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November 15, 1999 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-11-15

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 15, 1999 - 3A

Spring Break
extends deadline
Alternative Spring Break, a commu-
nity service program centered around
the week of spring break, when stu-
dents travel to various destinations
across the country to work with com-
munities, has extended its application
deadline to Friday.
ASB organizes sites by issues, includ-
ing youth and education, domestic vio-
lence, border and refugee issues and
urban poverty, and provides an opportu-
nity for students to learn about various
!social issues.
Students can get applications at
the ProjectSERVE office on 1024
Hill St. or on the Internet at
www. umich. edu/-nservelserve.
Applications are due to the
ProjectSERVE office.
For more information, students also
can e-mail the ASB leadership team at
holdthernayo@umich. edu.
sExhibit to display
students' works
The College of Architecture and
Urban Planning is hosting an exhibition
of students' works this week. The exhib-
it will showcase students' relationship to
architecture curriculum and will include
descriptions of their projects.
Architecture Prof. Brian Carter, chair
of the architecture program in the College
ff Architecture and Urban Planning, will
include pieces to demonstrate how studio
work is related to built projects of nation-
al and international design.
Located at the College, the gallery
will be open Monday through Friday
from noon to 8 p.m. and Saturday from
noon to 4 p.m.
Columnist to talk
,bout media bias
Columnist and commentator Jeff
Cohen is scheduled to host a public lec-
ture today called "Media Bias and
Censorship in the Era of
During his career, Cohen's columns
have been published in numerous
newspapers including the Los Angeles
Times and The Washington Post. He is
seen regularly on national television
nd radio programs and has co-hosted
NN's "Crossfire."
He is scheduled to speak in the
Founders Room of the Alumni Center
at 4 p.m. The Department of
Communication Studies is sponsor-
ing the event.
Discussion to
feature Pulitzer-
Oinning novelist
The annual "Cover to Cover" book
discussion continues this week at the
Ann Arbor District Library with
Michael Cunningham, author of the
Pulitzer prize-winning novel "The
Hours." The discussion is planned for
Wednesday at the main library branch
from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m., located on the
corner of Fifth and William streets.
Also, library staff members will
Wad a discussion the following day
about Eileen Pollack's novel
"Paradise, New York." The event will
take place at the library's northeast1

branch, located at 2713 Plymouth Rd.
in the Plymouth Mall, from 7:30 p.m.
to 8:30 p.m.
Admission is free and registration is
required for both events.
Composer to sign,
*ead new book
Composer Joe Jackson is holding a
reading and book signing of his new
novel "A Cure for Gravity" at 7 p.m. at
Borders Books & Music.
His novel is a memoir about his
life. In the book, he explains his
musical background, including a
description of playing his first
piano. Jackson released an album
called "Look Sharp" in 1979, which
ecame a bestseller. Since then,
Jackson has led a music career and is
well known for his view of music.
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Jennifer Sterling.

Net Impact hosts 7th annual conference

By Elizabeth Kassab
Daily Staff Reporter
"Share your talent" was the message Eleanor
Josaitis, Focus: HOPE co-founder and execu-
tive director, urged at the closing ceremonies
for the seventh annual Net Impact Conference
at the School of Business Administration yes-
The University hosted the three-day confer-
ence, "Leadership in Action: Changing the
Rules, Changing the Game," this weekend.
Net Impact, formerly Students for
Responsible Business, is committed to
"using business as a vehicle for change," said
Sheryl Fox, the co-president of the
University's chapter.
"They really want to make an impact," said
Jevelyn Bonner-Reed, a University of
California at Berkeley alum and Ford

employee, who attended the conference.
The conference drew more than 500 students
and alumni from 30 schools including New
York University, the University of Virginia, the
University of Chicago, Northwestern
University, Yale University, Case Western
Reserve, Stanford University, Cornell
University, Georgetown University and U.C.
Net Impact emphasizes education and lead-
ership. The group's internship program places
students with corporations to practice real-
life situations in the corporate world where
leadership is essential, according to the
groups Website.
"Businesses can do well by doing good,"
conference Chair Kathleen Judd said.
She gave Stonyfield Farm, Inc. as an exam-
ple of a company who is enviromentally con-

Stonyfield's President Gary Iirshberg was
Saturday's keynote speaker. He founded hiis
business in 1983, and it is now the fastest
growing yogurt company in the United States.
The company has attained this success
while keeping toxic emissions low and donat-
ing 10 percent of its profits to environmental
Hirshberg's said he believes "business and
industry can and should adopt social and
environmental practices."
"In the 21st Century, companies will need a
broad platform of responsibility or they will
not survive," said Nike Global Director of
Labor Practices Dusty Kidd, a panelist at the
Amy Shapiro, a University of Maryland
student, said she was impressed by the num-

ber auil'ible workshops at the conference,
There were four sessions of w orkshops with
seven workshops in each session Iopics
included the environment, entrepreneurship
and corporate responsibility.
"I wanted to see the trends as the business
leaders themselves see them because they are
the ones who are involved," said Arthur
Mendonca, a graduate student at the
University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler
Panelists represented nearly )01 Organiza-
tions, including Nike, the United Nations.
Ford Motor Co., DaimlerChrysler and The
Chicago Tribune.
Next year's conference is scheduled to be
held at Thunderbird, the American Graduate
School of International Management in

Dedication, long hours key
for Michigan Marching Band

Continued from Page IA
favorite part because things are pretty
eventful" in here, he says.
At 10:30 a.m. the band gathers
together in the rehearsal room, in com-
plete clothing and make-up, Tapia
leads "visualization."
The room falls under a blanket of
silence while Tapia's voice leads the
students, with eyes closed, through the
day's routine.
"I don't know where the semester
has gone," Tapia says after the visualiza-
tion exercise. "A lot of emotions have
come in and out over this last week. But
the issue here is that it's about desire and
pride in the truest sense. It's not about
ego or self. It's about heart, soul, shar-
ing, commitment; being one. Leave all
that other stuff behind. Make it pure.
The team needs our help"
At precisely 11 a.m. the band lines up
in by section outside of Revelli Hall.
With block members in front and
reserves in back, everyone stands at
attention while the directors surround
the band, wearing trenchcoats and head-
phones - serving as the band's own
secret service.
The silence is deafening until Gregg's
whistle sounds twice and the contingent
moves forward in tandem.
As the band moves through the streets
towards the stadium, fans gathered to
watch. Spectators utter, "That's awe-
some,"and "Perfect" as the band march-

es past them. A following of fans forms
behind the band as they came to a stop
in front of a tiny tree in the parking lot
just east of the Michigan Stadium tun-
nel. Facing the tree, they play the fight
song - a long-standing tradition -
before entering onto the field.
"It's a great feeling walking through
the tunnel," Coleman says as she sits in
the stands with the other reserves, wait-
ing for the block to begin the pre-game
show. "I don't thing being in band will
ever lose its excitement. It's the crowd
that really makes the difference."
The stands are beginning to fill as the
block band runs through the tunnel onto
the field. The crowd erupts into a wall of
sound as Whitmore dashes onto the field
and contorts himself in his ritual back
bend. "It was the best pregame show of
the season," Whitmore later said.
Thompson relaxes after marching in
her first pre-game show. "I went on
autopilot. Everything I was worried I'd
mess up on, I didn't even think about"
she said.
Meanwhile, for Vachon, the best ritu-
al of the day is yet to come. "The most
fun part is sitting in the stands with
everybody." Vachon says he thinks band
members are without doubt some of the
most dedicated Michigan football fans.
As Michigan begins to trounce
Northwestern on the field, the band
encourages the fans with fight songs
and crowd games.
John Seyferth, 15, an Ann Arbor resi-
dent, always sits near the band at the

games. "They get the fans hyped. They
do some funny chants and seem really
enthusiastic," he says.
Sitting across the stadium in the stu-
dent section, LSA first-year student
Edgar Zapata says he realizes the contri-
bution that the band makes to the entire
football experience. "They pump up the
crowd and launch spirit and pride -
especially at boring times," he says.
"They're good."
As halftime draws near, several of the
band members prepare themselves for
the halftime show - the pinnacle of a
week's practice. Thompson and her fel-
low flag members "air-flag" their
moves, moving empty hands as they sit
together waiting to take the field.
Vachon explains what he will do once
on the turf in front of more than 110,000
fans. As rank leader, "I have to make
sure everyone else knows what they're
doing," he said "I don't really go
through the show in my head. I know a
lot of people do that, though."
With Michigan leading Northwestern
by 28 points at halftime, Whitmore is
optimistic about the show. "It does keep
band spirits up when the team does
well," he says, "We go as they go"
Coleman sits in the stands during the
halftime show. "There's some competi-
tion" within the band, she says, "but
overall it's camaraderie, because you're
all part of the same group"
The halftime show is well received by
the crowd, as demonstrated by the mon-
strous applause - especially during a

Horn players rehearse during the Michigan Marching Band's practice prior to
the Wolverines win over Northwestern on Nov. 5.

dance done by Whitmore and the flags
during the rendition of "Soul Bossa
Nova" from "Austin Powers."
After the band members march back
to their seats amidst cheers of friends,
and fans in the stands, Whitmore runs
up to Tapia and high-fives him. "It was
the best of all season," Whitmore
exclaims. "The band sounded great." .
"I'm just glad it went well,' Vachon
says, sitting back in his seat. "I was
skeptical about this show because it did-
n't sound too exciting, but it was really
effective. I think the crowd liked it."
Thompson is excited about the show.
"It was really fun, because the audience
was getting into it. I heard them saying
it was the best show we've done. There
was one move I missed every time in
practice. I don't remember doing it, but
everyone told me I did."
Following the game, everyone in the

band, including the reserves, finds their
way to the field for the post-game show,
which recaps some highlights from the
half-time show and includes a percussion
extravaganza. Then it was back to
Revelli, ending with a cheer and some
words from Tapia in a huddle on the steps
of the rehearsal hall. "Halftime went over
great with the audience;" he said.
Finally, after nearly I1 hours of hard
work, the band members disperse and
move on to various activities - some
will enjoy the evening with friends from
the band, other eat dinner with family
members and after a grueling schedule,
some simply get well needed rest.
All the hard work certainly pays off.
"It's an instant support group,"
Marching Band Development Officer
Matt Burrows said, now two years out of
the Michigan Marching Band.
"You instantly have 400 friends."

E fforts
affirm a

to end
live action
stu dents
exnlaininp that he ex ects diversity

Continued from Page 1A
SAT or ACT test scores and students
with a good Student Profile
The profile assess those who do
not have a GPA of 2.0 or a high SAT
or ACT score, but do display athlet-
ic, artistic or musical talent and have
the potential to do well at a Florida
Goldschmidt explained that these
are the minimum admissions
requirements Florida universities
He said currently minority stu-
dents account for one of every three
students in the Florida State
University System.
Goldschmidt added that One
Florida Initiative is supposed to
add at least 410 minorities and has
the potential, through financial aid
to add 1,200 minorities to the stu-
dent population of Florida univer-
"Above all of these statistics,
you're telling students that you
don't want them," Harris said,

UpIU igp thttcctct1uv~ty
to decrease as a result of the initia-
Harris added that the FSU's stu-
dent government will hold a town
meeting tomorrow evening to dis-
cuss implications of the initiative on
Yufelder. said the larger pool of
applicants will end up increasing
diversity on campuses across
But Moore argued that increasing
the pool with guaranteed admission
to a Florida university for students
in the top 20 percent of their senior
class may not lead to increased
Moore said certain schools are
likely to become receptacle schools
for lower-end high schools in
While the governor's Press
Secretary Lucila Ross said she does
not expect this to occur, Moore
argued that if it does, the One
Florida Initiative could negatively
effect diversity on Florida college
- Daily Staff Reporter Nick
Bunkley contributed to this report.

U Art Matters, 3540 Frieze, 6
U Meeting for Environi
Education Organnization.

What's happening in Ann Arbor today


Groups, Pierpont Commons, 8
J "Blood Battle between U-M and
OSU," Sponsorednby Alpha Phi
Omega, Michigan Union, 1-7

J Campus Information Centers, 764-
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www.umich.edu/-info on the
World Wide Web
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