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October 19, 1999 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-10-19

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 19, 1999 - 7

Clinton plans to veto $12.7 billion foreign aid bill

The Vwashington IPOTs
WAS INGTON - The White House took a
new hard line on spending Sunday, saying
President Clinton will veto a S12.7 billion for-
eign aid bill yesterday and will refuse to sign
ther key spending measures until Republicans
ddress his priorities and assure the Social
Security surplus is being protected.
The foreign aid bill was passed by the
Republican-controlled Congress over the strong
objections of Democrats, who complained that it
contained no money to implement the Wye
River Middle East peace accords and under-
funds or ignores other Clinton initiatives.
Republicans insist they are doing the best they
can under tough budget constraints, but that the

president is demanding a "blank check" for for-
eign aid.
With a Thursday deadline looming for
Congress and the president to reach agreement
on more than a half dozen fiscal 2000 spending
bills, White House Chief of Staff John Podesta
and economics chief Gene Sperling voiced
impatience with the Republicans' refusal to
engage in year-end negotiations over education,
law enforcement, the environment and other
The officials also charged that Congress was
engaging in an unprecedented use of budget
accounting "gimmicks" - S46 billion worth by
some counts -- to mask the fact the spending
bills already are eating into the Social Security-

generated surplus, despite assurances to the con-
"So, I think from now on ... the president
doesn't intend to sign any bills as we move for-
ward in this period, until we know how all this
adds up," Podesta said on ABC's "This Week."
Still smarting from the Senate's stinging
rebuke of the nuclear test ban treaty last week,
the administration officials made it clear Sunday
they were ready to play hardball over the budget.
Sperhng said in an interview that "it's really
long past the time (Republicans) got over their
fear of being in the same room with us." He
insisted that Clinton would not be pulled into a
"bill by bill process where at the end of the day
you have a budget that doesn't add up." But Sen.

Larry Craig, (R-ldaho). a Senate leader,
declared on "Fox News Sunday" that "there will
not be a budget summit" to resole remaining
differences. Instead, Republicans ill insist on
completing work on the last four of the 13
spending bills this week and leave it to Clinton
to either sign or veto them. A three-week "con-
tinuing resolution" to keep the government oper-
ating beyond the start of the new fiscal year
expire Thursday, but it is certain to be extended
because neither side is willing to accept another
government shutdown.
"It seems they want to get into a budget sum-
mit so they can find ways to spend more
money," said John Fechery, a spokesperson for
House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-lll). "The

speAker w as hoping the president xouldI take a
look at all of these bills and sign them on their
menits without getting into -y games. It's unfor-
tunate the White House now looks like they want
to play games.
The Republicans' reluctance to take part in a
summit with the administration is understand-
able. They were burned politically after White
House meetings with Clinton in 1995 that led to
two government shutdowns that the public large-
lv blamed on them. During meetings between
then-House Speaker Newt Gingrih (R-Gj,_
and Podesta last fall, the Republians agreed to
spending S21 billion above the legal spending
caps, a concession that hurt them with their own
conservative base in last fiall's elections.


U.S. supports
role for rebels
U Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright brings U.S. hope for peace to
Sierra Leone during West Africa tour
he Washington Post
Consider a country where 2 million people have been driven
from their homes -- twice as many as in Kosovo -and 20,000
are dead after eight years of violence. War criminals abound,
They have hacked off limbs in a campaign called "Operation
No Living Thing." One victim had his arm amputated, his
tongue cut out and his severed hands placed in his pocket.
But instead of convening a war crimes tribunal for the lead-
crs of this brutal campaign, the United States is backing a
peace accord that would put eight of them in the cabinet of
the democratically elected government. Instead of sending in
arplanes or allied troops, the United States dispatched Jesse
ackson to urge the country's president to come to terms with
the rebels.
The country is Sierra Leone, the second stop on Secretary
of State Madeleine Albright's African tour this week. Albright
will lend U.S. support to a peace accord forged during the
summer that includes an amnesty.
Clinton administration officials argue that a deal with the
rebels was the fastest and perhaps only practical way to end

Language barrier causes concern

U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright hugs three-year-
old Sierra Leonean amputee Memuna Mansaray during her
visit to a camp for the war-wounded yesterday.
the fighting. They point to Mozambique and SouR h Africa as
countries that achieved reconciliation vwith truth commissions
still putting "the spotlight" on atrocities. And they also hold
out the possibility of future war crimes investigations, notin
the United Nations isn't bound by the accords amnesty

Continued from Page 1
ous subjects, including teaching style.
The University mathematics depart-
ment has 77 GSIs working this semes-
ter and 31 are international students.
Kirsten Caftleman. an assistant in the
graduate mathematics department, said
the department has had problems with
students complaining of a language
barrier, but since then the department
has changed its standards to alleviate
these problems.
"Before an international student can
become a iGSI they must take the Tlest of
English as a Foreign Language. Also, if
they don't have a degree from an
American university thev must go
through GSl and English training
C'afikeman said.
All University departments
require non-native English speaking
international graduate students to
complete training at the English
Language Institute prior to being
hired as GSIs. After the course.
prospective teaching assistants are
tested on their language skills and
class presentation. To be eligible to
become a G~SI, the international stu-
dent must score four out of five pos-
sible points on the ELI test.
Statistics lecturer Kirsten
Namesnik, a native of the
Netherlands, said the English test
involves having an interview with
staff from the department vw here they
want to work, lecturing to a mock
class and holding mock office hours.
"The testing looks more at how
well you can be understood, and vou
are rated by many different people.
Therefore, any GSI who is in front
of a class has sufficient English
skills to be understood." Namesnik
Chiang said she felt that the training
was somewhat demeaning.
"1 was required to go through the
English training although I've always

4akistan army troops begin
withdrawing from Indian border

spoken it It was frustrating to sit
through lessons that teach you how to
Say 1db .' and 'flow are you
doing?' when I've always said that.
The University doesn't look into peo-
ple's backgrounds before saving that
they must attend the institute, Chiang)
Sociology GS Gregg (ioldstein said
he uniderstands wh students are tns-
trated when th Can't understand their
"Although the ELI does test the
nglish skills ofl the student, they can't
account for accents. It is often the
accent that makes it most difficult to
understand what the person is saVmg.
Goldstein said.
When it comes to English training
classes, the University has stricter
reqci remnlit s than other iniuio!ns
in the nation.
George Van Scovoc, assistant exec-
utive vice president for academic
affairs at Purdue University, said
teaching assistants must attend
English training if they do not meet
certain English standards regarding
standardized English test scores and
speaking abilit.
Training is not required at Michigan
State University either.
"Students must pass the rigorous
E nglish exam in order to become a
GSI. Thev can go to English training
if they feel it is needed. Regardless.
they must pass the English test
before they can become a teaching
assistant," said Clark Radcliffe, pro-
fessor and director of the graduate
program of mechanical engineering

"I was required to go through the
English training although I've always
spoken it."
- Sylvia chiang
International graduate student instructor and Singapore native

at MSU.
The lUniversity of Michigan also is a
little different than other schools
because it allows GSIs to lecture to stu-
Wing Kam Iin. assoc iate chair of
mechan ical engineering at
Northwcstern Un: ersitv, sid teach-
ing assistants do not lecture at
Northwestern, then only help stu-
dents in labs, with homework and
wxith computei instructions.
Although the University of Michigan
does allow iSls to lecture, En 'i'h
standards require GSIs to be able to
speak fluent English.
One LSA sophomore student who
wished to remain anonymous said she
has found that some international GSls
seemn to care more than other GSNs
about students and they want students
to do well, although sometimes the lan-
guage barriers do interfere with their
teaching ability.
"I think thatimv favorite GSI I've
had was one that really didn't speak
English well at all. Yet he truly cared
about his students: he was approach-
able, and lie knew the material very
well ," she said.
Bonnie Campbell, academic ser-
vices secretary for the English lan-
guage and literature department, said
she never has had a student complain
to her about not being able to under-
stand a GSI because of a language
"The only problems that I ever hear
about are when students complain
about the grade that they received on a
paper," Campbell said.

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) -
Pakistani army troops began pulling
back from the Indian border yesterday,
almost a week after the military took
P ntrol over Pakistan's government and
ur months after a bitter border dispute
threatened to erupt into full-fledged
Gen. Pervaiz Musharraf, who over-
threw the democratically elected gov-
ernment ofNawaz Sharif, said the rede-
ployment was a peaceful gesture toward

India. But India responded coolly, sav-
ing it had no military significance.
In London, meanwhile,
Commonwealth foreign ministers sus-
pended Pakistan from councils of the
association of Britain and its forner
colonies. The decision yesterday by the
eight ministers was the first formal step
toward suspending Pakistan from
Commonwealth membership; under the

The lorceign nministers called on the
military regime in Islamabad to set
"without delay" a timeframe for restor-
ing democracy.
Pakistan army spokesperson Col.
Saulat Raza said the withdrawal was
only along the 460-mile-long interna-
tional border, and did not apply to the
cease-fire line in Kashmir, a territorv
split between the rival nuclear nations.
India and Pakistan have fought two
wars over Kashmir.

group's rules, only
can do that.

the heads of state

*ntinued from Page 1
t self a "second wave modernist."
Birkerts said his work relationship with Saarinen from
1951-1956 "influenced my work habits and approach to
design which in the mean time I have adapted to my own."
Birkerts - who has received more than 25 major design
awards--focused his lecture on buildings in which he has
made additions and extensions. Birkerts said, "The form has
to express the personality of the building. The form is like a
face - everyone is different."
One of Birkerts designs - a New York fire station - had
a personality that set it apart from other fire stptions. It was
.fitp-engine red and has a strobe light on it - resembling a
real fire truck. Following the lecture was the opening of
Balthazar Korab's "Between Earth and Sky" which featured
many pictures that Korab had taken of Saarinen's work.
"I developed this technique of making realistic images out
of crude models," Korab said

Korab also worked for Saarinen and has become an inter-
nationally known photographer. He has also photographed
architecture by Minoru Yamasaki and Frank Lloyd Wright.
The walls of the exhibit were lit with black and white pho-
tographs of Saarinen's architecture. And alone, standing in
the corner was the model of the one legged pedestal chair
which he designed between 1955-57. Hanging in the back-
ground were Korab's pictures of the original designs for the
Saarinen's design for the School of Music was finished in
1964, after his death.
Eero's father Eliel was an architect and a professor of
architectural design at the University. Eliel Saarinen also
designed many buildings at the Cranbrook Institute in
Bloomfield Hills.
Eero and Eliel Saarinen won gold medals from the
American Institute of Architects along with Eero's sister
Pipsan Saarinen-Swan son.
Swanson's work is currently on display at the Cranbrook
Art Museum, Archives Director Mark Coir said.



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