C*Itg I4UU 74714w i A#- -JLR- - - veather y: Partly cloudy. High 66. Low 47. omorrow: Partly cloudy. High 67. may .hur One hundred eight years of editoriadfreedom Wednesday September 15. 1999 ' ' to sign Microsoft deal campus niedia Jeremy W. Peters y Staff Reporter The U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of ppeals; with jurisdiction over the tate of Michigan, delivered a ruling ast Wednesday that upheld the 1997 sion by a federal district court that ided with Kentucky State University fter the administration confiscated ,000 student yearbooks. Controversy ensued and a discussion egan regarding the decision's possible nfringement upon First Amendment 'ghts. "A very dangerous precedent has en set for student journalists," said ruce Orwin, attorney for the plaintiff nts. "We believe the court was ng in its decision," he added. But Kentucky State University offi- ials do not see it that way. Hinfred McDuffe, vice president for niversity advancement at Kentucky tate, said in a written statement, that entucky State "is pleased with the ecision ... Our student press enjoys ,he same journalistic freedom enjoyed y other university students." #t the heart of the sixth circuit's deci- ion was the determination that a year- ok is not a public forum, a distinction at would have allowed the publication's rotection under the First Amendment. Orwin says he feels that the court's not granting the yearbook public forum status threatens it and similar student publications. "They're trying to make it like a pic- ture book of volleyball and sorority func- t rather than a journal of current efitsat the university,' said Orwin. The decision in Kincaid vs. Gibson was upheld primarily due to the 1988 Supreme Court decision, concerning a Missouri school district, Hazelwood School District is. Kuhlineier, which declared the constitutionality of a high school principal's decision to censor stu- dent publications. The Kincaid decision marked the first time Hazelwood was died in a case involving a university. e Kincaid case erupted in 1994 after officials at Kentucky State confis- cated nearly 2,000 copies of the univer- sity's yearbook - "The Thorobred." The administration maintains they acted because the purple cover of the yearbook was not consistent with the school's official colors of green and yellow and, they also claim, the current events section was of poor quality. By siding with Kentucky State, the W circuit has possibly opened the floodgates for further censorship of student publications. Prof. Jo-Ann Albers, director of the School of Journalism and Broadcasting at Western Kentucky University, fears that because the Hazelwood decision was applied for the first time to college publications, journalism at the univer- sity level could be in danger. "After the Hazelwood decision high Sool principals censored material just because they could," Albers said, adding that the Kincaid decision "is a significant impairment to college jour- nalism." Though Albers sees many forms of student publications as vulnerable under the Kincaid decision, she does not see university newspapers being subject to censorship. See RULING, Page 2 By Anand Giridharadas Daily Staff Reporter In a deal that could slash Microsoft prices for students, facul- ty and staff, and give the software giant a formidable edge over campus rivals, University officials are expected within days to sign an exclusive licensing agreement with the corporation. The deal would allow the University's Information Technology Division to purchase a set of Microsoft products and distribute copies of the software to all University computers, and to stu- dents, faculty and staff for home use, for a fraction of the retail value, said ITD Executive Director Jose- Marie Griffiths. Microsoft software prices at University outlets could drop by as much as 75 percent. For example, the popular Microsoft Office 2000 package, which includes applications for word processing, data analysis and Internet publishing, could be sold for less than $40, down from $174, Griffiths said. For the duration of the contract, users will have free access to Microsoft upgrades, Griffiths said. Today, students purchasing an upgrade of the ubiquitous Windows 98 operating system would pay $108, with an academic discount, at the University's Computer Showcase. With the sharply reduced prices come two potential drawbacks for users: Unlike products currently on the market, the new software will come without manuals and other supplementary resources and, to pre- vent piracy, will allow only two installations. Details of the agreement are con- fidential until a final deal is announced, but Griffiths confirmed that administrators will likely sign a three-year, S3.9 million contract with Microsoft. The price is based on the total potential users at the University. The contract would give the University a special license to pass on copies of the software to stu- dents, faculty and staff, at a nominal per-person cost of around S5. Without a contract of that sort, fed- eral law prohibits copying software for public distribution. In the ongoing negotiations, fund- See DEAL, Page 7 SAM HOLLENsi5EAD/Daily A University student looks at an iMac computer a the University's Computer Showcase in the Michigan Union yesterday. A TEAM EFFORT Bradley seeks student votes for husband By Yael Kohen Daily Staf Reporter Ernestine Bradley wife cf presidential candidate Bill Bradley, campaigned for her husband in the Ann Arbor area yesterday, by attending several functions including a meeting with the University's chapter of the College Democrats and a visit to the University's Comprehensive Cancer Center. "I am a committed volunteer," she said of her role in the campaign, adding that she is not a politician and is not yet sure what type of role she will personally play in the political arena. Ernestine Bradley is a professor of German and Comparative Literature at Montclair State University in New Jersey. She said her role in politics, is at the moment uncertain, but of her professorship, she said, "there is no job that I love better than that."; See BRADLEY, Page 7 Coursepack service under evaluation By Jewel sopwani Daily Staff Reporter It was a feat the winter 1999 Michigan Student Assembly was proud of finally achieving. But after running for one semester as a pilot program, the Student Coursepack Service is again out of commission as it undergoes evaluation. The evaluation has taken longer than MSA expected and leaves the future of the SCS unclear to those involved. Interim Vice President for Student Affairs E. Royster Harper is currently assessing the program with Jack Bernard a policy analyst for the vice president and general counsel, and repre- sentatives from MSA. "Once we finish, we'll have a better sense of where we want to go with this, $tuden Harper said. At its meeting last night, MSA President Brain Elias %8rVICO said although the service isn't delayed running this semester, this year, we have a commitment * March 1997: SOS pO- from the Office of the Vice posed ding elections President for Student Affairs that the coursepack service a January 1999: MSA runs will continue."C sp#]troram The non-profit service charged about half of what a September 1999: SCS commercial copying busi- t under evaluation nesses usually charge. In its first semester of operation, the SCS copied coursepacks for five courses. Elias said MSA ran the SCS under the fair use doctrine of the copyright act of 1976. According to the fair use doctrine, "reproduction in copies :.. for purposes such as criticism com- ment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use) scholarship or research, is not an infringement of copyright." One of four factors to consider in deciding whether a repro- duction is fair use is "the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for non-profit:' Although supported by the fair use doctrine, SCS charged once cent per page in case any issues of copyright liability occurred. "The time when organizations like the SCS need to pay copy- right are few, farther between and less clear cut," Elias said. But Elias said concerns about royalties and liability of SCS are being evaluated and perfected for future semesters. "After working with the University, in conjunction with the vice president of student affairs' office in order to run the coursepack service as a pilot, our. operation will have to be so well understood by everyone involved and so safely with an accepted legal thought as to preclude even the idea of a law Impressed by the SCS , Prof. Ray Patterson at the University of Georgia's law school said publishers should not target the experimental coursepack service. "You have not seen the pub- lishers sue either the professors or the students," Patterson said. "The publishers would be pretty foolish to come after students here," he insisted about the SCS, especially since it is a non- profit organization. But Bruce Funkhouser, vice president of business operations at the Copyright Clearance Center, said he thinks the fair use doctrine of the Copyright Act applies only to those making copies for personal use. The Copyright Clearance Center was established in 1978, on a.mandate by the government to create a centralized organiza- tion to get permission to reproduce intellectual property. Funkhouser said CCC's board of directors represents pub- lishers, authors, corporate representatives and librarians - SAM HOLLENSHEAD/Daily Emestine Bradley, wife of presidential candidate Bill Bradley speaks to the College Democrats yesterday in the Michigan Union's Pond Room. Bill Bradley backs union labor DETROIT (AP) - Democratic presiden- tial candidate Bill Bradley told an audience yesterday in the heart of union country that he supports a strong labor movement.. He also told the 50 union members attend- ing a luncheon at the Hotel Regis that pro- tections for union organizers should be strengthened. Bradley said workers now can get only back wages if they prove they were fired for union organizing. He'd change that so they could get triple their back wages as well as punitive damages. "If you're really interested families, you have to make it easier to orga- nize," Bradley said to applause. "Working families are better if we have labor unions that are vibrant and grow- ing." Despite his pro-union comments, the former U.S. senator from New r Jersey and professional in working basketball player says he doesn't expect to win many union endorsements, in part because he supports the North American Free Trade Agreement, as does his Democratic rival, Vice President Al Gore: Bradley said he hopes unions will stay neutral in the Democratic race. That appears unlikely, especially since AFL-CIO President John Sweeney accom- panied Gore to Detroit and Iowa over the Labor Day weekend. The AFL-CIO is expected at its October meeting to throw the See CAMPAIGN, Page 2 New blood test detects herpes virus quicker By Samantha VWalsh Dabl Staff Reporter Many diseases are on the rise forcing med- ical technology to continue strong in its efforts t protect the world's population. One such advancement is a new test that can more accu- *ly detect genital herpes. To many of America's youth, herpes has always been one sexually transmitted disease briefly learned about in high school, but today one out of every five teens and adults live with the disease. Inthe past, determining whether or not a patient was a carrier of the herpes sim- nlex virus 2 mipht have been more difficult "The herpes virus is rising the most rapidly in the teenage population. - Gray Davis President, Sexual Health Communication ing the old test to some concerned patients because they didn't come in during the three- day symptom window, said UHS Nurse Practitioner Arlene Taylor. The new test might be the answer to end the rise in statistics regarding the disease and its victims. "The herpes virus. is rising the most rapidly in the teenage population with 8 to 10 percent of college students carrying the disease;" said Davis. "Unfortunately, only one out of 20 car- riers know they have the disease and there is a great lack of knowledge. The only way to impact transmission is through education." duced due to a need to better help a rising num- ber of herpes patients._ Unlike tests in the past, the new technology allows patient testing at any time rather than a three-day period during which the virus is symptomatic. Also the POCkit test is able to differentiate between various versions of the Gray Davis, a medical doctor, and president of Sexual Health Communication. "The -test will make it able for small town doctors to diagnose patients where only larger hospitals and spe- cialists were able to in the past." Although the test has not yet been marketed, Shelly Evans, a corespondent for Diagnology, r i I