w5 , Lc -'' L 1l1 w.' 'Fs j , I' r qMPPs7 day: Mostly cloudy. High 35. Low 34, morrow: Partly cloudy. High 42. One hundred nine years of ed;itorialfdn Monday December 6, 1999 tiz _ ., - x. : ti . ar ... .:. 3 . ., a." n ..,u.; ..a a2 .a,. u, ..a ".x:_ t s _. .u. < a'u , iscovery Raising traditions mks cell :etherng :viruses} LindseyAlpert ily Staff Reporter University researcher Erle obertson and Rackham student [urray Cotter have discovered a sys- m which keeps viruses in the nucleus, cells and releases them when the nmune system is weak. Robertson said he is unsure how f A ledge of the tethering system willa r into developing treatments or nding cures for certain viruses. But Le research is significant because it is art of the scientific discovery process x Lat could lead to cures or more Ivanced treatments. "There is now a mechanism that bows how persistent viruses stay in lls," Robertson said about the search, which was published recently ithe Journal of Virology. "We think, this might be a consistent strategy, id we might be able to target specific -eas now to correct problems in the lls." The viruses that hide in cells are per- stent viruses, such as Hepatitis, erpes and the Human Papilloma irus - not simple cold or flu viruses. According to the Centers for- isease Control and Prevention's bite, 45 million Americans, or one eery five people, are infected with erpes-2, also called Genital Herpes irus. Robertson's discovery can also apply the 95 percent of the population car- ying the Epstein-Barr Virus. This virus enerally is harmless to healthy umans but can be dangerous to indi- iduals with a compromised immune JOANN'A PANE/D Daly d sstem Without the check of the LSA first-year student Adam Bazelton and Rabbi Alter Goldstein set up the largest menorah in nmune system,hthe virus can attack Washtenaw County at the Chabad House located on Hill Street. Chabad will celebrate the lighting See CELLS, Page 2A of the fifth candle of Hanukkah Tuesday at 6 p.m. Students to tour civil rights sites during Spring Brek -1 Poll. Sci. prof. Strum enali Wa~r aaR l By Yael Kohen Daily Staff Reporter The end of World War 11 brought with it a vast array of effects -- peace in Europe, attempts at reconstruction in the war-torn continent and the rise of the United States to world dominance. But out of this era a new world order was born. one marked by the importance of international relations and the United States' relationship with the Soviet Union. . Political science Prof, J. David Singer served in the U.S. Navy for two years during the war, and one year following its end, he wasn't sold on U.S. relations with the Soviet Union. "After World War II, I was very convinced that the American policy towards the Soviets was very stupid" Singer said, speaking about his experi- ences in the naval reserves and intelligence. Singer said he believed foreign policy makers were -igno- rant of world politics:' After spending three years in the U.S. Navy, Singer spent several years in the naval reserves and naval intelligence, until he was called back to serve in the Korean War. Inspired by his experiences in the military, Singer decided to develop a project to study the causes of war. But the methods Singer would use defied - and continue to defy - those of tradi- tional social science research. "After World War I1, I was very convinced that American policy towards the soviets was very stupid." - I David Singer Political science professor Tn 1964, Singer began the "Correlates of War" project, using empirical research to examine the factors that contribute to war. Wayne State University history Prof. Melvin Small, a former COW researcher, described the project at its initiation. When COW began it was a "different way to approach political science," Sraall said, adding that the project uses "quantitative methods to study international relations:' The idea behind COW was to collect data that help define extrastate and interstate wars, alliances, territorial changes, military and industri- al capabilities and the many other factors that con- tribute to the likelihood of a war, graduate student See PROJECT, Page 7A Y r.... 1s 3y Iasta Gullo )aily StaffReporter Twenty University students will get credit for heir spring break trip next semester - but it's tot for Tropical Vacations 101. The students will instead take part in, "Get on he Bus: Traveling the Highway of America's Civil lights Movement," a cross-country trip touring he locations of major Civil Rights events. The trip is a Lloyd Hall Scholar's Program redit mini-course facilitated by LHSP resi- fellow Joe Gonzalez, a doctoral candidate in iistory, and his wife Teresa Buckwalter, LHSP -esident fellow and SNRE graduate student in andscape architecture. Gonzalez said he hopes to form a "communi- y on wheels" that will travel south to visit the >eople and places involved in the Civil Rights \ovemnent. The goal of the program is to get students out f the classroom and "to see famous places and * people who were there" he said. The idea for the course, Gonzalez said, came from a professor at the University of New Orleans who offers a course titled "American Odyssey." Students in the course travel around United States by bus for credit. LHSP has a "tradition of supporting innova- Spring Break civil rights exposure Get on the Bus: Traveling the Highway of America's Civil Rights Movement Sponsored by the Lloyd Hall Scholar's Program a Participants will spend Spring Break visiting historical sights from the Civil Rights move- ment in areas including Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina and Washington, D.C. For more information call the LHSP o/fice at 764-7521. tive.teaching" said LHSP Director David Potter, a professor of Greek and Latin. During spring break LHSP offers students a chance to gain hands-on experience in a subject they are studying in an LHSP course. Last year's LHSP course on bio-piracy and the Amazon went to the Ecuadorian Amazon. . LHSP Manager Cecilia Infante said "Joe's class is following this tradition and philosophy that everything a student learns must be tested against reality, and the best way to discover the truth of any idea is to experience it directly" Gonzalez's spring break trip will tie into the English 125 course he is teaching, named "Sixties," offered through LHSP. He wants stu- dents to have an input on the destinations of the trip. "As much as possible I want students to design the course," Gonzalez said. Students will leave Ann Arbor on Feb. 26 and travel to several possible destinations by bus meeting people who were at the forefront of the fight for civil rights. A possible trip itinerary would include stops to: Greensboro, N.C., the site of the first sit-in by black students in protest of "whites only" lunch counters. Selma, Ala., where two famous Civil Rights marches occurred is and Memphis, Tenn., the site of Martin Luther King's assassination. Meshoba County, Miss., where the Ku Klux Klan murdered three young Civil Rights workers in 1964. * Washington, D.C. to see the Lincoln Memorial where Martin Luther King gave his "I have a dream" speech. In Washington students may also meet John L. Lewis, a Civil Rights organizer in the 1960s. Students will stay at motels as they travel south and Gonzalez hopes to camp if possible. The cost of the trip is $300 for transporta- tion, lodging and some food. Spots on the bus are still open on a first come, first serve EMILY SINN/Daily LSA Juniors Ben Whipple and Kristi McNeice, LSA senior Kathy Spencer, Art and Design senior Kelly Lannen and LSA junior Jin-Kyung Kim eat during the Messiah afterglow dinner at Martha Cook Residence Hall. Martha C ook hosts annual Mes ";siah dinner By Anna Clark Daily Staff Reporter Taking the theme of "A Retrospective Look Forward," the residents of Martha Cook Residence Hall celebrated the 54th annual Messiah dinner last night. The formal evening honored the soloists of the University Musical Society's production of Handel's Messiah, as well as former and current University and Martha Cook regents, directors and other administrative leaders. "The Messiah dinner puts together a mix of interesting people who normally wouldn't min- gle," said Meredith Hochman, one of the event's chairs and an LSA senior. The combination of guests and residents resulted in about 160 people enjoying an hors d'oeuvres reception, a professionally cooked meal and a musical program. The musical pro- gram showcased the song and dance talents of several Martha Cook residents. "It's sort of thrilling to have this opportunity, said Sheila Davis, an event chair and an LSA See MESSIAH, Page 2A basis. Organizations celebrate dragon festivities, traditions U Three campus groups bring traditional Asian celebration to campus By Josie Gingrich Daily Staff Reporter The unassuming atriuni of East Hall was transformed into a vibrant Asian night market Saturday when the second annual Dragon Fest '99 took over. Three campus groups - the Chinese Student Association, the Taiwanese American Student Association and the Knrean Student Association - com- Huang, an LSA sophomore who orga- nized the event, "So we patterned it after the night markets in Asia," Booths offering everything from cold noodles with sesame sauce to tradition- al Korean food to a chance at sumo wrestling and checkers were set up at all corners of the atrium. Local busi- nesses such as the Emerald City, a Chinese food restaurant, and Wizzywig, a Japanese anime store, also participated. Dragon Fest "is a great idea," said Simon Palko, an employee from Wizzvwig. "It's a chance to celebrate With 110 members, it is quickly becoming one of the prominent student organizations on campus. "We wanted to get to the communi- ty," said Jenny Chen, president of the CSA and an LSA junior. "We wanted to educate, promote and represent Chinese culture." But the Dragon Fest incorporated other student groups in hopes of reach- ing more people. "It's great that the organizations can come together and everyone can expen- ence Asian culture" said Judy Na, a third-year Engineering student who is U; =-, I