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November 23, 1999 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-11-23

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 23, 1999 ATLON/X ORLD
Tensions mount in Hol and

NAZARETH, Israel (AP) - Gates of churches
across the Holy Land swung-shut in protest yesterday
as church leaders made a final attempt to block the
building of a mosque in the heart of Nazareth, the
town of Jesus' boyhood.
The two-day, Vatican-backed closure highlights the
increasingly volatile relations between Christians and
Muslims, as well as Israel's ambiguous - some claim
politically tainted - role as mediator.
The dispute has also spilled over into Mideast peace
talks, with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat backing
the Christians in Nazareth in hopes they will support
him when he negotiates the future of Jerusalem with
the Israelis.
Saudi Arabia, the guardian of Islam's holiest
shrines, supported Arafat's efforts, offering to pay for
a new mosque at an alternate spot in Nazareth, away
from the Basilica of the Annunciation, to avoid fric-
The church closures, just weeks before the last
Christmas of the millennium, left many pilgrims dis-
appointed. Some endorsed the protest, while others
said Christians should set examples of tolerance and
not block construction of the mosque.
Nazareth should be a city for everyone," Jozeph
Wietsiers said, a Roman Catholic who had walked
more than 2,400 miles-since May on a pilgrimage
from his hometown in Oss, Holland, only to find the
Basilica closed.
But the highest Roman Catholic authority in the
Holy Land, Latin Patriarch Michel Sabbah, said the

"We closed the churches so the world can hear,
and the world did."
- Michel Sabbah
Roman Catholic Latin Patriarch

Buchanan: 'dual containment' unattainable
WASHINGTON - Reform Party presidential contender Pat Buchanan declared
yesterday that the long-standing U.S. policy of "dual containment" of Iraq and Iran
is unsustainable and he suggested opening a dialogue with the Gulf nations.
Delivering a foreign policy speech, Buchanan asked: "If we can engage China and
North Vietnam and even North Korea, why can we not at least talk to Iran and Iraq?"
The third-party candidate also countered claims by his rivals that he is an isol
"As one who has supported every great foreign policy initiative from Kennedy
to Reagan, I reject the isolationist label, especially when made by those who spent
their youthful careers marching against the Cold War policies that brought us vic-
tory," he told an audience at the libertarian Cato Institute.
The remarks followed a foreign policy speech Friday by Texas Gov. George W.
Bush, the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, and a contro-
versy in September stirred by publication of Buchanan's book, "A Republic, Not
an Empire."
Buchanan derided Bush's speech, saying: "I think the governor read it very
well." As to the substance, in which Bush proposed toughening relations wit
Russia and China, Buchanan said Bush was being advised by people who "feelV
sense of loss" at the passing of the Cold War and "are looking for a conflict."

Christians, a tiny minority of about 100,000, had to
take a stand.
"We closed the churches so the world can hear, and
the world did," Sabbah said in a news conference in
The dispute is uncharacteristic of Israel's
Christians, who usually keep a low profile to avoid
friction with Muslims.
Sabbah hinted that Pope John Paul II's visit to Israel
and the Palestinian areas, set for March, could still be
called off if the Nazareth dispute was not resolved.
The argument began two years ago, when the city's
Christian mayor, Ramez Jeraisi, announced plans to
build a tourist plaza on a half-acre plot outside the
Basilica to make the congested, noisy downtown more
appealing to millennium visitors.
The city's Islamic movement said some of the land
was Muslim-owned and set up a protest tent on the lot.
In a compromise brokered by the Israeli govern-
ment, the mosque is to be built on one-third of the
land, the plaza on the remainder.
Jeraisi reluctantly accepted the deal, saying he
wanted to avoid more strife, but was overruled by

Roman Catholic, Armenian and Greek Orthodox
patriarchs who said a mosque near the church was
Churches closed across the Holy Land, including in
Jerusalem, Bethlehem and the Galilee. Some neigh-
borhood churches stayed open, including a Greek
Orthodox church in Nazareth and the Ethiopian
Orthodox-controlled section of Jerusalem's Church of
the Holy Sepulcher.
Israel has denied allegations by church leaders that
it favored the Muslims because they have more politi-
cal clout. The vast majority of Israel's 1 million Arabs
are Muslim.
Yesterday, Muslims and Christians in Nazareth,
who have long lived in harmony, said the dispute has
left them suspicious of one another. Christians make
up only about 30 percent of the city's 60,000 residents,
but until recently were dominant in politics and busi-
Christian Nassim Maizzawi, who owns a jewel-
ry store next to the Basilica, said he felt the
Muslims were being rewarded for using threats
and force.


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Continued from Page 1.
the capacity set by the fire marshall.
When all the wristbands have been
issued, the organizers know that event
capacity has been reached. She said the
usage of wristbands is enforced at all of
the student parties - not just at black
and Latino/a events.
Schwitmmer explained that during
large events held in the ballroom, orga-
nizers ask students to leave from the side
doors and not the front door because it is
safer for a large group of people to spill
out on the Regent's Plaza area rather than
directly onto State Street.
"The front steps of the Union are not
large enough to hold a group of 500
people," she said.
Continued from Page 1
its added recognition. The school was
ranked eighth by U.S. News & World
Report in 1998.
"This is important for the school,
because it puts us on a more equal
level w4ith other universities that arc
named. It makes our degree a little
more marketable, and I think it will
help recruit more students,' said Lisa
Berry, a second-year student at the
Dorn said the change should help the
school draw lasting support from alumni.
Continued from Page 1
Peterson said in a written statement
that the project examines an alternative
measure of student potential for use in
admissions to undergraduate higher
education institutions.
"It is important that we continue to
explore and to help others explore the
complex challenge of selecting students
for college',"Peterson said.
In a phone interview Peterson
warned that the University's participa-
tion is only for research purposes.
"Our participation in this study does

President of Kappa Alpha Psi frater-
nity and Black Greek Association
member Mike Muse said the BGA did
not endorse the DAAP boycott.
"We did not feel the boycott reflected
the opinions of the entire B3GA," he
said. "We thought it was a premature
move on the part of the DAAP"
But Muse did say he felt the Union's
policies were discriminatory against
black and Latino/a student events.
Like many other students, Art and
Design junior Jason Allen entered the
Union after receiving and reading a
"Basically I'm just hungry, I have
entree plus and I just need to get a
sub," he said. "Normally I wouldn't go
in, but I have zero food and money
right now."
"This naming will give ia great
deal of visibility to the school. It
helps us get noticed in the world -
we can become more involved with
public policy makers, and have the
public become more involved with
u " Dorn said.
"People who remember and sup-
port [ord want to perpetuate his
legacy. People associate the transfer
of' loyalty to the school,' Dorn said,
adding that "hereat the University
of Texas, people who worked in
.Johnson's administration transferred
their support to one of LBJ's lega-
cies - this school"
not affect our regular undergraduate
admissions process,' she said.
"Our undergraduate admissions
process continues to consider a wide
variety of factors, including high
school grades, standardized test
scores, personal achievement, lead-
ership, service and many other fac-
tors," Peterson said.
CIR Senior Legal Counsel Terry
Pell said as a result of the ongoing lit-
igation he did not want to comment on
the University's participation in the
program until he could see how the
University intends to use and imple-
ment it.

Wave of lawsuits
threaten Microsoft
NEW YORK - A growing wave
of private lawsuits against Microsoft
Corp. suddenly has the company
fighting on several legal fronts at
once, raising the stakes in its
antitrust battle in Washington and
intensifying pressure on Microsoft to
settle the case.
At least seven lawsuits, including
one filed yesterday in San Francisco,
have been filed on behalf of comput-
er users in response to a judge's Nov.
5 finding that Microsoft is a soft-
ware monopolist that routinely bul-
lies high-tech rivals. The finding
provided grist for allegations by
computer users that Microsoft's
monopoly gave it substantial leeway
to overcharge for its Windows soft-
ware program.
Microsoft is viewed as rich
enough and legally savvy enough to
weather a continued onslaught of
private lawsuits, which may be con-
solidated into a federal case. Among

the world's most profitable compa-
nies, Microsoft has about $19 billion
in cash and no debt.
But legal experts say the state and
federal lawsuits, filed in Alabama,
California, Louisiana and New York,
could create a short-term challengf
at Microsoft as it tries to ensure its
legal arguments and trial maneuvers
are consistent across different juris-
Government pushes
for safer needles
WASHINGTON - Hoping to pro-
tect health care workers from deadly
infections, the government urged ho*
pitals and other health facilities yester-
day to use needles with sheaths, blunt
tips or other safety features.
Hospitals have been slow to adopt
safer needles even though at least
600,000 health workers accidentally
stick themselves each year, putting
themselves at risk for the AIDS virus
and liver-destroying hepatitis, as well
as other diseases. __



Okinawa overnor.
to move U.S. air base'
NAHA, Japin With dernonstra-
tors banging onI hi do, the governor
of' Okinawa unveiled na plan yesterday
to relocate a U.S. air base within the
island, a key step in resolving a long-
festering issue between the United
States and Japan.
But the move seems likely to reignite
the storm in Okinawa over the World
War II legacy of the continued U.S.
presence here.
Bowing to the resentment of
Okinawans at the numerous American
bases on the small island, Gov. Keiichi
Inamine added a potential deal-break-
er to his support for relocating
Futenma Air Station to a more sparse-
ly populated area 25 miles north in
Inamine said the new air base should
revert to civilian control in 15 years, a
requirement the U.S. government flatly
rejects. Tokyo must now find a way to

finesse the governor's deadline, or
watch the loss of its second chance in
four years to resolve the dispute.
"Everybody knows the U.S.position.
Everybody knows the (Japanese) ce*
tral government position. But for the
benefit of the people of Okinawa, the
deadline is hard to back down from,"
Inamine said.
Russian forces move
toward Chechnya
Russian forces are moving steadily *
encircle Chechnya's capital and believe
civilians will encourage Chechen mili-
tants to abandon the city rather than wage
an all-out battle, Russia's top army officer
said yesterday. Russia pounded parts of
Chechnya from the air and ground, with
warplanes running about 50 combat Mis-
sions in a 24-hour period, the Interfax
news agency said. Fearful civilians kept
up their exodus from Chechnya.
- Compiledfirom Daily wire repoO

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