0~ RE16SEARCH~g Doctors, patients encourage e-mail C+)mmunicaton .A study conducted by the University I alth System found that 70 percent of ets surveyed said they would like tedcommunicate with their doctors via e-mail. Of the 75 physicians' surveyed, 8Mspercent said they thought e-mail was aigdat way to answer patients' non- urgent medical questions. :-The University and the Ann Arbor Veterans Affairs Hospital will now evaluate a specially designed e-mail systemn designed for communication batvueen physicians and patients. The tem, known as Electronic saging, Advice and Information lAnk;: allows patients to communicate with their doctors regarding appoint- ment times, referrals, prescription renewals and general health questions. PThe EMAIL study, directed by med- icglidoctors David Stern and Steven Katz from the University's Department of Internal Medicine, are encouraging aLresident physicians to participate in study group. fotein cells may win cancer battle A five year, $10 million project at the Uniyersity's Comprehensive Cancer Center will study genes and proteins in t'uer.cells taken from cancer patients in order to find characteristics that can dis- tinguish deadly forms from less malig- ngntfbrms. The research will focus first colon, lung and ovarian cancers and theh eventually on breast, prostate and childhood cancers. Th medical, computer, chemistry aftiitiformation specialists involved in ti:4 ffort will be led by University pedi- atric oncology professor Samir Hanash. leihrmation compiled from the study will help establish a better way to classi- fv~ifnors and predict which ones will be n'tt dangerous. This molecular *iaich to cancer research was made possible due to recent computerized technology, cooperation of hospitals to save =and study tumor tissue and advapces in protein and DNA studies. Pitt researchers find link between B4ohol, nicotine e University of Pittsburgh is con- d iefrig a study to further understand why a-lateinumber of college students smoke iik&e igarettes when they are drinking. Professor of psychiatry, psychology andepidemiology Kenneth Perkins, who is lading the study, said he thinks that on of the reasons drinking sparks nico- ti4cavin is because alcohol dampens the effects of nicotine so smokers smoke ri66 to get a more sufficient "buzz." *is said smoking may feel better vhv&ie combined with drinking because akfWhl distorts arousal levels. Another study conducted by Perkins f6ukid that the more cigarettes reduced tfietfis sedative feelings, the more they resonded to alcohol. He also found that women responded less to alcohol the more cigarettes they smoked. 5 Peins hopes to eventually develop a tiii ent to help people quit smoking. Slide show 3A By Tiffany Maggard For the Daily Brilliant sunsets and exotic flowers are far from what most people associate with Iraq. But een University Prof. William Thomson refers to the war scarred country as "a typical, interesting and exotic travel destination." Last night Thomson hosted "Images of Iraq.~ a multimedia slide show at the First Presbvte an Church located on Washtenaw Avenue. The award-winning photographer and professor of psychology at the University's Dearborn campus pre- sented images of a beautiful Iraq, which were pro- jected on to the screen while soft, graceful music played in the background. Iraq's gold-gilded temples and multi-colored mosa- ic buildings showed no physical evidence of the Lut- moil the country underwent during and afterthe Gulf War several years ago. "One of the things that surprised me u ho friendly the Iraqi people are. In fact, I've traveled all over the world and they are the friendliest people I ' e ever met," Thomson said to the group of about 40 last night. But the first of Thomson's slides touched only the surface of life in Iraq. The next segment of the show revealed a country that was far from happy. Children were pictured in hospital beds, dying of malnutrition, chronic diarrhea, ammonia, birth defects and injuries from bombings. "Children come into the hospitals for treatment," Thomson said, "but primarily, most of them come to die" One child, Mustata Saleh, told Thomson that one of his greatest concerns was that "his hand looks funny because he is missing two fingers" Saleh is a victim of recent U.S. bombings in Iraq. The United States has been bombing Ira since December 1998. Thomson said the goxern men s motivation is ambiguous, but the grave situation in Iraq is the result of sanctions imposed on Iraq by the United States and the United Nations. These sanctions include restrictions that prohibit Iraq's import of common objects like household cleaners and pencil leads that can be used to fabricate military warfare, he said. Unfortunately, the lack of various commodities in Iraq due to the economic sanctions has produced impossible living conditions for many, Thomson explained as he showed his photographs. Children are all oom ii' it f a when oi c~Onsti- e retei id. col- nion r-. "s, : ., a 7 Y . r.. :. ... . _. .. 10 am. ", im he irsi sstu- and pri- Deabr apspsc NySfVilimTora' a 3 d .111i i' . f iiti l ~ 0 ofnibta, aashoftil S ~1 out the hunt life. wter tries 1 ndbook ect their I I '~l aiii.1 ~ ii OtioSa "I i ii_ ,a,. n .. sp cu 1e a ut th ge.n's. mOitiaiO," ThOisn sa.id "B I Cran y hikha.. it's a forml of go\vrn-t controo" Seveial people whto atltended hast night1s s"mia ar~e working 1(' stop the U1.. ancWtit ns0 nn ra tou the Nationa' (ranizatior (n Crence of iraq, w hich will take place this weckend an rampus. Recen U. niversity alum Deana Raibiah, who is Iraqji-AmiCan. ii, is V0ne of this weeken s 01rgaizers "I1 cadf Iiily~i see a dr ashi chang i Ira sin 'A 013 Iho av'i I 0i~ In 5 11 ' sh p Ii C S hlotlun >1111 00 011 >1 c s Conference to;r ree iwo t> A vlii 4 1)I>.xtch IRAQ Continued from Page 1A "For the past couple of years, activism has been escalating," Youmans said. Some of the leaders who will participate in the conference are U.S. Rep. Lynn Rivers (D-Ann Arbor), Former Ambassador to Iraq Edward Peck and Phyllis Bennis from the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, D.C. "Basical Iy it s1 a gaierng of people who have been acti cn the anti-sanctions inovemet rod the country," said event orgamzer William Thomson. a psychology professor at th lj niversitvs Dearborn campus Activists, policy makers and Iraqi refugees plan to attend the conference, which is ree and open to the public. The three-day event willcuude lectures, media and lobbying wok shops panels anid a scring~iI ill a doci.umen 1try on Iraq ~tild, "Th Silen WeaC~poil "We1 wanit to put1 pressure 0n 1 ur goveCrnm1en11 anid the Uilted Naitilns tend the seize of lriq " I t 111and said I ile anal of tile 0onfeence 1s to milizeC the coimmuniuty to be inv1ol ved in the mnovemewnt, Rabiah said "The aim is action, not just demiands or wsords L Lormand sad. "There Ce eOs c : :h Hes I ' 1, ., i. ~i1~ 1 AxC ii .1 r1a.9 1 Th0om GOP aims to br-deer crashes dccur more often r end of year o#. John Engler has designated tferas Michigan Deer Crash Safety Month due to the thousands of leer-yehicle crashes in the state. The Michigan Deer Crash Safety Coalition d 'rmined that deer crashes occur .frequently during October, November and December. The number of deer-vehicle crashes 4998 was 6,380 -down from 6,642 t'997. Of the 6,380 crashes, 1,308 pccurred in Washtenaw County alone. ,'he crash data compiled by the State of vichigan Department of Public Safety tated that the greatest number of deer cmses occur in early morning or late evening. t e coalition warns drivers not to erve out of a lane to avoid a deer, oting it is generally safer to hit the der than run off the road or hit anoth- r motorist. - Compiled by Daily StaffReporter Risa Berrin. adult LANSING (AP) - Republicans are working to license and restrict s pornography shops by down on Sundays and ho 10 p.m. and requiring hea The proposal also wot who is under 21 years ol adult businesses. Curr who is 18 can enter. The restrictions and would apply to any busin least 10 percent of its a from "sexually orientedr vices." Any facility that" of high-risk sexual cont strip club, also would be health inspections. House Speaker Chuck Kalamazoo Twp.) said t are needed to help loca control pornography. He show that sex-related c and property values are adult businesses. "Unfortunately, while can somewhat restrict lo entertainment businesse to curtail other activities ny such establishments,' Some Republican le they support the propo moral objections to porn "Sometimes I think w phy as a victimless cri Paul DeWeese (R-Wi think pornography hast stores, Ci State House awaken the darker urges ofpeatory on legislation behavior, especialy anon men trip clubs and Johnnie Haddad, m shutting them Booby Trap Lounge i De h lidavs and after strip bar already is regu lth inspections. state liquor inspectors a uld ban anyone often come in to cea- d from entering ity. He said the bm ou ldn'toe es ifinabuM - ~ently, anyone ness if it had to closeafe10p. "That's mostly he b state licensing ness. We hardl do a bus ess that gets at that time," he said innual revenue Jack Srmtih, who lrk at Potg nmaterial or ser- Street Adult Bookstorein "may be a site also worries ab te 1 n act;' such as a of operation, as w . subject to state tomers who are ba n years old. He sad ta Perricone (R- ing wrong to reqire s e he restrictions "We're just le an1 gr ul governments any retail business in ton"hsad"e said statistics pay taxes and we keep the budm rime is higher The bills have yet to be itod lower around and the proposals cod chane Perricone said IlouS epulan local zoning lawyers are examinn ree se ch cations of adult issues in anticipatoo tienUOUS s, it does little amounts of iia ron rom o of that accompa- adult businesses. he said. First Amendment iucr Len egislators said Niehoff of Ann Arbor sad an i a sal because of particular type of business cone is ography. singled out, it raises concemabout e see pornogra- violations of free spech. II sa ile me' said Rep. restrictions may be valid, but they are lliamston). "I better left for local communities to the capacity to resolve. It I Sii Tf FAIL I~~ . \<' -''34 I '1 , L) w c .1. , .# '. : ~'-' C- GLVOUP MEETINGS SCircle K Meeting, Michigan -, Anderson Room, 7 p.m. aJutervarsity Christian Fello 1360 Fast Hal,. 7 n.m. What's happening in Ann Arbor today Parkway Center, 2345 S Huron SERVIC Parkwa , 7-8:30 p.m. Union, 0 "The Cosby Hour," Sponsored by J Campus Markley Multicultural Affairs INFO, Council, Mark Markley, Angela www wshIp, Davis Lounge, 8 p.m. World FA "rAaiek Ruch Fiction J Northw ES Information Centes, 764 intone~mietao,. and .umicheu m(4 0 te d Wde Ve alk, 763WALK, ur ,I n.. .. . r..