4A ' The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 28, 1999 a 420 Maynard Street HEATHER KANIINS Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editor in Chief daily.letters@umich.edu Edited and managed by JEFFREY KOSSEFF students at the DAVID WALLACE University of Michigan Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily 's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. Opportuniiy and obligation today's glass ceiling N~Tever before has a w oman's position in tionships. been done. We can view the achievements of society been so mobile. We can be the editor of the Daily, president the many accomplished women who came Although opportunities available to college ofthe Michigan Student Assembly and maybe before us, but we do not have the volumes oe women a generation before us surpassed far one day president of the University or the lifetimes as proof that success and contentment; beyond those of our grandmothers, our cur- nation. lie at the end of the tunnel. We cannot see the: rent positioning It seems few doors are closed. Those that we entire life of any women - from youth to pro-: appears enviable to all have to push harder to get open do not appear fession, motherhood to old age - striving to in previous history. to be locked. We've known all of this since the be the best and reaching the top. For most women at day we were born and were given the key to a For instance, my best friend, an artist, has, the University, college equal-opportunity future on our birthday the no model to copy. Instead, like she says, she, probably was not a second we were wrapped in pink blankets. has only Picasso and his syphilis to look up to goal, but an expecta- But with it came the knowledge that all we It is our obligation to finish this chapter and' tion. Not going to col- were receiving was different from the past leave it for the next generation. We will write lege was not a consid- and an obligation to succeed. We were told the book and star in the movie, eration. Getting that we are lucky. our mother's told us they This means, though, that we never can rest. hitched immediately were jealous. And we learned quickly about When asked what profession she wanted to, out of high school was the generations of women to whom we owe pursue, I recently heard a fellow classmate not an option. thanks, those who fought for us, those who answer that she wanted to be a housewife, We knew from our Heather broke sexual boundaries so college wouldn't Everyone in the room turned around with a first days in the world Kamins be a question. look of surprise. A few people even asked if that we could be doc- UI And we are lucky. The playing field seems she was joking. Almost embarrassed, she, tors, lawyers, astro- closer to level, but that doesn't mean things meekly shook her head no. She is the real rebel nauts. professors or ; niK are easy. The weight of opportunity is heavy. breaking away from societal expectations. engineers. The bound- Making up for time lost is not a simple task. We can write best-selling novels and be aries built by our sex seemed beyond sight. College women today were given the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies - and we High grades and scores on standardized tests responsibility to prove that we are equal. Like will. ,They should learn too Midterm class evaluations are helpful A s October comes to a close, the ing class period. majority of students are busy study- Olson's system involves no numbers, ing for their midterm examinations. unlike the final evaluation. She asks These are generally accepted (albeit simple questions to find out how the reluctantly by students) as a fair assess- class is going. By the middle of the ment of how much learning students have semester, many students have concerns in accumulated through the first half of a their classes, and waiting until the end of term. This is not a problem, but a ques- an entire term is not the best way to tionmemerges every year: Why should stu- address the needs of the students. dents be evaluated at the midterm, but Economics Prof. Linda Tesar also not professors and GSIs? hands out midterm evaluations. Tesar At the end of each term, professors said that "waiting until the end of the hand out evaluations, and MSA publishes term is really too late to do anything the data on Advice Online. Through the except make adjustments for the next Website, students can see how students term. And the problems in the following rated their teachers the previous semes- term could well be different." This is ters; This sort of feedback, while certain- exactly why professors should take the ly not scientific, significantly can affect initiative to conduct their own evalua- whi~h classes and which teachers are tions. sought after or avoided. Time is a precious commodity, but a Shouldn't the faculty have the oppor- small amount of work can lead to a better tuna-ty to adjust midway through the second half of the semester. Olson spends tern4? With each new year comes new between four and six hours collecting her information, and new students with vast- students' data and preparing a summary ly contrasting study habits and methods for the class, but the information gath- of learning and retaining information. ered is priceless. Midterm evaluations And end-of-term evaluations aren't very could consist of a few multiple-choice useful for classes that are offered once questions, or a typed response by the stu- every few years. dents on select topics. Often, students take time to adjust to With more and more discussion lead- teachers, and vice versa. Information, ers undertaking this task, the quality of Business and psychology Prof. Judy classes can only increase. Every professor Olson said students know she's listening and graduate student instructor should when she collects the data for all 88 stu- follow the lead of Tesar and Olson and dents and presents it to them the follow- find out how they're performing. slash no more We're skeptical about Engler's education reform were all we needed to reap the same opportu- nities as the boys. At school we can take the same classes as the guys. We can interview for the same jobs, and our sex even can be an advantage for get- ting hired in some fields. We can become Big Ten varsity athletes and receive equal funding for equal talent thanks to Title IX. We don't have to fight for access to the Michigan Union, a historically male meeting place. We can take classes on women's health issues. We don't have to live in all-girl dorms, though we can if we want. We can ask guys out on dates. We can be determined and can exercise a freedom of choice in sexual rela- playing a board game, we were given the rules and what looks like a flat playing field. We were placed side-by-side a team of men, trained by tradition and told to 'pass go.' We are not allowed. The consequences of failure in this social experiment are too great. We'd dis- appoint our mothers, great aunts and grand- mothers. We'd show weakness. And we'd risk setting ourselves back 20, 30 or 40 years. Sure males have pressure to succeed too. But the manual to that path has been written. So has the screenplay, and their fathers starred in the movie. All they have to do differently this time is do it in cyberspace. Our story has not yet been told. We do not have role models to emulate, which makes what we have to do harder than what has ever Already young women are serving as hero- ines to little girls. Just look to Mia Hamm, the most prominent member of the U.S. women soccer team. The world loves her. We grab onto her. Flocks of girls travel around the country to see her play and dress up like her to gain the courage out on the soccer field. She is the first of many. Her success, her life will make it easier for others to follow. There are no footprints on the path we are traveling, making the trail long and scary. There is no turning back because the past is darker than the future. We have the confi- dence and we have the drive, hopefully the weight of obligation will not slow us down. -- Heather Kamins can be reached via e- mail at hbkCa umich.edu,. GRINDING T HE NIB CHIP CULLEN HALLOWAEENI C.OSTUMES YOU CAM Y WEJAR tIN NI MOR ________________ J. I ontinuing his history of stringent and questionable funding moves in regards to appropriations for state educa- tion, Gov. John Fngler recently announced yet another cutback to the state Department of Education. While no programs were eliminated, authority for adult education and state assessment tests was transferred out: of the Department of Education and into the Department of Career Development and the Department of Treasury, respectively. Given Engler's edu- cattonal track record and the state of edu- caton in Michigan, these changes should be yiewed with skepticism. Engler has never been a friend to educa- tion, and students at the University know this better than most. For two years in a row, Engler has proposed 1.5-percent increases in state funding to the University - a clearly inadequate number given that it is lower than the Consumer Price Index of inflation and that the University is the nation's leading research institution. Furthermore, while Engler recommended a measly funding increase for the University, his' executive office was given a 8.5-per- cent raise, and the Department of Corrections received an 8.7-percent increase. Given these numbers, it is hard to argue that education is a top priority for Engler. Some might argue Engler's latest move to iransfer jurisdiction for adult education and state assessment tests out of the Department of Education is only a "stream- lining" measure meant to increase govern- ment efficiency and will eventually result in increased benefits to adult education and state assessment testing programs within the" state. But this is hard to believe. Since taking office in 1990, Engler has cut fund- ing for adult education by more than half. tem of adult education, and his latest move shows it. If there is an upside to Engler's move, it is that no jobs are eliminated - only trans- ferred. While the Department of Education shrinks further, those employees do get to continue their jobs in the Department of Career Development and the Department of Treasury. Engler still has a chance to make some improvements to education. By using the resources of the Department of Career Development and the Department of Treasury to their fullest, Engler can make a seemingly senseless move into a positive one. But we have no reason to believe he will. Despite the possibility of good resulting from this move, the likely end result is only further damages inflicted to state education by the Engler administration. As a measure of Engler's effect on education within Michigan, consider this: in 1989, the Michigan Department of Education had 2,058 employees. But Engler issued nine executive orders since then, reducing the department to 417 employees. And when this move is enacted on Jan. 1, 2000, the Department will shrink to 338 workers. Most would agree that the state of education in Michigan is far from perfect. Given that this is the case, it is hard to justify such dramatic cutbacks in the Department of Education. With a strong economy and increases in funding in other departments, there is no reason for Engler to continue the dramatic cutbacks in the Department of Education. While Engler should do everything within his power to make sure the Department of Career Development and the Department of Treasury carry out their new jobs effec- tively, he should also strengthen the Department of EdIucation in an effort to Fear is a poor excuse for being apathetic TO THE DAILY: I am writing about the article that appeared in last Thursday's Daily ("The Silent Opposition"). I find this pitiful view point rather sad. The Daily is evoking sym- pathy for people that fear speaking their mind. It is saying that we. the outspoken, are intimidating people from being outspo- ken as well. That is funny. It is very funny considering one of the sources is Matt Schwartz. I am a member of BAMN. Matt Schwartz and The Michigan Review attack us at every chance they get. We are called Nazis, communists, thieves and devil worshippers. Jessica Curtin is attacked so much by that paper that I have found myself wondering what they would do if we weren't on campus. The point is, we don't care. People can slander us and attack us all they want. We are not going to stop fighting. Beyond that, many of us are sacrificing our future careers for this cause. Do not cry intimidation. We should be intimidated. We aren't. 1 think that is the real problem. Those of you that feel that you cannot speak your mind, that is on you. I have a lot more respect for someone that cares enough to say what he thinks than for someone who is apathetic and uses a poor excuse to be that way. AIMEE BINGHAM LSA SENIOR Anti-affirmative action voice must be heard TO THE DAILY: First of all, allow me to thank the Daily and give a special Kudos to Anna Clark for the great coverage presented with respect to the National Day of Affirmative Action. And while many of you already know where I stand on this issue, this letter is more about organization than my position. In response to Anna Clark's article "The silent opposition" (10/21/99), I would like to be the first to make the movement that I, and I am sure many others, have waited for. It's obvious that there exists on this campus strong support for affirmative action, but what about the other side of the spectrum? According to Clark's article, it appears as if everyone is waiting for someone else to make the first move (in the organization of an anti-affirmative action group). Well, here it is everyone. I understand where many opponents of affirmative action are coming from, and how we often become mislabeled as racists and elitists. However, now is the time to take a stand. Or at least let everyone know there is a voice out there. I don't want to be known as the "silent opposition." So here goes. This is not a joke, and I am Sheet Gkost I 1 Ckoaptir i NttG E1 I ol$ Ir f r I M t~~'Le ~ Ave1s -'0 J~ost1g reser 6es 4--e ~KK. organized group against affirmative action, and we can change that. I want this to hap- pen, and I want to prove there is a voice out there - a voice that can and will be heard, and a voice that will inevitably celebrate the day affirmative action falls by the wayside. DUSTIN LEE LSA SOPHOMORE Women's looks do not affect their success in life TO THE DAILY: We live in a very superficial society, in which People Magazine concerns its readers with the Best and Worst Dressed List of 1999 and Joan and Melissa Rivers intrigue viewers with how well Gwyneth's nail polish matched her stun- ning evening gown at the Academy Awards. Am I to be blamed for these media travesties, maybe slightly, but for the most part, no. I am not ignorant to the fact that women are constantly subjected to ridicule of their weight due to societal pressure. Is it fair? No, but this would lead me to the conclusion that our world is ruled by thin, attractive women who all resem- ble Heidi Klum. Yeah, I wish! Movie and television personalities such as Kathy Bates, Camryn Manheim and Rosie O' Donnell are highly successful overweight women. Janet Reno and Madeline Albright, who are by no means desirable, are very important political figures in the news every single day. Why do you think these women have made successes out of themselves - by being concerned with what society deems as thin and beautiful? No, they are successful because of self-confidence, integrity, pride and hard work. They would laugh at this T-shirt because they know that it is a joke. So should every person on this campus who because hey, it's great to be a woman? Why do all pro-whatever rallies all begin due to negative publicity? Whoever is truly upset and disturbed by the message of this T-shirt has no self- confidence. For if they did, they would realize it is not true. Had everybody who was offended by the T-shirtjust laughed and thought nothing of it, then it would have eventually gone away. Now all this publicity has simply brought more attention to it and probably caused more people to buy it. Good work! 8As 4, fb4 ( '%. l jaas~ er PGLA~S t jL'' just o c~ari 0 SCOTT GORDON ENGINEERING JUNIOR 0* T-shirt opponents promote double standard TO THE DAILY:0 Oh, boo hooh; women are the only ones objectified in society. Hey, remem- ber the 'Big Johnson' T-shirts? They were funny. Admittedly not forever, but they had their time. What's more, no one I know of was so devastated by these funny T-shirts that he harmed himself in an attempt to lengthen his penis. How about all those men right next to the objectified women in advertise- ments? Are any of them overweight? Are any of them missing rippling stomach muscles or huge pectorals? No, but you never hear of anyone killing themselves in the gym to look like those hotties. There is a physical ideal for men too, ladies. Its present from classical greek sculpture straight up through Speedo ads. We know when we aren't up to par phys- ically. But if a couple of girls made- a clever T-shirt capitalizing on it, I doubt they'd encounter as much flak for their achievements. It's time to consider at least the possi- bility that our two classmates are not responsible for every eating disorder of every woman that ever existed.