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October 22, 1999 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-10-22

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14R* Tfhe MithignDly --- AX,# eA~ t ~Magiine - 1lpsdv. OcTtober 2&,19990


The Michigan Miy-- Weekend, etc.

A weekly gude to who's Thursday,uOct. 28
where, what's happening andWedsd through
why you need to be there ...h eLs Wednesday, Oct. Nov. 3

Journey across world starts by navigating

Films opening


House On Haunted Hill This must be a
mistake - this film came out last
summer but with Liam Neeson and
that bro from Bottle Rocket, right?. At
Briarwood 12:25, 2:30, 4:50, 7:30,
9:45. At Showcase: 12:45, 1:15,
2:55, 3:25, 5:10, 5:40, 7:30, 8, 9:40,
10:10, 12 (Fri. & Sat.), 12:30 (Fri. &
Music Of The Heart Get ready to rock
with Master A (Meryl Streep).
Although most aren't aware of it,

Meryl picked up her new nickname
after being deemed master of the
accents by none other than Master P
himself. At Briarwood: 1:10, 4, 7:15,
9:50. At Showcase: 1:30, 4:10, 7,
9:35, 12:05 (Fri. & Sat.).
Thicker Than Water Blood, oil and
chocolate syrup are three possibilities
for the subject of this film. At
Showcase: 12;05, 2:10, 4:20, 7:10,
7:40, 9:15, 9:45, 11:20 (Fri. & Sat.),
11:50 (Fri. & Sat.).

Films holding


*****EA Classic
***i* Excellent
*** Good
it* Fair
Not Worth Your Time, or Your Money
American Beauty ***' G13. Man,
you sunk my battleship. At State: 2
(Sat. & Sun.), 4:30 (Sat. & Sun.), 7,
9:30, 12:00 (Fri. & Sat.). At
Showcase: 1, 3:45, 6:40, 9:10, 11:35
(Fri. & Sat.).
Bats * Turn on the lights and get this
piece of garbage out of the theaters.
Now. At Briarwood: 12:40, 2:50, 5,
7:20, 9:30. At Showcase: 12:55, 3,
4:55, 6:55, 8:55, 11 (Fri. & Sat).
The Best Man ** I say "Hey," you
say "Taye." Alright, ready ... Hey-eyy.
At Showcase: 1:20, 1:50, 4:30, 5,
7:20, 7:50, 10, 10:30, 12:35 (Fri. &
Blue Streak That blue streak that you
saw late in the fourth quarter on
Saturday was Michigan's football sea-
son saying "so long." At Showcase:
2:40, 4:40, 9:25, 11:25 (Fri. & Sat.).
Body Shots *** Not to be confused
with shots to the body, a legal move in
most of the fight clubs around the
country. At Showcase: 12, 2:15, 4:25,
Bringing Out The Dead.*** Suck up
Nic Cage and see it for Scorsese. At
Showcase: 1:10, 1:40, 4:15, 4:45,
7:05, 7:35, 9:55, 10:25, 12:20 (Fri. &
Crazy in Alabama ** Antonio
Banderas directs a film featuring his
crazy. nasty, talentless wife. At
Showcase: 5:15.
Double Jeopardy * I'll take whatever
happened to Hammer for $200. At
Briarwood: 12:45, 3, 5:15, 7:40,
10:15. At Showcase: 12:50, 3:15,
5:30, 7:55, 10:15, 12:25 (Fri. & -Sat.).
Elmo In Grouchland Rumor has it that
Elmo is leaving show business to pur-
sue his dream of playing quarterback
for the 49ers. At Showcase: 12:20,
1:55, 3:40, 5:25.
Fight Club *** First rule of fight
club - do not talk about fight club.
Second rule of fight club - no brass
knuckles. Third rule of fight club - no
more losses by the football team.
Fourth rule of fight club - no shoes,
no shirts. No service, either. Fifth rule

of fight club - Edward Norton is king.
No questions. And the last rule of fight
club - if it's your first time seeing it,
you fight. At Briarwood: 12:50, 3,
5:15, 7:40, 10:15. At Showcase:
12:30, 330, 6:30, 9, 9:30, 11:45 (Fri.
& Sat.), 12:15 (Fri. & Sat.).
The Limey ** Steven Soderbergh
scores again with this look at a father
seeking to avenge his daughter's
death. At State: 1:30 (Sat. & Sun.), 4
(Sat. & Sun.), 7:30.
Random Hearts ** Indiana Jones
hooks it up with that gal from "The
English Patient" who loves taking
baths. At Briarwood: 1, 6:50. At
Showcase: 12:10, 6:50.
Run Lola Run **** Girl's so fast
that Carl Lewis would be chewing on
her dust. At State: 9:45 (except
The Sixth Sense **** One of the
powers of the sixth sense is to con-
vince people that bad movies are actu-
ally good. It seems to be working on
this one. At Showcase: 12:35, 2:50,
5:05, 7:45, 10:05, 12:10 (Fri. & Sat.).
The Story of Us ** If Bruce doesn't
bag an Oscar for this performance, the
Academy should reconsider its voting
process. At Briarwood: 12:30, 2:40,
5:10, 7:50, 10:10. At Showcase:
12:15, 2:25, 4:35, 6:45, 9:05, 11:10
(Fri. & Sat.).
Superstar Kind of a weird title for a
movie that has no superstars in it,
only some castoffs from SNL. This title
would have been much more appropri-
ate had the film starred, say, Brett
Favre, Doug Williams, Patrick Ewing,
Randy Moss, Earvin "Magic" Johnson,
Michael "Air" Jordan or Tom "Don't
Poke Me Too Hard, I've Got the Flu"
Glavine. At Showcase: 12 (except
Tues. & Wed.), 1:45, 3:35, 7:25
(except Tues. & Wed.), 9:50, 11:40
(Fri. & Sat.).
Three Kings ***,# Why only three
kings? Because Ricky Jay backhanded
the fourth. At Briarwood: 4:15, 9:40.
At Showcase: 12:40, 3:05, 5:35,
8:05, 10:20, 12:30 (Fri. & Sat.).
Three To Tango Anyone stupid enough
to pay their hard-earned money for this
desperately-w ishing-it-was-retro-c lever
piece of garbage deserves to go a few
rounds with Tyler and the boys. At
Showcase: 12:25, 2:35, 4:50, 7:15,
9:20, 11:30 (Fri. & Sat.).

Sugartown (1999) Allison Anders
takes a look at the L.A. music scene
and the perils of being a semi-talented
glam rock band. With Rosanna
Arquette. The Michigan Theater, 603
E. Liberty St. 7 p.m.
Bubbeh Lee And Me (1996) An 87-
year old Jewish grandmother gives a
shout out to all her homies, yo. 8 p.m.
Edge of Seventeen (1999) A story
about a young man getting in touch
with his homosexuality. Michigan
Theater, 603 E. Liberty. 9 p.m.
Bill Frisell's New Quartet The name
itself says its gotta be new. Power
Center, 121 Fletcher St. 8 p.m. $18-
30. 763-3333.
Viperhouse Ten people jamming on
their horns; need I say more? Lonley
Hearts Club, 211 E. Washington St. 9
p. m. $8. 913-5506
Girls We Have Known Basement Arts'
one act comedy explores the relation-
ship of two young men driving across
the country. TBA. Arena Theatre,
Frieze Building. Free.
Three Days of Rain Playwright
Richard Greenberg's sad love story
comes to life through Perfomance
Network. 8 p.m. Performance
Network, 408 W. Washington. 663-
0681. $15-18.
Footloose A broadway remake of the
80s hit flick. Fisher Building, Detroit.
Phanton Menace to Society Comedy

By Natasha Higgins
For the Daily
Has the melting pot of Ann Arbor
awakened your taste for the exotic? Do
dinners at Mongolian Barbecue or
Gratzi no longer suffice as internation-
al experiences?
Fear not, there is a solution that will
not only satiate your cultural appetites
but will also count towards your degree
-- just as long as you follow a few
The study abroad experience is open
to all who are interested. One does not
have to be a language major or an inter-
national business specialist to take
advantage of the education other coun-
tries have to offer. The only prerequisite
is that students do some research into
how a program best fits their needs.
Early planning is essential, but once
students have assessed how study
abroad can fit into their financial, edu-
cational or linguistic requirements, the
world is theirs to explor
The guaranteed hassle-free way to
study abroad is to go on a University of
Michigan-sponsored program. A visit
to the Office of International Programs

(OIP) in the Union can reveal a pletho-
ra of opportunities in Africa, Asia,
Europe and Latin America. Programs
vary in length from six weeks over the
summer to a full academic year. All of
these programs provide in-residence
credit for University students and offer
the potential for financial aid awarded
through the University. Students apply-
ing for these programs are also eligible
for various scholarships and fellow-
ships through the OIP. By enrolling in
one of these programs, students assure
themselves that their credits earned will
count towards their University degrees,
and their financial aid packages will
still apply even though they are thou-
sands of miles away from Ann Arbor.
If the University does not offer a pro-
gram in your country or city of choice,
or its programs are too long or too short
for your liking, there are a multitude of
other possibilities. The Overseas
Opportunities Office, down the hall
from the OIP in the Union, has an
extensive selection of information on
study abroad programs, international
internships, and volunteer opportuni-
ties. The hundreds of brochures, books,

Courtesy of OctooermFilms
Bevery D'Angelo and Michael Des Barres star in the Allison Anders and Kurt Voss
film Sugar Town.
by the Second City troupe. Second Willy Wonka And The Chocolate
City, 2301 Woodward Ave., Detroit. Factory (1971) One of the most
313-965-2222. beloved movies of all time about a
young boy who overcomes poverty and
-Friday tours a chocolate factory. Nat. Sci. 7
& 9 p.m. $3.
CAMPUS CINEMA Yellow Submarine (1968) A re-issue of
Gamera: Guardian Of The Universe the animated Beatles classic (not that
(1995) Japan falls victim to another it has much competition in that cate-
beast from the beyond. Lorch. 7 p.m. gory). Michigan Theater Screening
Free. Room, 603 E. Liberty.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
Step into your cheesy costumes and MUSIC
be prepared to sing your heart out for
this much-beloved cult classic.
Remember, it's just a jump to your Bambu Can't go wrong with a name like
left. State Theater, State & E. Liberty that. Blind Pig, 208 S. First. 10 p. m.
12 a.m. $5.50. $5. 996-8555.
Blake Chen Electronic and Acoustic,

and videos available to anyone interest-
ed ensure that students are bound to
find a satisfying program. Students
should be forewarned, however: Noi,-
University programs require more
thought and consideration, as the cred-
its earned will be considered transfer
credits,' and thus a bit more ambiguous
when being applied to concentration
and distribution requirements.
Students should discuss their intend-
ed course work with general academic
and concentration advisors to ensure
that the non-University program will
count towards their degree. Students
must complete a statement of intent to
study abroad, and it is advised that
while studying abroad, they keep copies
of all academic work, syllabi, and
course descriptions received. In order
for the credits to transfer, general
requirements must be met: the institu-
tion must be degree-granting, the
course taken must be parallel to one
offered at University and the student
must earn a C or better.
Enrolling in a program sponsored by
another American university is often
advantageous to the transfer process.
Adam Weinrich, an LSA student, just
completed a P'rinceton University pro-
gram in Beijing.
"Before I left, I was required to fill
out some forms which the Registrar
then had to look over and decide
whether or not to approve the transfer,"
explained Weinrich. "I guess they
decided Princeton in Beijing was legiti-
mate and said all was good."
James Graham, an LSA junior, par-
ticipated in a Semester at Sea program
in which he was able to earn credits
while sailing around the globe. Graham
suggested obtaining class descriptions
from the institution prior to leaving and
assessing them with concentration and
academic advisors. In his case, they
assured him he would receive credit.
"The transfer of credits was easy,"
said Graham.
Timing is a crucial component to
consider, regardless of whether you are
going on a University or non-University
program. While the majority of students
go abroad in theirjunior or senior years,
students may select a self-contained
program that enables them to study dur-
ing sophomore year or during summer.
Since the Business School and
School of Education have specific
requirements that must be fulfilled in a
limited amount of time, their students
must conduct a more thorough investi-

While visiting OIP, Amber Daw
kinesiology student, use office
gation to determine if goin
would conflict with their p
Amber Dawkins, a junior
Business School, has manage(
around the stiff credit require
her program. Since all dis
requirements in addition to a
Business School credits must
pleted to graduate, studying
often a tricky proposition.
"The only time [the Busines
encourages you to study abro
term of senior year," said
"(But) this is the time that the
of students will be interviewin
time positions."
Dawkins was able to inc
studies abroad into her educ
studying in Germany during
mer. She also studied in Engh
winter semester of her sophon
while applying for the Busines
"I filled out- my applic
London," said Dawkins.
Despite her successful effo
around the system, Dawkins
that the Business School is rigi
"The Business School puts
emphasis on globalization anc


Courtesy of Nicole Pearl
Walking through the magnificent Plaza Espana in Sevilla, Spain, visitors can appre-
ciate Spanish architecture and history.


Phone Numbers: Briarwood: 48-4555; Fox Village; 994-8080; Michigan Theater: 668-
839 7; Showcase: 973-8380; State: 761-8667.
Showtimes are effective Friday through Thursday. Matinee times at State Theater are
effective for Saturday and Sunday only.

Editors: Toyin Akinmusuru, Jeff Druchniak, N5
Writers: Cortney Dueweke, Gina Hamadey, Natasha Higgins, Meghan Kt
Nicole Pearl, Ed Sholinsky, Jacob Wheeler.
Photo Editors: Jessica Johnson, Dana Linnane, David Rochkind.
Photographers: Allison Cantor, Sam Hollenshead, Jessica Johnson, David
Cover: "Low-caste Indian laborer" by Sam Hollenshead.
Arts Editors: Jessica Eaton and Christopher Cousino
Editor in Chief: Heather Kamins

courtesy Mercury Records

Chuck D and the rest of Public Enemy bring their old school rap to St. Andrew's Hall next Monday.

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