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November 11, 1999 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1999-11-11

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/*l1 V4oCks
U Singer-songwriter Melissa Etheridg
Important player in the women's roc
her band perform at Hill Auditorium.
flick goo
.for kids
i Toyin Akinmusuru
Weekend Etc., Magazine Editor
The amazing phenomenon which
started as a Game Boy game and then
evolved into a television show and card
game has fully realized its full mer-
-chandising potential by becoming a
major motion picture. "Pokemon The
First Movie" is finally here.
Researchers in a top-secret lab create
"*lone of the rare Mew Pokemon and
-name him Mewtwo. The genetically
,engineered Mewtwo, is an extremely
Cpowerful Pokemon, possessing the orig-
Final Mew's legendary strengths as well
kas increased intelligence, telepathic and
.-elekinetic powers. Mewtwo, disillu-
sioned by his test tube origins and sta-
tus merely as an
destroys the lab
kdmon: The and scientists.
A rich and
First Movie unscrupulous
w *business execu-
At Quality 16 tive forms an
alliance with
Mewtwo and
teaches him to
harness his psy-
chic powers.
Encased in
strange armor,
Mewtwo engages
-in Pokemon battles and learns to con-
trol and wield his powers. The human
:opartner tries to enslave Mewtwo with
the armor, prompting Mewtwo to
:destroy his would-be master. Angered
-and frustrated, Mewtwo swears
vengeance on mankind and leaves the
.ruins of his past to find his destiny.
Ash Kethum and his friends, Misty
wd Brock, .(characters from the televi-
*n show) are lured to remote New
Island, where they must do battle with
$'Mewtwo, now a master trainer, to pre-
'Hell' reve
By Julie Munjack
4and Daniela Ashe
For the Daily
Sometimes, we all feel like we work
?for the devil. But what if we really did?
In Jaime Vasquez's creation, "Living
Hell," this nightmare will become real-
Directed by Bonnie Malczewski, the
play will open the door to a world of
romance, struggle
and sacrifice. This
will take shape in
an unfeasible con-

Win Hell text that, in reality,
mg will hit close to
home. It is a story
Arena Theater that presents the
Thurs.-Sat. at 7 p.m. everyday chal-
lenges of 20-
somethings trying
to succeed and
find love in an
atmosphere that
seems to be work-
ing against them.
*Henry is convinced his boss is the
devil because he constantly brings bad
luck to others around him. He calls
a himself a "professional deliverer of

ge makes a stop at the 'U.'
k movement, Etheridge and
7:30 p.m.

UZfetLidgtwmn ig

Tomorrow in Daily Arts:
Check out the review of Kevin Smith's new religious comic
tale "Dogma.
November 11,1999

Heinle hits screen in 'Limey'

By Matthw Barrett
Daily Arts Wniter
If you haven't seen "The Limey," odds
are that you aren't familiar with Amelia
Heinle, as the film marks her first foray
into mainstream movies, after roles on
the daytime-dramas "Loving" and "The
City." In the film, Heinle plays Adhara
the girlfriend of Valentine, (Peter Fonda)
a record-producer who hasn't quite let go
of the '60s. However, working with
Fonda and director Steven Soderbergh
("Out of Sight" and "sex, lies and video-
tape") didn't intimidate the young
actress. "He's (Soderbergh) not intimi-
dating at all. He's really sweet and a very,
very nice person. So it was fun."
Soderbergh created a loose set where
he gave the actors a great deal of creative
freedom. In the middle of shooting, the
director jokingly typed out and distrib-
uted a pamphlet of "Rules Of What To
Do In The Presence Of Steven
Soderbergh." The packet included items
like, Steven is the only one allowed to
chew gum on the set, and contributed in
keeping everyone at ease. "He's got a

twisted, wonderful sense of humor,"
Heinle said.
Heinle said the mellow set helped the
director establish his desired environ-
ment for shooting the film. "I think that
Steven Soderbergh just cuts together a
bunch of stuff and just let's the actors do
what they want. It's neat when you watch
him working - he doesn't give you any
direction and then in his head he's think-
ing the whole time exactly how it's going
to be cut together. He's just brilliant. You
can see his mind working, he's just not
telling you to do anything, he's not freak-
ing out about anything, which is great.
He's totally in control of what he's
Working alongside screen legend
Peter Fonda ("Easy Rider" and "Ulee's
Gold") was another experience that went
well for Heinle, and the actor made the
her feel right at home on the set. "He is
the least intimidating person in the
world. He is like your best friend in high
school. He's just the nicest most easy
going guy. In the beginning if you feel
intimidated, you'll only feel that way for

two minutes. H-e'll tell a joke or tell a.
story and you'll feel right at home."
Heinle also said that Fonda shared
more than a little in common with his
on-screen persona in the film. "He's
exactly like the character he plays in the
movie. He's being himself. That's what
Soderbergh was saying 'I want him to be
exactly who he is, what he's doing when
we're hanging out and talking, that's
what I want him to be in the movie,"'
Heinle said.
Believe it or not, her busy schedule
kept Heinle from seeing "They
Limey" up until recently. "I didn't get
a chance to see it when it was screen-
ing, because I was working at the
time, so I sent my mother and she said
'It was very interesting' so then final-
ly I got a chance to go see it two
weeks ago. And I was shocked. I
know Steven's a great director, one of
the best directors, and what Terence
Stamp did with the character sur-
prised me beyond belief," Heinle said.
"I'm really proud of it, and everyone
did such a good job."

Courtesy of Warner Brothers
Mewtwo, the strongest Pokemon on the planet, prepares to do battle against Ash
and Pikachu in "Pok6mon The First Movie."

'Satya' blends cultures at Hil

vent his plans for world domination.
Mewtwo steals all of the Pokemons
and clones them, making duplicate
Pokemon to fight the originals.
Mew, the Pokemon that Mewtwo was
cloned from, appears and saves the
Pokemon trainers, engaging in a battle
with his clone.
The battle escalates, involving all of
the Pokemon in a duel to the death. Ash
gets killed attempting to stop the fight-
ing between Mew and Mewtwo. His
death so saddens the Pokemon that they
cry and their tears bring him back to
Mewtwo, moved by the sacrifice of a
human, ceases his fighting and takes
his clone Pokemon with him, erasing
the memories of Ash and the rest of the
Pokemon trainers.
Anyone that likes the television show

should love the movie. The feature con-
tinues in the style of the television
show, using many familiar Pokemon in
the feature as well as similar animation.
A new Pok6mon, Donaphan, is intro-
duced in the movie.
The "Pokemon" movie was accom-
panied by "Pikachu's Vacation," a 22-
minute short devoid of meaningful dia-
logue (Pokemon vocabulary consists
entirely of their own names). Aside
from the introduction of two new
Pokemon, Snubble and Marill, the short
was neither cohesive nor interesting. It
barely did more than parade a myriad of
Pokemons across the screen.
A solid kid's movie, "Pokemon"
presents compelling moral issues
and results in a happy ending. It is a
real treat for those that 'Gotta catch
'em all."

By Nesh Sarkozy
For the Daily

The last annual Indian American
Culture show of the millennium is the
largest student show in the country.
"Satya: Voices at the Millennium" com-
bines Indian American culture with a
more traditional Indian flavor.
"Beginning with an influence of
Indian dance and then ending in a fusion
of both the Indian and American cul-
tures, is what this show is all about," said

The fact that the scripts and choreog-
raphy are purely student based makes
Satya all the more unique. Sheth and
Singhal, along with five other students,
set up a think tank. Together they worked
on all aspects of the show, from the title
to the scripts of the skits.
Satya, which means "truth," is greatly
focused this year on Wolverine pride.
The audience can expect to see beautiful
traditional dress and dance. Both an
array of lavish costumes in traditional
Indian style as well as modern American

style will be featured in the show.
Most of the songs and dances have
significant meanings embedded in the
music and the lyrics. The opening num-
ber called "Fire and Ice" captures earth's
elements, fire, water and wind and the
harmony that exists between them.
Senior Arthi Rao mentioned that "the
show created a hyper mood throughout
campus." Rao went on to note that more
than 500 students signed up to be part in
the show but only 300 were chosen to be
in it.

Hill Auditorium
Nov. 12 at 8 p.m.

Neha Singal, an
LSA senior and
show coordinator.
Originally the
Indian culture
show was put on
by Indian
American Student
(IASA), and now
it has emerged
into something
quite professional.
This year over 300
students are par-
ticipating, not
and music crews.

In Eno m Mona am on rlrmm Ian KEaxa


"i T

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West bound 1-94 or M-14 exit @ Zeeb Rd. & go East one mile on Jackson

The only solace he finds is in the Ally-
McBeal-meets-Kate-Winslet woman he
meets on a park bench. Christine, a
working girl with a fetish for potato
chips, is the only person unaffected by
Henry's unintentional, evil aura.
Confident, outgoing and good-willed,
she acts like an angel, bringing hope and
security to his hellish life.
Vasquez, an LSA senior said, "The
play's about dealing with being a bad
person and trying to negotiate that with
real life and.with love."
"Living Hell," a romantic comedy set
in present-day, urban America, includes
"mild profanity, lots of kissing and a guy
who takes his shirt off," said Vasquez.
First-year student David Jones and
sophomore Bryonie Maros, starring as
Henry and Christine, respectively, are
accompanied by a drunken bag lady, an
omniscient therapist, a compassionate
priest and a Pacino-like character named
"These actors are putting in so much
of their own talent," Vasquez said.
"They've created something much
more exciting than what was ever on
Henry and Christine's journey begins
on a park bench, where their contrasting

personalities and views about the world
surface. A jittery and mysterious young
man, Henry counteracts Christine's
openness and curiosity. They decide to
"run into each other...like on purpose
some time" They meet again, while
playing video games.
"Tetris is a metaphor for life,
Christine says, relating Henry's "con-
sistently trying to lose" to his tense, yet
exciting life. Christine's tactic, however,
is methodical, reflecting her relaxed
nature and lack of spontaneity.
The play shifts from park benches
and offices to apartments and restau-
rants, each scene presenting some life
lesson in a darkly comical manner.
Some themes explored throughout the
play include treatment of the homeless,
balance between good and evil and the
power of love.
In about one hour, "Living Hell" will
tap into the minds and hearts of its char-
acters, in turn giving audience members
a chance to empathize with their strug-
gles and desires. Though dark at times,
the play consistently offers humor and
optimism, reflection and romance. "I
have no idea how it got this way, but it's
sappy," Vasquez said. "Not gushy, but
it's a date play."

including the stage

Palak Sheth, an LSA sophomore and
show coordinator, said that they have rig-
orously worked on the show since
February. Sheth went on to say that not
only do the Indian American students
participate in the program but also any-
one who wants to can be in the show.

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