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September 08, 1999 - Image 67

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-09-08

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............................. -....... Wednesday, September 8. 1999 - The Michigan Daily - New Student Edition - 7F
New millennium arrives, 21st Century program departs

Markly will retain a living-learmnig program; Resuent

S pressure from grad schools, considers dropping no-grades policy

By Stephanie Offen
Daily Staff Reporter
9 the 21st century approaches, the
University's 21st Century program will
become history.
The program was a living-learning
community that focused on helping
first-year students adjust to University
life. Established in 1991, the program
placed a group of 500 first-year stu-
dents in Mary Markley residence hall
while the students attended a one-cred-
it seminar to case the transition from
hi school to college.
It when the last semester of the
millennium arrives, the community
will depart. Instead, it will be replaced
by a new living-learning society which
will stl be in Markley.
The new program, called the
Michigan Community Scholars
Program, will only be available to 240
tudents, cutting the enrollment in half.
"The 21st century program was big-
er then it should have been," said
Saez, the Michigan Community
cholars program associate. "The stu-
eave last
yMichael Grass
aily Staff Reporter
Although University President
ee Bollinger and his executive offi-
era are often viewed as the top of
e leadership hierarchy at the
niversity, they too actually have
X eight members of the
ntversity Board of Regents, elected
y statewide ballot, have the respon-
'bility and authority to make offi-
ial University decisions, from
proving tuition hikes to making
rural appointments of architects
r building projects.
Although the regents make some
f the most important decisions for
e University, they serve their
y-year terms without being paid.
lent Olivia Maynard (D-
oodrich) said she and her col-
agues on the board serve because
ey care about the University.
Maynard, who was elected in to
e board in 1996, said she ran not
ly for her love of the University,
t because she is "deeply interested
the well being of the University of
ichigan' Maynard said.
"' elieve that higher education is
u t for the future of this coun-
According to the state constitution
1963, the board has "general
pervision" of the University,
hibh includes "control and direc-
n of all expenditures from the
stitution's funds"
"We are responsible for those
nds of broad policy issues,
aynard said.
regents gather once a month
etings that usually take place
the second-to-last Thursday after-
on of the month, usually resuming
'following Friday morning.
Although few students attend the
ents' monthly meetings, Maynard
courages all students to voice their
inions and concerns by contacting
rand their concerns, especially via
' ail is a wonderful way to hear
arstudents think," she said. "As

gcats we must continue to reach
t to the students."
O University Board of Regents'
ifcial Website is at

dents couldn't receive the personal
attention that they needed."
Because of the large drop in avail-
able spots, many incoming freshmen
were turned down. The Community
Scholars accepts students based on
their essays.
Kim Love, an incoming first-year
student, was one of the students who
did not get into the new program. Love
was placed in Markley despite not
being accepted to the community.
"I was excited to hear that I was liv-
ing in Markley but also upset that I
didn't get into the program," Love said.
"The 21st century program gave
opportunities to more students"
Saez said the new program will
focus on community service and
development from a sociological per-
spective. The idea arose from former
21st century students who believed
that community service was the most
influential part of their experience in
the living-learning community.
While the Michigan Community
Scholars Program focuses on service
David Brandon (R-Ass Arbor)
Term expres Dec 31, 2006
Domino's Pizza, Inc.
30 Frank Lloyd Wrght Drive
P.Box 997
Ann Arbor, Mikh. 48106-0997
(734) 930-3006
dabran@umich edu
Laurence Deitch (D-loosmfie5d Hgs)'
Term expires Dec. 31, 2000
2000 Town Center, Suite 1500
Southfield, Mih. 48075-1195
(248) 351-3559
Daniel Horning (R-Grand Haven)
Term Expires Dec.312002
16964 Robbins Road, Suite 100
Grand Haven, Mich. 49417
(616) 842-1351
Olivia Maynard (D-Goodrich)
Term expiese. 31, 2004
Citizen's Banking Center Suite 9001
328 S. Saginaw Street
Flint, Mich. 48502-1904
(810) 239-1535
Rebecca McGowan (D-Ann
Arbor);Term expiresDec 31,2000
2219 Melrose Avenue
Ann Arbor, Mich.481 4
(734) 668-8873
rmcgowan@umich edu
Andrea Fischer Newman
(R-AnnArbor); Term expires Dee 31 2002
Northwest Airlines,
Detroit Metropolitan Airport
NorthTerminal, Mezzanine Level
Detroit, Mich 48242
(734) 955-3426
S. Martin Taylor (D-Grsse riinte
Fams); Term expires ec 4, 2004
2000 Second Avenue, Suite 2428
Detroit, Mich. 48226-1279
(313) 235-7266
Katherine White (D-Ann Arbor)
Term Expires Dec 31, 2006
P.O. Box 1842
Ann Arbor Mich 48106-1842
(313) 577-1054

learning, hie Uiv
other !vig-1 ani,
suit the need'. ifai :
A aMlre esi i
Communiv iTh
The UoIersi invi
percent of (hi. i m uri
ipate in loners ilas r
tunity to live iH
There is cren y
two-thirds c I
live in assigned Ir
South Quad or Mar
Litna WalIn, he
for the pregram, fe.
need for more liii
"The Honir hi,
for the studn,.s ha
others with he sa
said. "It is easy fir ii
groups hE'ause ,il I
them are in their i is
"It also ies ihi
munity, hui ho a in
they are not iiiimel

tiersI man1.xepro ram
:rince oA, irsraller c"o'mmunity is- ilsi the
h _ s s bhind the Uni.ersity's Loi [all
'vi.anig chlairs pr'Ogramin
\ 11 of the oldest living-learning
ciiimuities in the ci untry gives stu-
t - iets he ixpportunity to live wirh theit
- ehers in lie Alice Lloyd residence
sn. The progrem loeises on writing, but
m f. i-es "ituctory course's. 'here
dn r Is speci Ispaces reversed in
g r leciure elises fir Ilod Scholar
s 1'nt. makng it easier for them to
diro ri(itei for elasses.
he a A dil'e'reiti approach to the living-
s- ,ainge crmmnity is the Residential
Co >;-, hieh offers a degree-granti-
very nic ng pergram.
S w RE student can choose one of the
s V in six RC concentrations or any LSA
r sdv rnjor. There is also a large focus on
p Id ieign languages with intensive class-
lunch thles and coffee hours.
In the past the most unique part of
Sdr, the Residential College was that
hsn in is'ead) of 'rades the students received

ci atutieTils from their trofsrs
Bt lii n'11 hune \ r a
half ago. im eien rtilasiui cimmtieeC
brought in the idmitrt on :d pro-
fessors to gis e in unhmised esammn-
tion of the preien One of the things
thut wes brirushi to the attention of the
Residentiail (ol'e e tacuis wis the
griding svs'tcnm or lie tilteteof.
Suzaine Jose, lie ertc s ditector
said the ficul ivs curmeily conusider-
inj switeliny to a, gradiig svsten. the
facuits is siudsig cber universities
with simsiilr trsorais ani exminintg
whether the R(' is icts in the best
interest of' it s stueess
"Some students seorr t ,iout getting
into graduate schools because they
don't have a GP' Je s id. "But
they are still gettisg amintted. The
evaluations draw steintisn because
they are differeint"
Opposed to the RC which focuses
Ott writing and arts, the WomeLn in
Science and Engineering prograni
focuses on math and science.
Approximately 120 women live in

Mosher-Jordan and share their interest
in science and engineering with others
in the program.
WISE offers special course sections
of math and science for its pasrtici-
pants, along with tutoring in the WISE
study lounge.
the program originated in 1993
because the faculty noticed that there
was a disproportionately lower number
of women in the engineering and set,-
ence fields.
And according to the program's
director, Sally Sharp, the program has
been successful in reaching its goals
Another program headed by Sharp is
the Undergraduate Research
Opportunity's in-residence program. It
attracts students interested in conduct-
ing research and gives them an oppor-
tunity to live with others who have the
same goals.
Students either receive credit, or
work study benefits from the research
they conduct in UROP, and are usually
interested in going on to graduate

tups 'U' rely on tuition
$890 m ewr nd supports everytzingfrom academfr departments to UAC

By Jewel Gopwani
Noone likesgeing thos cight5
low, business-sizce iti i envel
every semester. hui in kps
professors pald ih' cic
and, it ofti sees hak accu
empty. But how eies iie sev
decide whai tr harge siuen?
At the Umsversity lie Provcs
office is in ehara , if asi
budget anad ciaeculatring tiifr
approval of the EUniveisiiy s Ioard
"It is abalancing acbe
whole host of irs in im
and valuable Ihings I ' c c
the revenues to s ppr Ihirni sa
Associate Provosi Pu sI n
Our tuition is cn of i ceei
'"It's the eils vsiire s r u ah
we have control r i ua
"It is the last soc c hat is
( euran i ire s idis at
afhect the Iudiet aid r
lower incre.ses Iii sI
talk to student re
Michigan Student Ass
Advisory Comnm ittee 021 il
'tniversitv'v fud i iand cvii o id
state governmentf r a iarr sc a
appropriation.Ile H ddeid ih ayvhi
that has . s ci rw li stude
demandrea wi IsTh srae in , cr
msost applicable ii s vilent ste
eiral fund. The genepr t Iio i s co
psercent tuition, 36~ tierc'n sItap
priations and the ie c'si r
research grants anl ciier frii
Dtring last eCs nd WiIn
senesters, the genIr i e) d c
to about S890 millcin ind i exc
to increase by , Ab uIit irr2i p ecem -
esr 52(6.7 issillion.

The general fund is used for instruc-
ciw i research scholarships and other
e ccld in each of the University's
i s iIs ind cilleges..
Sosing upevery school from the
( Colee o' Architecture and Urban
1 aniis" tx sthe Horace H. Rackham
ity Ichiri of Graduate Studies, the gener-
al fnd also pays for much more.
t pays foi the Universitys libraries,
he. ii sputing sites and helps run msost of
liih University's administrative offices
-iludiisg the office of the Provost
Id Executive Vice President for
c'Academic Afl'airs.
, to additionali vice presidential
d .;citss were named at the University
The post of Vice President for
'ic Fcce-itv of Relations has been divid-
ed hetween three job descriptions:
at \'icc President for Governiment
d li , iii iv which is handled by
- ci thi i Wilbanks, Secretary of the
Lviiersity, which is held by Lisa
I cilesco and Vice President for-
i C imusications, a space which was
ii ' led in early Julo.
e All ithe inney used for financial
)e aid for Uiversity students is from the

general fund. A key item in the gener-
al fund's budget is Student Fee
Allocations. Here, fees are built into
tuition, amounting to about Slf8 per
student semester
Th ie general fund also pays for cer-
tain student groups This funding is not
itemized in tuition bills like the like the
S5.69 and 51.00 that the Michigan
Student Assembly and other college
governments within the University
charge each semester, who fund other
student groups.
The University Activities Center and
the Black Student Union are funded
directly through the general fund. "In
addition to that, there are a number of
clubs and associations associated with
academie units and other University
departments that also get funded
through their operating budgets' said
Associate Dean of Students tFrank
UAC charges each student 52 per
semester to run its office and activi-
ties. said former UAC secutive
Director Kelo Karminski. BSU is allo-
cated about 535,000 a year through the
funds set aside for the Office of
Student Affairs

UAC, which was accused of irre;
sponsible spending by a former metit.
ber at the end of the Winter term, ofti-
cially is a student-run organization and
therefore any student who is interested
in finding out about its spending is,
welcome to make an inquiry
i 1
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508 Thompson Strewt
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-2414
Phone: (734) 764-291

-Parking for students in University of Michigan lots is extremely limited, and there is no
storage (overnight) parking available. Freshmen students are not eligible to obtaIn a
U-M parking permit.
Options are:
GREEN PERMIT PARKING -- Free daytime parking at U-M "Green" lots with free bus
transportation; permits required. Permits may be obtained beginning Monday, August
16 with a valid U-M Student Identification card.
SILVER STUDENT PERMIT PARKING -- Paid daytime parking in one of several detgaed
lots; permits are required; costs are determined by the type (color) of the lot. S cle-
permits are valid from September through the first week of May and are Issued
beginning Thursday, September 9 on a first come, first serve basis to elg b e
students until gone. Payments may be made by cash, check, Visa or MasterOard.
.NOTE: Parking Services does not issue permits for residence hall parking lots.
Oor additional information, contact Parking and Transportation Services at 764-8291 Or
visit our website at www.parking.umich.edu/.

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