2A -The Michigan Daily -Thursday, October 21, 19N A Dole:'It would t tcontinue' WASH INGTOVN ( AP) . Eiiaheth I Dole abandoned her bid to be \mcrica first woman presidentg inm up \ ester- day in the shadow of Republican front- runner George W. Hush's outsized bankroll. "The odds are oer.helm- ing," she told tearful supporters. "It would be futile to continue. With a near-wistful nod to the his- tOrie implications. President Clinton called Dole's departure from the race "a loss to the Republican Party and a lo' s to the country that she couldn't go tor- ward" because of finances. The fifth GjOP candidate to drop out months before the first primaries, Dole left a field of seven, dominated by Bush. Allies buzzed about Dole's prospects for second place on any GjOP ticket hoping to draw women voters. While Dole said emphatically she has not considered the vice presi- dency, she added, "I'm a long way from the twilight." Dole's campaign attracted new voters to the Republican Party. She finished strong in Iowa's non-binding straw poll in August and displayed a practiced pol- ish on the campaign trail. She was unable to translate that into letter poll rankings or fund raising. Though second place in many national polls - she hovered around I (} percent -' he triled i izona ': Me(ain in NKew\ Iamphire ad 1 g