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September 15, 1999 - Image 21

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-09-15

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f you want to get ahead,
put the right people beside you.
We're searching for people who want to move forward. Faster. Care to join us?
At Ernst & Young, we've created an environment where talented people work together to bring out the best in each other - and in our clients.Individually nd
as part of a team, Ernst & Young is influencing industries, envisioning strategies, incorporating new technologies, and designing the solutions that delW value.
These achievements have made us a leading worldwide professional services firm, serving Fortune 500 clients.
Consulting Services
Recognized as an aggressive leader in Consulting Services and Health Care Consulting, we provide more solutions to nmore companies than any other
professional services firm. Leading organizations rely on Ernst & Young's consulting services to deliver mission-critical changes. Cufhently, we are seeldng
highly motivated, multi-talented candidates who are eager to work on high-energy teams dedicated to improving the diverse businesses of our clients.
Corporate Finance
Ernst & Young has become the Financial Advisor of choice on shareholder value issues. As a member of our Corporate Finance team, you'll hVe
unprecedented opportunities to guide our clients towards financial strength, through divestiture, cash acquisition and financing strategies. Opportunities exist
in three core areas-Strategic Finance, Transaction and Litigation Advisory.
Strategic Advisory Services
Recognized for the innovative strategies we create for our wide range of clients, Strategic Advisory Services continues to grow rapidly- -reating uuique
opportunities for Senior Consultants to serye clients in critical roles and apply their entrepreneurial skills. Our consultants generate hypotheses, pro
quantitative and qualitative analysis, and present recommendations that help improve businesses. Ideal candidates must have their M8A by the yer 2000 d
possess 3-5 years of relevant work experience, excellent analytical skills, and the creativity, initiative and flexibility that it takes to succeed in a fast-paced, i
energy environment.
With our WordUnk Program, we've even made moving to your home country the ideal way to move forward in your career - utiliztIg your
i nternational education and your in-depth, country-specific knowledge to become a Consultant with one of our international member fri.
n a career that moves beyond boundaries, you'll share all the knowledge, infrastructure and advantages of our Global Client ConsaAingopk6on.
and be part of an organization with more than 12,000 respected consultants and a client roster ranging from the Fortune 500 to emerging Woithcornifts.
Al while enjoying all the prestige and growth potential of the world's largest professional services firm.

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We are currently seeking dedicated, high-energy individuals for positions in the following countries:






University of Michigan
9/22 - Consulting Services, Corporate Finance 10/14 - WorLink
& Strategic Advisory Services intemational Engineering Career Fair
BBA Presentation, 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm, Room D1276 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

9/28 - Consulting Services & WoldLink
Engineering Presentation, Sponsored by SWE
(Date subject to change)
9/28 - Consulting Services
Engineering - SWE Tau Beta Pi Career Fair
Peirpont Commons, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
9/30 - Consulting Services,
Corporate Finance & Strategic Advisory Services
MBA Presentation, 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Hale Auditorium
10/5 - Consulting Services, CP&P Job Fair '99
Union, 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

10/15 -WodlUnk
Engineering - Masters Interviews
10/15 - Consulting Services
Engineering - Undergraduate, Masters Interviews
10/25 - Consulting Services,
Corporate Finance & Strtegic Advisory Services
Business - BBA Interviews,
Business - MBA Interviews
10/27 - Strategic Advisory Services
Engineering - Undei dI&to interviews

11/3 - Conuhing Services
Pubc Hea Carer Fair

10/14 -ConsultingServices
MECC Presentation

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