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December 06, 1999 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1999-12-06

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48 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, December 6, 1999


(now that's a Lot of money to make right out of schooL)

Hire date: Yesterday
Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
" Working with the Human Computer Interface group
(HCI) and the Program Manager to define the
specification and technology involved in each
" Developing software in small teams using cutting-
edge technologies, with an emphasis on Web
development (JAVA, EJB, DHTML, XML, etc.).
e Using the company's development process to
support both internal and external customers,
continuously tracking issues and progress.
. Providing technicol edits and reviews for the
documentation team, as well as creating release
notes and migration manuals.
- Using object-oriented frameworks provided by the
Quality Engineering team to develop use-
case/functional tests.
" Java, C++
" GUI developmentin any language (Visual Basic,
MFC, Java/AWT, etc.) and component technologies
(ActiveX, Java Beans)
. SQL and experience with relational database
design and development (Oracle, Sybase, Informix,
DB/2, SQL Server)
* Web technologies (HTML, SSL, Active Server Pages)
* Development Process Tools (compilers, profilers,
version control systems, automated testing tools)

One of our client companies is willing to pay that
much to the right person. We didn't want to use
money to get your attention, but we had to let you
know about such an opportunity. (After all, ifyou
had a Ferrari you wouldn't park it in the garage and
never drive it, would you?)
This is a lead developer position with a newly
formed, small, start-up, e-commerce company. It's
a high-profile position that demands deep
technical, management and communication skills.
The right candidate will have a tremendous impact
on the future of this organization.
If you are interested in this position, whether you
have entered the CollegeHire.com'" process yet or
not, go to www. collegehi re. co/cha-Ching and
indicate your interest by checking the box on this
page and completing your CollegeHire.com profile.
We'll take it from there.
80 CollegeHire.com.




1999 Coll, eirecom. ColegeHire.co, Rethink Your o Search.an the Colgicm log o are9
trademtarksof CollegeHire.cm. All othetradmarksarethepropetiles of theirrespetieownrs


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