C....... (T efrr,, Bal Section B Wednesday September 8, 1999 michigandaily com Dodgrng hetorw and icketers "Wa the hell is a SCUGA factor?" I shouted as I V leafed through the University's admissions poi- e. s a news reporter at the Daily in 1997, I covered the of one of the most infamous chapters in the niversity's history - the lawsuits challenging affirmative ction admissions policies in the College of Literature, cience and the Arts and the Law School. For one semester, I spoke to rabid politicians, students nd professors on both sides of the issue. I attempted to ake sense of the information they gave me and provide a oherent report to the Daily's readers. I tried, but I didn't. When looking at affirmative action, t is easy to be fooled and fall into of clever catch phrases and Kosseff ing statistics. Darrell Huff's clas- ic 1954 book, "How to Lie with tatistics," should be updated to nclude the sly tricks affirmative ction proponents and opponents use o fool the masses. There are many challenges in nderstanding affirmative action, with he most significant being its defini- SWT ion. Ame define it as quotas. Some : he it as door-openers for disadvan- ged groups, like minority scholarships. Some define it as latant reverse racism. But actually, Lyndon Johnson was the first to se the hrase in a 1965 executive order, which required federal ontrctors to "take affirmative action to ensure that appli- ants are employed, and that employees are treated during mployment, without regard to their race, creed, color or ational origin." It's not just about contractors anymore, baby. ,fler having written many dozens of articles on affirma- Waction, I still can't tell you one definition. And I've seen liticians hurl vicious insults, students protest and profes- ors profess over the topic. I don't think I'm alone. If I were a gambling man, I'd bet hat the majority of the campus does not have a solid defini- ion. If they do, then they probably didn't think enough bout it. I've thought about it a lot. I've thought about preferences, quotas, set-asides, door-openers and equalizers. I've seen pretty color pie charts that claim minorities need to be breathing to gain admission to the country's U prestigious colleges. I've seen poorly scrawled picket signs that call for an end Sthe "re-segregation." Affirmative action is not the only concept people don't nderstand. The University admissions process, which ;eems to change every semester, is less understood than a 100-level calculus class. I learned about the admissions process the hard way. At 10 p.m. on the day the LSA lawsuit was filed, my editor iecided that we should run an article detailing the University's admissions procedures. Unhappily, I called Walt Harrison, who was then vice ident for University Relations. Walt loved the Daily, but ie didn't love dumb questions. Let me try to replay the dia- logue of our late-night conversation: Me: Hi Dr. Harrison. I'm doing an article on the University's admissions policies, and I'd like to find out iow the admissions systems works. WIt: Now? Me: Yes. Wat: You probably want to find out about it in 10 min- ales. e: Well, yes. It: Do you know anything about the admissions sys- em? Me: No. Wit: And you expect me to tell you now? Me: Well, uh, yeah. Luckily, Walt was nice enough to give me a concise, 10- inute run-down of the admissions system. When I wrote he article, I didn't really understand it, so I just quoted him lot - always the mark of a good journalist, or activist. Most people don't have a Walt in their life to explain :he intricacies of such a complicated subject. So they # rt to building on other people's misconceptions. ome people claim there are no admissions officials - ust mainframe computers that swallow SAT and GPA nformation and spit outa verdict. Others claim the admis- ions officers are militant racists with their own political igendas. I doubt either of those theories are correct. The Jniversity's admissions procedure accounts for race while ilso considering numerous other factors. But for my semes- er covering the lawsuits, I wasn't able to confidently deter- nine the magnitude of the effect race plays in admissions lsions. Affirmative action is bound to come up in your :lasses and discussions with friends. Before you take a tand on the topic, do some research. The most danger- >us mistake is to be influenced by someone else's unin- formed opinion. Oh yeah, I finally found out what SCUGA stands for - school, Curriculum, Unusual, Geographic and Alumni fac- ors. At least I learned something. - -Jeffrey Kosseff is the Daily's editorial page editor and an LSA senior. He can be reached over e-mail at jkosseff@umich.edu. Youwon't be spon-tifed your education By Ryan Do Pietro Daily Editorial Page Writer A word to all incoming first-year stu- dents: Don't believe everything you've heard about the undergraduate experience at the University. By now, you're familiar with the myth; the University simply doesn't care about its undergraduates. You know the clich6s: At the University, you'll be just a face in the crowd - one student in a 500 person lecture. And even when you do break off into smaller groups for classroom discus- sion, you will only be taught by (gasp!) lowly graduate student instructors. Fueled by the misleading hype sur- rounding college rating systems like the one published in U.S. News and World Report, the popular opinion, especially within the state of Michigan, is that the level of undergraduate education at the University pales in comparison to the quality of graduate studies. So, do you have something to be concerned about? Not really. The truth is, your undergraduate experi- ence at the University can be exceptional. But it's up to you to help make it so. There is no way to avoid the fact that the University is a large research facility, nor is this a fact that needs avoiding. As incoming students, you need to accept the University for what itsis. The University is not a small, liberal arts college. In some classes, the student-to-teacher ratio will be high. But also realize that with the drawbacks of attendingta research institu- tion, you will also enjoy the benefits. Due to the reputation of the University's graduate programs, the GSIs that help teach many of your courses will be amoing the most qualified graduate stu- dents in the nation. 'taking a course in political science? Your GSI may be enrolled in the University Law School, consistently considered one of the nation's finest. Enrolled in that infamous first- See EXPERIENCE, Page 8B CODE BLU.ES FILE PHOTO The Administration's headquarters, the Fleming Administration Building, has been a target for many student protests against the Code. Unneeded Code steps on students' rgAts By Nick Woomer Daily Editorial Page Writer Events in Ann Arbor during the turbulent Vietnam War era spawned a popular con- ception of the University as a progressive institution. The accuracy of this notion is really in the eye'of the beholder, but before a person decides that the University is the be-all and end-all of forward thinking places, they ought to examine a few of its policies. ' Gone are the days of an exclusively male Michigan Union and an exclusively female Michigan League, of curfews for women, and of separate dorms. In retrospect, trash- ing those types of policies seems like the obvious and just thing to do. Today, only the most backward colleges and universities retain similar rules. But old habits die hard and the University continues to espouse the same doctrine that was used to justify its long-dead policy of sexual segregation, itsis a principle that is so old, it is said in Latin: In loco parentis, which means "in lieu of parents." Protesters in the '60s more or less told the powers that be at the University where they could put their beloved doctrine - and it disappeared for a number of years. Ten years ago, in the name of ingraining "high standards" into the University community, the University Board of Regents resurrected in loco parentis in- the the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities. Thanks largely to the efforts former University President James Duderstadt's administra- tion, that edict evolved into what is now the Code of Student Conduct. Within certain bounds, it is perfectly fine for an academic institution to impose "high standards" on its students - so long as those standards are academic. But the Code regulates social behavior, and when an aca- demic institution, much less a public one, attempts to hold its students to standards higher than those of the American legal sys- tem, it has stepped way out of line. At the same time as it wages a legal battle to keep higher education racially and culturally diverse, the University continues to push a policy that essentially promotes a morally homogenous student body. The philosophi- cal problems inherent in imposing specific morals on students arejust the tip of the ice- berg however - the Code's practical flaws are just as bad. In order to implement the Code, the, University created its own internal legal sys- tem of sorts, managed by the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs a panel of students serve asjury members and a fac- ulty member or an administrator plays the role ofjudge. The similarities between Code proceedings and those of a normal trial are far from striking however - individuals prosecuted under the Code are conveniently denied the right to have a lawyer present during the proceedings and any witnesses need to be agreed upon by both sides. Early last year, the University placed six sanctions on Jason Brooks, an offensive lineman on the football team for an earlier incident involving a female student. The sanctions' imposition was a clear violation of the fundamental legal doctrine of "double jeopardy" since Brooks had already resolved the fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct charges brought against him in the Washtenaw County court system. The Code is essentially an excuse for the University to deal with students whose behavior it deems unacceptable independent of tihe legal system. Under the flawed ratio-. nale that the Code resolution process is "administrative" and "educational" rather than legal, the University has also been able to circumvent such essential mantras of the American legal system as the right to legal counsel, the appeal to precedent, and the burden of proof The University has used the Family Educational Rights and Privacy act as an excuse to keep all Code cases highly private - everyone involved in a proceeding is required to sign a contract swearing them to secrecy. Of course, these sorts of policies make it near impossible for anyone outside of a specific case to determine how effective the Code is in resolving problems. Students are expected to simply take the administra- tion's word for it, and assume that the Code is actually working. This secrecy makes it equally impossible for there to be any sort of uniformity with regard to punishments or procedure since it is impossible to turn to precedent for guidance. During their February meeting, where the regents were supposed to reform to the Code in the wake of damning reports, responsibility for amendments was instead shifted to University President Lee Bollinger. The regents made their decision based on a recommendation by then-Vice President of Student Affairs Maureen Hartford. Under the recommendation, pro- posed amendments will be thoroughly reviewed by the Student Relations Committee of the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs. After review, the amendment, along with a rec- ommendation, will be forwarded to Bollinger who will have to make the final decision on whether to adopt it or not. As a First Amendment legal scholar, Bollinger would do well to refer to someone who he is certainly familiar with - nine- teenth century utilitarian philosopher John Stuart Mill, who wrote more than 140 years ago: "I am not aware that any community has a right to force another to be civilized." Nick Aomer can be reached via e-mail at nwoomer clumich.edu. 4ew to e-mail? Check out this guide to People either worry too much or too little Inevitably, conversations among frst-year Jniversity e-mail etiquette - or risk being about their own money. The secret is to students run out of steam. Keep things axposed as a greenhorn. worry just enough. moving by telling embarrassing sex tales. Page 7B Page 2B Page 5B I I