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norrow: Partly cloudy. High 67.
One hundred eirht years of editoria'lfreedom
September 14, 1999
Jeremy Peters
ily Staff Reporter
University President Lee Bollinger discuss
plans for the development of the new Li
i e Institute with the Senate Adviso
mmittee on University Affairs at its meeti
Bollinger stressed the immense scope of 1
I by pointing out that, "Everybody will1
ected. In three years we could have an enti
set of buildings and a new faculty."
Bollinger said plans for the institute, to1
ated on Washtenaw Avenue, include a mu
Tradley' s
i campus
Yael Kohen
ily Staff Reporter
Ernestine Bradley, wife of
emocratic presidential candidate Bill
-adley, is scheduled to campaign in
e'Ann Arbor and University commu-
ties today and tomorrow. She will
eak with several area groups on
# including cancer research and
alth centers, and conduct a literary
scussion of her latest book.
Former Sen. Bill Bradley officially
Glared his candidacy for the 2000
esidential race last week at home in
ystal City, Missouri. He is chal-
rging Vice President Al Gore for
e Democratic presidential nomina-
A week after Sen. Bradley declared
sqandidacy, Ernestine Bradley
gan aiding in campaign efforts by
aking a trip to Michigan, said Martha
irling, an organizer of the trip and a
rmer Bradley Senate staffer.
"The purpose of this whole trip is to
k about Bill, and not for him," senior
mpaign adviser Emma Byrne said..
"The University community is very I
tportant," Byrne said, adding that
ising awareness of how important the
of Michigan is in the presidential
:ction and sparking student interest
campaign participation.
In effort to bring the campaign
to the University community,
nestine Bradley will be meeting
th the University chapter of the
>llege Democrats to discuss vari-
is campaign issues and "to activate
ose members who want to support
il," Byrne said. The event is open
epublic. The meeting is at 4
in the Pond Room of the
ichigan Union.
See BRADLEY, Page 2
building complex containing a laboratory build-
ing for the LSI and two non-laboratory build-
ings, one of which will house a restaurant. The
complex will link the Central and Medical cam-
puses at a price tag of S200 million.
The nine member committee listened to
Bollinger recount the current developmental
progress and his plans for assuring the LSI's
position as one of the premiere institutions of its
kind in the world.
To ensure the Institute attains the prestige
Bollinger desires, he has formed an advisory
committee that will among other things serve as
the client to developers and search for a director.
"The director must be not only an outstanding
scientist, but charismatic as an administrator,"
Bollinger said. He said he envisions the acquisi-
tion of such a director as a crucial step in estab-
lishing the reputation of LSI. Bollinger added
that after a renowned director is hired a strong
faculty will follow.
Social Work Prof. Sherri Kossoudji, chair of
SACUA, also stressed the importance of the
establishment of the LSI. Noting that the
University lacks an outstanding life science pro-
gram, Kossoudji said that the Institute, "is being
placed where we need a good institutional back-
Kossoudji said SACUA supports Bollinger
and his plans for the development of the LSI.
"Bollinger is really working hard to put
forth this initiative and we support him," she
Funding for the Institute was also discussed at
the meeting. Bollinger noted the state plans to
commit S50 million per year to support life sci-
ences. He said he would like to work in con-
junction with Michigan State and Wayne State
Universities to fairly allocate the funds.
"If we collaborate on spending the S50 mil-
lion we can avoid fighting over it," Bollinger
In addition to the finding from the state
Bollinger also discussed major fundraising
efforts are underway. He said that he has not
ruled out the possibility of selling the name of
the Institute.
Other University buildings have been named
in recent years for donors such as Sam Wyly
Hall and Tisch Hall.
Ribbon cutting for the institute currently is
slated for the Fall of 2003.
forced to
close doors
By Adam Brian Cohen
Daily Staff Reporter
For the next nine days, one of Ann Arbor's favorite restau-
rant's will continue to pay for a 5-year-old alcohol violation.
In 1994, Dominick's, the outdoor restaurant located on
Monroe Street behind the Law Quad, was charged with serving
alcohol to an underage patron. After costly litigation and time
spent in the appeals court, Dominick's liquor license was sus-
pended on Sept. 9 and cannot resume alcohol sales until Sept. 23.
Despite the alcohol suspension, Dominick's is still open for
food service.
During the 1994 incident a 21-year-old purchased alcohol
and gave it to a 20-year-old friend, Dominick's manager
Richard Devarti said. "Someone buys it and gives it to someone
else and everyone pays.
"Nothing happened to the 20-year-old because he testified
for the police" Devarti said.
Despite being charged with selling to a minor, Devarti said
"we didn't sell to anyone under 21."
"We appealed (the charges) because we didn't think it was
fair. Just because it happened, doesn't mean we allowed it,"
Devarti said.
Dominick's also protested the charges because although the
first offense is a relatively small fine or suspension, additional
offenses have increasing punishments, Devarti said. "It's like
double jeopardy."
Devarti estimated that Dominick's spent thousands of dollars
in the appeals process and an additional $20,000 could be lost
in revenue during the 15-day suspension.
"It's unfortunate. It just sucks for business," said Dominick's
employee and LSA senior James Graham. "It's worse than just
a fine. This is peak season - it's a lot more devastating than it
"These things happen" Graham said. "We just have to learn
from it."
Many Dominick's patrons and staff feel it is extremely diffi-
cult to ensure that there are no underage drinkers, because the
establishment is a restaurant and not only a bar.
"We don't want to change the atmosphere here;" Devarti
Dominick's operations, including its outdoor and courtyard
seating, also makes policing underage drinking more difficult.
"I don't think that a business, where a large part of its rev-
See DOMINICK'S, Page 8
Business senior and WOLV-TV News Director Linda Wong and LSA junior and WOLV-TV General Manager Michael Salmonowicz discuss
television strategy yesterday at the station's studio.
By Caitlin Nish
For the Paily
WOLV, the student-run television station
now entering its sixth year, is expecting to
expand its viewership to include all residents
of Ann Arbor and nearby cities before the
end of October.
The station is currently available only in
residence halls.
"Now-students will be able to get the sta-
tion in their frat houses or apartments:'
WOLV General Manager Michael
Salmonowicz said.
Selected programming, such as news and
sporting events, will gradually move to
MediaOne Cable's University channel,
UMTV, channel 22.
canding beyond 'U'
The new broadcast is expected to encour-
age more upperclass involvement in the pro-
duction of the station since, in the past,
upperclass students may have been uninter-
ested due to their limited viewing access,
Salmonowicz said from the station's home
on the ninth floor of South Quad Residence
Hall. This move will enable students living
in off-campus housing greater opportunity to
view WOLV.
Managed and produced solely by students,
the station is ready for a new year of pro-
"UMTV is a portal into the community,
WOLV will be a portion of our program,"
UMTV Project Leader Michael Berger
Although unconfirmed, Berger believes
that UMTV will be offered to about half the
75,000 homes serviced by MediaOne.
Under a new managerial system, WOLV is
now in the process of becoming totally digi-
tized, enabling its 190 students to work with
digital cameras and editing equipment.
"This is the only place on campus to
get this type of experience. Students get
hands-on training and in time they can
direct or produce their own shows. It's
students teaching students," Salmonowicz
Ready for the new season, Salmonowicz
said, "We are on our way to becoming one of
the best college stations in the country."
See WOLV, Page 8
rSU ban
o lated
y Greek
Nike Schufte
wily Staff Reporter
hough the 32 fraternities at
ichigan State University are trying a
_w method this fall of keeping house -
stricting themselves from having par-
es in chapter houses - some fraterni-
es have already been accused of violat-
g the ban.
MSU Greek Life Coordinator Billy
olasso said since the start of the acade-
ic year three weeks ago, three fraterni-
es have allegedly broken the self-
Red ban and will be scrutinized later
is week by a judicial board of fraterni-
and sorority leaders.
"It's disappointing," said Rebecca
illespie, an MSU senior and
anhellenic Council president. "But we
alized there would be bumps on the
her weekend activities have not suffered
as a result of the ban.
"I didn't even know there was a ban;"
Jones said. explaining that her first weeks
of school have included parties at frater-
nity houses.
Romanosky said he is not discouraged
by the other fraternity's infractions of the
"People are testing the water right
now" Romanosky said.
Romanosky added that -he thinks oth-
ers fraternities will quickly learn that vio-
lating the ban will result in several penal-
ties including a fine of $500.
While Romanosky said the restriction
has created a financial burden on his fra-
ternity because the group must now go to
banquet halls or bars in the area for par-
ties, he said he realizes it is important it
and is the best thing to do under the cir-
"Instead of being upset about it we are
trying to focus on other things such as
community service," Romanosky said.
Romanosky said the presidents of the
campus' fraternities and sororities
hoped the ban would be the answer to a
declining interest on campus to "go
In 1990, MSU had an estimated 6,000
fraternity and sorority members.
Molasso estimates this fall's membership
to include 3,100 members.
University of Michigan Inter-
assaulted on
walk home
By Gerard Cohen-Vrignaud
Daily Staff Reporter
A 19-year-old female was the victim of an attempted
sexual assault in the 1300 block of Washtenaw Avenue
on Saturday morning.
The Department of Public Safety responded to a call
from a man who found the woman crying hysterically on
Washtenaw Avenue.
The man immediately took her to the lobby of Mary
Markley Residence Hall around 3:30 a.m. and called
DPS officers.
The man, who was not identified by the police, told
DPS officials he heard the victim report to a friend at
Mary Markley that she was assaulted.
"The alleged crime apparently occurred off-campus,"
said DPS Lt. Douglas Swix.
"So we turned the investigation over to the" Ann
Arbor Police Department, he said.
Both the victim and the man who called police were
taken to AAPD headquarters for questioning.
Neither agency could confirm yesterday whether the
female was a University student.
Bouncing off the walls
I a I