Thursday, November 11, 1999 - The Michigan Daily - 19A ;- --=The Daily Grind- Next NCAA ursity sport: Dodgeball illy Madison sulks into Miss EB Lippy's classroom, pouting, his recess ruined by the youngest O'Doyle. But Miss Lippy is busy with Special Time, so she 'sends the slightly aged kindergarten student back out to the playground. And in a matter of minutes, Madison redis- covers just how Josh much fun dodge- . ball can be. Klembaum * That's it!" he elts. "You're all in big, big trou- ble. Madison,, played by actor s Adam.Sandler, hUrls the red ball APOCA YPSE aoind the play- Now ggwund, knock- ingeout his classmates one at a time. t For a day, he was the dodgeball kng. °Dodgeball is the leveler, the all. ,teUing final test of childhood. Do you simply try to elude the spher- oid, fighting for your life just to stay in the game? Or do you take the aggressive approach, going for the catch, trying to eliminate your opponent? The true dodgeballer always goes for the kill. Those are the athletes Michigan should recruit for its first varsity dodgeball team. .No, dodgeball isn't a varsity sport y t, but it should be. Dodgeball is a true test of athleti- cism;It takes natural instinct and agility to avoid the oncoming ball. It tak'es strength and accuracy to make the good throw to eliminate your competitor. And it takes great and-eye coordination to catch the all and avoid elimination. Is there anything more humiliating than going for the catch and having the ball pop off your chest? But at the same time, it doesn't take amazing, natural-born talent. Anyone with time on their hands canhone their dodgeball skills. You dojx't need to have a five-foot verti- cal leap. You don't need sprinter's * tpeed or a shortstop's reactions. 4rformance-enhancing drugs don't help, despite the Great Dodgeball Scandal of 1989. .Everybody can relate to the dodgeballer, because everyone has -been one. Which of you, gentle readers, have not played a game or