. Lea Frost, Jenna Greditor, Scott Hunter, Thomas Kuljurgis, Mike Lopez, Steve Rosenberg.
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SPORTS Rick Freeman, Managing EditOr
EDITORS: TJ. Berka, Chris Duprey. Josh Kleinbaum, Andy Latack.
STAFF: Emily Achenbaum. David Den Herder. Dan Dingerson. Jason Emeott. Mark Francescutti, Geoff Gagnon, Raphael Goodstein; Arun
Gopal, Chris Grandstaff, Michael Kern. Ryan C. Moloney. David Mosse, Stephanie Offen, Stephen A. Rom, Kevin Rosenfield, Tracy $andier,
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WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Amy Barber, Toyin Akinmusuru hitp e osnJsiaE tn dtr
SUB.EDiTORS GaCe Furi (Music, Jenni Glenn ne/Peformrng Arts), Caitlin Hall (TV/New Media), Gina Hamaday (Books), Ed Sholinsky (Film)
STAFF: Matthew Barrett, Jason Brchmeier, Alisa Claeys, Jeff Druchniak. Cortney Dueweke, Brian Egan, Steven Gertz, Jewel Gopwan,
Chris Kula, Erin Podolsky, Aaron Rich, Adlin Rosi Chris Tkaczyk, Jonah Victor, Ted Watts, John UhI. Curtis Zimmerman.
PHOTO Louis Brown, Dana Linnane, Edi
ARTS EDITOR: Jessica Johnson
STAFF: Dhani Jones, Jeremy Menchik, Sara Schenk. Michelle Sweinis.

STAFF: Toyin Akinmusuru, Seth Benson, Rachel Berger, Amy Chen, Todd Graham, Paul Wong.

Satadru Pramanik, Editcr

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