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December 08, 1999 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-12-08

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Wednesday, December 8, 1999 - The Michigan Daily - 15

Post starters nonexistent for third
straight game; Blue misses road

By Raphael Goodstein
and Michael Kern
Daily Sports Writers
During the past three games the
Michigan starters in the post have
been nearly invisible on offense. The
Wolverines have failed not only to
score, but to get
shots off in the
In those three Notebook
games, the starters -----------------
on the opposing teams in the post
have outscored the Wolverines'
starters inside 77-19.
Michigan's problems lie in its
inability to get the ball to the post
players in a position to score.
Because the post players have not
received the ball inside in a position
to score, they have taken few, if any,
Against New Mexico State on
Friday, Alison Miller and Ruth
Kipping, Michigan's starters in the
post, combined for just eight points
on three-for-eight shooting. The two
followed the performance with a 0
for 0, zero-point game against Rice
on Sunday.
To try to improve the Wolverines'
scoring inside, Michigan coach Sue
Guevara inserted Raina Goodlow
back into the starting lineup last
night against Vanderbilt. But

Michigan's struggles continued
against the Commodores, as Miller
and Goodlow combined for just 3-
for-I 1 shooting from the field.
Freshman center LeeAnn Bies
recorded the only strong single game
effort in the paint over the last three
games, scoring 13 against New
Mexico State and a career-high 18
against Rice.
The Wolverines' inability to score
inside has forced them to move the
ball to the perimeter and rely on their
guards and small forwards. In two of
the last three games, guard Alayne
Ingram has led all players in scoring
with totals of 19 and 21 against Rice
and Vanderbilt respectively. Her 15-
point performance against New
Mexico State was second on the
team to Stacey Thomas' 18.
HOME SWEET HoME?: Michigan
is a perfect 4-0 on the road, a mark
that is even more impressive consid-
ering that all four teams competed in
last year's postseason. Two of these
wins, a 69-65 win over Colorado
State, which participated in last
year's Elite Eight, and a 84-55 win
over New Mexico State in the Gene
Hackerman Rice Invitational, were
especially key. The Wolverines play
their next two games on the road
against No. 15 Louisiana State and
No. 3 Louisiana Tech.

"It's a big opportunity," freshman
center LeeAnn Bies said of the
Wolverines' upcoming games. "I
don't know if it's a must-win, it's not
for any tournament or anything, but
it would be nice to come away with
some wins because this is an oppor-
tunity for us to show the country
what we can do."
Michigan's game with Louisiana
State will be televised on ESPN2 at 7
p.m. Saturday night.
DOUBTS IN THOMAS?: This season,
Stacey Thomas has not performed up
to expectations.
She is scoring fewer points, per
game, has shot only 35 percent from
the field - down 10 percent from
last year - and her 3-point percent-
age is down five percent as well.
What's more, her production has
been inconsistent.
In Michigan's 79-66 win over
Providence, Thomas scored 17
points, but on 4 of 14 shooting, her
next game she responded with 18
points on 8 for 12 shooting.
Against Rice she scored four
points on 2 of 13 shooting and yes-
terday against Vanderbilt, she scored
15 points on 6 for 13 shooting.
Eight of these points came in the
first 5:23 of the game. At this point,
Michigan held an 11-3 lead-a lead
they later lost in their 76-60 defeat.


Stacey Thomas rebounded from a poor four-point performance Saturday to finish with 15 last night. Her efforts were in vain,
s Michigan fell, 76.60.

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too much
for Blue,
Continued from Page 12
e LeeAnn Bies, Kenisha Walker,
d Heather Oesterle allowed
Guevara to substitute frequently en
route to the 7-0 start.
But, as last night's game showed,
depth is no match in comparison to
four games in seven days, which is
what Michigan was up against. After
the game, the Wolverines admitted
that fatigue may have been a factor
in the second half. But, they refused
to blame their lackluster perfor-
nce solely on fatigue.
"We have played three games in
five days, and we might have been
tired," guard Alayne Ingram said.
"But, some of the mental errors that
we made, there's no excuse for. We
knew what we were supposed to do,
and we just didn't get it done."
So, Michigan will have to regroup
before it heads to the Bayou on
Friday. While the Wolverines' per-
Ot record may be shattered, the
same cannot be said for their
"We play in a very tough confer-
ence," Guevara said. "We have to
play a Penn State and an Illinois, so'
That's why we play Vanderbilt,
Louisiana State, and Louisiana Tech.
"We always want to try and get
one on the road. We'll have to take
care of the basketball, because these
ams are quick, but at least we'll be
ted going to Louisiana."




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Kimesova 36 6-8 4-6 1-10 4 3 16
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