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November 15, 1999 - Image 18

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-11-15

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68 -The Michigan Daily - SportsMonday - November 15, 1999


Act Now Against Global Warming
Devastating droughts. Killer heat waves. Enormous storms. The 1990's were the
hottest decade on record, with a major increase in weather extremes.
Climate scientists now overwhelmingly agree that global warming is real, and that
x increased temperatures will lead to rising sea levels, destruction of forests, the spread
of tropical diseases, and more.
Polluters Wage War. To meet these threats, 179 nations recently adopted
the Kyoto Protocol, which calls for real steps to reduce global warming. But the
United States has lagged behind, pressured by a powerful coalition of polluting
companies such as Ford, GM and Exxon - the Global Climate Coalition (GCC).
The GCC's main goal is to stop any real action to curb global warming.
Fight Back. The University of Michigan holds a large portfolio of
stocks-including stocks in the companies that make up the GCC. So join the
Cool the Planet campaign and demand that our school divest from any
companies who are part of this polluters' lobby.

To find out more:
Co k 1 1 H Awww.cooltheplanet.org
Local contact: Josh Davis, Ozone Action Coalition, davisjc@umich.edu
Cool the Planet is a campaign of Ozone Action and Free the Planet.

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