WE IC 4 Weather ay; Sunny. High 50. Low morrow: Partly sunny. High 36. 159. One hundred nine years of edikn aIlfreedom Thursday November 11, 1999 'n of. says weatshop abor aids onomies Marta Brill aily Staff Reporter Are sweatshops actually helping ird-world garment workers? Drawing parallels between 19th entury America and current conditions impoverished nations, Ohio niversity economics Prof Richard edraddressed this question last night it of more than 50 students in the derson Room of the Michigan Union. The so-called sweatshops are an tegral part of economic well-being," edder said, pointing out that, histori- illy, almost every nation makes a tran- tion from an agriculture-based econo- y to a manufacture-based economy. "In time, these (third-world) nations ill develop into wealthier nations," edder said. "The sweatshop of yester- s produced the prosperous econ- y of today" he said. During the early 19th Century in the nited States, Vedder said, after adjust- g the figure for inflation, textile orkers made 40 cents per hour and orked 12 hours per day. The median e of a typical worker was 16, Vedder id. These workers, who were mostly omen, lived in conditions similar to ose experienced by many third-world ors today. "These New England sweatshops led a higher standard of living," Vedder id. He explained that the estimated age of today's sweatshop workers is cents per hour, more than the typical age of 19th Century U.S. workers as Iculated after adjusting for inflation. both modern and 19th Century eatshops, many circumstances are e ne, Vedder said, explaining that, eTn the early 19th Century, people day flock to the factories and no one forced into labor. Workers come will- gly, he said. Trade involves gains on both sides, adder said, and it is insulting to sume that Americans should have the thority to impose economic ideals on )untries thousands of miles away. "Isn't it a bit arrogant on our side to1 Ase these nations aren't humane ough to their own people?" he said. Oftentimes, Vedder said, labor oups prey on naive college students ith tales of inhumane treatment. In ality, he said, sweatshops have ~ought prosperity to growing nations roughout history. College Libertarians and Students omoting Export-oriented Economic evelopment sponsored the event. "He has a perspective that isn't heard en on campus. So in the interest promoting political debate, we were ry interested in having him here," id Rackham student Charles oodman, president of SPEED and co- iair of the College Libertarians. "Free trade is a basic Libertarian eal," LSA senior Gabriel Quinnan id. Quinnan also chairs the College bertarians. der's opinions sparked lively b amongst audience members. 1ey asked questions regarding what le organized labor played in raising the ndard of living in the 19th Century. Other audience members said Nike earning exploitive profits and could ford easily to raise the wage of its erseas employees. Bush kills affirmative action in Fla. AP PHOTO U.S. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) speaks at the Vista Charter Academy in Grand Rapids yesterday morning during a one-day campaign trip through Michigan. The Republican presidential hopeful also spoke in Lansing, Grand Ledge and Novi yesterday. r g Mccintries to narrow Bush's lead *4in41 Michiga By Michael Grass Daily Staff Reporter The use of affirmative action was dealt another blow Tuesday after Florida Gov. Jeb Bush signed an executive order abolishing the use of race and ethnicity in contracting decisions and in college admissions processes across the state. Affirmative action supporters were quick to criticize Bush's action, while the governor maintained that. the order would unite Floridians. The plan is part of the One Florida Initiative - Bush's plan structured to improve primary and secondary educa- tion in Florida, which Bush says will increase the number of minorities in Florida state universities. dWe can increase opportunity and diversity in the state's universities and in state contracting without using policies that discriminate or that pit one racial group against another," Bush said at a news conference in Tallahassee, Fla. The executive order from Bush, a Republican, comes as former University of California Regent Ward Connerly pushes a statewide petition drive in Florida to end its affirmative action pro- grams. Bush said the One Florida Initiative guarantees the top 20 percent of Florida high school seniors admission to state schools. Standing with Bush as he announced his plan, Adam Herbert, Florida's State University System chancellor said he would ask the system's Board of Regents to support Bush's plan. "The role of the State University System is to accommodate the needs of all Floridians" Herbert said in a written statement published in The Oracle, the student newspaper at the University of South Florida. "The governor's ... program does exactly that in a fair and forthright man- ner," he said. Michigan state Sen. David Jaye (R- Washington Twp.) said he praises Bush's One Florida Initiative: Florida Gov. Jeb. Bush, a Republican, announced yesterday an executive order that will prohibit state schools from using race and ethnicity in admissions practices. s The executive order is part of a plan called One Florida Initiative, which, Bush says, will guarantee the top 20 percent of Florida high school seniors admission to state schools. action and called on Michigan Gov. John Engler to follow suit. "Jeb Bush has driven a stake through the heart of the evil vampire of affirma- tive action and minority preferencing," Jaye said. "Now, will Gov. Engler have the courage to do the same?" Although Michigan state schools are constitutionally separate from state con- trol, John Truscott, Engler's spokesper- son, said that although Engler legally has the same power as Bush when enacting executive orders. Engler would not target the admis- sions of University of Michigan or any other state school, Truscott said, explaining that aid such decisions should be left up to a school's elect- ed governing body, like the University of Michigan Board of Regents. "We have always treated our universi- ties as autonomous," he said. In 1997, the Washington, D.C.- based Center for Individual Rights filed two lawsuits targeting the admissions practices of the University's Law School and College of Literature, Science and the Arts, contending that three applicants were unfairly evaluated because race was used as an admissions factor. Speaking at a public forum on affirmative action and diversity at the See FLORIDA, Page 2A By Nick Bunkley Daily Staff Reporter NOVI, Mich.,- A day before taking his presidential cam- paign to New Hampshire to commemorate Veterans Day, U.S. Sen. John McCain yesterday traveled across Michigan, a state with GOP leadership heavily lined up behind Texas Gov. George W. Bush. The Arizona senator, a Republican presidential candi- date who spent five-and-a-half years as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam, finished the day at a private state party fundraiser in Novi. Earlier in the day, McCain also attend- ed a rally for charter schools in Grand Rapids, spoke at Lansing Community College and addressed the Grand Ledge Rotary Club. "We're going to campaign here and campaign hard," he said. "Michigan now has become very important in the nomination process." Michigan's primary is scheduled for Feb. 22, making it the first by a major industrial state. In New Hampshire, which on Jan. 24 will hold the nation's first primary, McCain has closed to within 8 percent of Bush in recent polls. "We were very pleased at that traction in New Hampshire," said McCain, adding, "We have a long way to go." With the Nov. 7, 2000, election still nearly a year away, the senator said he wishes the road to the White House were shorter, recalling years when candidates announced their presidential aspirations only a few months in advance. "Now this thing is over on March 7." when 15 state cau- cuses and primaries are scheduled, he said. "It's a terrible thing. They've got to fix it." McCain said his Michigan visit was not timed immediate- ly to precede Bush's scheduled appearances in Macomb and See MCCAIN, Page SA ------------------------------------------------------------ ---- inside: Democratic presidential candidate Bill Bradley speaks to senior citizens in Detroit. Page 3A Hilsidale Collge :. presidenti rein HILLSDALE, Mich.,(AP) - The long- time president of conservative Hillsdale College agreed yesterday to retire, nine days after being put on leave as rumors of a rela- tionship with his daughter-in-law and questions about her sui- cide shook the small campus. Neither George Roche III nor school officials would com- ment in detail on the retirement, which fol- lowed a meeting with the Board of Trustees. Roche, Roche had been on a leave of absence from his $188,000-a-year- post since Nov. 1, shortly after his son spoke with trustees about an undisclosed topic. "The combined pressures of his personal health and private family life make this step necessary," the board said in a short state- ment. Roche has diabetes. Roche, 64, had headed the 1,200-student school since 1971. He endeared himself to conservatives when he declared in 1985 that Hillsdale would not accept federal financial aid because it would come with too many government strings, such as affirmative action and Title IX financing for women's sports. Under his presidency, the school's endow- ment rose from S4 million to S172 million. "We have proved that integrity, values and courage can still triumph in a corrupt world," Roche said in a letter released by See HILLSDALE, Page 8A AP--TO Robert Blackstock speaks to reporters after being named acting president of Hillsdale College yesterday, replacing George Roche Ill. MSU police find 9 bombs outside residence hal By Jewel Gopwanl Daily Staff Reporter Nine homemade bombs were found outside of Philips Residence Hall at Michigan State University yesterday morn- ing. Three of the bombs exploded some time between 11 p.m. Tuesday and 8 a.m. yesterday, MSU Police Detective Tony Willis said. The bombs did not injure anyone, Willis said. He explained that the bombs allegedly were constructed with household chemicals in 20-ounce plastic Gatorade bottles. A Philips resident discovered the bombs in the courtyard between Philips and the connecting Snyder Residence Hall. A staff member in Philips then informed MSU Police of the explosives. The police arrived at the scene yesterday at 8 a.n. with the Michigan State Police bomb squad, which operates out of Lansing. MSU Police evacuated residents living in the base- ment and the first floor of Philips whose rooms were adjacent to the courtyard. Willis said police have no suspects, but he explained that MSU Police will first focus its investigation on Philips resi- dents and expand from there. In addition to determining what chemicals were used to make the bombs, MSU Police are attempting to identify a suspect by using fingerprints found on the bottles. Any suspect found guilty of making the bombs could be charged with a felony offense of possession and creation of an explosive device, which carries a minimum sentence of four years in prison. Mohamad Pedram, who lives on the second floor of Philips near the courtyard, said the bombs were "pretty loud, like gunshots." Philips resident Ashley Dehr said the idea that the bombs were placed in the courtyard, where many students often play football, concerns her. "It doesn't make us feel safe," Dehr said. "It makes us have to be more careful." Willis said yesterday's discovery is not connected to prior incidents at Philips. On Oct. 20, a female student at Philips was assaulted when a man entered her unlocked residence hall room. "This is pretty much a random incident," he said. Willis said many renorters have been asking whether the That's a rap I' J MSA parties set election agendas By Caitlin Nish Daily Staff Reporter As candidates prepare for next week's election to fill 23 representative "The Blue Party works to promote student interests both as a whole and through the efforts of individual candi- dates ... The party philosophy is to let seats on the Michigan Student Assembly, three parties have started showing what they con- sider to be the most important issues facing University students. With 16 members on M S A each individual member push for their own goals," BP co-Chair Glen Roe said. But the BP is focus- ing its platform around several main issues. "The Blue Party wants .r-oot%-, 616 A I