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November 08, 1999 - Image 17

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-11-08

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SportsMonday - November 8, 1999 - The Michigan Daily -- 7B

Buckeyes and Blue nearly brawl

Continued from Page 1B
fists were flying - everyone on the ice
except the goalies rumbled. A referee
yanked Michigan forward Josh
Langfeld away from an Ohio State play-
er and led him off the ice.
Langfeld, Peach and defenseman Jeff
Jillson all received game misconduct
penalties. For their part in the melee, the
Buckeyes received three game disquali-
fications. Eric Meloche, Scott Titus and
Selleke were all slapped with a five-
minute major after Selleke's hit.
"It was a cheap play by them," Peach
said. "You just don't do that. If you see
a guy like me going back to the boards,
up by four goals, that's rare. I think it
was an intent to hit me. That's the thing
about college hockey, you can't do any-
thing about it.
"There would have been a brawl if
there was fighting in college hockey."
As a result, the Wolverines had two 5-
on-3 opportunities in the waning min-
utes of the game. Although they con-
verted on the penalty kill, they couldn't
get anything off of those power plays.
But it didn't matter.
With the weekend's wins, Michigan
demonstrated its dominance in the con-
ference. Last year the Wolverines were
winless against the Buckeyes, but this
series was their redemption.
Michigan put up huge numbers offen-
sively, recording 14 goals and 18 assists.
Matzka, a junior, and the highly touted
freshman class shined in Saturday's win,
combining for five goals.
"It was a good night,' Matzka said.
"We owed that team from last year. We
beat (the Buckeyes on Friday), but we
knew that if we didn't win tonight,
(Friday's) game wouldn't mean any-

"Me and (Geoff Koch) have been
pretty good on the PK the last two years.
If that's what I'm going to be playing a
lot, I need to take advantage of it. I'm
glad I could contribute."
While many players had impressive
performances this past weekend, on
Friday sophomore Mike Comrie quietly
and unobtrusively stole the show.
Comrie recorded seven points this
weekend - five in the first game -
making him the league's leading scorer
with 20 points through eight games.

Ohio State

3 3 2 -8
2 2 0 -4

"It was a lot of fun," Comrie said.
"We didn't let up, we played 60 minutes,
and we just tried to have fun out there.
We worked hard and things bounced our
way. Koch and Matzka had great week-
ends also. It's nice to play with them.
The power play also helped."


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Michigan 6,1
Ohio State 1t
Michigan 1

Ohio State 1
0 0 -1
4 1 -6

Michigan defenseman Jeff Jilson puts the hurt on Ohio State defenseman Scott Titus on Saturday night in Columbus. As a
team the Wolverines put the hurt on the Buckeyes, sweeping the weekend series, 6-1on Friday and 8-4 on Saturday.
Michigan S thin defense ooste
b CCHA's most prolifiC ofnse

First period-1. OSU, Boileau 1 (Freeman. Dufour),
7:55 (pp); 1. UM, Kosick 6 (Langfeld, Comrie),
16:08 (pp). Penalties - OSU, McCormick (obstruc-
tion-hooking) 4:59; UM. Ortmeyer (elbowing), 7:21;
OSU, McCormick (checking from behind), 9:22:
OSU, Ganga (interference), 14:09: UM, Ortmeyer
(slashing), 17:05; UM, Matzka (holding), 17:53;
OSU, Pavlas (10-minute misconduct), 20:00.
Second period - 2. UM, Huntzicker 1 (Comrie,
Matzka), 3. UM, Hilbert 2 (Comrie), 4. UM, Kosick
7, (Comrie), 5. UM, Jilison 2 (Huntzicker, Comrie).
Penalties - OSU, Skalesk i(obstuction-hooking),
:31: UM, Jilison (roughing), :31; OSU, Meloche
(slashing). 5:35; UM, Matzka (hit after whistle),
5:35; UM, Magnuson (hit after whistle), 6:54; OSU,
Titus (hit after whistle). 6:54; UM. Cammalleri (hit
after whistle), 7:57: OSU, Broccoli (obstruction-
hooking), 10:44: OSU, Dufour (slashing), 11:00;
0SU. Skaieski (hit after whistle), 17:49: 050,
Skaeski (10-minute misconduct), 17:49; UM, Mink
(charging), 20:00.
Third period - 6. UM, Comrie 9 (Langfeld, Kosick).
Penalties - UM, Langfeld (slashing), 2:26; OSU,
Coisant (charging), 5:07; UM, Langfeld (obstruc-
tion-hooking) 6:53: OSU, Titus (slashing) 10:00;
UM, Hilbert (tripping) 14:14; UM, Peach (cross-
checking), 16:23; UM, Koch (slashing), 16:54:
OSU, Dufour (hit after whistle), 16:54: UM,
Ortmeyer (roughing), 16:54: OSU, Pavlas (rough-
ing), 16:54; UM, Gassoff (10-minute misconduct),
16:54; 0OS, Ganga (10-minute misconduct), 16:54;
UM, Kosick (tripping), 19:38.
Shots on goal - OSU, 6-4-12 - 22; UM, 7-12-11-
Power Plays - OSU 1-10; UM, 4-8.
Saves - OSU, Aho 6-8-10 - 24; UM, O'Malley 5.4-
x - 9; Scarpace x-x-12 - 12.
Referee - Steve Piotrowski.
Unesmen - John LaDuke, Kevin Langseth.
At: Yost Ice Arena.
Attendance: 6,378.

First period- 1. UM, Cammalleri 3(Shouneyia,
Mink), 6:52 (pp): 1. OSU, Colsant 2 (Meloche),
11:11 (pp); 2. OSU, Smith 1 (Des Gagne, Pavlas),
11:56: 2. UM. Jilson 3 (Comrie, Kosick), 13:58
(pp); 3. UM, Comrie 10 (Cammalleri, Peach). 19:51.
Penalties- UMPeach (high-sticking) 2:25; OSO,
Grant (checking from behind), 4:55: UM, Vancik
(interference), 4:55; UM. Cammalleri (interference),
10:42: OSSeileke (slashing), 12:58:OSU,
Skaleski (obstruction hooking), 14:14.
Second period --4. UM, Matzka 2 (unassisted)
10:46 (sh); 3. OSU, Pavlas 1 (Grant, Jestadt),
11:13 (pp); 5. UM, Shouneyia 2 (Langfield) 11:38;
6. UM, Cammalleri 4. (unassisted). 14:39; 4. OSU,
Des Gagne 1 (Smith, Jestadt), 16:59.
Penalties - UM, Comrie (cross-checking), :32;
OSU, Jestadt (cross-checking), 5:52; OSU, Lafleche
(slashing), 7:47; UM, Langfield (interference), 8:48;
UM, Langfield (hitting after the whistle), 11:38;
OSU. Ganga (hitting after the whistle), 19:19; UM,
Swistak (hitting after the whistle), 19:19.
Third period - 7. UM, Matzka 3 (Ortmeyer), 10:33;
8. UM, Gassoff 1 (Matzka), 10:37.
Penalties- UM, Magnuson (interference), 2:01;
OSU, Ganga (obstruction holding), 6:07; UM, Peach
(slashing), 8:02; 0SU, Signoretti (holding) 8:02;
UM, Hilbert (tripping), 9:21; OSU, Skaleski (high-
sticking), 11:44; OSU, Titus (10-minute miscon-
duct), 12:03; 0U, Meloche (hitting after the whis-
tle), 12:03; Meloche (10-minute misconduct),
12:03; OSU, Selleke (5-minute checking from
behind), 12:03; OSU, Selleke (10-minute game mis-
conduct), 12:03; UM, Langfield (10-minute game
misconduct), 12:03; UM, Peach (hitting after the
whistle), 12:03; UM, Peach (10-minute miscon-
duct), 12:03; UM, Jilson (10-minute misconduct),
12:03, UM, Ortmeyer (slashing), 13:45; OSU,
Jestadt (roughing), 13:45; OSU, Ganga (high-stick-
ing), 15:14; OSU, Broccoli (high-sticking), 16:53;
UM, Kosick, (high-sticking), 16:53.
Shots on goal -- UM, 16.14-14 -44; OSU, 12.6-3
- 21.
Power Plays - UM, 2 of 9, OSU, 2 of 8.
Saves - UM, O'Malley 10-4-1- 15; UM, Scarpace
x-x-2 - 2; OSU, Aho 13-7-x - 20; OSU, Wishloff x-
4-12 -16.
Referees - Steve Piotrowski,.Tony Molina.
Linesmen - Ray King, Dave Kronenberg.
At: Value City Arena, Columbus.
Attendance: 9,919.

By Stephanie Offen
DailySports Writer
COLUMBUS - Friday night a ban-
ner was raised to commemorate one of
Michigan's great offensive efforts of last
season. Fans stood and applauded as a
banner honoring the CCHA champi-
onship, won with a 5-1 thrashing over
Northern Michigan, rose above them.
And the current Wolverines seemed to
nirror that effort with two incredible
offensive efforts this past weekend.
Because of the unexpected loss of
three defensemen before the season
began, Michigan's offense has had to
step up. With only eight defensmen on
the roster, six who see major playing
time, it has been necessary for the
offense to make less work for the few
players the Wolverines have left to guard
the net.
S"Our forwards are the strengths of our
eam and they need to make things hap-
pen. If they make things happen it takes
the pressure off our defense," Michigan
coach Red Berenson said. "Tonight we
showed that we can generate some
offense and take the heat off of our

Michigan boasts both team and indi-
vidual leaders in offensive categories.
The Wolverines currently lead the league
in overall offense. The team's leading
scorer, sophomore Mike Comrie, also
leads the league with 10 goals and 20
points. Comrie praises the team and not
himself for the fact that his team is scor-
ing over five goals a game.
"There's a lot of offensive minded
guys that can be relied on defensively,"
Comrie said. "We've buried our chances
and we're shooting to score. Last year we
were just shooting."
As well as leading the league in
offense, this offensively minded defense
has been strong on the penalty killing as
well. The Wolverines' penalty kill unit
leads the league, allowing less then one
goal in 10 chances.
Michigan answers its opponents' poor
power play with a strong one of its own.
Led by Comrie and Mark Kosick, the
Wolverines converted on four of eight
opportunities Friday. What used to be
Michigan's weakest period became its
strongest with Kosick's two second-peri-
od power play goals to give the
Wolverines the lead.

Before this weekend's games, the
Wolverines were outscored by confer-
ence opponents in the second period, 4-2.
Michigan did its damage in the third,
outscoring conference opponents 12-4.
"In the second period we've been for-
tunate to get the go-ahead goal,"
Berenson said. "I think that helped dis-
courage the other team and gave us con-
On both nights, Ohio State answered
this second-period attack without any
goals in the third.
Along with Comrie, the offensive play
of the freshmen has been remarkable. All
six freshmen have scored a goal.
This weekend, the freshmen combined
for four goals, with Mike Cammalleri
scoring two of those in Saturday's game.
The newcomers have grown comfortable
with each other's play and are constantly
looking for each other on the ice. For
example, Cammalleri's first goal on
Saturday was assisted by John Shouneyia
and Mark Mink, both freshmen.
"It's something you're going to build
on. When you see one of your peers scor-
ing a nice goal or making a nice play you
want to do the same," Cammalleri said.


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