4 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 15, 1999 Cbe Sidligwn DilQg 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 daily.letters@umich.edu Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan HEATHER KAMINS Editor in Chief JEFFREY KOSSEFF DAvID WALLACE Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion ofthe majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. Emty ebat Lack of student on regent board hurts 'U' Questioning and This week. I'm going to pick on Jews and Muslims. The continuation of last week's argument has been pre-empt- ed for a topic of greater urgency. Jews and Muslims. people. What is it with these Orthodox Jews and devout Muslims:? These are two groups of peo- ple who hold a set of beliefs so strongly that American soci- etal pressures do not have any effects onl their behaviors. Am I wrong? No matter what is said to them, no matter what peo- ple do. no matter Mike how much you Lopez berate them for their beliefs, they keep c going. Why you t ' gotta wear that funny hat? What's with the kneeling all the time? It doesn't phase them. Although I may not agree with their theology. I have great respect for them and the incredible dedication they have to their beliefs. Why do you think their will is strong enough to go against the grain like that? Is it because we are all tolerant indi- viduals? I don't think so. I think it is because their society has forced them to ask the questions that need to be asked to find the transcendent truths that our spir- its instinctually search out. Once found, those truths are their guide. When was the last time that you followed your religious or philosophical beliefs to the point that you began to openly move against good ol' Americanism? It seems to me that this defending religion whole religion topic has turned into taboo. Whenever the topic of religion comes up in the media or public, it is all anyone can do to keep from stepping on a toe or two. You know what I say? I say go ahead and kick my shins with steel toed boots. Hit me with everything you've got. People these days have a "don't impose your beliefs on me" attitude. I'm not arguing about abortion or anything like that. Maybe that's where it started, but now the mindset has been drawn out to everyday speech. We are taught that we rnust tolerate everyone else's religious or philosophical position so much so that we cannot say anything that might offend anyone else's beliefs. How weak must your beliefs be to be affected by a mere human's nasty com- ments? One year ago, I had the good fortune to enter into a conversation about religion with two intelligent graduate students. I shared my theistic beliefs, which were dismissed summarily by my atheist room- mate. The interesting part was that before I could get a word in edgewise, the third person in our conversation got on the atheist's case. She told him that he couldn't say such things about my religion because it was disrespectful of my beliefs. "You've got to respect his beliefs." Maybe she thought she was coming to my defense, but I only saw her argument as a conversation killer. He doesn't have to respect my beliefs. He can say whatever he wants. If you hold a belief as absolutely true, then how can a person's comment change your belief? Let's say that God is as real as my father. A statement denying the existence of God is similar to a statement denying the existence of my father. What do you say is necessary to a person who say s that your father has never existed? Are your feelings hurt? Are you offended? I don't think so. If you are, then maybe it is not their problem tor offending you, but yours for being offended. The growing taboo against talking about matters of ultimate concern will only lead to a stale spiritual growth. If you do not talk about your beliefs, then you will not question them. As a result, you will have no chance to grow stronger in your beliefs or to find beliefs that more fully represent the truth. Let us say that you enter into a conversation with some- one who has a good point and actually converts you to his or her belief. If you now see how they are right, have you lost anything? No, you've gained. That is why I ask you to lay it on me. Try to convince me. 0 he idea of having a student regent on the University Board of Regents is not new. It is decades old, but only in recent years have students taken such firm action in see- ing it become a reality. In 1998, the Michigan State Assembly tried increasing student fees by $4 per semester. That effort was an attempt to pro- vide the funds needed to promote a constitu- tional change on the statewide ballot, a nec- essary step towards appointing a student regent. The current state constitution restricts the University from having a seat on the board reserved for a student. Unfortunately, the Board of Regents rejected this idea of fund-raising, even though it was a popular idea among students. Being the only public university in the Big Ten without a student regent, the University's disadvantages are apparent. Because other schools have this critical link between students and administrators, stu- dents are more involved in the administrative processes that affect them directly. This involvement encompasses opportunities such as exchanging ideas with regents, awareness of the inner workings of the University and having more contact with state officials such as the governor and state legislators. Additionally, a student serving on the board of regents would also motivate other students and organizations to turn their goals into reality. Often, administrators can be intimidating to students, and having some- one on the same level to correspond with can be a very helpful way to interchange ideas. For other schools, the consequent bene- fits have translated into lower tuition and inreased funding from state officials, not to mention a student voice at every meeting behind closed doors. Although MSA has put funding on hold since March, this does not mean students cannot pursue other avenues of influence to fight for a student regent. Lobbying the Legislature directly and raising awareness of the issue is always a promising way to get a message across. In fact, last year Gov. John Engler's office released poll results showing that 73 percent of Michigan voters would support a student regent ballot proposal. In the past, MSA has succeeded in acquiring sponsorship of a bill to place the issue on ballot from a state representative. It is important that University students do not give up hope. With so much at stake and such a wide range of support from students and Michigan citizens alike, now is the time to get active. As the University continues its mission to grow and improve, each year that passes, is one without student interest at the forefront of change as long as there is no stu- dent regent. With the focus of the student body, dili- gence and perseverance, the goal of obtain- ing a student regent surely can materialize. It is crucial for student government to keep faith in the cause and continually challenge University administrators and state officials to maximize student voice in the decision- making process. Try to make me believe in your way. I'll try to make you see my side of it and after the conversation, I can guarantee that both of us will be better people because of it. Addressing core concerns in this manner will certainly help you grow in your spiritual development. How can it not? Whether or not you decide to be athe- ist, deist. Christian. Muslim. Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, wiccan, or whatever.. any and all questioning you engage in concerning such beliefs can only be good for all parties involved. So, stop the reli- gious silence. Defend your belief. Humbly share your religious persuasion. You don't have to become a proselytizer. Just stick up for what is supposed to mat- ter most. Next week: Episode II1. - Mike Lope: can be reached via e-mail at manatlarge umich.edii. 'T'.HOMAS ILLIJGis I~~l*Y~~v\ 'U' radio station needs complete makeover Giving and receiving Volunteering benefits students, community etween jobs, classes and meeting new people, it is difficult for University stu- dents to find time for much else. Volunteering can be rewarding in many ways. By volunteering, students can gain work experience, learn valuable skills and make new friends. In addition to work experience, volun- teerism offers the chance to have fun and socialize. Volunteerism attracts people from all walks of campus life. You get to have fun with your friends, help other people, feel good about yourself and get experience to put on your resume. It can also help you explore possible career options and narrow your career interests. There are so many different volunteer opportunities that one is sure to excite you or help you to explore your career inter- ests. Some people are interested in reliv- ing their childhood and helping children by becoming a big brother or sister to a child, volunteering at a child care program or going to schools and teaching children how to read. Some people want to help those in need by working in a shelter for the homeless or with women who have experienced domestic violence. There are no limits on ways that you can serve your community. Project Serve offers alternative weekends where students may, for example, spend a weekend at a camp working with disabled children. Project Serve's immensely popular Alternative Spring Break programs offer students oppor- tunities to not only contribute to a new com- munity but travel to a different region of the country. Other options include fundraisers such as the Dance Marathon, which raises thousands of dollars in one evening for chil- dren's causes. Besides the personal and professional rewards volunteering yields, there is an added attraction for students. Students can receive up to six credits for participating in volunteer projects. Project Community, start- ed by the sociology department, has exten- sive course offerings through the University in the areas of education, criminal justice, health, mental health and social change. A good place to start matching your inter- ests with an exciting volunteer opportunity is with the University's Center for Community Service and Learning, located on the corner of East University St. and Hill St. This build- ing also houses Project Serve, a great resource to provide you with the many vol- unteer opportunities all throughout the Ann Arbor area. Websites also offer free volunteer match- ing service. By answering an interest survey, you can be matched with a listing of pro- grams and agencies that would be the best match for you. Some of the listings even pro- vide feedback of experiences from current volunteers. This service has over 300 agen- cies listed, so you're sure to find a great match. These sources are a wealth of infor- mation that will help you get involved and have fun. To THE DAILY: I am writing concerning that pitiful excuse for a college radio station, Ann Arbor's own WCBN-88.3 FM. The free form ideal so championed by the station is precisely the rea- son why it is so awful and counter-productive. Ideally. a good college radio station should use its facilities to support both the indepen- dent and local music scenes. But there is a good deal of quality rock and hip-hop music that people are interested in. yet is not popular enough to make the playlists of corporate radio stations and/or MTV. This territory should be embraced by WCBN, rather than obscure jazz, rockabilly and God knows what else. In the past couple years. Ann Arbor has witnessed the closing of two quality indepen- dent record stores: Wherehouse and Schoolkids Indie. In addition, turn out for gigs by local bands has been pitifully low. It is not a stretch to say that 88.3's absurd on air pro- gramming bears some of the responsibility for such occurrences. My proposal is to either restructure the radio station with set playlists encompassing independent/local rap and hip- hop, or to shut the station down. Why should Ann Arbor's independent musical community suffer, just so a handful of people can be allowed to show absolutely no self-restraint? MIKE KEGLER LSA SENIOR 'True' Michigan fans always stand by football team TO THE DAILY: Two games, two wins and a handful of dreams. Could it be that only two years after winning their first National Championship, the Michigan Wolverines are on their way to winning another?) A true Michigan fan knows better than to buy the T-shirts and hats yet, as throughout history this team has been known to break the hearts of little Wolverines all over the world. But a true Michigan fan also knows that this usually happens in the first two games of the season. So are we at the point where there is clear sailing ahead - or is this boat made out of concrete and sure to sink? But wait - isn't this the school that prides itself on their concrete boat? Isn't this the school whose air of confidence can be smelled half way around the world? Isn't this the school that is home to the "Leaders and Best?" Yes, yes it is, but "time out" there are only "six seconds left" to this story and we all know the sweet taste of victory and be taken from our mouths before getting the chance to par- take. But, stand up Michigan and show your colors proudly - then drop to your knees and pray. But no "Hail Marys" please and no Daily quoted a University spokesperson as saying that "acts of hatred have no place at our University." While I agree whole-heartedly and am disgusted with those who harbor feelings of hatred against any racialor ethnic group, let us remember that simply drawing, creating or wearing a graphical symbol that may have been adopted and perverted by hate- ful people is in itself not a crime. WE EEN IN T1t$ MLI4H LIVE I 961, AFTEPTef146 To GET' roR HOuR$3 Just WATNG TO BE BOOKS AT SMAM-A tDRU.M, TN Is GOU&E~MAOW CA Y 'OU $STAND R'? 15 A PIECE G' A,4E. o 9 - r "A Profile of the Palestinian People," by Edward Said, Ibrahim Abu-Lughod, Janet Abu-Lughod, Muhammad Hallaj and Elia Zureik.) WLL YOUMANs LSA SENIOR Nuclear reactor Reader: Isr 'guilty' of ' cleansing' TO THE DAILY: In the Daily's Sept. for Palestinians Opens Michael Gold made the use of the words "ethni protesters to descrit towards therPalestinian ic." That criticism is saying that there was r of the Native Americas of theUnited States. t The goal of ethni change the ethnic fac graphic entity. In this of Israel and the occ was achieved througi imperialism by the Z through official Israeli In the '30s and '4t the endorsement of leaders. It was quite un rebuffed the Zionist wisdom that "you w, Arab majority into a m ceeded in doing Palestinians live outsid ically known as Palest The state of Israel cc Palestinian homes (bus ble-to-obtain "license camps, militarily occu and build settlements populations. These all TIMOTHY MAUN source of damage SCHOOL OF MUSIC sou r e not pride rael To THE DAILY: ethn i Itt is a shame that the public still posits c that nuclear energy and related research are positive and beneficial for modern society, as in the Daily's Sept. 12th article, "'U' Reactor Prepares for 50th Anniversary." Nothing could be further 10 article, "Rally from the truth. Floor for Debate," Nuclear energy was first heralded as e comment that the the future of our nation's energy source by c cleansing" by the being both the most efficient and cheapest. 0 be Israeli policy In fact, the opposite is true. ns was "problemat- Nuclear disasters including Three Mile about as naive as Island and Chernobyl as well as a reactor's no ethnic cleansing day to day activity has resulted in hundreds ns in the formation of thousands of human casualties. These have included birth defects, cancers, and is cleansing is to death. Our environment has also suffered e of a given geo- from exposure to radiation through conta- case, it is the land minated water, air, soils, and wildlife. upied territories. It Yet politicians, scientists and business- h colonialism and es continually attempt to highlight the ionists ans, finally, safety and cost-effectiveness of the indus- i policy. try. In fact, the radioactive materials that Os, Zionists sought result from such production, including Asian nationalist spent fuel rods and reactor cores, costs tax- isuccessful. Gandhi payers billions of dollars annually for their emissary with the on-site storage. ant to convert the Furthermore, Congressional proposals inority." Israel suc- for a single storage facility are an ever-pre- just that. More sent danger. These officials seek to ship se of what is histor- radioactive waste through local communi- me than withint ties nationwide by flatbed trucks to sites9 ontinues to demolish like Yucca Mountain, Nevada that have ilt without impossi- been proven geologically unstable. ), attack refugee Such "solutions" while profiting a few ipy Palestinian areas are seeking disaster by jeopardizing the within Palestinian public and environment's health both now Iwork to disperse, and for thousands of years to come. Any wo r Pthdhonor given to our University reactor's :... ..: ..4": :.J. : :::5:::i;S ::??:i'A :.:.s:: i:ii:i :%:Ury Xg