- h'e Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 20, 1999 J Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109v daily.letters@umich.edu Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorial Dailvy' editorial board. All other articles, let the opinion of The Crash ai Online investingc T he Dow Jones Industrial Average took one of the biggest plunges of the year last Friday, taking back 266.90 points to close at 10019. For the week, the index had its biggest one week loss in history, losing close to 6 per- cent. Investors were taken aback by the release of higher than expected U.S. producer prices, raising the fear of inflation and the possibility of a third interest rate hike of the year. Many student investors on campus felt the effect of the market downturn. So this raises the ques- tion: Should you be investing in the stock mar- ket? The tempting answer is, "yes." The stock market's recent bullish tendencies are enticing. But if you're a student on a limited budget, you should consider the impact a crash would have on your finances. With the boom of online trading services and the availability of free information over the Internet, investing in the stock market has become a national pastime. The media has helped fuel the nation's obsession. This past summer, the headlines that graced Newsweek were "Everyone's Getting Rich But Me" The media constantly reports about individuals who retire at age 30 with millions of dollars in their pocket because of the stock market. This has led many students on campus to put their earn- ings, savings and even their tuition money in the extremely volatile stock market in the hopes of making easy money. But students need to be especially careful when investing in a bouncy stock market. Students usually do not have the time - or the risk equity - to be aggressive traders. Many students who do not have the available funds often buy stocks on margin, which is borrow- ing money from the brokerage firm. But when the stock market takes a dramatic dip, as it did last week, the brokerage firm issues a margin call, which demands the investor to pay back the money or risk liquidation. Some students start investing in the stock market with the Death to ti Abu-Jamal's case dem A fter a 17-year struggle, one of the most controversial court cases in recent years may be at an end. Last week, Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge signed a new death warrant for former radio journalist and Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal. Since his conviction in the slaying of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner in 1982, his case has become a cause celebre for opponents of the death penalty. But the U. S. Supreme Court has rejected his request for a new trial. Despite the rejection of his appeal by the Supreme Court, Abu-Jamal has continued to protest his innocence for 17 years. And it is certainly true that his case is full of problems: Abu-Jamal's lawyers contend that his rights were violated when he was denied the right to represent himself in court, and that he was wrongly removed from the courtroom'after a confrontation with witnesses. But regardless of Abu-Jamal's guilt or innocence, he should not be executed. The government should not have the right to execute its citizens. The criminal justice system is often biased when administering capital punishment. Factors such as race and socioeconomic status very often influence sentencing; minorities and those of a lower socioeconomic status are far more likely to be sentenced to death than upper-class whites. It is unconscionable that a system that seeks to deal out justice can be so biased. Most importantly, unlike any other legal sentence, the death penalty is completely irrevocable. A person wrongly sentenced to life imprisonment can be released, but some- - - - - yaniatftlv Duck and Cover! Sa 'jvcryone beware! We are all living in HEAuii:HER KAMINS J2: a radioactive wasteland! tEvery day Editor in Chief we are bombarded with radiation! Sounds like panic, but in a way its true. We niay not live in any wasteland, JEFFREY KOSSEFF but we do get DAVID WAlLACE exposed to radiation. it comes from the Editorial Page Editors sky, the ground, brick and granite s reflect the opinion of the majority of the buildings and each 8 ters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect other. In one year, t' Michigan Daily. your average non- smoker can expect to receive around 360 E ® IL millirem of radia- tion. Don't worry id about it. Since the Mike beginning of time, Lopez humanity has always n spell a sreceived the same can spe ll isaster yearly dosage. When s,. you consider that the notion that the stock market can buy them a general public's exposure from nuclear new car or pay their rent for the coming month. reactors is less than 0.03 millirem per Any finance major will tell you that if you are year, the threat posed by your local nuclear power plant suddenly seems to be trying to get the stock market to pay your way overshadowed by the radioactive pack of through life, you are better off putting your Marlboro's in your pocket. (Smokers get money under your bed. More often then not, 16,000 millirem per year. Ouch!) people with this thinking lose money. Myths abound about nuclear energy. There is not enough room to go into a This raises the question about the wisdom detailed discourse, but perhaps a few in investing tuition money in the market. The FACTS will encourage you do your own first rule in investing is to not use money that research and find the truth for yourself. cannot be lost. This means that if you were to First of all, nuclear power plants cannot explode like nuclear bombs. They are lose all your money, it would not affect your entirely different animals. Chernobyl was daily living. For students who invest their a steam explosion, not a nuclear explo- tuition money, they are in a very threatening sion. Since 1957, the total amount of position. Also, the risk is tremendous for a stu- accumulated spert fuel in the nation is dent who owns very few stocks. In a market that is extremely volatile, money can be made or lost in the blink of an eye. Besides the risk of losing money, another cost associated with the stock market is time. Students who invest in the market often find themselves obsessed with THE EDITOR what's happening on Wall Street. Whether it's checking stock quotes every five minutes or Rec buildings need gluing their eyes on CNBC, this can become unhealthy new equipment The stock market is much more risky than what is portrayed in advertising and the media. TO THE DAILY: But this does not mean you should not give the Picture the scene: 1982. Hundreds of stu- stock market a thought. It is a great place to dnts on any given day crowd their way into the weight room at the Central Campus make long-term investments, especially since Recreation Building to work out on the brand the returns can be much more than the 2 per- new equipment as a means of releasing some cent in a savings account. Students who invest of their school-induced stress. need careful planning and wisdom. This means Now picture the sate scene i I999: Hundreds of studets crowd itto the ('CRtt to using money that is expendable, building a work out on the same equipment that's been diversified portfolio and actually researching there for nearly two decades. stocks instead of just listening to rumors. In the four years that I've been at school Another aspect that students need to look at is here. I've seen hardly any changes made at either the ('(RH or Ittratura building the time frame in which they are working. For weight rooms. The equipment is poorly main- those who are using the stock market as a tained and out of date, and the space is severe- means of saving, it is often wise just to hold on ly overcrowded. to the stocks for a couple of years. But for those At a school of this size, which puts mil- lions of dollars a year into making sure that who are looking to make money fast, they varsity athletes have the best sate of the an should also be willing to lose money fast. equipment, some effort should be put into tak- ing care of the needs of the rest of the student body. After all, we are paying thousands and l e n a lthousands of dollars to go to school here ADAM TOBIA ionstrates weaknesses LSA SENIOR one executed for their alleged crime will never Freedom of have a chance to be compensated for the wrongful conviction. speech' excuse to Finally, it is hypocritical for the govern- ment to punish convicted killers by commit- ting the very crime for which they claim to be delivering justice. If it is wrong for an individ- To THE DAILY: usl o cmmi muder it s eualy wongfor 1 truly enjoyed reading the satirical srticle. ual to commit murder, it is equally wrong for "Reader: Drag show was undeserving of cov- a state to do so. erage" by Nikhil Kumar (10/18199). The Early this year, a journalism class at irony in this letter was deep and penetrating, Northwestern University helped to overturn atd raised a tumber of impontant questions the death sentence of a man who was wrongly 'about the relationship beiweenitIhe freedom of expression, and the rallying for ignorance and convicted of a double murder. In the state of prejudice. Illinois alone, there have been nine death-row This letter finds its clearest expression in inmates set free after their innocence was the bititgly ironic statetnt "Forthose of you provn. his egsthequesionof hw mn y who believe this letter is an sntack of the gay proven. This begs the question of how many community - think otherwise. I am simply other wrongful convictions have been over- exercising my First Amendment rights" The looked. It should not take a determined group obvious stupidity of this juxtaposition shocks of college students to do the work of the police the reader into facing an important issue: and he justice system. If a journalism class "Freedom of speech" is more and more fre- quently being used as an excuse to insult and can determine that a convicted man was iMno- bash on some group of people, rather than to cent, why can't the government do so? And in express any thoughtful point of view. a case as full ofholes as Abu-Jamal's, carrying if freedom of speech is meant to increase tthe death penalty would be a grave risk, the diversity of ideas and prevent oppression out e aby a majority viewpoint, what does it mean Regardless of the eventual fate of Abu- when that same freedom is used to claim we Jamal, his case has done a great deal to bring should not hear about the activities or interests about debate over the death penalty. But that of sone minority groups? As is made plain in debae souldnotquie don wih te en of this article, these are issues that need to be debate should not quiet down with the end of addressed. the furor over a trendy case. Death-row The fact that this article is satirical and inmates who do not have the support of ironic is clear With devices ranging from use celebrities and activists of all stripes also of the term "anti-conservative" (obviously deserve attention. poking fun at thte linguistic stunts used on both sides of the "anti-choice" versus "anti-life" The government should not have the right debate), to self-consciously ignorant claims to administer capital punishment. If one inno- like, "I cannot fathom how the affairs of ... cent person is saved by striking down the queers can take precedence over major inter- national crises in other countries,' we know death penalt, it would be worth it. that the tone of this article must be ironic. After all, no one would actually have written a letter like that seriously - would they? GREG STEVENS RACKHAM STUDENT ve Yourselves! R one coal plant spits out 750 tho of ash, 7 million tons of carbi (global warming), 120 thousat sulfur dioxide (acid rain), and sands tons of nitrogen oxid Chernobyl happened because t was inherently flawed. A Unite European reactor under the sam stances would shut down auti Have a question about radiatio expert. Ask a nuclear engineer. What comes to your mind think of a nuclear engineer'? Bo few nuclear engineers avoid bei a "bomb maker" every once i Images of mushroom clouds, and Three Mile Island dance in of little boys and girls. Yes, the parts to nuclear energy. Ther bad parts to biology and ch guarantee that nuclear enginee develop biological and weapons. Despite the "bomb maker" nuclear engineering has a long guished history at the Univer have proven that nuclear ene only attincredibly efficient, safe way to make electricity, b incredibly clean and safe way to and advance scientific unde Really, it is no lie. They have it for years on North Campus. This week the 50th annive bration of the PhoenixI Laboratory and Ford Nuclear R commence. Many good ment a dedicated to the peaceful use power will be on hand. Togethe salute the incredible contribt our nuclear reactor has made t for te past 50 years. Everyone ktows someotev THOMAS KULJUR AmOT E. Wlt4 SCIE respectable newspaper, is a ne University students and it cov events and things happening to st The Daily covers major internatio other countries as well, but its ma inforn readers of things happei pus, in any community, which LGBT community. Nikhil Kuma of "Reader: Drag show was un coverage" (10/18/99) believes th had "wasted its time in doing piece for the Gay and Lesbian and that "the Daily feels it's our Schmoe is shopping at Victoria himself" Two things; first, the Daily a our business to inform us of wh in California or Egypt or China and sotne people wat to knows others don't. You catt please al pIe all of the time. If "anti-c shows and articles are a waste oft and space then they are just as conservative ones. Secondly, di evettaanend the evettt? Obviousl because tis opition is at exam' exactly the program was for, to c stereotypes of what drag is. RE L Drag show wac newsworthy e TO THE DAILY: As two of "the Universit' claimed queers," please let moment to respond to Monday' letter to the editor "Reader: Dra undeserving of coverage." What Nikhil Kumar failed to rea "Conceptions of Drag," part oft Coming Out Week celebration, worthy event, deserving of equ in the Daily, just as other Comit events have in the past. By del the responsibility of the free pr issues of public interest - pub the incredibly diverse popula University. Thus, the Daily has write about all campus activitie tive or liberal, sotne of wh Gandhi Day of Service, Dance religious speakers in the Diag LGBT events. The purpose of "Conceptio was to challenge gender b explain that gender roles' shi defined by what one chooses to one chooses to act. It was s "show for cross-dressers, trans others who belong on the Jer show." The LGBT community contributing members of the "real people," many of which "traditional" gender roles. Evet personally, are not cross-dress vestites, we do value the custo lures of LGBT members, as we adiation is Everywhere! usand tons has been threatened by cancer. Tragically, on dioxide some didn't make it. Thankfully, some nd tons of did. It may be that those who did owe 1 20 thou- their lives, in part, to Ford Nuclear e (smog). Reactor. The reactor produces radioactise he reactor isotopes used in PET scans, cancer diag- d States or nosis and cancer therapy. These isotopes ne circum- are shipped to 52 hospitals in 24 states omatically. and three Canadian provinces. '? Ask an The Cobalt-60 gamma irradiator at the Ford reactor is used to sterilize food# when you Gamma radiation doesn't make things tnbs? Very radioactive. It only kills microbes and ing called insects that cause food poisoning. The n a while. gamma irradiator is also used to sterilize Chernobyl human bone and cartilage. This aids the the heads patient's body in accepting the new bone. re are bad Geologists use the Ford reactor to deter- e are also mine the age and material content of arti- temistry. I facts. Car manufacturers use the reactor rs did not to see inside an engine while it is running. chemical Ever since coming on line, it has run without a hitch. fb stereotype, A lot of people spread bogus informa- and distin- tion about nuclear energy. Maybe they sity. They have good intentions, but so did the peo- rgy is not pIe burning witches in Salem. Do yourself clean, and a favor and learn about it before you tut also an knock it. Visit the NERS department save lives homepage and click on the Cool Nuclear .rstanding. Facts link, been doing http://wwu'nkc'gin.umnich.edu/dept/unuclear. Educate yourself. If you and a grow rsary cele- would like to see just how safe and welI Memorial run the Ford Nuclear Reactor is, call 764- eactor will 6220 and schedule a time to see it for nd women yourself. Tour guides will be happy to of nuclear show you around and share facts about .r they will nuclear energy. utions that Mike Lopez is a graduate siudeni o humanity in iuclear eiineering. Ie can be reac'/edvia e-mital at whose life imtauutargrcatntdii'h.edti. GIS k..N AT.. E ..SPEA K N - ~ 4r wspaper for toms and cultures of all students. The ers campus LGBTA is a place, just like ISA, KSA or udents here. Hillel, where a student can find his or her nal crises in home in this large academic institution. in goal is to To single out the LGSTA as the only org ing on cam- nizalion undeserving of coverage itt our includes the school newspaper, and instead depicting us as ir, the writer a "freak show" is blatantly ignorant and nar- deserving of row-minded. In addition, saying that at the Daily University money should not be utilized to another puff fund an event which attempts to instill positive community" attitudes towards the only minority group that business Joe is still socially acceptable to be prejudiced 's Secret for against is patently offensive and an "attack of the gay community'" lso feels it's at's going on LINDA MATES or anywhere, LSA SENIOR this stuff atd STEPHANIE POTTER I of the pej- ENGINEERING SOPHOMORE onservative" time, money must as the At tack was d the writer plehed t |contradictory hallenge the TO THE DAILY: We would like to respond 10 the Oct. I8 BECCA Y00 letterwritten to the Daily, "Reader: Drag .shw SA SENIOR was undeserving of coverage." First of all, Kumar's comment concerning the exercise of his First Amendment rights is well taken how- S ever, his request to overlook his letter as an attack on the gay community is sadly contra- vent dicting. His last statement clearly shows his offensive attack on the gay community implying that cross dressers, among othr who similarly deter from the "norms" i y's self-pro- society, belong on the likes of the Jerry us take a Springer show. s (10/18/99) To assert that LGBT issues are even ig Show was undeserving of coverage is indisputably LSA senior undermining of the gay community by lize is that implying that their identity is irrelevant or the National secondary in the greater context of society. was a news- Understandably so, international issues are ual coverage of great importance; however, he considers ng Out Week "these anti-conservative shows" a "coi finition, it is plete waste of space and timer ress to cover Furthermore, he states that "drag queen lic, meaning ishows are not the typical front-page materi- tion at the al of a respectable newspaper. the duty to Well, what constitutes as typical, front- s, conserva- page material in your apparently conserva- ich include tive world? Is it the agenda of College e Marathon, Republicans bringing Dinesh D'Souza to as well as campus in order to show us that racism no longer exists? If you are seeking this type of ins of Drag" coverage, we suggest a subscription to the arriers and Michigan Review. The Daily covers what ould not be happening on campus and if it happens to wear or how be something "anti-conservative" then it is, imply not a by no means, the fault of the Daily. vestites and The University is a liberal campus and rry Springer events such as the pageant will only expand consists of as will the diversity and perspectives of its University, population. o t, L \ _ r G =y I Jo 1 06 q 72 a Coverage of all student activities is the Daily's job TO THE DAILY: If I amn ot mistaken, the Daily, a live outside n though we, ers or trans- mis and cul- ll as the cus- RUPAL PATEL ENGINEERING JUNIOR AMI PATB BUSINESS SENIOR I