4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 2, 1999 GZbe 3idignx i tIg Looking ahead to Election 2000: Grin and Berra it 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 dailyletters@umich.edu Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan HEATHER KAMINS Editor in Chief JEFFREY KOSSEFF DAVID WALLACE Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily' editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. level Students should vote in today's elections or those of you just joining us. I'm Tom Brokaw and this is NBC's ongo- ing (and ongoing) coverage of Election 2000. We'll be breaking in with updates all day as soon as we have nothing new to report but want to interrupt your favorite pro- grams. Now let's go F live to our man on the street in New York City, David Wallace:' Let me take a" moment to clear up a . few questions. For those of you wonder- ing. Exile on Maynard St. Labs recently developed a technolo- gy allowing me to look David as much as one year Wallace into the future. I ' thought today, Election Day, provided the perfect setting to debut it. Also, I was as surprised as you to learn I work at NBC next year. A profitable look into the future led to my cushy network job. In January of 2000, I wager an unheard of sum on the Superbowl and use the winnings to buy NBC. I keep Brokaw as anchor and appoint myself chief political correspondent. I consider myself eminently qualified to ana- lyze this year's candidates, since like them I have almost no knowledge of political issues but a huge personal fortune allowing me to do whatever I want. "Thanks Tom. Though the polls opened bnly a few hours ago, early returns show this could be one of the lightest voter turnouts in the country's history." "What factors contribute to the public's dis- interest, David?" "Well Tom, I think the events of the last 12 months did more than a little damage to the average voter's psyche." "Could you recap those events for us?" "Sure. I think it began when Bill Bradley exited the race just before the New Hampshire Democratic primary. As you will remember, reports surfaced indicating that Bradley is a decent, honorable human being with relevant, innovative and compassionate ideas. This led to an intense debate about the fundamental qualities political candidates must possess and culminated in the Supreme Court's deci- sion that possessing integrity in today's politi- cal climate makes one ineligible to run." "Dave, I remember that well. If I'm not mistaken, polls at the time showed the major- ity of Americans considered relevant, innova- tive and compassionate ideas boring. So in retrospect, Bradley left at a good time." "That's right, Tom, and his departure made way for Al Gore to take over the lead with his palatable strategy of saying absolutely noth- ing about everything." "I understand you had the opportunity to talk to the frontrunner this morning. Did you ask him about his views on campaign finance reform, the national debt and the chance of forming a coherent foreign policy?" "Tom, what do I always tell you?" "This is TV news, where we play slow- pitch softball." "Right. I asked Gore about his favorite color. Quickly his pollsters gathered informa- tion indicating equal portions of the country favor red and blue. Gore refused to commit to one, instead opting to say nice things about each and switching his outfit to a blue suit with a red tie.' "With the realization that Gore took over the frontrunner position, how has the Bush campaign faired?" "Not well at all, Tom. Though possessing unrivaled cash, Bush's campaign suffered from mismanagement. After failing to ade- quately address allegations of cocame use. the campaign's masterminds destroyed an remaining credibility after adopting the cam- paign slogan. "Put some lines together at the polls for Bush." "That really hurt, didn't it?" "Late night comedians really took off on him, and Millie the White House Dog's posthumously published second memoir blasting the candidate did not help either." "The nation appears in a difficult position today. David. We're running out of time. but could you comment briefly on the Senate race between Hillary Rodham Clinton and New York City Mayor Rudolph Guiliani?" "Yes, the Senate race appears decided after Guiliani's radical last-minute play for votes. In a stunning development. Guiliani reversed himself and promised that if elected he would return pornography and strip clubs to New York City. He likely will win in a landslide today, Tom." "Has there been any response from the Clinton camp? "Since the announcement, Clinton has not offered any official word. However, an unidentified source reported overhearing a familiar voice saying, 'But Hil, I've got to vote for what's best for me! "Dave, I see in the crowd gathered behind you what looks like the face of New York Yankees great Yogi Berra. See if he'll offer you a comment. I walk over to the crowd. "Yogi . "What's this about ' " "I'm doing a news broadcast for a newspa- per column that will run a year ago. "That sounds like something I would say." Tom breaks in. "Just 15 seconds. David." "Yes. ah, Yogi, could you please offer a word on the state of politics in 2000'? "The future ain't what it used to be." - David Wallace can be reached over e-mail at davidmw(a umich.edit. oday, citizens of Ann Arbor have an opportunity to influence how the city and county will run for the next two years. Five seats on the Ann Arbor City Council, as well as a seat onk the Washtenaw County. EtE Commission and a ballot initiative on an increase in property tax for funding city parks will all be on the bal- lot Tuesday. It is important W for students to participate in WWWOOWa the upcoming elections as t all matters on the ballot nn Ar influence life at the.X h: University. wwctgnn The City Council makes :rborius many decisions pertinent to !ndexftfr, students. Including the mayor and 10 elected council members from five wards, the council decides, among other things, the penalization rate for parking tickets. It also controls municipal taxes, water treatment, housing inspection and city zoning. These issues currently under debate have a major impact on students living in Ann Arbor. A strong voter turnout from the University community could signifi- cantly impact the elections and subse- quently the operations of the city. Among those running for a seat is incumbent Chris Kolb (D-5th Ward), who lost to Ingrid Sheldon by less than 60 votes (1.2 percent) in last year's mayoral election - demonstrating just a few votes can make a major impact at the local level. The Washtenaw County Commission has a special election to fill a District 11 (central Ann Arbor) seat. The commission holds a wide variety of powers that affect students in Ann Arbor including judicial duties, health services, building inspec- tion and the sheriff's 'TION office. LSA senior Jeff Irwin runs unopposed in N this election, adding another dimension of stu- AW CQL0f dent involvement. With the low turnout a IteIaw "° Us non-presidential election typically provides, this is City Hal an excellent opportunity isrte: ,4for the University com- munity to assert its vot- ramed/f- ing power in determining Ann Arbor's and Washtenaw County's officials. Aside from electing City Council and County Commission members, there is also a ballot proposal impacting students. The City Council has proposed a 5-year increased property tax valued around $8 million for this period in order to pur- chase land for much-needed parks. It is in students' best interests to par- ticipate in these elections. In 1997, only about 11,000 people voted in municipal elections. Given the size of the student body, the University has a great opportunity tomor- row to assert its influence on local poli- tics. The decisions made by those elected this year will have a direct influence on Ann Arbor residents. Students registered in Ann Arbor should take advantage of this democratic opportunity and make their opinions heard. CHIP CULLEN -.,._ " i "b: A .' '4E: . I N WRJY ARE MY TAXES SO NIGH4? 04JNN ARE THEY GOI'*A f1IX THE ROADS? Sparking conversation Political debates should occur frequently n our democratic political system, debates between candidates are far too rare. If we, as a nation, want to reform and strengthen the electoral process, there must be a greater demand for organized debates and a call for their support through public funds. In the last week, Dartmouth College in New Hampshire has hosted two debates featuring the leading contenders in the Democratic and Republican presidential races. These meetings were not debates in the classic Lincoln-Douglas style but were instead a series of questions direct- ed to each candidate individually, in a town hall format. Each candidate, regard- less of how well he was doing in the polls, was given an equal chance. Thus, many candidates who had little chance to voice their beliefs were thrust into the spotlight. The American people deserve to know what their potential leaders value. Only with an educated voting body can democ- racy properly function. If voters are made aware of their choices, they can more effectively select the option that best suits them. Debates are a near perfect way to accomplish this goal. In , an organized debate, voters have the opportunity to see more than the typical televised sound bites that dominate media coverage of elections. Instead, voters get to observe candidates in action, stating their beliefs in the open. This is far more effective than the brief clips with which most news sources flood voters. Debates should be sponsored through public funds and should be nationally televised well in advance of any election. long. It is time that the nation returned to the concept of the citizen-statesman, wherein any citizen can step up to the podium and run for public office. As it stands, only those citizens who have enough money to buy television time have a shot at winning an elected post. If a candidate cannot make himself or herself known to the people, he or she cannot win. By providing free television time and hosting debates, the nation will help eliminate the stipulation that only the wealthy can be in government. Every citizen, rich or poor, is a member of our government-of-the-people, and as such, each has an equal right to hold office. Americans should make every effort to watch debates when they occur. By doing so, they will be able to make more informed choices when election day comes. At the very least, they will witness an entertaining show. Debates often feature individuals who are passionate about their beliefs and will defend them vigorously. Especially in debates for national elections, voters will have the opportunity to see candidates that they might have heard about every single day, but never actually seen in action. The value of debates cannot be over- stated. Debates are a key tool in a demo- cratic system and vital for its survival and prosperity. If the future of this nation is to be one of freedom and liberty, one where all citizens have the ability to make their voices heard, debates must be sponsored frequently. And for campaign finance reform to become a reality, the nation LSA-SG candidate deadline nears TO THE DAILY: Students at the University are notorious for standing up for their beliefs, and many groups on campus have made a significant difference for their cause. A few are vocal and seem omnipresent; others, such as LSA Student Government, make a noteworthy contribution to the everyday lives of University students while keeping a decid- edly lower profile. Already this year. LSA Student Government has aided its constituents in many ways. It has dispersed more than $20,000 among student groups, organized a concentration fair for undergraduates. appointed qualified individuals to positions in various University committees and passed a resolution encouraging the use of environmentally friendly paper products at campus computing sites. This single organi- zation has made a difference in each of these diverse areas just two months into the academic year. Student government seats are, in general. elected positions. Elections this year will takee place on Nov. 17 and 18. Students run for a variety of reasons. A few are motivated simplyt to add to their resume or think the election isr a campus-wide popularity contest. But most truly wish to better the life of each LSA stu- dent on campus. Both types of candidate winr from time to time fortunately, the power tol choose your representatives is in your hands. The students of LSA are by and large good judges of character and have, in the past, cho- sen effective governments. Voting allows you to choose who you want to speak for you. Running for a seat lets you do the speaking. Past representatives have campaigned for academic minors, and when they spoke, the administration listened. People involved with government begin the process of change in everyday student life. But we can't do it all by ourselves. We need you to finish the process. A successful student government such as LSA-SG depends on the ideas and efforts of highly motivated individuals. Getting involved in a college goverment is simple and an excellent way of making a significant impact on your school. Take a stake in your scholastic life - rn for student government.I Candidate packets are available at the LSA-SG office at 4152 Union; the filing deadline is Wednesday, Nov. 3. The candi-1 dates' meeting is on Thursday, Nov. 4, from 7-9. If you have any questions please con-1 tact the elections director at lsasg.elec-t tions a;'umich.edu or the LSA-SGI Communications Committee at7 lsasg.comcunmich.edu. RODOLFO PALMA-LUUON LSA SENIOR ROBERT SHEREDAI LSA JUNIOR Only women control their bodies 1 w DOShfSOMr s RODY DO SMETHNG? a a- the pregnancy is caused through no negligent action of the mother, that is in cases of rape, incest. etc., I believe that abortion is justified. Secondly, as the letter points out, "Not everyone on this campus is a liberal." This is very true, but I fail to see what this has to do with the letter. I am what might be called "lib- eral", but does this mean that my voice should count for less because of it? Am I somehow wrong or "missing out" due to my "loose moral" views? Life is a beautifdl thing, but the govern- ment has no right to tell a woman that she must relinquish control of it. A woman's body is a sacred thing. It is each woman's responsibility to care for that body, and to use it responsibly, and to hold dominion over it. No one, saxe each woman herself, should be allowed any say or control over what is done to, legally provided for or allowed as far as their body is concerned. . MATTHEW HECK SCH OOL OF M USIC SENIOR Death penalIty is To THE DAILY: I am writing this to respond to the Oct. 27 letter to the editor entitled "Death Penalty Not As Unjust As May Appear." Although I do not doubt the numbers that Alea researched, I do have a problem with her interpretation of them. You try to dis- miss the fact that the death penalty is biased against minorities by pointing out that there are about as many Caucasians (48.4 percent) as African Americans and Latinos (48.1 percent combined). What you don't point out is that Caucasians make up far more than 48.4 percent of the population. The proportion of minorities on death row is far higher than their pro- portions in the general population. Next, you try to downplay the idea that some of these people might be innocent. Although are legal system is improving, it still gets some things wrong. There have been many people released from death row after new evidence had been found in their case. Although you say only 23 people who have been put to death have been later r--a, ;nt'w-nt urba- trnum hnur mimnx DANIEL BAXTER LSA FIRST-YEAR STUDENT jail when sentenced to parole). The death penalty costs, both monetarily and a valid system. life without has too many morally, to be DAAP to propose tuition freeze TO THE DAILY: The Defend Affirmative Action Party of the Michigan Student Assembly will put forward a Tuition Freeze Resolution on Tuesday Nov. 2. The resolution calls on the MSA to support ending tuition increases and to fight to achieve this by organizing with other universities and colleges in Michigan, The United States and North America. At the University of Michigan, the rate of tuition increase over the last two decades has far exceeded inflation. In-state tuition rose from $3,288 in 1989 to $6,333 in 1999. These trends of increasing tuition 0 have the result of narrowing access and opportunity for students from low- and mid- dle-income backgrounds, and for all stu- dents generally. The University of Michigan's increasing tuition is part of a national trend. From 1980 to 1995 the average amount of student loans for college students at four-year public colleges rose by 367 percent. In 1995-96, more than half of . seniors at public four-year colleges bor- rowed from federal loan programs and carried an average of over $10,000 in debt. In the 1995-1996 school year, 79 percent of undergraduates worked to pay their education expenses; a substantial proportion of students reported that their work negatively affected their academic performance. The scope and seriousness of the prob- 0 lem of rising tuition makes a national cam- paign for a tuition freeze a viable prospect. As the official voice of students, the Michigan Student Assembly should support this resolution. Any representative who votes against this resolution is acting as a renresentative of the University