2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 3, 1999 NATION!WORLD
Diversity issues on campus cause mixed reactions
Continued from Page 1
of other cultures and what the universities
have done to address racial tolerance
"Colleges and universities seem to be
interested in continuing dialog across sig-
nificant groups in campuses - including
faculty, administration and students -
identifying the lessons learned from past
initiatives and using those lessons to con-
struct new initiatives," Nettles said.
Each of the 11 institutions selected
cited past racial, ethnic or gender ten-
sions on campus such as racial slurs and
misunderstandings between students and
police. Nettle's report details how each
institution dealt with those issues.
Colby College, where minority stu-
dents account for 69 of the 1,752 student
population, produced a film titled
"Common Ground," which depicted how
a fictional college dealt with the issues of
race, gender and class issues. The
College of Business at Northern Illinois
University, where 82 percent of the stu-
dent body is white, introduced a course
called, "Skill Development for the
Success in a Multicultural Environment."
The Philip Morris-funded projects
tended to focus on race, particularly rela-
tions between black and white students,
but Nettles found that some of the col-
leges did not give attention to women and
gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender
issues, or class issues.
Nettles noted that he has not examined
whether the University of Michigan does
enough to address racial tolerance issues
but added, "I think University takes sub-
stantial interest in tolerance, diversity and
Engineering junior Tim Kraft and
Kinesiology first-year student Oren
Masserman both echoed Nettles senti-
ment regarding the University's diversity
Masserman said, "I don't think there's
a lot of racism on campus because people
respect the wide diversity." In response
Gifford's experience with racial tension,
Masserman said: "That's one scenario.
You're definitely going to have one see-
Kraft replied to Masserman's state-
ment, saying, "You can't go through soci-
ety without racism,"
But Kraft added the University com-
munity ensures racial tolerance is woven
into its institution "through Diag days,
speeches, demonstrations and clubs,"
But not all students feel the University
is doing enough to address racial toler-
ance and some said experiences like
Gifford's are uncommon,
LSA sophomore Jeff Berman said that
on Oct. 21 1998, while trying to do
homework in the Mary Markley
Residence Hall Library, three students
were having a conversation that consisted
of degrading "blacks, Jews and a few
other races.
"The students were talking about
blacks and stereotyping how they're good
at sports and they said that Jews con-
trolled the world and how Seinfeld had
gotten a show because he was Jewish," he
said. Berman said in response to the stu-
dent's statements he "gave those students
some not so nice words to ponder."
When asked about the importance of
tolerating other races and respecting
diversity, Berman said: "I think tolerance
goes hand in hand with acceptance and
understanding and in order for diversity
to work, everyone needs to tolerate
everyone else and get along." Berman
said diversity and tolerance should be
related because "you can learn so much
about other races and religions and it
destroys stereotypes that one might
University alum Audrey Jackson said,
"All students, need to learn tolerance for
people on the basis of race, gender and
ethnicity." Jackson, said that "at the fac-
ulty level, even though there is support at
the level of policy, we continue to see a
lack of a significant increase in the num-
bers of non-white applicants, At the stu-
dent level, there appears to be a desire
between some student groups to achieve
diversity among gender lines, racial lines
and ethnic lines. But the majority of stu-
dent organizations continue to be com-
posed if mainly one ethnicity."
Similarly, Berman said, "I feel
Michigan has problems with diversity.
Different groups segregate themselves.
It's a natural thing of society. The Greek
system is certainly segregated in $he
sense you have Jewish fraternities and
sororities, black fraternities and sorori-
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ties, white fraternities and sororities and
Asian fraternities and sororities."
But Kraft and Masserman said they
believe students of various races are join-
ing together, rather than self-segregating
themselves. Kraft and Masserman com-
mented on how intramural sports bring
different races together for one common
cause - to win. Masserman said, "The
whole thing of interacting with race and
ethnicity is good. The interaction is good.
You are judged by skill not color."
Following Gifford's incident with
racial grafitti on her residence hall door,
she said Director of Housing William
Zeller did not personally contact her.
"He chose to disregard the seriousness
of the situation and (my roommate's and
my) emotional state as well," she said.
Zeller could not be reached for com-
ment yesterday.
"The thing that pset me more than the
racial attack is the fact that there was no
response ... from the Director of
Housing William Zeller almost a month
later, This led me to believe that the
University did not care about the well-
being of its black students," Gifford said.
But Alan Levy, director of Housing
Public Affairs, refused to comment on
Gifford's claims, explaining: "this is a
serious topic that deserves an appropriate
response. I am not going to respond off
the cuff'."
Gifford doesn't feel animosity toward
her perpetrators. "I see a bigger picture
and my focus academically is to prepare
myself to deal with larger social issues.
Little incidents of racism don't bother me
as much as institutional racism because
that's what people don't see and that is
what is oppressive."
Continued from Page 1
degrees through a combination of tradi-
tional and technological learning.
Students earn their degrees, which
consist of 60 credits, in about three years.
Each course includes six weeks of dis-
tance learning, which is considered a
term at the University campus and about
a week with their instructors, who travel
to the program's sites.
In the program's distance learning
portion, students attend a live 90-
minute lecture once a week, conducted
by an instructor on campus, where they
can interact with the professor. The stu-
dents then obtain and submit their
assignments on the Internet.
The School of Nursing also offers a
degree program throughthe Internet. In
its second year, students can obtain a
Master's in Nursing and Patient Care
Services almost entirely online.
Division Director for Nursing
Systems Beatrice Kalisch said the pro-
gram involves taking 10 online cours-
es, which meet monthly.
Graduate Nursing student Sherry
Delgrosso, who is enrolled in the on-
line master's program, said the degree
is convenient.
"Most of the nursing students, includ-
ing myself, work," Delgrosso said.
But she added there are a few disad-
vantages to the online program. "You
miss the contact with the other students,"
Delgrosso said. "You feel that you're out
there on your own," she added.
While online courses are very preva-
lent at the University, Assistant Director
of the Media Union Louis King said the
University is planning on expanding its
use of technology in academics.
"Provost (Nancy) Cantor charged the
Media Union with building the tools to
support academic technology," King
said. "The tools are starting to be cen-
tralized," he added.
But while the University is develop-
ing its on-line courses, many are
already available through Michigan
State University's Virtual University
and Eastern Michigan University.
Continued from Page 1
week and administered 58 yesterday.
Winfield said bacterial meningitis is
found in one out of every 100,000 peo-
ple, but is four times more likely in col-
lege students. The symptoms are high
fever, headache, stiff neck, and discom-
fort looking into bright lights.
As of last night, the Penn State stu-
dent was listed in critical condition, said
William Kalec, Hockensmith's friend
and Daily Collegian football writer.
Kalec said Hockensmith complained
throughout the game of aches and chills
and declined to explore the Illinois
campus Friday night.
After the game, Hockensmith's con-
dition worsened and his friends took
him to a hospital in Champaign.
"They tested him for mono and strep,
but they released him that night" at
about 1:30 a.m., Kalec said.
They left Champaign early Sunday
and Hockensmith "slept the whole way
home" a 12-hour drive, Kalec said.
"We stopped at his apartment first
when we gt hck. hut he couldn't get
p, il - -,-W,.(Mwan
Casreer Planning Placement
Bin Laden likely to
stay in Afghanistan
KABUL, Afghanistan -Osama bin
Laden will likely remain in
Afghanistan after the United States
rejected an offer by the suspected ter-
rorist to leave for a secret destination, a
spokesperson for the ruling Taliban
militia said yesterday.
The proposal to resolve the dispute
was one of several that are apparently
unacceptable to Washington, which is
demanding bin Laden be handed over
to the United States or a third country
for trial on charges that he master-
minded last year's twin bombings of
U.S. embassies in Africa.
The United States has banned trade
with or investment in the war-shattered
Muslim country, which also faces U.N.
sanctions if it does not deliver bin
Laden by Nov. 14.
The Taliban, wanting to avoid sanc-
tions and shed their pariah state status,
have tried to open official lines of
communication with Washington.
In Washington, a State Department
Spending bill moves through Congress
WASHINGTON - After arm-twisting by their leaders, Republicans pushed
the year's last and biggest spending bill through Congress yesterday and toward a
sure veto by President Clinton. That shifted the focus of this year's congressional
finale to budget talks with the White House.
The $314 billion measure financing education, labor and health programs
squeaked through the Senate by a 49-48 vote, narrowly averting an embarrass
GOP setback. The measure contained a 0.97 percent across-the-board reduction
in proposed spending by federal agencies this year; Democrats said it would cut
"muscle and bone" from programs, but Republicans said the savings would be
money that otherwise would have been wasted.
White House officials and lawmakers spent much of the day locked in pri-
vate talks. They focused on Clinton's request for SI .3 billion for the Wye River
Middle East peace accord, plus a new, scaled-down White House request for
S.4 billion more for international debt relief, nuclear threat reduction and
other foreign aid programs, said people familiar with the talks who spoke on
condition of anonymity.
Even as they met, the president promised again to veto the "deeply flawed" edu-
cation-labor bill with an unusually biting denunciation that underlined parti*
tensions coloring the bargainers' work.
Bush urges schools cultivate conscience."
, .,bHe called for a zero-tolerance policy
to discipline students for disruptive behavior in America's
classrooms, and said teachers should
GORHAM, N.H. - George W. have the right to remove persistently
Bush, challenging educators to "culti- violent and unruly students. Those chil-
vate conscience" by setting limits, dren, he said, should only be allowed
called for legislation yesterday to pro- return with the teacher's consent.
tect teachers from discipline-related Shotin in Honolulu
lawsuits and said students should be
allowed to transfer out of chronically Xerox ofce kills 7
unsafe schools.
"Learning must no longer be held HONOLULU - In the latest out-
hostage to the brazen behavior of a burst of workplace violence, Byran
few," the Republican presidential front- Uesugi, a Xerox copier repairperson
runner told a business group. shot and killed seven co-workers in his
In his third speech laying out his edu- office building yesterday, then fled in a
cation agenda, Bush called on schools company van, authorities said.
to set limits and to enforce boundaries. Two hours later, police surroun
"When children and teen-agers go to the suspect and began trying to t
school afraid of being bullied, or beat- him into surrendering.
en, or worse, it is the ultimate betrayal The gunfire erupted shortly after 8
of adult responsibility," he said. a.m. (1 p.m. EST) in an industrial sec-
Linking character education to tion of Honolulu, far from the Waikiki
school safety, the Texas governor tourist district. Five victims were found
decried the "mixed and muddled" dead in a conference room and two
moral message put out by some other bodies were found nearby. All
schools. "Our schools should not culti- had been shot with a 9 mm handgun,
vate confusion," he said. "They must authorities said.
official said yesterday that the United
States is willing to resume discussions,
not negotiations, with the Taliban con-
cerning U.N. sanctions.
The official, who spoke on condi-
tion of anonymity, also expressi
regret about reports that the Talib
supreme leader, Mullah Mohammed
Omar, has decided to abandon discus-
sions with the United States.
replaces slain leaders
YEREVAN, Armenia
Parliament yesterday elected a new
speaker and two deputy speakers
fill the seats left empty after g
men burst into the assembly's cham-
ber and killed seven people.
Members of parliament elected
deputy Armen Khachatrian of the
People's Party as speaker.
Khachatrian, 42, replaces Karen
Demirchian, who was shot dead by
the gunmen while on the assembly's
- Compiled from
Daily wire repo6
19 w -m
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